Solar Sizzle

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Solar Sizzle Page 3

by Joan Bramsch

  "When I talk business, I talk business.” Shawn took Casey's relaxed hand and squeezed her fingers gently. “And when I talk pleasure, I talk only pleasure.” His words gave rise to renewed panic when he spoke in that soft murmur, setting her senses spinning. He watched her intently. She had a beautiful oval face, he decided. “Casey, I think it would be pure pleasure to know you better on a more personal basis."

  "Oh, no, you don't!” She pulled away and tried to get up but his hand shot out to hold her arm, not hurting her, just letting her know she was going nowhere for the moment.

  "I think we're both experiencing some feelings of attraction that deserve exploration.” His expression softened. “Are you afraid to find out what they might be?"

  "Certainly not!” she replied, sitting up straight. “It's just that I have an iron clad rule not to fraternize with business associates. Besides, I'm not interested,” she insisted in a quiet voice while her conscience chided her for her blatant falsehood.

  "You can lie to me if you want to, Casey, but don't lie to yourself,” he countered in a steely low voice.

  "I have a business to run,” she argued. “I don't have time for brief encounters with strangers who come into town unexpectedly. I have responsibilities to my family and that's a full-time job."

  "How do you know we'd have only a brief encounter? How can you know that?” he asked sharply, feeling his own fiery temper break loose. “Maybe my first assumption about you was correct. You're not a woman! You're a child ... a tomboy ... and a coward to boot!"

  His words struck her like a body blow. Her eyes shot sparks of righteous indignation at Shawn's wrathful scowl. Somehow she held her hands in a tight knot in her lap, forcing herself not to make a scene by knocking that look right off his face. Subconsciously she knew he'd never allow her the satisfaction anyway.

  "I think you've said quite enough, Mr. O'Brien. Take me home,” she ordered in a fearfully controlled voice. “Now!"

  Shawn leaped up from the booth, grabbing the tray with hands that could have easily torn it in half. “Let's go, kid. It must be close to your bedtime."

  Then he turned on his heel and strode toward the exit, not seeming to care if Casey followed or not. The ride to her home was silent though the air crackled with angry emotions.

  Where did this man get off, calling her a child? Casey couldn't wait to escape from the car. She was choking on her rage. He hadn't even considered her business reason for not continuing the more personal conversation. And then he'd had the nerve to call her a coward!

  He didn't have any right to judge her, she fumed. Coward! Ha! She could show him a thing or three about being brave. Who had been the one to hold the family together after her mother's death? And who had saved the company from ruin after her father's passing?

  No one, not even her brother and sister, knew just how bad the situation had been. Her father must have been feeling ill for a long time before the unexpected heart attack, she'd surmised then. Otherwise he would have seen that his business decisions were not of the caliber he was accustomed to making. But he'd been able to keep it from them all. The man was a master at blarney, she thought lovingly. And that talent had almost cost him the company.

  She'd been appalled when she began to review his records. It was evident that his longtime suppliers had extended credit far beyond the limits of good business practices in order to protect their friend. When she'd finally deciphered the jumble, spending many long nights secluded in the study away from her family, she was able to formulate a plan to repay every creditor, confidentially.

  It hadn't been easy. It had taken two personal loans from the bank and the decision to expand into energy installations. She had convinced the family that the loans were good business—it was time to catch up with new developments in construction. And if they doubted her logic or her reasons, they never expressed them. Perhaps they secretly knew what she was doing but they'd allowed her the control to make her vision a reality.

  A flicker of a smile lifted the corners of her straight stubborn mouth. She guessed she might have also inherited her beloved father's gift for blarney!

  It had been a year of long days filled with the hardest work she'd ever done. They'd all worked hard, she knew. And now McDermott's Construction was solvent. The tight ship was sailing easy now. And if she had anything to say about it, she would guide it fast and safely into the future! Coward, indeed! Why, Shawn O'Brien didn't know the first thing about courage! A part of her brain—the quiet sector—tried to calmly point out the error of her accusation but she was beyond reason, not wishing to give him a particle of credit for his accomplishments.

  Shawn followed her clipped directions without speaking. His fingers curled around the steering wheel in a death grip. Momentarily his mouth tightened into a grim slash when he fantasized that his hands were around Casey's slender neck. Then the image burst like a bubble in his mind and was gone.

  Damn, he thought, I should have my head examined! Who did she think she was? Silently accusing him with those big green eyes. She'd just as well have told him in words—she thought he was on the make! Hell, she wasn't the only woman in St. Louis, he raved. He'd never had any trouble finding companionship. And he'd had no complaints either. But this woman, bristling beside him like a damn porcupine, was jumping to some uncomfortable conclusions concerning his intentions. He couldn't help it if he could stir up that fiery temper of hers. What she needed was a keeper! And she was probably a cold fish ... a prude! he consoled himself. Who needed the aggravation?

  Within fifteen minutes he stopped with a screech of brakes in front of her house, a large white frame structure. It was dark now and the street had no curbside lighting yet. Casey was surprised when Shawn swiftly got out to walk her to the door.

  "You needn't bother, Mr. O'Brien. I have nothing to fear in my own neighborhood.” Except you, you heathen! she thought.

  "The Sisters taught me good manners, Ms. McDermott,” he replied, raising his voice belligerently. “Please have the decency to allow me to use them.” He grabbed her arm and led her toward the wide front porch by cutting across the dark frozen lawn. He cursed himself for not leaving the headlights on but right now all he wanted was to get rid of this little hellcat. Why in the world had he ever thought he was attracted to her?

  "Watch out for the..."

  But she was too late. Shawn tripped over the low stone edging and flew through the air, bringing an unwilling Casey along with him to the ground. His athletic prowess gave him the agility to twist in midair so that his back took the brunt of the fall, throwing Casey on top of him. His strong arms came around to protect her.

  They lay still, gasping for the breath that had been knocked from their lungs. Then both began to chuckle in relief that neither was hurt and that they probably made a ludicrous sight sprawled on the hard cold ground. Eventually they laughed so hard that tears ran down their cheeks and they hugged one another like children.

  "This only proves my point, Casey,” Shawn advised, still chuckling. “You can't push me out of your life. I've just fallen for you."

  Casey became still as she lay on top of Shawn's firm muscled body. Although her eyes had become somewhat accustomed to the dark, she could barely make out his features, could only feel his warm breath caress her face. Her limbs suddenly became weak and her breathing once again grew ragged, this time in response to her rising emotions. “I think we might have both fallen,” she finally admitted. She felt his body tense beneath hers.

  "Casey!” Shawn's hold increased at her words.

  He's going to kiss me, she thought. She couldn't let him. She already knew she'd probably enjoy it too much. She had to protect herself ... until she thought things through. Her actions, her words, were flying in the face of all she believed about mixing business with pleasure. It was not only wrong, it was dangerous. Especially for her emotions.

  Though she was always the one to instigate lighthearted or daring adventures with her friends and family, she never ever
took irresponsible chances with her heart anymore. The mistake she'd almost made with Jack was always a reminder that she be cautious. She heard Shawn swear softly when she pushed against his broad chest and got up.

  "I hope you weren't hurt.” She stumbled over her words. “I should have warned you about the stone trim around the lawn."

  He could feel her withdrawing ... back to the safety of her tough little shell. “Nothing's hurt but my pride.” Grimly he stood and took her hand in his. His grip almost crushed her hand in his agitation at her distrust. “You'd better lead the way from here on."

  Again he silently wondered what possessed him to feel an attraction toward Casey? She was beautiful, yes. Intelligent? Incredibly. Wary of involvement? Absolutely! So let someone else take her on. But he knew his own desire was urging him to take up the challenge. He wanted to be the one! The question was: How to begin ... without making her run?

  When they reached the porch Casey unlocked the front door, then turned on the light in the entry hall. Wordlessly Shawn reached around her tensed shoulders and restored the area to darkness as he eased her against the doorframe.

  His mood had changed again. Casey felt paralyzed when he took hold of her stiff arms, moving her so close to his wide stance that she could feel her entire body outlined against his muscled length. Her face was warmed by his sweet, level breath just inches away, washing over her cool skin.

  "Thanks for supper, Shawn.” Trying to break the intensity of the moment, Casey croaked in her whispery low voice. “I'll see you Monday. Okay?"

  He paid no attention to her tumbling words. He knew what he had to do now. His hands came up to caress her shoulders and rub against her neck; fingers threaded leisurely through her soft curls. Pulling her closer, he moved his fiery touch along her spine. He could feel the emotional tremors he evoked along his path and he smiled in quiet satisfaction. He'd made the right decision.

  She drew her hands to her sides, telling her body to still and show no response. He continued to ignore her frozen inaction. Instead, with one hand curving her hips into his, the other hand crept slowly, sensually, back to the nape of her slender neck, holding her immobile body in a gentle trap. Then he lowered his mouth to capture her trembling lips in a tender, non-threatening, but wholly erotic kiss.

  Was that possible? Casey wondered irrationally. She tried to stand completely still beneath his bold exploration but she felt her resistance melt away when his warm mouth teased her lips in his attempt to get her response. He repositioned her stiff body more securely in his arms and rubbed enticingly against her, bringing her breathing to rapid gasps when she felt the silky tip of his tongue moisten the center of her lower lip, asking without words for entry.

  Her rising desire could not withstand the temptation, and she thought she heard a trumpet sound when her high stone wall of defense shattered and crumbled at her feet. Amidst the rubble she sighed deeply and relaxed her mouth into a pouting burning response to his instantaneously deepened kiss. Her slim body moved of it's own volition against Shawn's demanding length while her small strong hands crept around his lean torso to pull their bodies closer. His groan of satisfaction made her heart flutter deliciously.

  Shawn's lips made a mute journey over her face, dwelling on cheek and temple, touching her eyelids and curving along her jaw to her ear lobe where he placed tiny moist kisses at the throbbing pulse beneath. “I knew this would be a pleasure if only we could get past all our business.” His ragged breathing told Casey he'd not been untouched in this first electrifying encounter. His mouth stole across her flushed cheek back toward her parted lips. “I take back everything I said, Casey.” Sighing he crushed her small body against his in another explosive intimate kiss. “You're all woman ... and definitely not a coward."

  All rational thought left Casey when she opened her mouth beneath his, feeling his moist warm tongue thrust into the hidden recesses. She thrilled at the tremors that ran through Shawn's body and his growl of delighted surprise when she bravely met his barrage of erotic movements with counter action.

  Steadily he moved their bodies inside the house, still entwined in the deep kiss, not wanting to leave and hoping she'd reciprocate his wishes. But when he tried to kick the door shut, Casey withdrew from the embrace and came quickly back to her senses.

  "Don't, Shawn!” She pushed away from his hold. “Please stop. You have to go ... now.” She brushed her hair from her wide excited eyes, but refused to meet his intense gaze when she turned on the hall light. Her senses reeled, still savoring his essence. “This is all wrong."

  He loosened his hold but didn't completely release her as he shook his head in disbelief at the unexpected chemistry they shared. The effect was so potent, so vibrant, he didn't actually hear her words. “Whew!” he exclaimed, still totally surprised at his response to her. “I feel like a kid after his first goodnight kiss.” He shook his head again. “I actually feel like cheering."

  Casey bridled at his words. “Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?” Disappointed, she felt her body cool and grow rigid again.

  Shawn chuckled softly and kissed her pert little nose, now tilted in disdain. “Honey, I knew there was an attraction between us but I never realized it was going to be so explosive. That's what I meant. You pack quite a wallop.” His eyes were alight with admiration. “Blew me right out of the water ... and me, an old man of experience!” He sought her emerald gaze still cloudy with desire. “You felt it too, didn't you?” He watched her smile in spite of her best intentions and nod her head. “Now the question is ... what are we going to do about it?"

  She pulled herself completely from his embrace. “Not a darn thing!” Her expression softened when she tried to make him see the folly of their actions. “Shawn, it could only lead to trouble."

  How could she admit to him that the power of his kisses had been devastating ... that she longed to experience more? She could never convince him that she had to honor her own rules. And if she was being totally honest, she would have to admit that she had to protect her heart. She knew the moments they might share would be fleeting. He was only a visitor to her town.

  "I think you're going to have to change your mind, Casey.” His smoldering gaze almost burned. “This is different."

  "I won't, you know,” she responded bravely. “Now, please ... you have to go."

  He ran his long fingers through the wild flame curls at her temple, then smoothed her flushed cheek with his palm. “We'll see, little Red, we'll see."

  Instantly she pushed his hand away. “Don't you ever call me that.” His mouth fell open in surprise. “I hate that name and I fought too many battles when I was a kid to let anyone call me that now."

  Though still in shock Shawn finally found his voice. “Damn, you've got a temper, Casey!” He eyed her warily. “All right, all right. I apologize and I promise I'll never again call you ‘Red', little or otherwise.” Gingerly he took her small fist in his hands. “Deal?"

  Casey was deeply embarrassed by her sudden outburst. She must be going crazy, she thought in despair. But she was so tired and her nerves were shot. “I'm glad you see it my way. Now goodnight."

  He brought her hand to his lips, planting a lingering kiss on the pulse of her exposed wrist where her leather glove did not quite meet the cuff of her woolen jacket. His tongue scorched a circle around the throbbing beat. “Goodnight, Casey. See you soon.” Then he was gone.

  Casey leaned against the closed door for a long time after she heard his car pull away from the curb. It seemed to take forever until her heart beat at a normal rate again. He made her feel like a woman, she admitted candidly. But he also made her lose her temper, more than she'd done in years! He wasn't interested in any long-term commitment, she argued. When he finished his business he'd leave.

  "No,” she denied. “I can't let anything happen.” It went against everything she believed about doing business. She'd have to stay out of his way while he was here. That was all there was to it. He was as strong as s
he, perhaps stronger. And he could be stubborn and show his temper as well. She trudged up the carpeted oak staircase to her bedroom. But she could not calm the waves of arousal that continued to wash over her body, and even after a warm shower it was a long time before she slept.

  In his bed at the hotel Shawn lay in the cozy darkness, thinking. Never in his wildest dreams could he have envisioned how his life might change in one short day. He laughed softly at his rash assumption this morning that Casey had been a youngster. His only excuse had to be his outrage when he thought her company was making an installation error. And what a temper she had! Almost as fierce as his own.

  He grinned deprecatingly. His buddy Tom Puka would tell him she could make life interesting. Hell, it would be a three-ring circus if he pursued the relationship! And though she was a tough little fighter, he sensed that she was genuinely concerned by his advances, and her response.

  Sighing he turned over and plumped his pillow, promising himself that he'd give her time to get used to the idea. All that stuff she kept spouting about iron clad rules against mixing business with pleasure, about not fraternizing with business associates was for the birds. If there was one thing he'd learned in his lifetime it was this: There was always an exception to any rule.

  Besides, she excited him like no other woman. Strange, that he should come all the way to St. Louis to discover her.

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  Chapter 3

  "I didn't hear you come in last night, Mike.” Casey and her brother were helping John load the truck with supplies. She smiled when she glanced up at him, wondering secretly how anyone could ever get tired of his happy disposition and teasing ways. “Tina's parents are going to get sick of looking at you."

  "I wanted to leave the house to you in case you and Shawn wanted to continue your meeting at home.” He chuckled conspiratorially. “How did it go anyway?"

  "Listen, you young hooligan! We had our meeting ... at the restaurant, and then he brought me right home. Nothing happened,” she denied, sputtering. “Our relationship is strictly business and that's the way it's going to stay."


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