CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1)

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CW Boys: The Beginning (CW Boys #1) Page 16

by C. Shell

  An awkward silence draped over us like a cold blanket. I fight to find words to break through it, but what do you say after hearing about your best friend/boyfriend having tons of sex with the school’s head cheerleader and your new psychotic bully? Words are not my friend at the moment. Thankfully Jimmie isn’t having the same problem.

  “Cammy you aren’t looking so hot, sweetie. You want me to give you a ride home?” Despite her previous tummy issues, my bestie manages a slight blush and happily takes Jimmie’s outstretched hand.

  She rests her weary head on his shoulder and lets out an audible sigh. “You’re my hero Jimmie Jameson Lewis.”

  Cammy using Jimmie’s full name is the ice breaker we all needed. The boys break out in a fit of laughter, and even Daniel, who is the odd man out from our existing group, manages to loosen up a bit.

  Like two magnets resolute on being together, Dex and I move toward each other. His arm snakes around my waist, and he holds me firmly in place. A tingle races through me as he rubs against me, his erection bumping me from behind. I can feel every inch of him as my desire awakens, wanting more, and not caring who is around to see. “We should be going.” His breath caresses my neck as he speaks.

  I straighten as I face our friends. My smile falls a smidgen as I find Daniel staring at me, his face is distorted by an unnamed emotion. I can’t tell if its jealousy or disgust I’m seeing, but either way, it sends a chill down my spine.

  “We’re out of here guys.” I give my brother a stern look. “Jimmie, please get Cammy straight home. She’s had a rough night, and I wouldn't suggest kissing her until she’s had her teeth thoroughly brushed.” I pause as Dex tries pulling me away. “Daniel,” I say catching his attention. “In case, I forgot to say it earlier, thanks for your help with everything tonight. I appreciate it.”

  With a quick nod, he acknowledges my compliment. Before I can say more, Dex twists me in his arms and slams his lips down on mine. The spark of desire I felt earlier busts into flames. His tongue dances with mine, and as I arch against him, I feel my control slipping, and for the first time, I don’t care. I’m tired of playing by the rules.

  Dex pulls away, and I want to hate him for it, but his next words win me back over. “I planned something special for us tonight. We need to get going before we have the whole town talking about our impromptu public make-out session.”

  An excited shiver ran through me as we slipped away from the stadium and headed for his truck. I have no idea what Dex has planned for tonight, but if I get any say in it, this night will be ending with a big bang.

  Chapter Twenty

  The blindfold covering my eyes is making it hard to walk without Dex’s assistance. I’ve never felt this vulnerable before. If it weren’t for Dex’s quick reflexes, twice now I would’ve fallen flat on my face. This is not the way I saw our first real date playing out. I was expecting a nice dinner somewhere or a movie. Instead, here I am, outside in the cold, trampling through the dark with a blindfold over my eyes while my feet snag on every branch and stump within a fifty-yard radius.

  “It’s really cold out here. Are we almost there?”

  “Just a few more steps then you can take the blindfold off.” His tone is amused. At least one of us is enjoying themselves.

  My breathing began to increase as my nerves grew. Where the hell was he taking me? I’ve never been good with surprises and Dex of all people knew this. I pulled his jacket closer around me as I make my slow trek into the abyss. After what felt like an hour but was closer to ten minutes, Dex tightens his hand on my shoulder and pulls me to a stop.

  “Are we done walking? Can I look now?” I grin, feeling silly for wearing a blindfold and excited about finally seeing what all the secrecy was about. I felt like a child at Christmas waiting to unwrap my presents.

  Dex chuckles as he pulls away. With cold fingers, he carefully unwraps the scrap of material and pulls if from my face. I blink several times several times allowing my eyes to adjust, and when they do, I’m astounded by what I see.

  We’re at our treehouse, the one that we all made together when we were young. I stare up at it in complete awe. Wrapped around the tree limbs are hundreds of little white Christmas lights. It’s breathtaking and looks almost magical. I can’t imagine how many hours it took him to do all this. A lump forms in my throat and I must blink back tears before I can speak.

  “You did all this for me?” I smile shyly as my eyes dart around, taking it all in.

  He sucks in a harsh breath and releases it slowly. “Of course. This is where it all began for us. This is the day you became my Jelly Bean. You were so determined to be a part of our group back then. You found out our secret, and we couldn’t let you go after that. You became a part of us.” His gaze cuts into me. “I fell in love with you that day.”

  My mouth flaps open and shut a time or two before I gather the courage to string together a full sentence. “Dex, are you saying you love me? You meant to say, love me like the fourth person to our group right?” I feel myself start to ramble, and I try to pull the brakes on my word vomit, but as usual it doesn’t listen. “You love me like I love Nate or Jimmie, well maybe not Jimmie because that would be incest and that’s gross and illegal, but definitely like I love Nate right? And maybe Cammy?”

  His grin softens as he watches me make a complete fool out of myself. The jerk doesn’t even try to stop me; he just lets me keep going until I run out of steam. He doesn’t speak again until I’m finally silent and my heart is jack hammering away in my chest, and then his only response is to take my hand and guide me to the ladder leading up to our old clubhouse. “You go first. I’ll be right behind you.”

  The steps are much more solid than I remember them being. Dex notices my confusion. “Time hadn’t been to kind to this place so I had Nate and Jimmie help me make a few repairs,” he says, then slaps at my bottom to get me moving.

  Pushing the door open, I crawl through the small opening, and shift to the side, allowing Dex enough room to do the same. Taking in the room, I’m shocked at the extent Dex went to make this date special and unique. The rough flooring is covered in thick black comforters and topped with several large pillows for seating, the walls are freshly painted in a soft blue, and small tea lights line the shelves creating a soft glow to see by.

  “It’s perfect in every way possible. I can’t believe you did all this.” Moving so I can sit next to him, I reach over and brush my fingers through his blonde hair. “You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Dexter Lohman.”

  “I’ve never done something like this for a girl before, so I wasn’t sure if it was too cheesy. I’m glad you like it,” he says, and I can hear his smile. “Before you get to comfortable on me, would you please look behind that blue pillow near you and pull out the picnic basket?”

  Curious as to what he packed for us, I retrieve the basket and without waiting to be instructed, open it to find a few cans of soda, bags of chips, and several candy bars. I burst out laughing. “It’s almost creepy how well you know me.”

  The corners of his mouth tilt up. “I try,” he teases. Pulling out a few of the pillows we line them up against the wall and lean back on them so we can look up at the glow in the dark stars scattered along the ceiling.

  “I can’t believe after all these years they’re still glowing,” I whisper, leaning close enough to him, that his signature scent of musk and man, teases my senses.

  “Some things are just built to last,” he muses. I glance his way wondering if there is a double meaning to his words or if I’m just wishing there were. His head turns and catches me watching him and instead of turning away and playing it safe, I drop my eyes to his lips, letting him know I want more.

  Dex’s gaze snaps to mine. His pale eyes grow dark with lust as he takes me in. Bending his head, his lips brush against mine, gentle at first, then more demanding. I lose myself as we continue to kiss and touch one another. My stomach flutters madly with need as my desire soars. He takes his ti
me with me, savoring every taste and touch as if it’s our first.

  Shifting so we are laying down, Dex’s body drapes over mine and I drink in the feel of his hips as the rock against mine, his hard length pressing seductively between my quivering thighs. I’ve never wanted something as much as I want him. With quick fingers, we work at undressing each other, both of us impatient and needy. Once naked, Dex wraps me in his arms, his body heat colliding with mine and creating a barrier against the cold outside.

  His eyes skate over my body. “Your beyond beautiful. I don’t deserve you but I’m too much of a selfish bastard to let you go.”

  My cheeks blaze with the compliment. “Maybe, but you’re my bastard and I don’t want to be anywhere else but here with you.”

  His gaze turns serious. “Are you sure you want to do this. If you need more time, I understand. No pressure. Not that I’m complaining, but this was not my plan when I brought you up here.”

  My lips split into a grin. “I’m one hundred percent sure.” My answer is honest. “I want this, heart, body, and soul.”

  Dex reaches over and digs into his back pocket to retrieves a condom. I watch as he opens it with his teeth, then efficiently slides it over his hard length one-handed. I’m impressed. I might be new to this, but I’ve heard enough stories from friends to know that those little things can be mighty tricky.

  I sober from my internal thoughts as Dex’s mouth clamps down over my nipple. His mouth is warm as he explores my body. I hold him tightly to me as his hand slips between my wet folds. Locking his eyes with mine, he slowly dips one finger inside. I close my eyes as a moan rips from my throat. I rub against him wanting more as the throb between my legs escalates. Dex adds another finger and the pleasure spikes. Wetness pools between my thighs, I don’t ever remember being this turned on before. He swipes a finger over my clit and my body clenches. My breath is lost as the orgasm rolls over me.

  I feel the tip of Dex’s cock slide through my slippery folds. I open my legs wider so he can slip inside me. He enters me slowly, each inch of him hard and thick as he fills me. I stare into his eyes, feeling completely connected to him. There is a slight pain, but it doesn’t last long,and in the end, the pleasure outweighs any discomfort I feel. He braces himself over me, keeping the majority of his weight off me. His hips rock forward, and when he’s fully seated inside of me, he pauses, giving me a moment to adjust to his size.

  “You okay?” He asks, his voice throaty and low. His eyes are half-mast as he watches me.

  “Never better,” I answer, a smile tipping my lips. My hands go to his hips to steady myself. His skin is warm, and my fingers can’t help but stroke the muscles along his lower back. “You can move now.”

  The feeling of him sliding against me is intoxicating. I want more. My hips move against his, meeting him thrust for thrust. The intensity between us grows as does the ferocity of Dex’s frenzied thrusting. Stars float before my eyes as I feel my orgasm mount. I wrap my legs around his waist and place my hands on his shoulders, gripping his muscles hard. Our tempo increases, and when his shaft rubs against my sensitive clit, my orgasm rips through me.

  “Ohhh,” I moan. My head spins as my body clenches around him. His frame jerks over me, and with his head thrown back, he joins me. A guttural groan rips from his throat as his cock swells and pumps hot cum. My body quivers as he lays beside me, staring at me as if I’m something precious. Lifting a hand, I place it on his cheek.

  “That was amazing,” I breathe. My emotions are all over the place right now. My body is sore but in a good way. I swallow hard as my eyes meet his. “Thank you for making this special for me.”

  His languid grin grew. “Anything for you, Jelly Bean.” Leaning forward, his tongue slides over my lips. I open for him accepting anything he has to offer. The kiss is hot and within seconds I’m heated and ready for more. Dex pulls away with a groan.

  With a slap on my ass, he stands and goes to take care of the condom. Feeling a chill in the air, I reach for the stack of blankets near the door and set us up a bed of sorts. Joining me, Dex stretches out beside me, wraps me in his arms, and shifts one of his legs over mine. I’ve never felt as safe and happy as I do now.

  “I meant what I said earlier,” Dex mutters.

  My brows dip in confusion as I try and recall our earlier conversation. “Refresh my memory. Which part.” My hand travels languidly over his arm, admiring his cord of muscles as I wait for an explanation.

  He laughs, and the sound of his husky voice rolls over me. “About me loving you.” I suck in a breath as he pauses. “I do love you, Jelly Bean. I always have and not in the way you love Cammy.”

  My breathing hitches as comprehension of what he just professed dawns on me. I think hard about my feelings for him. Do I care for him? Oh course, always have. Since we were kids, I’ve wanted nothing more than to be a part of their group and to be accepted by them. But do I love him…as more than a friend? Definitely. I love the soft side of Dex that only I get to see, the way he cares for me, and the way he protects me, even when it's from himself.

  I sighed in relief and closed my eyes as I burrow myself further into his chest. “I love you too, Dex.”

  Dex’s body instantly relaxes against mine and his breathing evens out. “You’re mine JellyBean. You’ve always been mine.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “You're not going to turn into a wimped out pussy now are you?”

  Nate’s continuous digs at my manhood have long since reached the annoying stage. I push out from underneath my truck and give him a withering glare. “Are you done yet? Because I am sick of hearing you talk shit about me hooking up with Addy last night. Is it because you’re sore that it wasn’t you or do you just enjoy being a dick?”

  I saw the pain in his eyes before he was able to conceal it. I knew telling Nate about my night with Addison would piss him off, but we’re blood brothers first and foremost and never once have we kept something from the other, not even when the truth hurt.

  His head shakes as he steps away. “You’re right. Sorry for busting your ball.” As he goes and takes a seat on the front porch steps, Jimmie’s car can be heard rumbling down my street. He pulls up in front of my house, and I can’t help but wonder how much he knows. He was happy to help me fix up the old clubhouse when he thought we were going to have a small picnic there after the game. If he knew I took his sister’s virginity there instead, he might be here to kick my ass instead of helping me fix the brakes on my truck.

  I held my breath as he walked up. I tried to judge his mood before I said or did anything to make the situation worse. When he joins Nate on the front steps and begins telling him about his make-out session with Cammy, I begin to breathe normally again.

  Standing, I wipe the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand. “Could you two stop gossiping like little girls and give me a hand. I’ll get the front lug nuts off the tires, and you two take care of the back.”

  “You’re such a crybaby,” Nate accuses. Standing he leans back and gives his body a stretch before reluctantly joining me by the truck. I glance back at Jimmie and give a questioning look. “You coming to Princess, or are you going to watch the men do all the work?”

  “You’re a class A dick, Dex.” He flips me the finger then rises and comes to stand by Nate. I point out to them what needs to be done, then continue back working on the front tires.

  I enjoy working on cars almost as much as I love soccer. The truck I have was trashed when I bought it. My dad said I was insane and tried more than once to entice me with something new and shiny. I can understand his concern, but rebuilding this truck was therapeutic for me. I worked day and night on this beast replacing parts, installing a new engine, redoing the interior, and rebuilding the transmission. Looking at it now, you would never know it had once been wrecked and left to rot in a salvage yard.

  “Does oil come out of clothes?” I rolled my eyes at Nate and ignored his stupid question. “ I
’m serious dude; this is one of my favorite shirts.” He got up and went into the garage and opened the refrigerator in there.

  Jimmie glances over at Nate’s oil streaked clothes and bursts out laughing. “You’re screwed, Nate. That shits not coming out,” he says, and then he points to me. “If you want this truck running today then we may need to make a trip to the automotive store. I think these rear brake pads you bought are the wrong size.”

  “Fuck. I don’t need any more problems today. I never thought this would take so long.” I pull myself out from under the truck and take the box from Jimmie. Nate returns and hands us each a cold beer. I tip the bottle back and take a long pull of the cool liquid. I study the size and width of the pads in my hands. Upon first inspection, they look to be the right size and width, but once you put them up against the truck caliper, they miss the mark by two inches.

  I grunted and threw the box to the side, irritated by the whole damn project. Generally, working on my truck relaxes me, but today it was a thorn in my side.

  A phone rings, and we all look up at once. Jimmie grimaces. “That would be mine,” he says than pulls it from his pocket. Seeing the screen name, he smiles, then holds it up to his ear. “Hey, I was hoping to hear from you today,” he says, and then stands and walks toward the garage for some privacy.

  I jerk a thumb in his direction. “Who the hell is he talking to?” Nate shrugs and takes another long pull from his beer. “I got the wrong brake pads,” I confirm. “We need to make a trip into town and exchange them and maybe grab a bite to eat while we’re there.” I rub a hand over my stomach and as if on cue the damn thing rumbles loudly. We both laugh. “Scratch that, let’s eat first then stop by the auto store.”

  Jimmie walks up with the phone still clutched in his hand but instead of talking on it, he extends his arma nd hands it to me. I slide my gaze from his outstretched hand to his amused expression and back again. My brows furrow. “Who is it?”


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