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Starlight Page 46

by Alexandra Richland

  “My probation period doesn’t end for another two weeks,” Beth reminded her. “We can’t buy anything until I know for sure that Mr. Mertz wants to keep me on at the studio.”

  “Like Nathan and Connie said, you’re guaranteed to get a contract extension.” The look that settled on Olivia’s face indicated she wasn’t about to let this go easily. “Let’s at least take a look at it this weekend.”

  Beth smiled. “I suppose there’s no harm in that.”

  “I can come as well to ensure you two won’t get taken advantage of in the deal,” Nathan said. “If you like the house, I’ll call Saul Stern and we can negotiate an appropriate purchase contract on your behalf.”

  Olivia looked positively giddy. “Perfect!”

  “Buying a home is a good idea,” Aidan interjected. “I actually bought a house this afternoon, since I figure I’ll be in L.A. awhile longer.”

  Beth perked up at this information. “That’s wonderful. Where is it?”

  “Sixty Mortimer Drive,” he replied. “It was owned by a friend of Gadg’s. I went there straight from the airport, liked what I saw, and signed the necessary papers.”

  Beth did her best to rein in her excitement. Aidan’s new house wasn’t just nearby, it was very near, and if she and Olivia purchased the place that was just mentioned, they would live even closer.

  “Does Saul Stern know?” Nathan inquired.

  Aidan chuckled. “He will when he picks up his messages at the office tomorrow.”

  Nathan laughed and shook his head. “Why did I set you up with him if you aren’t going to use his services?”

  “Real estate in L.A. is a good investment.” Matthew lifted a forkful of green beans to his mouth. “I’m sure Saul won’t mind.”

  “It’s not like it’ll put me in the red,” Aidan said. “I’ll have more than enough to purchase the new place and continue paying rent for my New York apartment once the bank opens tomorrow and my Golden Gloves advance clears.”

  Connie’s utensils clattered to her plate, catching the attention of everyone at the table. “You’re getting an advance?” She looked flabbergasted. “Luther never does that.”

  Beth was surprised by the news, too, but she also knew Aidan’s talents were worth such distinction.

  He shrugged in complete disregard. “I’ve gotten an advance for both of my films.”

  If Connie’s jaw dropped any further, her chin would’ve touched the table. “Both films?”

  “It’s rare for the studio to sanction advances, but Aidan’s the hottest actor right now,” Nathan explained. “He said he wouldn’t do the film without an advance and Elia Kazan said he wouldn’t do the film without Aidan. Since Kazan and Bud Shultz own the rights to the screenplay and Luther wants to make the picture, he had no choice but to agree.”

  “I see.” Connie glared at Aidan.

  Tensions at the table escalated as he continued eating without paying her any bother.

  Beth swooped in to add some levity. “When do you move in, Aidan?”

  He picked up a healthy serving of potato with his fork. “It’s already empty ’cause the producer I bought it from is based out of New York and hasn’t used it in ages. So I’m thinking I should be settled in by next week. I told the landlord of my current place that I’d pay the rent ’til he finds another tenant.”

  “If you want help moving, give me a call,” Nathan said.

  “Me too,” Matthew chimed in. “I’m sure you could use my herculean strength.” He flexed his biceps and everyone at the table laughed, apart from Connie. Again.

  Beth was grateful when Matthew changed the subject.

  “So, Aidan, Nathan and I have decided to attend your race on December twelfth.”

  “You’re what?” Olivia’s eyes darted between the men curiously.

  “Aidan entered a car race in Santa Barbara,” Matthew replied, “and Nate and I are going. It’s taking place on a Saturday, which works with our schedules. We can use one of RCA’s private planes to get there––that way Nate doesn’t have to go through Luther to get a studio plane.”

  Olivia jumped up and down in her seat like an overly excited toddler.

  “I want to go, too!” She clasped her hands and looked at her beau. “Nathan, may I go?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Nathan’s eyes shifted to Aidan. “Is that okay with you?”

  He nodded. “Sure, I don’t mind.”

  Olivia met Beth’s gaze across the table. “You have to come as well.”

  Beth took a moment to mull over the offer. Aidan seemed like a very competent driver, but she was still just as worried for him as she’d been when he first told her that racing was a possibility. Seeing the race firsthand would most likely add to her anxiousness.

  She peeked over at her beau, deciding not to share her true feelings with him and risk raining on his parade. “Are you sure you don’t mind? I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

  “Of course not.” He gave her hand a squeeze under the table. “The only reason I didn’t ask you before is because I didn’t think racing interested you.”

  “It’s not that I’m not interested in car racing. I just don’t know anything about it.” This time it was she who squeezed his hand. “I want to learn, though, since it’s something you’re passionate about.”

  Aidan’s eyes crinkled with his megawatt grin. “The race starts at four o’clock. I’ll be heading up on the Friday with a mechanic I met a few months ago at Competition Motors when I was getting my bike tuned up. He said he’d help me with modifications and stuff like that and also pit for me during the race. Plus, I need to sign in and log some final practice hours. You’re not working, right?”

  Beth smiled over how easily their plans were falling into place. “The remainder of my Venus Rising schedule doesn’t include weekends, so it won’t be a problem for me to attend.”

  “Oh, goody!” Olivia clapped her hands. “But we shouldn’t fly. I think a road trip is in order.”

  A proud grin overtook Nathan’s face. “Good idea, love.”

  “Well, you five have fun,” Connie muttered over the rim of her wine glass. She took a sip and set the glass back down next to her plate, avoiding eye contact with everyone at the table.

  Matthew frowned. “Come on, honey, you have to go. There’s no way I could enjoy the race without you.”

  Connie rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. You were going without me just a few minutes ago.”

  “Yes, but that’s before I knew Olivia and Beth were coming along. I thought it was just a guys-only trip. Now I realize my mistake.” As Matthew gave Connie the twenty-two year old man’s equivalent of puppy dog eyes, Beth had no idea how her friend could say no to him.

  Connie shrugged. “I don’t like car races and I don’t like dust and dirt.”

  Matthew leaned into her ear. “We can stay at the Fisco Gardens Hotel. You remember that place, don’t you, baby?” His velvety voice suggested the hotel held fond memories for the couple of the intimate variety.

  Connie’s blush confirmed Beth’s hunch. “And what does one wear to this sort of event?”

  “I’ll put together the best racing spectator attire out there,” Olivia replied. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  Connie sighed. “Well, I suppose I could try to make room in my schedule.” She attempted to act nonchalant, but Beth could tell she’d already made up her mind to attend the race.

  It was clear that Matthew knew this, too, when he pulled Connie in for a sideways hug and kissed her cheek, nearly spilling her wine in the process. Judging from her flirty smile, she didn’t mind.

  “So, Aidan will check into one room on the Friday,” Olivia said. “Beth, Connie, and I will check into another room on Saturday, and Nathan and Matthew will check into a third room. You know, to keep up appearances, since none of us are married. Then after the race on Saturday, we’ll sneak into our proper rooms.” Her eyes brightened. “It’ll work out perfectly.”

  Beth blanch
ed as she realized they would be staying overnight in Santa Barbara as couples.

  Olivia’s eyes skipped to hers, widening as she recognized her apprehension.

  “Beth, isn’t it time for us to heat up the pie?” By the tone of her voice, it was obvious she wanted to talk in private. It was validated by the fact that heating the pie wasn’t a two-person job.

  Beth conjured up her best smile. “You’re right.” She placed her napkin next to her plate and nodded to their guests. “Please excuse us for a moment.”

  The men rose from their chairs when Beth and Olivia did. The loss of Aidan’s touch impacted Beth more than she thought it would and she found herself wanting to return to him as soon as possible.

  Olivia practically dragged her into the kitchen.

  “I’m so sorry, Beth,” she said quietly. “I should’ve spoken to you before I opened my big mouth about the hotel.”

  “It’s all right.” Beth wrung her hands. “I’m just nervous about spending the night with Aidan.”

  “You don’t have to have sex with him. There are other things you can do.” Olivia’s eyes flashed wildly. “I’ll give you some tips before we leave.”

  Beth gulped.

  Olivia frowned. “If you want, I’ll tell Nathan he has to share a room with Aidan and I’ll stay with you.”

  “No!” Beth’s response was hastier than she intended. As much as she worried about spending the night with Aidan, there was no way she would pass up the opportunity.

  “Elizabeth Sutton, you vixen! I must say, I like this new side of you.” Olivia winked. “And I bet Aidan will, too.”

  While Olivia grabbed another bottle of wine, Beth took the apple pie out of the icebox and placed it on low heat in the oven to warm it up. She set the timer and they returned to the next room.

  Aidan, Nathan, and Matthew stood upon their re-entry. Aidan helped seat Beth and Nathan did the same for Olivia before they sat down again. During the remainder of the main course, Beth stuck to water as usual and noticed Aidan did, too. Everyone else was conservative with their alcohol intake.

  When the timer on the oven dinged fifteen minutes later, Beth dropped her knife and fork immediately. “I’ll be right back.”

  The men didn’t even have time to stand up before she was out of her chair and in the kitchen. She was excited for Aidan to taste her recipe, which she’d amended to include what he’d told her he liked most about his mother’s pie. She re-entered the dining area with a large smile on her face. Aidan’s eyes widened when he saw what she brought with her.

  “Extra thick crust and a sprinkle of cinnamon,” she said, directing her attention solely on him.

  She set the pie down on the table and allowed Aidan to help her with her chair. He sat down beside her and leaned in close.

  “Beth, this is …” His eyes filled with wonder. “Thank you.”

  She giggled. “You haven’t even tasted it yet.”

  The smile he gave her was like a child’s on Christmas morning. “I don’t have to. It’s perfect because you made it.”

  Beth ignored Connie’s eye roll in her periphery.

  “Thank you,” she replied softly.

  The pie was finished quickly. Beth was appreciative of every compliment she received and noted with immense satisfaction that Aidan looked especially pleased after he finished his second piece.

  Following dessert, Olivia suggested their guests move over to the couches while she and Beth did the dishes. Nathan, Connie, and Matthew took her up on her offer, but Aidan remained at the table. He tucked in his chair and reached for Beth’s plate as well as his own.

  “I’ll help you two clean up.”

  Beth met his dedicated gaze. “I’ll take care of everything. Just relax.”

  With the way he stared back at her, it was as though he was reluctant to agree. Finally, his lips lifted into a small smile. “Okay, if you’re certain.”

  Beth nodded for extra assurance and he joined their friends. She and Olivia cleared the table and did the dishes quickly, choosing to leave the pots and pans for later. Upon their return to the living room, they brought out ashtrays. Matthew, Connie, and Nathan lit up, but even after Beth’s encouragement, Aidan did not. She noticed he never smoked around her and hoped he wasn’t refraining on account of her personal aversion.

  During their post-meal conversation, Matthew invited them all to his New Year’s Eve concert at the Copa Room in the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. Apparently Frank Sinatra played there all the time and raved about it.

  Connie said she didn’t see the appeal of flocking to a desert town out of state when Palm Springs was just as accessible and much more developed, but Matthew predicted good things for Las Vegas in the near future in terms of gambling and night life. Nathan, Aidan, Olivia, and Beth said the concert sounded like a fun way to ring in the New Year and agreed to check their schedules to see if the trip was plausible.

  “Does anyone want another drink?” Beth asked during a lull in conversation.

  “Actually, Connie and I should get going.” Matthew took Connie’s hand and they rose from the sofa. “Connie has an early call at the studio and I tee off with Pat Boone at six.”

  Beth and Olivia received compliments on their hostess and cooking abilities as they walked the couple to the door and retrieved the correct coats and hats from the closet. The group exchanged good-byes and then Matthew tipped his fedora and escorted Connie out of the apartment.

  Olivia closed the door behind them. “I’m so glad everything went well.”

  “Me too,” Beth replied.

  Nathan placed his hand on Olivia’s shoulder. “I should get going, too.”

  She pouted. “Already?”

  His lips curved into a frown. “Darling, you know I don’t want to, but I have an early start tomorrow. We’ll see each other again at lunch in the commissary.”

  Olivia sighed. “Oh, all right.”

  As she retrieved his fedora from the closet, Beth couldn’t help but wonder if Nathan’s departure meant Aidan would leave now, too.

  Nathan put on his hat. “As always, I had a wonderful time with all of you this evening.”

  “Thank you for coming.” Beth gave him a hug.

  Olivia removed her coat from the closet. “I’m going to walk him to his car.”

  Nathan shook his head. “Honey, that’s not necessary––”

  Olivia cleared her throat pointedly. Beth’s heart hammered as she realized her friend’s intention was to give her some alone time with Aidan.

  Nathan looked sheepish as he appeared to clue in to the same thing.

  “I mean, sure, that would be great,” he said.

  Olivia winked at Beth on her way out of the apartment. Within a few moments, she and Nathan were gone and Beth and Aidan were alone.

  Beth closed the door behind them with a click that echoed throughout the apartment so loudly it was as if she had slammed it shut. She closed her eyes for a moment and released a slow breath before facing Aidan.

  The beating of her heart kicked up as he stepped toward her and pulled her into his arms, eradicating her awkwardness and reintroducing the warm, tingling sensations she’d felt earlier. The soft breath he released into her hair only intensified her passion for him, so much so that she expected to see it steaming from her pores.

  “I’ve wanted to do this all evening,” he murmured, his hands drifting pleasantly up her back.

  “Me too.” Beth closed her eyes and let out a blissful sigh against his chest, stroking the soft fabric of his sweater. Their recent separation made her forget how right she felt whenever they were alone together. As she stood with him now, she realized there was no reason to feel nervous about spending the night with him in Santa Barbara. She trusted him to take care of her and believed wholeheartedly he would never push her beyond her comfort zone.

  “Beth?” His gentle voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  She opened her eyes. “Yes, Aidan?”

  “May I kiss you?”<
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  Beth’s nod was immediate. She could only hope she remembered how to do it properly and avoid disappointing him.

  Aidan dipped his head, his stare alight with a ravenous attentiveness that made her feel beautiful, desirable … home. She closed her eyes, feeling his warm breath on her face and his arms tightening around her, bringing her trembling body flush to his.

  In spite of their patient pace, Beth was completely unprepared for the surge of desire that took her captive when he brought their lips together. She whimpered into his mouth as he kissed her with an overwhelming carefulness, his hands remaining respectfully on her hips as if cemented there. The effect of their intimacy was so intense, and she was so far gone, she didn’t question it or care. She took her time reacquainting herself with his touch, his lips, his tongue, wondering how she ever lived without him.

  The moan that rumbled in Aidan’s throat as she moved her hands into his hair and kissed him deeper erased her concern over whether she was serving him well. His reaction also gave her the courage to increase the urgency of her lips, hoping he would follow suit.

  With alarming abruptness, Aidan broke their kiss and dropped his forehead to hers, his breathing heavier and faster than normal. His eyes were screwed shut and his face coiled, as if stopping them had caused him physical pain.

  “I should go.” His husky voice held copious amounts of reluctance. “You have to get up early tomorrow.”

  Beth struggled against the desire that occupied her mind like a dense fog to come up with something she could say to contest him.

  “Would you like a tour of the apartment?” She blushed as the words left her mouth in an overzealous rush.

  Aidan opened his eyes and brushed his hand to her face, regarding her with steady intensity that implied a famine completely unrelated to food. The pause that lingered between them made her worry that he wasn’t interested in her offer until he angled his head and closed the gap between their lips, gracing her with another sensual kiss that could only be interpreted as a resounding yes.

  It took Beth a moment to regain her wits before she grasped his hand in hers and brought him to the first stop on the tour, the kitchen, which didn’t take long to show him due to its tiny size. Next, they ventured across the living room and down the hallway to the bathroom.


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