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Starlight Page 12

by Alexandra Richland

  Since Beth just started working at the studio and Olivia’s salary at the Elite Clothing Boutique was modest, their finances only afforded them the luxury of taking the bus to Romanoff’s. However, given the importance of the evening, Olivia insisted that they dip into their savings and take a taxicab instead.

  They pulled up in front of Romanoff’s on South Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills just shy of seven thirty. A crowd gathered at the entrance. Beth wondered how she and Olivia would get inside, considering they were nobodies.

  Beth began walking toward the back of the line but Olivia pulled her in the other direction. The crowd uttered complaints as the two of them approached the stern-looking doorman.

  “Hello, sir.” Olivia accompanied her greeting with a warm smile. “We’re here to dine with Constance Murphy and Matthew McKenna tonight.”

  The doorman glanced at the list on the podium in front of him. “Elizabeth Sutton and guest, I presume?”

  Olivia extended her hand. “Olivia Weston, the guest.”

  The doorman grinned as he shook her hand. “Ms. Sutton, Ms. Weston, welcome to Romanoff’s.”

  He opened the front door and they stepped inside the restaurant. The main dining hall was packed. Beth didn’t know how they were going to find Connie and Matthew in the lively crowd.

  Olivia’s eyes danced with excitement.

  “This is so wonderful, Marie!” She covered her mouth with her hand and giggled. “Oops, I mean, Beth.”

  As Beth followed Olivia through the crowd, she searched for Connie and simultaneously made note of all the Starlight Studios stars present. Beth agreed with Connie that Romanoff’s was a very happening place and couldn’t help but wonder what Aidan Evans was doing at this very moment. As pathetic as it was, although he acted impolitely by laughing at her earlier, there was still something about him that made her knees weak.

  “Beth! Olivia! Over here!”

  Beth scanned the crowd. Connie waved to them from a table in the back corner of the room. She sat beside her famous crooning beau.

  As Beth approached the table with Olivia, all she saw were the beautiful diamonds accessorizing Connie’s wrists and neck. Her short blonde hair was set in big curls and she wore an extraordinary gold-colored dress.

  Connie greeted them with a smile. “You made it!”

  Matthew stood and pulled out two chairs for them. Beth couldn’t help but notice how dashing he looked in his charcoal gray suit. He was attractive in the all-American way, a real man’s man with his broad build, short brown hair, dark eyes, and charming smile. At first glance, it was difficult to believe that he and Bing Crosby sang the same type of music.

  “Thank you.” Beth sat down and placed her purse on the table.

  “Are you Elizabeth or Olivia?” Matthew asked.

  “Hush, honey, that’s rude,” Connie called from her seat.

  “No, it’s all right. I’m Beth and this is Olivia.” Beth gestured to her friend.

  Olivia said hello and sat down next to her.

  Matthew flashed the famous grin that made him a favorite of women all over the world. “It’s lovely to meet you both. I’m Matthew McKenna.”

  Beth’s cheeks flamed. She had been a fan of his music for several years and was happy to know he lived up to his gentlemanly reputation.

  “Beth, Olivia, you look gorgeous tonight,” Connie said as Matthew reclaimed his seat beside her. “Where did you get those remarkable dresses?”

  Olivia beamed. “Thanks. These are original Olivia Weston creations.”

  Connie raised an eyebrow. “Are you serious? Olivia, I know you said you were going to school for fashion, but I had no idea you were so talented. You should present a portfolio to Starlight Studios. The studio is always looking for talented new designers with fresh ideas to replace the bitter hags who’ve been around since the silent picture days.”

  As Connie and Olivia continued their chat, Beth conversed with Matthew.

  “I love your latest single, Eternally Yours,” she said, still feeling bashful in his presence. “The lyrics are beautiful and your voice is wonderful.”

  Matthew took a sip of his drink, which Beth assumed was scotch. “Thanks. I wish I could say I wrote the song myself, but I didn’t. However, the voice is mine so I appreciate the compliment.”

  Beth suppressed her amazement as Frank Sinatra, another one of her favorite singers, approached their table and smacked Matthew on the back.

  “Whatcha doin’, buddy?” He tipped his hat at Olivia, Connie, and Beth. “Hey girls, did Matt ever tell you I taught him everything he knows?”

  Matthew rolled his eyes in good humor. “Please, Frank, these girls know I have a natural velvety voice. In fact, Beth, here, just said so herself. I never needed any coaching in my entire life.” The two men shook hands. “By the way, how does it feel to have your single fall to number two this week? As you know, my latest single was just released and skyrocketed to the top spot.”

  Frank ruffled Matthew’s hair playfully. “Watch it, kid. Don’t talk to your superior that way.”

  The group erupted into laughter.

  Connie gestured to across the table. “Frank, this is Beth and Olivia. Beth recently signed with Starlight Studios.”

  Frank’s grin widened. “Pleasure to meet you, ladies. Any friends of Matthew and Connie’s are friends of mine. Whenever I throw a party at my L.A. or Palm Springs digs, you’re both welcome to attend.”

  “Thank you,” Beth replied.

  “That’s very kind you of you,” Olivia added.

  Frank’s eyes enlarged with mischief as he looked across the room. “Hey, Dean-o, how does it feel to have the number three song on the charts this week?” He winked at Matthew and headed toward fellow crooner, Dean Martin. Upon their reunion, Frank and Dean pretended to throw punches at each other in slow motion. Beth laughed at their antics.

  Matthew and Connie were very popular, so many people stopped by their table to say hello. Most were actors and actresses, record producers, writers, and socialites. After a few introductions, Beth relaxed. She felt relieved that the night was going to well, despite the absence of a certain Method actor, whom she longed to see above anyone else.


  “What do you mean you aren’t going to let me in?”

  Aidan stood at the front of the line outside Romanoff’s, arguing with the doorman. The way he figured it, if he had money to pay for his food and drinks, then he was entitled to enter the restaurant.

  The doorman adjusted the knot in his tie. “Sir, please do not make a scene. I simply cannot allow you inside because you are not properly dressed.”

  Aidan cursed under his breath. He didn’t see what was wrong with his black jeans, black leather jacket, and white T-shirt.

  “You must wear a suit jacket and tie, as well as proper dress pants and shoes to be allowed entry,” the doorman explained.

  “Listen, you,” Aidan pointed his forefinger at the man’s chest. “I’m going inside. I don’t care what you say.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but that’s not possible. Romanoff’s has a very strict dress code. People like you are not allowed in this establishment.”

  Aidan balled his right hand into a fist and raised it in front of the man’s face. “People like me? What the hell does that mean?”

  Aidan felt a soft grip on his shoulder. He spun around, his green eyes akin to a raging forest fire.

  “Don’t fucking touch—” He relaxed when he recognized the blue eyes staring back at him. “Nate, hey. Sorry, I didn’t know it was you.”

  Nathan offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it. Now, what seems to be the problem?”

  “This guy won’t let me inside.” Aidan jutted his thumb in the direction of the doorman, whose face had lost its sternness now that Nathan had arrived.

  “Mr. Taggart, it’s so wonderful to see you!” he said. “Are you meeting someone here? Would you like me to secure your usual table?”

  Aidan gaped at h
im. He couldn’t believe the man’s change in attitude.

  Nathan draped his arm over Aidan’s shoulders. “Actually, Roger, I’m dining with Aidan tonight. And, no thank you, I don’t need my usual table.”

  The doorman’s eyes widened. “Oh, Mr. Taggart, I do apologize. I didn’t know this gentleman was with you. He didn’t tell me.”

  Aidan shook his head. So now he was a gentleman? He had half a mind to get back on his motorcycle and head to another place where they didn’t care how he dressed. Then he thought about the Brunette from the movie set earlier and knew he wasn’t going anywhere tonight except inside this pretentious restaurant.

  “That’s all right, Roger,” Nathan replied. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but Aidan is starring in a new Starlight Studios motion picture, Spike Rollins.”

  If it were anyone else besides Nathan, Aidan would’ve been angry that his resume was rattled off in order to get him on the doorman’s good side.

  The doorman nodded. “I’ve heard of that one, Mr. Taggart. It’s a very important film for the studio.” He looked at Aidan. “I’m sorry, sir, please come right in.”

  Aidan grunted in response and deliberately bumped into the doorman’s side on his way into the restaurant. As he entered the dining hall with Nathan, he was immediately reminded how severely underdressed he was. It was like a scene from a Starlight Studios motion picture—the ones with all the rich people. Every man in the establishment was dressed in either a suit or tuxedo.

  As usual, Aidan wasn’t bothered by the fact that he stood out. It emphasized how different he was from the typical Hollywood crowd, which suited him just fine.

  “So Aidan, what brings you to Romanoff’s?” Nathan asked. “No offense, but it doesn’t really seem like your kind of joint.”

  Aidan ran his hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to respond without drawing suspicion. “I, uh … I’m here to meet someone.”

  Nathan regarded him curiously.

  “What about you?” Aidan asked, hoping to distract him.

  “I just came here to unwind after a stressful day at work.” Nathan chuckled. “Although, I suppose most of the people here are from work anyway, so it kind of defeats the purpose.”

  Aidan laughed. Nathan was right. Judging from the people he’d seen here so far, the restaurant might as well have been located at the studio.

  “Who are you meeting here?” Nathan pressed.

  Aidan hesitated. He couldn’t come up with a plausible excuse so he decided it was best to avoid the question altogether.

  “I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” He clapped his hand on Nathan’s shoulder, hoping that his friend wouldn’t inquire further.

  Nathan’s grin alleviated his worry. “Sure thing. Later.”

  After shaking Aidan’s hand, he disappeared into the crowd.

  As Aidan scoured the packed dining hall for the Brunette, he realized finding her was going to be a more difficult task than he originally thought. He didn’t even know if she was here yet, or if she was still coming at all.

  An older woman, who Aidan recognized as an actress from the Starlight Studios’ silent film days, approached him with a playful glint in her eye and a crooked smile spread across her wrinkled face. He cringed and headed in the opposite direction, only to run into another older actress who offered to buy him a drink. He didn’t even respond before bolting away from her, too. Frustrated, he lit a cigarette and continued his surveillance of the dining hall. He had only just arrived at Romanoff’s, and already it seemed as though the night would never end.


  Since Beth and Olivia had never been to Romanoff’s before, Connie recommended two French dishes from the menu. Matthew ordered two bottles of expensive French wine, although Beth mainly stuck with water, and the four of them enjoyed their dinner while the house band played beautiful classical music. Beth noted that the legal drinking age didn’t seem to matter here because no one checked her identification.

  By the time they finished dessert, the restaurant was busier than ever. After the waiter cleared their plates, Beth spotted Nathan weaving through the crowd and waved him over. She was excited to tell him about her first day on set. She also wanted to introduce him to Olivia, as promised.

  Nathan approached her table, grinning widely. “Beth, fancy meeting you here.”

  “You too.” She tapped Olivia on the shoulder, interrupting her friend’s conversation with Connie. “Olivia, I’d like you to meet Nathan Taggart.”

  Olivia’s eyes widened and she turned around in her chair.

  Nathan looked at her sheepishly. “It’s very nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  Olivia stood and smoothed out her dress, her cheeks colored crimson.

  “Remember, I told you to call me Olivia,” she said with a smile.

  They shook hands, staring at each other as though they were the only two people in the restaurant.

  “If I may be so bold, Olivia,” Nathan said, admiring her outfit in a gentlemanly manner. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “That dress is an Olivia Weston original,” Connie piped up from across the table.

  Nathan raised his eyebrows. “You know, Starlight Studios is always looking for new designers.”

  “That’s what I told her,” Connie said.

  “You’re all very kind.” Olivia’s blush deepened as she peered in Nathan’s direction.

  “So Nate, what brings you to Romanoff’s?” Matthew’s eyes shone with amusement. “Did Mertz finally let you come out and play?”

  “Ha. Ha.” Nathan’s lips twitched into a smile.

  Olivia gestured to the empty chair next to her. “Please, have a seat.”

  “Yes, of course. Thank you.” In a chivalrous move, Nathan seated her before sitting down himself.

  As the only woman at the table without a male companion, Beth looked to her place setting. Love was definitely in the air tonight, and in spite of her solitude, she was very happy for her friends. Desperate for a distraction from thoughts about Aidan, she decided to tell Nathan about her experience on set today.

  Someone else got to him first.

  “Nathan, my friend. How are you?”

  Beth recognized to whom the husky voice belonged instantly. Gathering her courage, she looked up as Robert Mitchum approached their table. She felt nervous as she recalled the embarrassing day at Schwab’s when he came in to buy a Coke and she made a complete fool of herself.

  Nathan stood and shook his hand. “Bob! It seems like everyone is here tonight.”

  “That it seems, that it seems.” Mr. Mitchum’s eyes swept the hall before settling back on the table. “So how about you introduce me to your friends. I know Constance and Matthew, but who, may I ask, are these lovely ladies?”

  Mr. Mitchum wasn’t looking at Olivia at all. He was looking directly at Beth.

  The blood drained from her face. She was certain he remembered her.

  He didn’t wait for Nathan to answer.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met before.” He extended his hand to her. “My name is Bob Mitchum.”

  Beth exhaled deeply, realizing that he didn’t recognize her, after all.

  Surprisingly, she didn’t feel intimidated by him like she did at Schwab’s Pharmacy. Instead, she struggled to suppress her amusement. Nathan smiled and Olivia stifled a giggle, since they were both well aware of her first real encounter with him.

  She shook his hand. “No, Bob, I don’t think we have met before. My name is Elizabeth Sutton.”

  Mr. Mitchum lifted her hand to his lips for a kiss.

  “It is definitely a pleasure, Miss Sutton. You are a Miss, aren’t you?” He not so subtly inspected her bare ring finger.

  Beth had heard about Mr. Mitchum’s reputation as a ladies’ man, but after their encounter at Schwab’s she wasn’t convinced. Yet here in Romanoff’s, as Elizabeth Sutton, she believed every word.

  She couldn’t believe she had changed that much in only a few weeks. Now Mr
. Mitchum flirted with her and called her Miss Sutton, whereas before, he referred to her as kid. Even though he didn’t realize that Marie Bates, former Schwab’s counter girl, and Elizabeth Sutton, budding film star, were the same person, she still felt vindicated.

  Mr. Mitchum said good-bye to their table and walked away to work the rest of the crowd. After he was out of earshot, Beth could no longer hold back her laughter. Neither could Nathan and Olivia. Connie and Matthew eyed them across the table in confusion.

  “It’s a long story,” Beth and Olivia said at the same time, which only made them crack up more. Connie and Matthew laughed, too, most likely at the pure silliness of the situation. Then Frank Sinatra reappeared, this time, accompanied by Dean Martin.

  “Hey Matt, gather up Connie and your friends,” he said. “The party’s moving up to the roof!”

  Frank and Dean took off toward a staircase situated in the corner of the hall. Beth wasn’t aware that the restaurant had a rooftop terrace, too.

  Nathan and Olivia stood first, staring into each other’s eyes. Olivia said that she felt a strong connection with Nathan even before she met him, but Beth couldn’t believe how well those initial feelings translated to this restaurant tonight. If it were any man other than Nathan, she would’ve cautioned Olivia about being careless. Since she felt he was a genuinely nice person, she silently wished her friend the best of luck.

  Beth’s thoughts roamed to Aidan again and how she felt a strong connection to him even though they hadn’t formally met. The only thing that was missing was his feelings on their initial encounter. She had no idea why she cared what he thought about her, but she did. Immensely.

  Matthew, Connie, and Beth rose to their feet and followed Nathan and Olivia up the stairs to the roof, along with other Romanoff’s patrons. Beth welcomed the refreshing breeze as she stepped outside and looked around the rooftop. A full moon glowed in a starry night sky, illuminating the terrace in addition to the hanging lanterns. The patio looked as if it belonged in a Starlight Studios motion picture with its luscious greenery, colorful flowers, and quaint dance floor.


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