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Starlight Page 6

by Alexandra Richland

  “Marie!” Nathan called.

  Her cheeks flamed as he and Victoria assisted her to her feet. More devastating was that she’d torn the hem of her gown.

  “I’m sorry,” she said between sobs.

  Nathan wrapped his arms around her. “It’s my fault. I brought Ken here, thinking I could handle him. He had no right to talk to you the way he did.”

  Victoria patted Marie on the back, lending her support as well. Once her tears dried, Marie’s anger took over. She stepped away from Nathan and Victoria and took a deep breath, scouring the soundstage for the director. She refused to let Mr. Locke ruin this opportunity for her over something that was technically not her fault.

  Mr. Locke sat on a wooden crate at the side of the set, puffing away on a cigarette. She marched over to him.

  “Does it make you feel important, picking on an inexperienced actress like me?”

  Mr. Locke glared at her. Marie knew she had overstepped the line, but refused to back down.

  “I made a simple mistake. As a top director, I would expect you to have more class and professionalism. I would also expect you to be patient with your actors in order to get the best possible performances out of them. I may be inexperienced when it comes to movie making, but I’m eager to learn if someone would take the time to teach me properly. Performers are supposed to trust their directors and turn to them for encouragement and support, I’m assuming. You, sir, did nothing like that for me today. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  Marie drew in a sharp breath as Mr. Locke stood and tossed his cigarette to the floor. He extinguished it with the toe of his boot and looked over her shoulder, his expression as menacing as ever.

  “Victoria, fix her up, and get Francois to mend her dress. Norman, start a new reel, but keep the stuff we shot before Bates, here, screwed up. Taggart, get ready to wrap this up, it’s my day off.”

  Mr. Locke glowered at Marie before walking away. She hadn’t received an apology, but she doubted he’d ever apologized to anyone for anything in his entire life. The important thing was she had another chance to finish the screen test.

  She dusted off her hands and returned to Nathan’s side, smiling triumphantly. He grinned back. She could tell he was proud of her. She was proud of herself, too. She wasn’t used to standing her ground.

  Francois pinned Marie’s dress at the bottom in such a way that it looked as though the fabric never tore in the first place and Victoria fixed her makeup. Once she was ready, she strode to her starting position on the staircase. She completed the scene without incident this time, hitting her correct marks and finishing off with a dreamy look on her face as per Mr. Locke’s initial instructions.

  Marie didn’t daydream about her one true love because she didn’t have one. Instead, she thought about how proud her parents would feel if she ended up acting in a Starlight Studios motion picture.

  “That’s a wrap, folks.” Mr. Locke removed a cigarette package from his shirt pocket. “It’s time for me to get the hell out of here.”

  Bringing a cigarette to his lips, he sauntered toward the exit. The tension lifted with the slam of the steel door behind him.

  Norman handed the footage of Marie’s performance over to Nathan and then left with his belongings.

  “Nice job, Bates,” Nathan remarked, mocking Mr. Locke.

  Marie joined him at the side of the set.

  “Thank you,” she said with a giggle. “So what happens next?”

  Nathan pointed to the tape reel tucked under his arm. “I’m going to bring your footage directly to Luther Mertz this afternoon. His usual routine is to enter his projection room at seven o’clock and watch the rushes from the day’s film shoots. He reviews them personally and picks out things he likes, or mostly, makes notes of the things he doesn’t like. He also watches the screen tests filmed that day. I’ll try my best to get him to view your test as soon as he sits down. That way, if he’s in a bad mood after watching the dailies, it won’t affect his judgment of you.”

  “May I watch my screen test now?” Marie asked.

  Nathan chuckled. “I suggest you just trust me on this one. Give me your telephone number, enjoy the rest of your afternoon, and I’ll call you in a few days with Luther’s decision.”

  Marie’s shoulders hunched. “I suppose you’re right. It’s just that a few days ago I couldn’t have cared less about acting, and now I’m afraid to leave the studio, in case I never return.”

  “Please have faith, Marie.” Nathan looked at his watch. “Unfortunately, I’m running late for another appointment. Francois is waiting for you back in the dressing room so he can return all of the clothes and jewelry to the wardrobe department.”

  Marie’s stomach churned. She wondered if Nathan’s next appointment was supervising another screen test. In spite of her worry, she forced a smile.

  “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

  Nathan grinned. “Don’t mention it.”

  He wrote down her contact information and then led her back to the dressing room. As they walked down the hallway lined with photographs, Marie felt even more appreciative of everything she’d accomplished thus far, regardless of the outcome of her screen test. Although she was nowhere near as talented as the actors and actresses hanging on the walls, she felt happy, knowing that for even just a few hours, she understood what it was like to be a part of Starlight Studios.

  During her trip home, the morning’s events replayed in her mind and she hoped Nathan called her sooner rather than later. Upon entering her apartment, she took off her uncomfortable pumps and stopped by the bathroom to remove her makeup and the false eyelashes Victoria had provided her. After pulling her hair back into a ponytail, her transformation back to normal was complete.

  Marie dozed off on the couch, only to be awakened by Olivia jumping on the cushion beside her. She yawned and stretched.

  Olivia plopped down next to her. “Well?”

  “Well, what?” Marie replied with mock innocence.

  “Come on, cut the malarkey, and tell me all about it!”

  Marie giggled and proceeded to share the details of her day. Olivia jumped up from the couch when Marie mentioned her run-in with John Wayne, and the news Kenneth Locke directed her screen test earned her an enthusiastic, “Holy mackerel!” Then Marie explained how mean the director actually was.

  “Well, that’s the risk you take when working at a major Hollywood movie studio,” Olivia reasoned. “I’m sure not everyone, even your personal favorites, will live up to their hype, despite what the movie magazines say.” She shrugged. “At least John Wayne was nice.”

  “I suppose you’re right.” Marie sat up straighter in her seat. “Oh, I almost forgot. Nathan, Victoria, and Francois may have hated my makeup and hair, but the one thing they did compliment me on was my dress, which you picked out for me. So thank you for that. I only had to change because I needed a classier gown for my test.”

  “I knew my fashion sense was spot on!” Olivia’s expression grew serious. “So tell me more about this Nathan character. I mean, don’t you find it interesting that he supervised your screen test personally?”

  Marie shook her head. “It’s not what you think. He’s more like a big brother than a potential love interest.”

  Olivia arched an eyebrow.

  “Trust me,” Marie said, “Nathan and I are nothing more than friends.”

  “Did you see a wedding ring on his finger?”

  Marie shrugged. “I never thought to look, actually.”

  Olivia smiled. “If he’s not married, then maybe I can have a shot at him.”

  “Be my guest.” Marie’s eyes widened as she glanced at the clock. She couldn’t believe it was eight o’clock already. Although the night was still young and she’d just woken up from a nap, the day had been long and she had five shifts at Schwab’s ahead of her.

  She stood from the sofa. “I’m going to bed. I’m exhausted.”

  “So when will you
hear if you’re an official Mertz star?” Olivia asked as Marie headed into the kitchen to pick up an apple. On account of her nervousness, she hadn’t eaten all day and knew she shouldn’t sleep on an empty stomach.

  “Nathan said he’d contact me as soon as he receives feedback from Mr. Mertz,” Marie replied upon her return to the living room.

  Olivia pouted. “I hope he calls soon.”

  “Me too.”

  With a sigh, Marie walked to her bedroom. Although she wanted to think optimistically about her screen test, she refused to get her hopes up until she received confirmation from Nathan.

  Chapter Eight

  The next four days passed slowly for Marie. She worked her usual nine-to-five shifts at Schwab’s from Tuesday to Thursday, and each evening, anticipated a phone call from Nathan that never came. She tried to act nonchalant about the lack of response, but truthfully felt very disappointed. After leaving the studio, she actually thought she had a chance at a contract.

  Friday arrived and she worked her normal eleven to seven. By the end of her shift, she felt exhausted and sluggishly walked back to her apartment. Olivia made it home before her.

  “Any calls?” Marie asked as she removed her shoes at the door. She already knew the answer based on her friend’s expression.

  Olivia’s frown deepened. “No.”

  Marie joined her in the living room. “To tell you the truth, I’ve given up hope.”

  “Are you sure you gave Nathan the correct phone number?”

  Marie nodded.

  “Maybe he lost it. Or maybe he had to go out of town on business.” Olivia brought her hand to her mouth. “Goodness, maybe he’s been in a terrible accident and he’s lying in a hospital bed right now, desperately trying to get a hold of you, but physically unable to make any telephone calls!”

  Marie’s eyes widened. “Liv! What an awful thing to say.”

  Olivia shrugged. “You never know.”

  “Nathan said Mr. Mertz was going to watch the footage Monday evening––that was four days ago. It doesn’t take that long to make a decision. My guess is Nathan received negative feedback from his boss and he’s trying to figure out how to break the news to me. I bet Mr. Mertz saw beyond the glamorous clothes and makeup and tossed my screen test aside without even watching the whole thing. He’s the best in the business. He knows a fake when he sees one.”

  “You’re not a fake,” Olivia replied. “From what you told me about your test, you acted like yourself. As for hair and makeup, you said they simply enhanced your natural qualities, nothing drastic.” She folded her arms across her chest. “I’m still going with my accident theory.”

  The fact that Marie hadn’t acted during her screen test was the worst part of all. If Mr. Mertz rejected her, he wouldn’t be rejecting an image created by his hair, makeup, and wardrobe staff, but her personally.

  “I’m going to take a bath, Liv.” With a sigh, Marie walked toward the bathroom.

  The warm water soothed her tense muscles and sore feet, and by the time she emerged from the tub, she felt much more relaxed. She looked forward to spending a quiet evening at home, curled up with a book or listening to the radio; anything to distract her from her lingering concerns over her screen test.

  As she left the bathroom, she heard Olivia talking in the living room. Marie hoped they didn’t have a visitor. She didn’t look presentable enough to entertain company. She strained to listen to the conversation. She heard no other voices aside from Olivia’s and concluded her friend was on the telephone. Relieved, she entered her bedroom and changed into her blue cotton nightgown and pink slippers. As she walked down the hallway to the living room, she heard Olivia giggling and assumed her friend was talking to a boy.

  Olivia had dated a few young men since arriving in Los Angeles, whereas Marie had never been on a date before, let alone had a beau. Both women were virgins, but at least Olivia had a decent amount of experience with the opposite sex. Marie envied her.

  “Oh, Mr. Taggart, that’s hilarious!”

  At the mention of Nathan’s name, Marie rushed across the living room and tapped Olivia on the shoulder. Olivia turned around. Marie motioned for her to hand over the telephone.

  “Mr. Taggart, Marie is available now,” Olivia said extra sweetly. “It was delightful talking with you and I hope we speak again soon.”

  She smiled and twirled the telephone cord around her finger as Nathan responded on the other end. Marie couldn’t believe she was flirting with him. He was probably a married man!

  Olivia giggled, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. “Yes, of course I’ll refer to you as Nathan from now on. And please, no more Miss Weston. You can call me Olivia.”

  Marie rolled her eyes and practically had to pry the telephone from Olivia’s grip to break up their conversation.

  “Good evening, Nathan,” she said into the receiver.

  “Marie, hello.”

  She worried her lower lip. “Did you hear back from Mr. Mertz?”

  “Yes, I did. First, let me apologize for the delay in calling you. We had a public relations nightmare here at the studio over the last few days. Certain situations like this must be handled immediately, which meant the matter of your screen test had to be put on hold.”

  “Yes, of course. I understand.”

  “Anyway, I’m calling because Luther Mertz was very pleased with your screen test and would like to offer you the standard seven-year contract, beginning with a six-month probation period.”

  Marie’s eyes widened. “That’s wonderful. Thank you!”

  Olivia waved frantically at her, hoping for an explanation. Marie covered the mouthpiece with her hand and hushed her friend so she could obtain more information without distraction.

  “Now, there are several stipulations to this contract, of course, but I’ll explain it all to you when you come in to see me,” Nathan said. “A studio lawyer will also be present during our meeting, should you choose to sign.”

  “When should I come in?” Marie asked. “Now?”

  Nathan chuckled. “It’s nine o’clock on a Friday evening. I was hoping to make it home sometime tonight.”

  She blushed. “Please forgive me. I’m so excited I forgot what time it was.”

  “It’s not a problem,” he replied. “Anyhow, I was thinking Monday at ten o’clock for our meeting. This time we’ll meet in my office. The security man stationed at the front gates will give you directions. How does that sound?”


  “All right, then, have a great evening and I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Thank you again and I hope you have a lovely evening as well.”

  “And, uh, please say goodnight to Olivia for me.”

  Marie’s eyebrows furrowed. She’d never heard Nathan falter his speech before.

  “Will do. Goodnight.”

  Marie hung up the receiver and discovered Olivia sitting on the couch with a dreamy look on her face. It was the exact wistful expression Kenneth Locke asked Marie to wear at the end of her screen test by entertaining thoughts of her non-existent one true love.

  Marie’s eyes narrowed. “Liv …”

  Olivia’s face broke out into a large grin.

  That look could only mean one thing. Marie groaned and sat down beside her.

  “So what did Nathan say?” Olivia asked before Marie could inquire further.

  “He asked me to come to Starlight Studios on Monday morning to look over my contract. And if everything is in order, I’ll sign it and officially become a Starlight Studios contract star. Can you believe it?”

  Olivia pulled her in for a tight hug. “That’s splendid! I told you that you have what it takes to be a movie star.”

  Marie smiled. “I’m far from being a movie star, but it looks like I’ll get my shot at some bit parts.”

  Olivia shrugged. “It’s a good start.”

  “So what did you and Nathan talk about while I was in the bath?” Marie asked, getting
straight to the point.

  A blush rose in Olivia’s cheeks. “Well, you see, I was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, when the telephone rang. I answered the call and a charming man with a deep voice asked for you. I told him you were out because I didn’t want to tell some stranger that you were taking a bath. After he introduced himself, I told him you wouldn’t be much longer and I asked if he wanted to wait on the line. He said he was just finishing up at the office and didn’t mind waiting.”

  Olivia’s voice rose excitedly. “I felt awful having Nathan listen to silence while he waited for you so I decided to engage him in conversation. I asked him what he was doing at work so late. Like, wasn’t his wife missing him at home––”

  Marie gasped. “Olivia Weston, you didn’t!”

  Olivia giggled. “Yes, I did! And I’m glad I did because get this––he said he’s not married! He’s not even dating anyone at the moment. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “I guess so.” Truthfully, Marie was surprised Olivia had been so forward with him.

  “Anyway, we chatted about my school program and I mentioned that I’m originally from Portland, and he said he’s originally from Salinas, California. Then he made a hilarious comment about how it seems like everyone in Los Angeles is originally from somewhere else––like was there anyone actually born here in the city? Then he said, ‘what do all the Los Angeles obstetricians do day and night if they’re not delivering babies?’ And I said, ‘what?’ And he said, ‘play cards!’” Olivia sputtered the punch line through her laughter as though it was the funniest thing she had ever heard.

  Marie giggled at her reaction.

  Olivia clasped her hands. “Oh, Marie. You simply have to introduce me to Nathan. You just have to.”

  “You only spoke once!”

  “Doesn’t matter. I want to meet him.”


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