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Starlight Page 42

by Alexandra Richland

  Nathan was usually on top of everything, so Aidan knew he had no right to get angry at the guy. If he forgot, then he obviously had a good reason.

  He tempered his tone. “Did Beth say anything in response to my letter?”

  Nathan nodded. “Olivia told me to tell you to call her.”

  “Can you give me her number?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  At that moment, Matthew returned with their drinks, so Aidan had no choice but to wait to get the number from Nathan later.

  Matthew placed the glasses on the table and took his seat. “Here you are, gentlemen, try this.”

  Aidan took a shot of the mystery drink along with Nathan and Matthew, igniting a fire in his mouth that blazed a vicious trail from his throat to his stomach. He slammed his empty glass onto the table, his eyes watering as he struggled to breathe through the searing pain in his chest.

  Matthew set down his glass, too.

  “Wow. That was some stuff.” His voice squeaked, earning him hearty laughs from the table.

  They finished two rounds of Battle Royal, both of which Matthew won.

  “So Nathan …” A grin appeared on Matthew’s face as he dealt the next hand. “Connie told me you and Olivia finally had sex. So, I gotta know, was it worth the wait?”

  Nathan chuckled. “Sorry, a gentleman never tells.”

  As Matthew prodded for more details, Aidan considered how soft Beth’s skin felt against his lips. He assumed she was a virgin because of how red her face turned when he asked to kiss her cheek. At least, he hoped she was a virgin. The thought of another guy’s hands on her—

  His hands curled into fists.

  No. Not Beth. Not his girl.

  Aidan exhaled a deep breath and unclenched his hands, trying to settle the unrest simmering in his gut, which definitely wasn’t from the alcohol. His only option was to focus on something else entirely. If not, he would torture himself with exaggerated thoughts he had no proof were the least bit warranted. As far as he was concerned, he was the only guy who had ever held Beth’s hand, ever kissed her. He needed to believe that to maintain his sanity.

  After another round of Battle Royal and listening to Matthew gloat over winning yet again, they moved into the entertainment room.

  Randall entered shortly after Matthew turned on the television. “I’m sorry, sir, but there’s a phone call.”

  Matthew stood from the couch. “No problem. I’ll take it now.”

  Randall shook his head. “Actually, sir, it’s not for you. It’s Mr. Luther Mertz for Mr. Taggart.”

  Matthew laughed and sat back down. “Wow, that guy can find you anywhere, huh?”

  Nathan cleared his throat. “Please excuse me, gentlemen.”

  He walked across the room and followed Randall through the doorway.

  “Man, Nate better hurry back,” Matthew rubbed his hands together, “or he’ll miss the start of the game.”

  A few minutes later, Nathan re-entered the room, his face pale and his voice more than a little shaky. “I have to depart for New York immediately. I tried calling Olivia at Connie’s place, but Teresa said they were still out shopping.” He darted over to Matthew. “When they get back, I need you to let Olivia know where I’ve gone. Tell her I’ll call her as soon as I can, I should be back before Connie’s Halloween party, and that she mustn’t worry. Everything is fine.”

  Aidan’s eyebrows furrowed. Like hell it was.

  Matthew grinned. “Sure, Nate, I’ll tell her. What’s the reason for your trip, anyway?”

  Nathan’s jaw clenched. “Just studio business.”

  “Well, that’s awful,” Matthew replied. “You’re going to miss the game.”

  “I apologize for my hasty departure, gentleman.” Nathan rushed out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  Aidan glanced at Matthew. “That was weird.”

  “What was weird?” Matthew kept his eyes on the television.

  “Nate. I mean, don’t you think what happened was weird?”

  Matthew shrugged. “He said it was just work stuff.”

  “Yeah, but he left in such a hurry.”

  “Well, you know how Mertz is.” Matthew chuckled. “Connie’s told me many stories about that guy. What a piece of work.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Aidan stared blankly at the television. Something still didn’t sit right with him. Matthew might not have been suspicious, but Nathan hadn’t been able to pull the wool over his eyes.

  Then Aidan remembered what else Nathan mentioned before he left.

  “So what’s this about Connie hosting a Halloween party?” He asked his question as casually as possible. The odds were Beth was attending and he wanted more details without having to explain himself.

  Matthew tossed him a grin. “Heck, Evans, you don’t know? It’s only the biggest and best Halloween party in the town for all us show business types. Were you not invited?”

  Aidan continued to play it cool. “Nah, parties aren’t really my scene.”

  Well, it doesn’t matter, because you’re going,” Matthew said, inadvertently helping him out. “I’m inviting you as my guest. Connie may not have warmed up to you yet, but she’ll just have to deal with it. Whatever I say goes.” Matthew looked at him pointedly. “And don’t even think about saying no. You have to go. It’s mandatory—like going to Church on Easter Sunday.”

  Aidan never went to church, but he wasn’t about to argue. “Yeah okay, I’ll go. When is it?”

  “Halloween falls in a Saturday this year, so it’ll actually be held on the thirty-first.” Matthew returned his attention to the game.

  Next Saturday was a week from now. Aidan would call Beth tonight and—

  He cursed under his breath.

  Nathan hadn’t given him her number.

  There was no way he could ask Matthew because the crooner would wonder what was going on between them and he didn’t feel like elaborating. He couldn’t track her down at the studio because he wasn’t working on a film and didn’t have clearance to enter the lot. He didn’t want to get her number from the operator because that seemed too underhanded. And he wouldn’t lie to Beth and say Nathan gave it to him …

  Aidan wanted to take off but knew it would be rude to leave early. Instead, he puffed on cigarette after cigarette during the game, which he had no interest in watching, and tried to calm the anxiousness he felt from having to wait until the party to see Beth again. The only bright side was at least now he knew exactly where and when their reunion would take place.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Beth, Connie, and Olivia found costumes for the party at the last store on Olivia’s itinerary, after buying several non-essential items at other boutiques. Following an early dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel, they returned to Connie’s house to sort through their purchases.

  A member of Connie’s staff poked her head into the bedroom. “Miss Murphy?”

  Connie set her purse down on the vanity. “Yes, Teresa?”

  “Mr. McKenna is here.”

  A smile launched across Connie’s face and she rushed out of the room.

  Beth and Olivia walked to the balcony overlooking the front foyer to witness the couple’s reunion. Connie’s dress fluttered as she descended the grand staircase toward her waiting beau. At her arrival on the main floor, Matthew swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately, as though they had endured a long separation.

  When they broke apart, he handed his fedora to a member of the staff and waved to Beth and Olivia. “Evening, girls.”

  “Good evening,” they replied in unison.

  He took Connie’s hand and they climbed the stairs.

  “So was your shopping excursion successful?” he asked as they reached the second floor.

  Olivia smiled. “We purchased everything we needed and then some. And don’t worry, I’ll have your costume and Nathan’s ready in time for next Saturday, too.”

  Matthew nodded. “Sounds good.”

clutched his arm. “And what did you do today, baby?”

  Matthew grinned. “Well, my love, I had a man’s day. Nate, Aidan, and I played cards and watched the game.”

  Beth’s stomach churned. Olivia had mentioned Nathan spending the day with Matthew, but not Aidan. She’d assumed he hadn’t called her because he was too busy, yet here he was, socializing with friends. Not that he was obliged to call her the instant he had a spare minute, but she’d hoped he’d want to. Now she was even more worried that he didn’t want to see her as much as she wanted to see him.

  “Oh, and Connie? Baby Cakes?” Matthew’s voice adopted a syrupy tone.

  She battered her eyelashes at him. “Yes, Darling?”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but, uh … I extended an invitation to Aidan for your Halloween party and he accepted.”

  Beth reined in her excitement.

  Connie lifted an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

  Matthew’s face flushed. “He’s a decent guy, and gee, Connie, you invited everyone else in town. I felt bad for him. He doesn’t have many friends.”

  Connie sighed. “Well, if you want him to come, then I’ll add him to the guest list.”

  Beth held back her amusement as Matthew thanked Connie profusely for not being cross with him for inviting Aidan without asking her first.

  “Seriously, Aidan’s a cool guy. You won’t regret it, Connie. This afternoon, after Nate left—” Matthew cringed and looked to Olivia. “Oops, I forgot to tell you.”

  Olivia’s eyes widened. “What do you mean Nathan left?”

  “Oh, honey, I’m sure he just meant after Nathan went home,” Connie replied.

  Matthew shook his head. “Actually, no. Luther Mertz called my house to talk with him, and right after they hung up, he left to catch a flight to New York. But don’t worry, Olivia, he said he’d call you as soon as he could.”

  “He left without saying good-bye?” Olivia’s lower lip trembled.

  “He tried to get in touch with you here, but Teresa said you were still out shopping.” Matthew placed a hand on her shoulder. “He also said he should be back in time for Connie’s party.”

  Tears welled up in Olivia’s eyes. Beth couldn’t discount her friend’s trepidation, even though Matthew’s explanation seemed logical to her.

  Matthew walked down the hallway. “So, let me see your costume, cupcake.”

  Connie caught up with him and jumped in front of him. “Not until the party, Mister!”

  He smacked her behind playfully and they disappeared into the bedroom.

  Olivia looked up from the floor. Beth’s heart squeezed at her sorrowful expression.

  “Beth, I never said anything because I’d hoped it was just my imagination, but these last few days, Nathan has been acting strangely. He’s been distant. Distracted. Now’s he’s taken off for New York unexpectedly …”

  “I’m sure he was only following Mr. Mertz’s orders,” Beth replied. “Nathan is his right-hand man, so it makes perfect sense that if something came up he’d turn to him for help. Plus, Nathan clearly didn’t want to leave without saying good-bye. Matthew said he tried calling you here but we were out.”

  Tears trailed down Olivia’s cheeks. “What if I did something wrong? Like, when we made love. What if I wasn’t good enough and that’s why he’s suddenly been so distant?”

  Beth shook her head. “Liv, that’s ridiculous. Nathan loves you very much. You’ll see, when he returns from New York, everything will be back to normal.”

  Olivia brushed away her tears. “I hope so.”

  Matthew strolled out of Connie’s bedroom, his hands in the pockets of his dress pants. “I’m heading out, girls. I hope you both have a good evening.”

  “You too,” Beth replied.

  “Yes, you too. Goodnight.” Olivia still sounded shaky but she put on a brave face.

  Matthew descended the stairs to the main floor. A few moments later, Beth heard the front door shut. She wished she could’ve asked him about Aidan, but considering Olivia’s situation, it would’ve been in bad taste.

  Unfortunately, Nathan was her backup plan if Aidan failed to call her. Now she had no choice but to wait for the party to talk to him, if she didn’t hear from him sooner.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  As Beth entered Connie’s house on Halloween with Olivia and Nathan, she scanned the crowd for Aidan. Her search came up empty. She worried he might not show up, but refused to renounce all hope, since she had yet to check the main party room.

  She’d waited all week for Aidan’s call, but heard nothing from him. When Nathan had returned from New York yesterday, she was tempted to ask him for help. However, he seemed so preoccupied when he came over to see Olivia that she decided not to burden him with her problems. By that point it didn’t matter because the party was only one day away.

  Olivia attempted to act cheerful, but one look at her told Beth she wasn’t well. Olivia had felt stressed ever since Nathan left for New York and his return didn’t calm her worries. He wasn’t acting like himself, even though the matter Mr. Mertz sent him to attend to back east had apparently been resolved. Beth assured Olivia he would settle over the next few days and everything would return to normal. Truthfully, she was more concerned than she let on.

  While Beth joined the line to enter the ballroom with Olivia and Nathan, she surveyed the nearby partygoers, all of whom were dressed in costumes so elaborate they must’ve received help from Starlight Studios’ wardrobe and makeup departments.

  On Beth’s shopping excursion with Olivia and Connie, she’d purchased a powder blue chiffon gown and silver-colored heels, in keeping with their plan to dress up as 1930s glamour actresses. The dress was ankle length, sleeveless, and molded by means of bias cutting, which allowed the fabric to cling conservatively to her torso and flare out below her hips.

  Her hair was styled in waves and a far side part. She finished her look with a set of pearl earrings and a silver-colored beaded purse with a pearl strap. The night was cool but she only brought a satin shawl because Nathan drove her and Olivia in his Cadillac, which meant she wasn’t outside for long.

  After waiting their turn, Beth, Nathan, and Olivia finally entered the main party room. A quartet played a merry tune in the corner and men dressed in tuxedos walked around carrying trays of champagne and hors d’oeuvres.

  Connie and Matthew stood in the center of the room, talking to another couple. Matthew looked the part of a 1930s gangster in his midnight blue Windsor double-breasted suit and fedora, while Connie’s pale yellow bias cut, slinky dress and blonde hair styled in finger waves channeled her idol, Jean Harlow.

  Aidan was nowhere to be found.

  Beth glanced at Nathan to see if he looked any better. He stood on Olivia’s other side with his hands in his pockets, also dressed as a 1930s gangster.

  “I’m so glad we came, don’t you agree, dear?” Olivia peered at her beau in anticipation.

  The brim of his fedora cast a shadow over the top half of his face, but the distant look in his eyes was as clear as day.

  Olivia frowned. “Nathan, honey,” she said, louder this time. “I asked you a question.”

  He snapped to attention. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “I asked if you were excited to be here, because I sure am!” Her wide smile dripped with desperation.

  “Excited? Oh, sure.” His eyes skipped across the crowd. “Listen, you and Beth hang out here. I’m going to stop by the cigar room. I have to talk to some people from work and I’m assuming that’s where they’ll be.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Olivia offered.

  Nathan shook his head. “You should stay with Beth and keep her company.”

  Olivia’s smile vanished.

  Beth decided to help her out. “Actually, Nathan, I was going to speak with Connie and Matthew, so it’s fine if Liv goes with you. I can join you both when you’re finished.”

  Nathan shrugged. “Okay, but I don’t know how interesti
ng it’ll be to hear me talk business.”

  Olivia took his hand. “I don’t care as long as I’m with you.”

  Nathan grinned and placed a kiss on her lips. For the first time since he returned from New York, Beth thought he seemed somewhat like his old self. Perhaps he just needed to have some fun to unwind from his business trip. Connie’s bash was hopping, so she was sure it would do the trick.

  Olivia gave her a wave and followed Nathan through the crowd. Now that Beth was alone, she was reminded of how much she missed Aidan. Fortunately, Connie approached her, presenting an ideal distraction.

  “I’m so glad you’re here! Can you help me? My zipper is stuck.” Connie lifted her right arm and showed Beth the side of her dress, where the zipper had split.

  “Sure,” Beth replied.

  “Thanks. I asked Matthew but he’s clueless about this sort of thing.” Connie took her hand. “Come on, we’ll go upstairs to my dressing room.”

  As Beth left the ballroom with her friend, she hoped she wouldn’t be away from the party for long. She was desperate not to miss Aidan’s arrival, if he was still coming tonight.


  As Aidan rode up Connie’s driveway, he looked ahead at the gaudy exterior of her outrageously sized house, which was illuminated by white spotlights hidden in the shrubbery lining the front. Its amusement park atmosphere reminded him of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s description of Jay Gatsby’s mansion.

  Aidan’s separation from Beth had really taken a toll on him over the last week. A dull ache had taken up permanent residency in his head and he felt even more powerless against his nightmares. Lately, he hadn’t even gone to the track for racing practice. The last place he wanted to be was at a party, but his desire to see her was enough of a catalyst to get him to leave his apartment.

  Vetoing the valet service, Aidan parked his motorcycle on the fringe of the other cars in the courtyard. After removing his stuffy suit jacket and draping it over the handlebar, he headed to the front door, where the doorman greeted him.

  “Good evening, sir. May I have your name, please?”


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