The Red Shoes - Alison's Story (Erotic Romance) (The Naughty Nights House Party Series)

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The Red Shoes - Alison's Story (Erotic Romance) (The Naughty Nights House Party Series) Page 2

by Sophie Shearer

  She wished she could have taken one of her daughters along on the shopping trip for moral support and an honest opinion, but she was on her own. Her girls would have been horrified that their mother would even consider going to any sort of party with a man she didn’t really know all that much about. If they had known it was a swingers party – well, it didn’t bear thinking about.

  She had no idea what to buy but, after a long search, decided on a simple black dress with thin spaghetti straps and a very sexy (and expensive) pair of red patent leather stilettos with matching red bag. She also bought some chunky costume jewellery; a necklace with large red gemstones and a pair of matching earrings with smaller red gemstones along with a thin red patent leather belt to complete the look.

  Satisfied she had something good to wear; Alison went to the hotel to pick up her car before heading home to try on her new, sexy outfit.

  Standing in front of the full length mirror she pulled the black dress over her head and smoothed it down over her body. Then she slipped her feet into the outrageous red shoes that had cost more than the dress. She looked at herself from all angles. I don’t look too bad for a widowed mother of two grownup daughters, she thought, wondering what they would say if they saw her now.

  To make sure she looked and felt her best, Alison rang the hairdresser and made an appointment for Friday to have her roots done; it wouldn’t do to have even a tiny strand of grey hair showing.

  Right, I’m all organised now, she thought, still nervous about the outing.

  The next couple of days were filled with indecision, should she ring Dominic and cancel or should she just ‘bite the bullet’ and go?

  She spent a lot of time putting a case together for both options but before she knew it she was at the hairdressers having her hair done and Dominic would be picking her up in two hours.

  Dominic knocked on the door at five to six but Alison been ready for ages and, she thought, looking rather spectacular for a middle aged woman, although she could have done with a bit more practice walking in her new red shoes. She had worn them a couple of times round the house, but they had much higher heels than her normal sensible shoes. She just hoped the evening didn’t include a visit to an emergency department after breaking her ankle falling off her shoes.

  “Wow,” he said as she opened the door, “You look amazing!”

  “Why thank you kind sir,” she said flippantly, “you don’t look too shabby yourself.” In fact he looked absolutely gorgeous in dark trousers and a crisp, white open neck shirt, but Alison was too shy to say so.

  Thankfully Dominic took her arm as they walked down the path to his car. He opened the door for her and waited until she was seated comfortably before taking his place behind the wheel of the big black Mercedes.

  Alison settled back in her seat for the hour long drive to their destination.

  “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” asked Dominic.

  “No, but I’m going to anyway,” she said with more confidence than she felt. “Just don’t leave without me.”

  “Of course I won’t.”

  They made good time and in less than an hour they were pulling into the courtyard and parking at the end of a line of cars. One or two were very expensive but generally they were run-of-the-mill family salon cars.

  Dominic got out and ran round to open Alison’s door. How very chivalrous thought Alison, it’s a shame he can’t be my partner for the night; I’m not sure I really want to swap.

  Chapter 4

  After Jenny had left them to answer the door they each picked up a glass of red wine from the silver tray set on the long hall table. Dominic took Alison’s hand and led her into a large drawing room. They stood together sipping their wine just inside the door; she thought it was the perfect place to check out the other guests without seeming too obvious.

  More people were arriving and the elegant room was filling up quickly, although it wasn’t yet too crowded.

  Alison scanned the intimately lit room quickly hoping no-one noticed she was checking them out. As she had not known what to expect, she was interested to see that everyone looked normal; just like the people she saw going into the local wine bar when she was on her way to the highlight of her social life, the monthly book club evening.

  They were not rolling about on the floor naked nor were they dressed head to toe in leather, carrying whips, bottom beaters or bondage stuff. There were no handcuffs or chains peeping out from handbags or pockets and no-one wore a leather mask. If you had just wandered in you would never have known why all these people were here. It looked just like a casual cocktail party – if there was such a thing.

  But maybe they were all staying the weekend and had that sort of stuff packed in their overnight bags or possibly she was suffering from an over active imagination and it was just straight sex that people came for. It made her smile to think how ridiculous she would look in a figure hugging leather bodysuit and thigh high leather boots; she was definitely not joining that club!

  One of the two comfy looking sofas placed either side of the large marble fireplace had four people squashed onto it who were chatting easily to each other. The other was occupied by just one couple, their body language suggesting they weren’t entirely comfortable with the situation. Alison thought maybe it was their first time too because they looked just like she felt; embarrassed, unsure and nervous.

  The eight chairs round the highly polished oval table at the far end of the large room were already occupied by a variety of people who were busy drinking wine and gossiping like old friends. Interestingly there were five women and three men.

  So, thought Alison, it is not just couples who come to these events, I really have led a very sheltered life.

  It was vaguely unsettling because she had been under the impression that everyone simply exchanged partners. Wasn’t a swingers party just another name for wife swapping? Obviously, thought Alison, things have moved on since I first heard of wife swapping parties.

  The heavy damask curtains were drawn together across the large window to shut out the light of the warm summer evening, making the room glow with the dimmed lighting and scented candles dotted around the room.

  There were four more people by the grand piano in front of the window. One couple looked a bit uncomfortable; obviously new to the scene. The other couple, who were standing close, seemed to be enjoying themselves as the woman threw back her head and howled with laughter at something her partner had said. Feeling a bit paranoid, Alison wondered if they might be laughing at her. Maybe her carefully chosen black dress was too ‘housewifey’; maybe her bright red stilettos were too conspicuous or perhaps she just looked as scared as a rabbit in a headlight.

  Occasionally a couple or sometimes three people would drift out of the room and disappear out of the door together making Alison even more nervous. She really hoped she wasn’t expected to take part in anything other than straight sex; the thought terrified her. It wasn’t her sort of thing and never would be – or would it?

  As Alison surveyed the scene unfolding before her, she couldn’t help but wonder yet again, what she was doing here. Why on earth had she allowed herself to be persuaded that this was a good idea?

  Alison could see Dominic was very deliberately checking out everyone in the room. No nerves there, she thought. She just wished she felt as confident as he obviously was. It made her nervous just wondering what was coming next; what was expected of her. She felt Dominic looking at her, he must have realised that she was on the verge of making a run for it and took hold of her free hand squeezing it gently.

  “There really is nothing to be worried about,” he whispered into her ear, “everyone is here for the same reason; to have a bit of fun. So far everyone looks really nice, maybe even a few possibilities – what do you think? We don’t have to stay if you’d rather not”

  Alison didn’t know what to say although she had spotted one or two very attractive men. But she was here and decided to get into the
spirit of the evening.

  “Maybe some possibilities…” she whispered trying to appear nonchalant.

  They stood there a little while longer not saying much when a stunningly beautiful woman who, from a distance, looked to be little more than a teenager, and her very handsome partner who had been sitting at the dining table, made their way over to where they were standing.

  Oh God, am I really going to do this, what do I say, what do I do?

  Chapter 5

  Alison thought she was in real danger of having a panic attack and tried very hard to slow down her breathing. She didn’t want anyone to think she was panting with desire when the real reason was terror.

  She decided to do nothing and just go with the flow. She would wait to be spoken to and take her lead from everyone else. After all they seemed to be familiar with the way things worked and she didn’t want it to be too obvious that she was the new guy around here.

  Smile and try to look confident; look like you know what you’re doing, Alison told herself sternly. But, however hard she tried, she still felt like a piece of meat in a lion’s den.

  Dominic must have known the couple because he was chatting to them both about the last time they met. The woman, who had been hanging onto every word he said, linked arms with Dominic and moved him smoothly away from Alison. Dominic looked back at her and raised his eyebrows as if asking a question. Alison nodded and smiled to show him she was fine with what was happening, but she didn’t really feel fine; she was quaking in her sexy red shoes.

  She was not sure what to do next when the man, who introduced himself as Paul, leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Come on love, don’t worry I’ll look after you” and took her hand. She wondered how he knew she was nervous; was it so obvious?

  Paul was very tall, more than a foot taller than Alison who was 5ft 2ins without the red shoes, and tanned with perfect white teeth that wouldn’t have been out of place in a toothpaste advert. He was casually dressed in a pair of beautifully cut jeans, black loafers and a crisp yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was wearing a watch that looked more expensive than his dental work.

  Not too bad for my first encounter, thought Alison, looking at Paul with appreciation, even though she was still not convinced she should be here at all.

  She was a widow, with two grown up daughters and a normal boring life. What would her friends say if they knew? But hey, she was not likely to bump into them here, was she?

  Alison was shaking inside with fear but also with a little anticipation. She really was going to go through with it; this was it.

  Tonight could be the night a man would give her an orgasm, something she had never experienced in her life before. Would her most intimate problem finally be resolved?

  Sure, she had given herself an orgasm thanks to her trusty ‘Rampant Rabbit’ and her own very dexterous fingers, but that was surely not as exciting as coming when being royally fucked by the faceless mystery man who had become part of her night time fantasies.

  She had agreed to come to this evening soirée in the hope that a more experienced lover than her husband would show her that sex could be an exciting and satisfying experience. Rather than something that would happen rather quickly at weekend if Andrew could stay awake long enough to perform after his regular exhausting day at the golf club.

  Andrew had never been an adventurous lover. He was more of the ‘whip it in, whip it out and wipe it’ type. As long as he was satisfied he thought Alison should be too. He would have been horrified if he had known she had bought a vibrator online to help relieve her frustrations. But, she had never really taken the time to explain that she wanted more; she was too embarrassed, so really she was as much to blame as he was.

  Glancing back at Dominic chatting easily to the blonde woman whose name she still didn’t know, Alison allowed Paul to lead her up the wide staircase.

  The first door on the galleried landing had a large red luggage label on the handle which she guessed must mean it was occupied; the second was the same. The next door had no label so Paul knocked gently and, when there was no answer, pushed open the door and walked confidently in. Alison stifled a giggle when she realised it was a bathroom.

  The last room on the landing had no label and proved to be an empty bedroom, so they went in. Paul took the luggage label from the handle on the inside of the door and quickly transferred it to the outside and shut the door.

  Alison looked round and was mildly surprised to see that the room was just like a normal bedroom with white ‘his and hers’ bathrobes folded neatly on the ottoman at the bottom of the pristine white bed. The room was lit by a single bedside lamp with the plain midnight blue curtains drawn across the large floor to ceiling windows, blocking out any light from outside.

  There were no kinky sex toys, no black silk sheets and no bondage equipment on show; the fact that it was quite a lot like her bedroom at home was just a bit unnerving. Then she spied the small cut glass dish on the bedside table that contained flavoured condoms next to an expensive bottle of pink massage oil.

  She had expected something like the room she had secretly read about in the ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ novels, all bondage stuff and unfamiliar sex toys, so the relative normality of it gave her a little boost of confidence.

  She giggled nervously to herself as she thought of the evening turning into ‘Fifty Shades of Grey Hair’ – the oldies version with black fluffy handcuffs attached to walking frames, hoists over the bed and incontinence pants instead of rubber pants.

  But this all looked so normal that maybe it wasn’t going to be too bad after all. It could even turn out to be a lot of fun.

  Chapter 6

  Paul turned her to face him and kissed her lightly on her lips. Even though she was still very nervous she had decided that she was just going to let it happen and follow his lead. But try as she might, she was finding it difficult to relax as he began to nibble her ear. She felt it was all faintly ridiculous and was trying really hard to resist the urge to laugh. She put this down to nerves and tried hard to get her growing hysteria under control.

  Paul lowered her gently onto the bed and began to take off her clothes.

  “Please, can we turn off the light,” whispered Alison.

  With an audible sigh Paul reached across and switched off the bedside lamp.

  “Don’t be shy” he said, “we’re here for some fun, just lie back and enjoy it”

  Alison wasn’t so sure she could. Already she wanted to get up and run out of the house and back to her nice, safe, but very boring life.

  But she had promised herself that she would stay the course and see if sleeping with an anonymous man would let her experience the elusive orgasm that every other woman she knew seemed to have almost every time they had sex, but she had only dreamed about and shared with her friend, the vibrator.

  She thought that maybe a man who regularly attended these gatherings would have the knowledge to find the ’spot’ that she already knew was there through her own solitary explorations.

  Somehow and very quickly, they were both completely naked except Paul had put her red shoes back on her feet after removing her tights.

  “Those shoes are so sexy” he said, “leave them on while I fuck you.”

  Alison was happy to oblige, she was beginning to really love her red shoes.

  Even though she was still a little embarrassed, Alison was beginning to lose herself in the moment and enjoy the sensations she was beginning to feel.

  She could feel a luscious ache beginning deep in her stomach and groin as Paul gently explored her body, touching her face with his lips whilst gently flicking her nipples with his fingers. It was better that the light was out and the curtains closed so she couldn’t see a thing. She could imagine that she knew and cared for the man who was moving down the bed so he could nibble and suck on her already sensitive nipples. She was faintly disturbed to find that the face that appeared in her mind’s eye was Dominic’s.

>   It did seem that Paul had meant what he said when he told her to lie back and enjoy it because every time she tried to touch his rock hard cock he moved her hand away. So, realising that nothing was expected from her, she gave up and let herself enjoy the sensations that were flowing through her body.

  Alison moaned softly as his fingers moved down her body and began to probe her pussy. She could feel that she was already wet with her own juices as he pushed his fingers in and out whilst gently flicking her clit. She just knew that today was going to be the day – she was about to achieve her greatest and most intimate dream. She was going to feel what it was like to be with a man when she came.

  “Are you ready for it” he groaned reaching over to the little glass dish.

  “Oh, yes” she begged, “please, do it now.”

  She opened her legs wide as he held himself above her. He lowered himself slowly and with one hand holding his very large cock; he lightly rubbed the smooth tip around her wet clit making her moan even more loudly than before.

  After deftly putting a condom over his huge erection, he was inside her thrusting hard but slowly and deliberately, each stroke creating a delightful friction against her clit. She was losing herself in the moment and was already anticipating the waves of pleasure that she knew were coming when suddenly he jumped off her and turned her quickly over onto her stomach.

  He lifted her up onto her knees and kneeling behind her, pushed his cock hard into her again. Holding onto her with one hand and reaching round and gently rubbing her clit with his other hand still wet from her juices, he moved slowly in and out. Alison was moaning softly wanting the feeling to last forever. She knew her body was on the brink of exploding into a million stars as she pushed back against his thrusting cock in time with his movements.

  Then suddenly and without warning, Paul started to pump in and out faster and faster slapping his body against her behind until, with a final hard thrust, he let out a triumphant shout and flopped on top of her. Still breathing heavily he rolled off and looked at her.


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