The Pact Between Angels and Witches

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The Pact Between Angels and Witches Page 9

by Kiesha Thomas

“Actually, he saved all of us that day. Ivy was about to be struck down, when he saved her,” said Claire.

  “If Arianna doesn’t talk to her for you. I will,” I said. I stood up.

  Chaniya smiled. “Let’s go, pretty boy.”

  Zane frowned. “Beauty is free, but you will stop calling me beautiful. I have a name and my appearance, beautiful or otherwise, is not for you,” snapped Zane.



  When the last of the rogue werewolves’ dead bodies were at my feet, the fighting will stop. Spitting on their carcasses, I stepped over the dead to face the last six werewolves that were still alive. Out of thirty werewolves only these six remained. I was secretly impressed with their fighting skills, but I wasn’t about to let them know it. It would be a shame to kill them. I could use excellent fighters on my team.

  “Who wants to die next?”

  The one with a vertical scar down his right side stepped forward. “I don’t speak for the others, because I feel every man has a voice for himself, but your crew has shown strength and cunningness. I am willing to pledge my allegiance to you and fight by your side,” he said.

  His chest was bare. He had an array of wounds and scars that marred his flesh. His back had several long-jagged whipping scars on it. This was a man who had been tortured and rose above it. His hands were covered in blood and the right side of his face was turning purple from the beatings he endured today. He looked like he could fight all night.

  I looked at him carefully. The men cowering behind him looked to him as a leader. If he gave his loyalty the men would too. This situation might not be as hopeless as I had thought. “Who are you?”

  “My name is Keith Kincaid; I was second in command.” He held himself in place, but his energy suggested that he was ready to spring into attack mode at any time.

  “I require your loyalty and for you to obey without question. There is only one rule you need to remember. What I say, goes.”

  “I can follow orders,” said Keith.

  “What about you guys? Pledge your loyalty or die.” I noticed them staring around then looking at the floor. The floor was covered with the blood and dead bodies of their werewolf pack.

  I am not worried about them turning on me, because they will never get close to my family or me. I will keep an eye on them, but they will never know what I am up too.

  “We trust Keith’s intelligence. He chooses to serve you and so shall we,” one said.

  “What are your names?”

  The red-haired man with freckles stepped up. “My name is Henry Fagan, and that is my brother Doug Fagan.” He nodded to the one who had spoken.

  He pointed to the three men behind him. “That is Vance Cones, Mark Brown, and Chris Stones.”

  “Where did Derrick go?”

  “Most of the time he doesn’t come around here. He came today because he was supposed to take us to the Compound,” said Keith.

  Jade looked at Warren. “I told you it was real. Do you believe me now?”

  “What is the Compound?”

  “It is the hiding place for the remaining humans. It is the human’s flimsy attempt to be important. The humans took to the sewers and then migrated to the Compound, so they could have access to resources and safety in numbers,” said Keith.

  Why are the humans important to Derrick? What is he up to?

  Celeste moved to my side. “Derrick has never cared about the humans, unless he wanted to experiment on them.”

  “Bingo,” said Keith.

  Celeste balled her fist. “What are his plans for the humans?”

  Keith shrugged. “I don’t know. Nicolo never shared that with me. There were rumors that Derrick was supposed to make an army of super genetically altered humans, you know, freaks. Derrick said he didn’t do it, but I think he did and decided to keep the army for himself,” said Keith.

  Celeste tossed her hair over her shoulder. “What makes you say that? Do you have proof?”

  “Yes and no.” Keith looked at me. “When you fought Nicolo. Did you notice that he didn’t die when you shot him today? Or that he was instantly healed within a few minutes?”

  I noticed the jerk did not die. Maybe I should have paid more attention to what was going on. I’m pretty good at reading people and I can tell when someone is lying to me, Keith is not lying.

  “I noticed he was different, but I was not sure how.” I raised my eyebrows at Keith.

  He shrugged. “Nicolo was gravely wounded. A poisoned dagger had pierced his heart and he came back here, where I was keeping him comfortable, until he took his last breath.”

  Celeste snorted. “Nicolo didn’t look like a man on his last legs.”

  Keith smiled. “You should have seen him two days ago. He was so weak he couldn’t wipe his own butt. Derrick came and took him to the Compound. When Nicolo came back two days later, he was stronger, bigger, and more deadly than I have ever seen him,” said Keith.

  “You say this all happened in a matter of days. I don’t believe you,” said Celeste.

  “Paris tell Celeste what you know,” said Jade.

  Glancing at Paris, I saw her shifting from one foot to the other. “Derrick played god. He has altered people like that before. He altered my sister like that.”

  Frowning, I glanced at Celeste, but she shrugged. “I didn’t know you had a sister.”

  “Darcy was my younger sister. She was very beautiful and naive. When Derrick saw her, he became infatuated with her and she fell in love with him. He decided to make her immortal so they would always be together.”

  When Paris stopped talking, she took a deep breath and spoke again. “The transformation had not taken, completely. She killed herself, when she found him in bed with his consort. He wanted me to take her place, but I would rather die than do it. He is the reason my sister is dead.”

  I looked behind me and pointed to Warren. “Take them south and then north. This Compound couldn’t be that far from here.”

  Jade followed behind Warren and the werewolves.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I looked at her.

  “I’m going with Warren. He won’t survive if he runs into Derrick alone,” said Jade.

  “You are staying here. I need you.” The incredulous look on her face almost made me burst out laughing. Her lips pinched so tight they had turned white. She was trying to reign in her temper and failing miserably.

  “You have Celeste, Paris, and everyone else,” said Jade. Her hands fisted at her side.

  Warren placed his hand on Jade’s shoulder. “He’s right. The Compound couldn’t be that far from here.”

  “You know as well as I do that Derrick is the most powerful one of us. He will kill you,” said Jade.

  “That’s not true. Nathaniel is more powerful. Don’t worry about me,” said Warren.

  Nathaniel is powerful but not for long. Derrick will lead me to him, and I will kill them both.

  “If you are afraid, I will allow you to have your sister for protection.”

  “Thank you, Trevor,” said Jade. She moved to follow Warren, but he waved his hand, and Jade couldn’t move. “You promised never to use your gifts on me.” She struggled but she couldn’t move a muscle. Tears of frustration rolled down her cheek and she turned to me.

  “I can’t allow you to sacrifice your life. My promise to mom trumps the promise I made to you. After all, I promised her first,” said Warren.

  Keith waved his men to follow Warren. “You are much too beautiful to be crying. I will make you a promise. He will return to you.”

  “Why would you make me this promise?” She dashed for the door, but Keith grabbed her around the waist.

  “Let me go.” Jada pushed against Keith’s chest and it looked like he pulled her closer to him.

  “I don’t want him to stop you again.” When he laughed, she stopped struggling.

  “Why do you care? You don’t know any of us,” asked Jade.

  “I want to see you smi
le. You and I will have time to get to know one another, that I promise you,” said Keith. He let her go and strolled out the door.

  Jade stared at the closed door.

  “Wow, that was hot,” said Celeste. She winked at Paris and started to fan her face.

  The house was dark when I walked through the door. Dylan wasn’t on the couch moping around, and I didn’t hear Kyra singing. Cyrus was a quiet baby, but he knew when I came home. His demon senses were very acute, and he recognized my scent. There wasn’t anyone around. Frowning, I walked through the living room and peaked into the kitchen. The area was clean, and empty.

  Did Victoria attack my home while I was gone?

  Walking down the hall to my bedroom, I opened the door. Dylan was standing in front of Kyra who was huddled in a corner with Cyrus. Dylan was fighting a DAO. I ran forward and pushed him off Dylan.

  Turning around I saw Kyra. “Take him and run. Go now.”

  Sharp pain shot through my chest as he plunged a dagger deep into my flesh.

  “Die. You’re an abomination.” He stabbed a sword through my stomach. “Trevor, you have let her make you weak. I don’t want to kill you, but I will,” he said.

  Blood poured into my mouth as he plunged the dagger deeper. I focused my energy and placed my hands to his chest. My energy transferred to him and he flew across the room. Falling to my knees I spat blood. Glancing at Dylan, he was struggling to his feet.

  “Go to Kyra and protector her with your life. They are in your hands now.” Wiping my bloody mouth on the back of my hand, I staggered to my feet as he ran toward Dylan. I jumped in the way and grabbed the DAO by his arms.

  “Go, Dylan.”

  He twisted in my grip and wound his hand around my neck, lifting me off my feet. “Do you have a death wish? Don’t worry about her. She and the brat are already dead. My men should have killed them by now,” he said.

  His grip was brutal, and my air was quickly escaping. “Who are you?”

  His lips curved. “I’m Remel. And I lead my kind. We are happy you created us, but you’ve gotten soft, and it’s because of her and the brat. After they are dead, you will be back to your normal self.”

  Closing my eyes, I thought of Catalia and Cyrus. I loved Kyra and I loved our children more. I dug my fingers into his eye sockets until I felt his eyeballs crushed in my fingers.

  Pure hatred for him made me bellow a roar. I knew removing the dagger meant I would bleed to death, but he wouldn’t hurt my kids. I pulled the dagger from my chest, flinching as I trembled taking it out. Summoning the last bit of my strength, I plunged the dagger into his chest and watched, as he pushed me from him.

  I fell to my knees and closed my eyes as darkness swallowed me up.



  Seeing Trevor attacking the academy was like a flashback on steroids. I was disappointed that I didn’t see Kyra and I worried about her at the same time. I must be crazy. My right arm had sharp pains shooting through it. The nasty diagonal gash was bad. It was deep and I needed a few stitches to stop the bleeding. Holding my shirt to my bleeding arm, I walked out my room. This arm needed immediate care.

  Why am I caring about her when she longs for my death?

  The hallway was packed. There were several students wounded and crying. I would say most of them were hysterical. I couldn’t say that I blamed them. Facing a demon was a scary situation that many people don’t live through, so I understood their hysterics. Weaving through the thick of the crowd, I headed to Cade’s room.

  I just want to make sure Liam and him were all right. Liam is wounded yet he was fighting hard today.

  Breathing deep, I stepped to Cade’s bedroom door and rapped on it lightly. The door swung open; he was naked from the waist up. My mouth went dry. I glanced away.

  “I was just checking on you. How is Liam?” I shifted from one foot to the other and tried to look anywhere except at his bare chest. I could feel my face heating up, and I cringed at how easily I blushed.

  “Let me put on a shirt. Wait here.” He shut the door.

  That is the best idea he has had all day.

  When he opened the door, instead of opening it wider, he stepped into the hall. I tilted my head and looked at him. “Where are you going?”

  He pointed at my right arm. “You need stitches.”

  “I’m going to get it looked at now. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  He stared at me for a long time and started walking. “Opal can look at your arm.”

  The last hallway was empty. I almost missed the frantic whispers and crying in the halls. I couldn’t explain it, but I was nervous around him. I had to force myself to face my emotions for him when he almost died. Now, I’m not comfortable with those feelings.

  He knocked on Opal’s door. After the third knock the door opened and a small white-haired petite woman stood before us.

  “How are you doing?” asked Opal. She stepped aside and we followed her inside her room.

  Cade smiled. “I’m better now that I ‘ve seen you. Opal this is Arianna.”

  I held out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  She shook my hand, and then looked at the blood-soaked shirt.

  “Have a seat over in the chair at the desk and let me take a look at that arm.”

  Her rooms appeared the same size as the student’s rooms, but it was more like four rooms combined into one large space. There was a calming scent of pink prosecco and gilded amber. Closing my eyes, I allowed the scent to wash over me.

  My leg started to shake as I watched her come closer with gauze, needles, thread and a syringe. She placed a clear vial of liquid on the desk.

  Opal looked at me. “This is lidocaine. I’m using it to numb the area before I stitch it up.” She took the syringe out of the plastic and injected it into the lidocaine vial and extracted some of the liquid. A second later she stuck the needle into my arm. The thin needle felt like a bee sting.

  After she withdrew the needle and placed it in a sharps container, my skin underneath started warming. After a few minutes the area went back to a normal temperature, but I couldn’t feel pain anymore. The area was numb.

  She smiled. “I have very steady hands, so you won’t end up with any scars. Once this heals you won’t see where you were injured.”

  “I will know,” said Cade. He leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed. He watched her thread the needle.

  When Opal made the first stitch, he looked me in the eyes, watching my expression carefully.

  I looked away. His gaze was too intimate. He looked at me like he wanted to know what was in my heart. Shifting in my seat I turned my gaze to the floor.

  Opal packed her supplies and stepped back. “You are all taken care of. If you go to bed now, you should sleep tonight and when you wake it will be tender.”

  “Thanks, Opal. I appreciate it.” I stood up. My legs had gone to sleep so I stretched on my tippy toes and worked the blood flow back in them.

  “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” Cade hugged her then walked to the door.

  I followed him out into the hallway. It was late, and I felt nervous. The hallways were empty, and it was just he and I.

  “Thanks for taking me to Opal. She’s very nice. It’s been a long day.” Glancing up at him, I slowed my pace trying to get my head around where we were in the academy. All the hallways looked the same, and I never got the chance to learn my way around.

  “We need to talk,” said Cade. He grabbed my hand and led me through a side door.

  It was pitch black. There were stars up above that sparkled like silver glitter. It was one of the most beautiful nights that I had seen in a long time. Inhaling deeply, I took in the beauty before me. The cellarium was enclosed with beautiful foliage and mature bonsai trees. Closing my eyes, I listened to the soft sounds of the sprinkler watering the shrubs and the smell of organic fertilizer.

  Opening my eyes, I saw him looking away just as I
stared up at him. He had been staring at me. He was sitting underneath a peach tree munching on a peach. It smelled sweet and my mouth watered. Cade knows his fruit.

  Walking over to him, I sat next to the tree. I wasn’t hungry but the urge to grab a peach was almost overwhelming. I didn’t know what he wanted to talk about, but I had a clue. I was hoping we wouldn’t have to speak about the growing attraction between us.

  “I know you want to leave here, and this conversation doesn’t have anything to do with that. I wanted to discuss us.”

  Us? There is no us.

  My heart pounded loudly in my ears, and my stomach was doing rollercoaster motions. The pain in my arm had come alive and the dull throbbing had become sharp stabbing pains every time I moved my arm the wrong way.

  He took another bite of the peach and swallowed it before offering me some of it. I shook my head. I didn’t trust my voice, so I stayed quiet.

  I stared down at my hands. “I don’t think this is a good idea. You know that I’m leaving.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know that.”

  Frowning, I turned my body so that I was facing him. This wasn’t the first time we had been alone or around each other, but tonight felt different. There was something between us, blooming and sparking to life. I was dizzy with the alluring energy between us.

  What are these emotions, what does this mean?

  He stood up and grabbed the green water container and started to water the bonsai trees. He didn’t speak for a while and the silence became awkward. “You know that I’m going to kill Trevor and anyone who is a part of his allies, including Kyra.”

  Averting my gaze from him, I saw a few spiders crawling on the plastic containers. They weren’t close to me, so I felt safe for the moment. I didn’t like bugs and I hated spiders. I didn’t always hate them, but after one crawled in my ear, I have not looked at them the same.

  Shaking my head, I tried to focus on his words. He had stopped speaking and was looking at me expectantly. “Does that include my niece and nephew? I hope you aren’t saying you’re going to kill innocent children.”


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