Life in a Medieval City

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Life in a Medieval City Page 20

by Frances Gies

  ————, Social France at the Time of Philip-Augustus. New York, 1929.

  PIRENNE, Economic and Social History.*

  RUSSELL, J. C., Late Ancient and Medieval Population. Philadelphia, 1958.

  STEPHENSON, CARL, Borough and Town, a Study of Urban Origins in England. Cambridge (Mass.), 1933.

  WHITE, LYNN, Medieval Technology and Social Change. Oxford, 1963.

  ————, “Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages,” in Speculum, 1940.


  ADELSON, HOWARD L., Medieval Commerce. Princeton, 1962.

  ALENGRY, Les foires de Champagne.*

  ANDERSON, R., Examples of the Municipal, Commercial and Street Architecture of France and Italy from the 12th to the 15th Century. Edinburgh, n.d.

  BENTON, JOHN, “Comital Police Power and the Champagne Fairs,” a paper presented before the American Historical Association, December 28, 1965.

  BOURQUELOT, FELIX, “Etudes sur les foires de Champagne au XIIe, XIIIe et XIVe siècles” in Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Deuxième série. Paris, 1865.

  BOUTIOT, T., Dictionnaire topographique du département de l’Aube. Paris. 1874.

  ————, Histoire de la ville de Troyes.*

  CHAPIN, Les villes de foire de Champagne.*

  EVANS, MARY, Costume Throughout the Ages. Philadelphia, 1930.

  FRANKLIN, ALFRED, La vie privée au temps des premiers Capétiens. Paris, 1911.

  A History of Technology, Vol. II, ed. Charles Singer, E. J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall, and Trevor Williams. Oxford, 1956.

  HOLMES, URBAN TIGNER, JR., Daily living in the Twelfth Century, Based on the Observations of Alexander Neckam in London and Paris. Madison, Wis., 1952.

  HOLMES, URBAN TIGNER, JR., and KLENKE, SISTER M. AMELIA, O. P., Chrétien, Troyes and the Grail. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1959.

  KOHLER, CARL, A History of Costume. London, 1928.

  LACROIX, PAUL, Costumes historiques de la France. Paris, 1860.

  MUNDY and RIESENBERG, Medieval Town.*

  ROSEROT, ALPHONSE, Troyes, son histoire, ses monuments des origines à 1790. Troyes, 1948.

  SALUSBURY, G. T., Street Life in Medieval England. Oxford, 1939.


  BEMIS, ALBERT, and BURCHARD, JOHN, The Evolving House. Cambridge, 1933.

  CRUMP, C. G., and JACOB, E. F., ed., The Legacy of the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1926.

  Disciplina Clericalis. Heidelberg, 1911.

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LANGLOIS, Charles-Victor, La vie en France au moyen âge de la fin du XIIe au milieu du XIVe siècle, d’après des moralistes du temps. Paris, 1925.

  POWER, EILEEN, trans. and ed., The Goodman of Paris. London, 1928.

  SABINE, ERNEST L., “Latrines and Cesspools of Medieval London,” in Speculum, 1934.

  SALUSBURY, Street Life.*

  WOOD, MARGARET, The English Mediaeval House. London, 1965.

  WRIGHT, LAWRENCE, Clean and Decent. London, 1960.


  D’AVENEL, VICOMTE G., Histoire économique de la propriété, des salaires, des denrées et de tous les prix en général depuis l’an 1200 jusqu’en l’an 1800. 7 vols. Paris, 1898.

  BEARD, MARY, Women as a Force in History. New York, 1946.

  CRUMP and JACOB, Legacy of the Middle Ages.*

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  History of Technology.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LANGLOIS, Moralistes.*

  LECOY DE LA MARCHE, A., La chaire française au moyen âge. Paris, 1886.

  ————, La société au treizième siècle. Paris, 1888.

  MILHAM, WILLIS, Time and Timekeepers. New York, 1923.

  POOLE, REGINALD L., Medieval Reckonings of Time. New York, 1935.

  POWER, Goodman of Paris.*

  ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, Six Centuries of Work and Wages. New York, 1884.

  ROSEROT, Troyes.*

  SALUSBURY, Street Life.*

  STENTON, DORIS, The Englishwoman in History. London, 1957.

  WRIGHT, RICHARDSON, The Story of Gardening. New York, 1934.


  ARIES, PHILIPPE, Centuries of Childhood, trans. Robert Baldick. London, 1962.

  DELARUE, PAUL, ed., The Borzoi Book of French Folk Tales. New York, 1956.

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  GAUTIER, Chivalry.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LANGLOIS, Moralistes.*

  THORNDIKE, LYNN, A History of Magic and Experimental Science During the First Thirteen Centuries of Our Era. 8 vols. New York, 1964.


  CRUMP and JACOB, Legacy of the Middle Ages.*

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  GAUTIER, Chivalry.*

  GEIRINGER, KARL, Musical Instruments: Their History in Western Culture from the Stone Age to the Present. New York, 1945.

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LANGLOIS, CHARLES-VICTOR, La société au XIII siècle d’après dix romans d’aventure. Paris, 1914.

  LECOY DE LA MARCHE, La chaire française.*

  PARRISH, CARL, A Treasury of Early Music. New York, 1958.

  POWER, Goodman of Paris.*

  SACHS, CURT, The History of Musical Instruments. New York, 1940.

  THORNDIKE, Magic.*


  ADELSON, Medieval Commerce.*

  D’AVENEL, Histoire économique.*

  BOSERUP, Conditions of Agricultural Growth.*

  BOUTIOT, Histoire de Troyes.*

  Cambridge Economic History, Vol. III.*

  CHAPIN, Villes de foire de Champagne.*

  DION, ROGER, Histoire de la vigne et du vin en France des origines au XIVe siècle. Paris, 1959.

  DUBY, GEORGES, L’économie rurale et la vie des campagnes dans l’Occident médiéval. Paris, 1962.

  EMERY, RICHARD, The Jews of Perpignan in the Thirteenth Century, an Economic Study Based on Notarial Records. New York, 1959.

  ESPINAS, GEORGES, La vie urbaine de Douai au moyen âge. Paris, 1913.

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  GUILBERT, Histoire des villes.*

  History of Technology.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LANEL, LUC, L’Orfevrerie. Paris, 1949.

  LUCHAIRE, Social France.*

  MARCUS, JACOB R., The Jew in the Medieval World, a Source Book, 315–1791. Cincinnati, 1938.

  MAZAROS, J. P., Histoire des corporations françaises d’arts et métiers. Paris, 1878.

  MILLETT, F. B., Craft Guilds of the Thirteenth Century in Paris. Kingston (Ont.), 1915.

  MUNDY and RIESENBERG, Medieval Town.*

  RABINOWITZ, LOUIS, The Social Life of the Jews of Northern France in the XII–XIVth Centuries. London, 1938.

  ROBERT, ULYSSE, Les signes d’infamie au moyen âge, Juifs, Sarrasins, hérétiques, lépreux, cagots et filles publiques. Paris, 1891.

  ROGERS, Work and Wages.*

  ROTH, CECIL, “The Jews in the Middle Ages,” Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. VII. New York, 1932.

  SAIGE, GUSTAVE, Les Juifs du Languedoc antérieurement au XIVe siècle. Paris, 1881.

  SALUSBURY, Street Life.*

  SHNEIDMAN, J. LEE, The State and Trade in the Thirteenth Century. Madrid, 1958.

  STEPHENSON, CARL, Medieval Institutions. Ithaca, 1954.

  Technology in Western Civilization, ed. Melvin Kranzberg and Caroll W. Pursell, Jr. New York, 1967.

  THRUPP, SYLVIA, The Merchant Class of Medieval London, 1300–1500. Chicago, 1948.

  ————, A Short History of the Worshipful Company of Bakers of London. London, 1933.

  WHITE, LYNN, “Technology and Invention.”*


  ADELSON, Medieval Commerce.*

  ALENGRY, Foires de Champagne.*

  BOUTIOT, Histo
ire de Troyes.*

  Cambridge Economic History, Vol. II: Trade and Industry and the Middle Ages, ed. M. Postan and E. E. Rich. Cambridge, 1952.

  Cambridge Economic History, Vol. III.*

  Cambridge Medieval History (Cecil Roth).*

  CAVE, ROY C., and COULSON, HERBERT H., ed., A Source Book for Medieval Economic History. New York, 1938.

  CHAPIN, Villes de foire de Champagne.*

  CIPOLLA, CARLO M., “Currency Depreciation in Medieval Europe,” in Change in Medieval Society, ed. Sylvia Thrupp. New York, 1964.

  ————. Money, Prices and Civilization in the Mediterranean World, Fifth to Seventeenth Century. Princeton, 1956.

  CROZET, Histoire de Champagne.*

  EMERY, Jews of Perpignan.*

  ESPINAS, GEORGES, ed., Sire Jean de France, Sire Jacques le Blond, les origines du capitalisme. Lille, 1936.

  ESPINAS, Vie économique et sociale.*

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  GODEFROY DE PARIS, Chronique, suivie de la taille de Paris en 1313. Paris, 1827.

  HERLIHY, DAVID, Pisa in the Early Renaissance: a Study of Urban Growth. New Haven, 1958.

  History of Technology.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Société au treizième siècle.*

  LESTOCQUOY, J., Les villes de Flandre et d’Italie sous le gouvernement des patriciens (XIe–XVe siècles). Paris, 1952.

  LUCHAIRE, Social France.*

  MUNDY and RIESENBERG, Medieval Town.*

  PIRENNE, Economic and Social History.*

  POWER, EILEEN, The Wool Trade in English Medieval History. London, 1941.

  SAYOUS, EDOUARD, La France de St. Louis d’après la poésie nationale. Paris, 1866.

  THOMSON, DANIEL, The Weavers’ Craft, a History of the Weavers’ Incorporation of Dunfermline. Paisley, Scotland, 1903.

  WENGER, O. P., Les Monnaies. Lausanne, n.d.


  D’AVENEL, Histoire économique.*


  BOUTIOT, Histoire de Troyes.*

  CASTIGLIONI, ARTURO, A History of Medicine, trans. E. B. Krumbhaar. New York, 1946.

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  INGLIS, BRIAN, A History of Medicine. New York, 1965.

  JOHN OF SALISBURY, Metalogicon, trans. and ed. Daniel D. McGarry, Berkeley, 1955.

  SAIGE, Les juifs de Languedoc.*

  THORNDIKE, Magic.*

  WALKER, KENNETH, Story of Medicine. New York, 1954.


  D’ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, Histoire des ducs et des comtes.*

  CLARKE, W. K., Liturgy and Worship. London, 1950.

  DANIEL-ROPS, HENRI, Cathedral and Crusade. London, 1956.

  DAWSON, CHRISTOPHER, Mediaeval Religion and Other Essays. London, 1934.

  DIX, GREGORY, The Shape of the Liturgy. Westminster, 1943.

  GEIRINGER, KARL, Musical Instruments.*

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  LEA, HENRY CHARLES, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. New York, 1888.

  LECOY DE LA MARCHE, La chaire française.*

  Réalités, June 1965, “The Saints Go Marching On.”

  REESE, GUSTAVE, Music in the Middle Ages. New York, 1940.

  ROSEROT, Troyes.*

  RUNCIMAN, STEVEN, The Medieval Manichee. New York, 1961.

  TOYNBEE, MARGARET, S. Louis of Toulouse and the Process of Canonization in the Fourteenth Century. Manchester, 1929.

  WALKER, WILLISTON, A History of the Christian Church. New York, 1959.


  ADAMS, HENRY, Mont-St. Michel and Chartres. Boston, 1913.

  BRIGGS, MARTIN S., The Architect in History. Oxford, 1927.

  ————, A Short History of the Building Crafts. Oxford, 1925.

  CHOISY, AUGUSTE, Histoire de l’architecture, 2 vols. Paris, 1899.

  DANIEL-ROPS, Cathedral and Crusade.*

  DU COLOMBIER, PIERRE, Les chantiers des cathédrales. Paris, 1953.

  HAMLIN, TALBOT, Architecture through the Ages. New York, 1940.

  HARVEY, JOHN, English Mediaeval Architects: a Biographical Dictionary Down to 1550. London, 1954.

  ————, The Gothic World, 1100–1600. London, 1950.

  HEADLAM, CECIL, The Story of Chartres. London, 1902.

  History of Technology.*

  KNOOP, DOUGLAS, and JONES, G. P., “The English Medieval Quarry,” in Economic History Review, November 1938.

  ————, The Medieval Mason. Manchester, 1933.

  LAVEDAN, PIERRE, French Architecture. London, 1956.

  NICHOLS, J. R., Bells through the Ages, the Founders’ Craft and the Ringers’ Art. London, 1928.

  PARKER, JOHN HENRY, ABC of Gothic Architecture. Oxford, 1910.

  PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS, An Outline of European Architecture. London, 1943.

  PRENTICE, SARTELL, The Voices of the Cathedral. New York, 1938.

  ROSEROT, Troyes.*

  SHELBY, L. R., “The Role of the Master Mason in Medieval English Building,” in Speculum, 1964.

  STRAUB, HANS. A History of Civil Engineering, trans. E. Rockwell. London, 1953.

  VON SIMSON, OTTO, The Gothic Cathedral. New York, 1962.


  D’ANDELI, HENRI, The Battle of the Seven Arts, ed. L.J. Paetow. Berkeley, 1914.

  ARIES, Centuries of Childhood.

  BENTON, JOHN, “Nicolas de Clairvaux à la recherche du vin d’Auxerre, d’après une lettre inédite du XIIe siècle,” in Annales de Bourgogne, XXXIV (1962).

  CROMBIE, A. C., Medieval and Early Modern Science. New York, 1959.

  CRUMP and JACOB, Legacy of the Middle Ages.*

  CURTIUS, ERNST ROBERT, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages. New York, 1953.

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

  GUIBERT DE NOGENT, Autobiography, trans. C. C. Swinton Bland. London, 1925.

  HASKINS, CHARLES HOMER, The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century. Cambridge (Mass.), 1927.

  ————, The Rise of the Universities. New York, 1923.

  ————, Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science. Cambridge (Mass.), 1927.

  HOLMES, Daily Living.*

  JERVIS, W. W., The World in Maps, a Study in Map Evolution. New York, 1937.

  JOHN OF GARLAND, Morale Scolarium, ed. L. J. Paetow. Berkeley, 1927.

  JOHN OF SALISBURY, Metalogicon.*

  KIBRE, PEARL, The Nations in the Medieval Universities. Cambridge (Mass.), 1948.

  ————, Scholarly Privileges in the Middle Ages. Cambridge (Mass.), 1962.

  LANGLOIS, CHARLES-VICTOR, La connaissance de la nature et du monde au moyen âge. Paris, 1911.

  LEACH, A. F., The Schools of Medieval England. London, 1915.

  LECOY DE LA MARCHE, La chaire française.

  L’Image du Monde de Maître Gossoulin, trans. into modern French, O. H. Prior. Paris, 1913.

  PAETOW, LOUIS J., The Arts Course at Medieval Universities with Special Reference to Grammar and Rhetoric. Champaign, III., 1910.

  RASHDALL, HASTINGS, The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1936.

  SANFORD, VERA, A Short History of Mathematics. Boston, 1930.

  THATCHER and MCNEAL, Source Book.*

  THORNDIKE, LYNN, “Elementary and Secondary Education in the Middle Ages,” in Speculum, 1940.

  ————, Magic.*

  ————, ed., University Records and Life in the Middle Ages. New York, 1944.


  BENTON, JOHN F., “The Court of Champagne as a Literary Center,” in Speculum, XXXVI (1961).

  CHRÉTIEN DE TROYES, Yvain, trans. André Mary. New York, 1963.

  CROSLAND, JESSIE, Medieval French Literature. New York, 1956.

  FARAL, EDMOND, Les jongleurs en France au moyen âge. Paris, 1910.

  FRANKLIN, Vie privée.*

MEUNG, Le roman de la Rose, trans. André Mary. Paris, 1949.

  HASKINS, Renaissance of the Twelfth Century.*

  HELLMAN, ROBERT, and O’GORMAN, RICHARD, ed. and trans., Fabliaux, Ribald Tales from the Old French. New York, 1965.

  HOLMES, Daily Living.

  HOLMES, URBAN TIGNER, JR., A History of Old French Literature. New York, 1962.

  LANGLOIS, Moralistes.*

  ————, La société française.*

  MCCULLOCH, FLORENCE, “The Funeral of Renard the Fox in a Walters Book of Hours,” in Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1962–3.

  OGG, OSCAR, The 26 Letters. New York, 1948.

  RASHDALL, Universities.*

  RUTEBEUF, Oeuvres complètes, 2 vols., ed. Edmond Faral and Julia Bastin. Paris, 1959–60.

  THORNDIKE, LYNN, “More Copyists’ Final Jingles,” in Speculum, 1956.


  CHAMBERS, E. K., The Medieval Stage. Oxford, 1903.

  Le courtois d’Arras, in Jeux et sapience du moyen-âge, ed. Albert Pauphilet. Paris, 1941.

  FRANK, GRACE, The Medieval French Drama. Oxford, 1954.

  Le Jeu de St. Nicholas, in Jeux et sapience.*

  LECOY. DE LA MARCHE, La chaire française.*

  Le mystère d’Adam, in Jeux et sapience.*

  YOUNG, KARL, The Drama of the Medieval Church. Oxford, 1933.


  BOUTIOT, Histoire de Troyes.*

  CASTIGLIONI, History of Medicine.*

  CROZET, Histoire de Champagne.*

  GIES, JOSEPH, Bridges and Men. New York, 1963.

  GUILBERT, Histoire des villes de France.*

  LOT, FERDINAND, L’art militaire et les armées au moyen âge. Paris, 1946.

  LUCHAIRE, Communes françaises.*

  OMAN, CHARLES, A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages. New York, 1924.

  WILLIS, R., The Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral. London, 1845.


  BENTON, JOHN, “Comital Police Power and the Champagne Fairs.”*

  BIBOLET, FRANÇOISE, “Le role de la guerre de cent ans dans le développement des libertés municipales à Troyes,” in Mémoires de la Société académique d’agricultures, des sciences, arts et belles-lettres du département de l’Aube, Vol. XCIX, 1939–1942. Troyes, 1945.

  BOUTIOT, Histoire de Troyes.*

  BRISSAND, JEAN, A History of French Public Law, trans. James N. Garner. Boston, 1915.

  CROZET, Histoire de Champagne.*

  CRUMP and JACOB, Legacy of the Middle Ages.*

  D’ARBOIS DE JUBAINVILLE, Histoire des ducs et des comtes.


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