Solar Sizzle

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Solar Sizzle Page 11

by Joan Bramsch

  Casey sighed, picturing the land in her mind.

  "The sun shines every day and the warm trade winds blow. Our average temperature is 82 degrees year round.” He sighed too as if he'd just made a metaphysical journey to his homeland.

  Casey wondered aloud that it all sounded too good to be true.

  "Oh, it's true all right, sweetheart,” he replied, bringing her slender fingers to his lips for a gentle kiss while his eyes spoke boldly to her soul. “And if I'm very lucky, some day soon I'll be your personal guide on your first trip to Paradise."

  Casey might have told him that she'd already had her first journey to Paradise in his arms last night but she suddenly felt uncharacteristically shy. Instead she touched the low flower arrangement on their table, smiling warmly. “Isn't there some sort of code about women wearing flowers in their hair?"

  "Ah, yes,” he answered, drawing a tiny white rose bud from the vase. “I'm told the silent message of the flower evolved when the missionaries came to the islands intent on squelching the people's rather uninhibited attraction for one another.

  "Foolish preachers!” he scoffed. “They should have known better. They only succeeded in making the people craftier in their courtship techniques. And so came the message of the flower."

  He gazed lovingly across the table at Casey's glowing expectant face. “A flower placed over the right ear means you're available."

  "And over the left ear?"

  "That means you're taken; you have your man."

  Feeling suddenly flushed and hot when his penetrating eyes devoured her, she smiled impishly. “And what if she puts the flower smack dab in the middle?” She really expected no answer; she was just trying to break his spell.

  "That means the woman is flirting, a tease. Just out for a good time with no strings attached,” he answered with a glint in his eyes. “Now which are you, I wonder, little Casey? Which are you?” He pondered the question as he slipped the fragrant blossom above her left ear, bringing her fingertips back to his lips.

  The romantic gesture made Casey's eyes star-bright. “Oh, Shawn!"

  He only raised his glass to hers and silently toasted her beauty.

  When their dinner was served, they separated physically, but their eyes were locked in a passionate visual embrace. The food was excellent and Shawn became the consummate host, talking knowledgeably about a number of subjects and listening to Casey's responses and comments with unbridled interest as they explored their individual tastes and shared commonalties.

  She voiced her amazement at Hawaii's progressive attitude toward energy conservation. “Missouri should be so smart!"

  He told her that his State was striving for energy sufficiency by the year 2005 using solar, geothermal energy, the tides, and wind power. “We're getting it all together, Casey.” There was pride in his voice. “And you and I,” he prophesied, “are going to make it happen on the Mainland, too."

  His dark eyes once again captured hers with a molten message of passion making Casey feel defenseless against his sensual charms. “Do you know anything about your parents?” She wanted to know all that drove this man toward his goals.

  "My father was a doctor; my mother, a nurse. From what I've been able to gather, my parents were the type of people who served first and worried about payment later. It's a trait I've always tried to emulate,” he added quietly, a look of sadness darting across his craggy features.

  "My father flew his own seaplane, a decrepit thing, but it was the fastest way to travel from one island to another.” He chuckled then. “He must have been able to charm the whiskers off a cat. He talked the Mormon missionaries out of that plane!"

  "Like father, like son?"

  He grinned agreeably. “It's in the genes, I guess. My father needed that plane. Usually they were only called to another island when there was a real emergency because they served primarily the poor."

  "It sounds as if they were very fine people."

  "I think they must have been. They were on the islands only about five years but their feats of healing followed me all through my years at the orphanage. They took care of the children for the Sisters.” He cleared his throat, his voice was low. “My father was only thirty-six years old and my mother was your age when they died,” he continued.

  "I think perhaps they might have had some premonition, some hunch that they weren't going to live to raise me, because they wrote a will only a month before their crash. They named the Sisters as my guardians and requested that they raise me. My parents had no living relatives,” he explained.

  "The nuns did as they asked, and I must admit I never once felt as if I were a charity case in their midst. My parents had been respected and loved during their lifetime.” His words suddenly broke with emotion. “I just wish I could have known them, at least for a little while."

  Casey covered his hand with hers, feeling the pain of his loss. “They were so young, Shawn.” She wanted him to know she was aware of what he must be thinking. “They had their whole lives ahead of them."

  He lifted his eyes to hers and took her outstretched hand in his large strong clasp. “But they didn't get a lifetime, Casey,” he said gruffly. “And none of us knows what's in the future ... how long we have. We have only today, sweetheart.” There was an intensity to his words. “We only get one day at a time."

  "And it's up to us to make every day the best day that we can,” Casey agreed, suddenly crystal clear in her understanding of Shawn's philosophy of life.

  Shawn's poignant smile was almost Casey's undoing. She wanted to hold him close to her heart, wanted to tell him she would make everything perfect for him, but she knew she couldn't really protect this self-made man seated across from her.

  In so many ways, he needed no one. How could she ever hope to compete with the exciting drive to achieve that he had been living with most of his life? Could he ever settle down? she wondered, suddenly afraid again.

  Sensing her withdrawal, he motioned to the waiter for their bill, providing a generous tip for his service. When he got up, he winced. “I hope you're not counting on going dancin’ this evening, honey. You really battered me this morning, just as you promised me,” he accused. His grin took the sting from his words when he helped her from her chair.

  Casey threw off her mantle of reserve and she laughed merrily. “I always keep my promises, Shawn,” she answered brightly as they walked arm in arm toward the hotel lobby.

  "I'm banking on that, Tiger,” he rejoined smoothly, leading her to the elevator and pressing the button.

  "I hope you're not planning on working again tonight, Shawn,” she said with all the seriousness she could muster. “I'm a union person, you know, and we get time and a half for overtime. Double time for weekends."

  He gave her a sensuous wink, shuttering one dark eye with the thick expanse of his double lashes. “Huh-uh, baby, work's over. Now we play!” he said wickedly. “I do have to make one phone call though. I want to catch Tom at home if I can. It'll only take a few minutes."

  When they entered his suite, he threw their coats over the nearest chair and walked purposely toward his opened bedroom door where a light was burning. “Make yourself comfortable, honey. This won't take long."

  She walked over to the window, watching the nighttime traffic create ribbons of light along the highway below. She felt too full at the moment to take a seat. In the bedroom, she could hear Shawn's enthusiastic greeting to his friend.

  "Hey, Puka, how the hell are you?"

  There followed the usual man-to-man joshing session until he quietly began to talk business. As he mentioned one item after another, his resonant voice made comments and suggestions, followed by targeted questions as the men tried to work through snarls and red tape. His voice rose in volume and Casey pictured him running his fingers through his hair in exasperation.

  "Dammit, Tom! That's all we need. Another snafu with the new line ... of course, I know you're doing your best. Certainly, I know we'll make it ... we'll ge
t it done on time. It's just damned frustrating, that's all."

  With business matters under control, the two began to talk as friends again. Casey heard her name mentioned and walked to the opened door. Her curiosity was eating her alive!

  "Yes, Tom.” Shawn chuckled. He turned and met her clear gaze. “Yes, as a matter of fact, she's here right now.” There was a pause, then another chuckle. “You can tell your lady for me that she's got a big mouth, Puka."

  Another pause, then, “Is Connie in a better mood? No? I don't know, Tom. I've been racking my brain, trying to figure out what might be bothering her, too. Maybe she's starting to get nervous about the wedding."

  He swung away from Casey and mumbled something into the phone. “Yes, I'm counting on it, buddy. Yeah, take care now. So long. I'll talk to you Monday. Don't let Connie distract you too much. Good night,” he said, ending the conversation.

  "And then there were three,” he commented softly, daring her to be angry that Connie had told Tom about their night together.

  Casey refused to rise to his words. Instead she turned on her heel and sauntered back into the dimly illuminated living room. “I think I might as well stop counting, don't you?” she asked, putting up a shield of bravado that she scarcely felt.

  "Look at it this way, honey,” he suggested. “It won't matter a hundred years from now."

  "I was thinking more in terms of tomorrow!"

  "But we've only got today, Casey ... and tonight."

  He stood behind her as she stared unseeing out the window, trying desperately to get her emotions under control. His arms came around her stiff body and he kissed the side of her exposed neck, blowing softly at the wisp of hair that covered her ear before he made his way to her lobe, performing a time-tested ritual of lovers which brought a sigh from her body as she relaxed against his wide-stanced form.

  "Stay with me tonight, Casey,” he entreated soft against her neck. “Suddenly I don't want to be alone. Maybe it's because I was talking about my parents. I don't know,” he whispered emotionally. “All I know is, I want you with me. I want to hold you in my arms all night, baby."

  He brought her slowly around to face him. His arms drew her against his body, revealing his need for her. She lifted her chin and immediately felt herself drowning in his dark smoldering gaze.

  He watched as her fleeting facial expressions fully mirrored her inner turmoil. “Casey?"

  She tried to ease away, but he held her fast. “Oh, Shawn,” she cried, fighting for her life. “I can't. I..."

  She was never permitted to finish. He covered her protesting mouth with a kiss so erotic it stole Casey's breath away, and she felt her defenses crumble. Then suddenly she dissolved in his arms, moaning her surrender while she responded with unknown strength to the power of his kiss.

  Instantly his mouth gentled and softened. His tenderness excited her more than any power play could have done. He showered her face with tiny kisses of electric intensity as he memorized her features in the shadowed room.

  With each passionate kiss, he showed her how much he wanted to make love to her. All night. His practiced fingers began to remove the pins from Casey's upswept hair. He dropped the pins to the table and released her long tresses into his appreciative hands, then began to massage her scalp and throbbing temples, flooding Casey with waves of sensual pleasure at his touch.

  "Casey, Casey,” he whispered, burying his face in her silken hair, breathing in her perfume. “Let me love you, darling.” He swept her lithe body high in his strong arms as he continued to kiss her face, worshipping her like a titan goddess.

  Casey's arms stole about his neck. Her face burrowed into his jacketed shoulder. She breathed in his individual essence, snuggling closer when he lifted her near. If only you did love me, she thought on a bittersweet sigh while she told him by her response that she would stay.

  With sure strides, he moved into the bedroom, carrying her as if she were a precious gift. Casey's mind clouded, thundered with the pounding of her own heart, and she had no thought or care except for the moment. Releasing her legs so that her body was lowered slowly, enticingly against his frame, Shawn set her gently on her feet and encircled her with strong arms.

  Briefly his fingertips caressed the disarrayed curls framing her face. His smoky liquid eyes grew darker with unconcealed passion. Then, very slowly, he released the zipper at her back, allowing her lined dress to slip in a whisper from her ivory shoulders to the thick carpet.

  Casey experienced Shawn with all her senses. The electric touch of his exploring fingertips, the lingering taste of wine on his lips and tongue, the murmur of his deep sigh of pleasure, the expression of delight in his hooded eyes when he gazed at her, the mingling of his sweet breath with hers.

  Shawn moved to unfasten the clasp of her delicate lace bra; he constantly stroked her shoulder, her face and neck with one hand while the other removed the sheer garment, revealing twin trembling globes. The dark-hued centers were already pebbled and hard. With both hands, he lifted her breasts, weighing them equally in his warm dry palms.

  "Oh, darling Casey. You have a most beautiful body,” he whispered.

  His eyes blazed a trail from her satin flesh to her bewitching gaze. He spoke with his dark eyes, directly to her soul. Would he ever know the joy of having her by his side forever? he wondered feverishly. She was capable of answering all his needs, his wants, his hopes and dreams for a future with one woman he could love eternally. But experience had taught him well; share the day, the night, and let tomorrow bring its own reward or challenge.

  He watched the tiny sparks of flame and gold sparkle in her wild mane, saw the smoldering message of passion shadow her emerald eyes. Needing to touch, Shawn drew his thumbs in a sensitizing pattern around tight buds, then slowly skimmed over the pointed tips. He smiled knowingly when she began to breathe in quick little excited snatches.

  She moaned when he lowered his head to gently tongue and nip, then suckle her while he continued to hold the firm flesh in his ever-pulsating grasp. She swayed against him, letting her pleasure rise up to meet his worshipping mouth, filling him, sharing her delight as he continued to savor the sweet taste.

  He moved his hands to her hips and knelt before her, branding her soft white belly with a heated moist kiss when he removed the sheer fabric of her panties and hose. A rush of desire coursed through her body. The combination of his rapid hot breath and his silky dark curls sliding across her flesh drew a tiny whimper from her parted lips. Her tummy fluttered against his kiss; her need was overwhelming.

  Shawn's response to her message was swift. He picked her up and laid her upon the smooth cool sheets of his large bed. His ebony eyes flamed with molten passion when they swept over her flushed body. She felt the sizzling heat as if he'd physically stroked her skin. It brought her torment to fever-pitch and she stretched and moved her hips in slow tempting circles.

  When he straightened to undress, Casey's eyes never left his as he removed his jacket and tie, dropping them on the floor. But when he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his trousers revealing his splendid physique, her sultry gaze widened in bold appreciation of his torso shadowed with dark curls arrowing toward his manhood. Within moments, he stood, looking down upon her luscious length, completely unselfconscious of his arousal. Without speaking, Casey raised her slim arms, beckoning him to her.

  He rained hot kisses upon every inch of her undulating body, murmuring words of endearment and rapture against her silken skin. His ardent, prolonged foreplay was again awakening the deep pulsating passion her body could not deny. Tremors of ecstasy began to overtake her. Shawn answered her silent plea, rubbing her skin more firmly, laying his strong palm flat against her stomach to experience the trembling there. Then his hands began to explore her breasts again, his body folding itself closer against her limbs.

  Gently he placed his leg between her thighs, separating the two halves to reveal the sensitive moist center of her inner being. His velvet touch massaged an
d escalated her desire to dizzying heights. Soon she was lifting toward him, curving her body in her primitive request for release. Then their lips met in passionate combat, their bodies collided in rhythmic madness—not gentle and giving this time, but aggressive and demanding.

  "I want it all, Casey,” Shawn ground out breathlessly, thrusting deep into her tight heat. “Don't save any of it for tomorrow,” he commanded, urging her on and on.

  But Casey was on her own collision course with the stars and, rising among meteors and shooting through galaxies in the heavens above, she was hardly conscious of his words.

  Time stood still, time spun away, time ceased to matter. Both seemed to know, this supreme ecstasy would have two victors and no victims.

  Their savage splendor took them higher and higher until ultimately they met on the brink of their struggle where they grasped the awaiting fulfillment. Together they tumbled, mindless, weightless, amid spiraling starbursts and exploding planets to the breathless retreat found in one another's loving arms.

  "Kathryn Celestine,” Shawn whispered throatily, his voice hoarse with emotion. “My heavenly ... explosive ... woman! You're mine now,” he promised, holding her close. “You'll never belong to another man as long as I live."

  Casey lay quietly beside him, too emotionally drained to challenge his words. Later, she told herself. Later, as they drifted together into a dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  Thus began what was to be twenty-four hours spent entirely in Shawn's bed.

  It was a new experience for Casey—sinfully wanton, she thought—but she doubted this was a first for Shawn. He seemed a veritable wellspring of suggestions and ideas to consider for experimentation. Room service was called when the spirit moved, games were played, champagne drunk, love made, then rest welcomed, all within the exotic confines of his king-sized silk-sheathed bed.


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