Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Series Book 2)

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Vampire Princess Rising (Winters Saga Series Book 2) Page 24

by Jami Brumfield

  “Mira said he’s scary, but he’s also the kind of man who keeps his word. If I can get him to promise to help, he’ll be good,” Hunter replied in a frustrated voice. He was tired of having to explain the necessity of this to Natalia. It was like she didn’t care about finding the cure. He put the car in park and climbed out of the driver’s seat without looking back. She could stay in the car or join him.

  The old style saloon wood doors seemed a little out of place for a restaurant bar in Phoenix, Arizona, but the rustic feel it gave was interesting. Two large men dressed in black from head to toe stood guard at the door. Neither one of them moved until Hunter and Natalia were up the stairs and standing in front of them.

  The African American bouncer was the first to speak. “Hello, Natalia. Who’s your friend?” His voice was warm and inviting, which was in complete contradiction of his scary massive appearance.

  “Hi, Chuck.” She waved to the sandy haired bouncer who didn’t speak but nodded with a smile. “Alfredo, this is Hunter Matthews-Winters.”

  “Any relation to Catherine?” Chuck spoke up finally.

  “She’s my grandmother,” Hunter answered.

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet another Matthews.” Alfredo clapped him on the back, almost knocking Hunter down.

  “We’re here to see Xander. Is he here yet?”

  “Unfortunately,” Chuck answered.

  Alfredo tried to cover Chuck’s obvious dislike with a chuckle. “He sure is, come in.” He pressed on the earpiece Hunter hadn’t noticed him wearing and said, “Angelica, Hunter Matthews-Winters and Natalia Jordan are here to see Xander.”

  An exotic looking twenty something bartender jumped the bar and smiled a grand greeting to Natalia and Hunter. She hugged Natalia and shook Hunter’s hand. “It’s always a joy seeing you, Natalia. And nice to meet you, Hunter. Catherine has told me so much about you.”

  “My grandmother comes here often?” Hunter looked around at the rough bar. It didn’t seem like the place she’d frequent. Natalia had told him this was a sort of sanctuary for supernatural creatures. A ground where good and bad could meet without incident. By the looks of the staff, fights were not tolerated. Even the cute bartender with black hair and olive skin had a dangerous energy about her. He had a feeling she could hold her own in a battle.

  “Yes, all the time. Come.” She led them to a table in a darkened corner of the place. “Xander is waiting for you.” She stopped at a table where a man sat hunched over, his face hidden by his sweater hood. “Can I get you guys anything to drink?”

  “A sweetened iced tea would be great.” Hunter smiled, attempting to chill his nerves.

  “Make that two, Angel.” Natalia was the first to sit down. Hunter followed her lead.

  “Xander? Refill on Witches Brew?”

  He looked up and nodded and for the first time Hunter saw his face. He looked young. Early twenties at the least. His steel gray eyes were the only indication he was older than he looked. There was malice mixed with contempt in those eyes. He looked like an angel that hated the world and probably all the people that resided in it.

  “Xander, I’m Hunter—”

  “I understand you want a cure for the vampire and werewolf virus?” Xander interrupted Hunter’s pleasantries. His voice was hushed and raspy.

  Hunter nodded. “Yes.”

  “And the ones you want to cure are aware you’re looking for them?” He continued on.


  “And where are they?” He looked around the bar/restaurant for others that would be joining them.

  “They’re not necessarily on board with the idea of finding the cure.”

  “Then I cannot help you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, the cure you seek exists, however it comes at a terrible cost, one the receiver will need to pay. Bring them to me and we can discuss a deal.” He smiled his thanks to Angel who brought their drinks.

  “Seriously? You’re my last hope and you talk to me in cryptic riddles? What’s the cost?”

  “It’s different for each person.”

  “Then I offer to pay the cost. My family has been through so much I can’t—”

  “I know what your family has been through. Every witch and wizard within a hundred miles knows your history. That doesn’t change a thing, the cost is on their shoulders. Their actions put them in the current situation they reside and so their decision is needed to change the predicament.” He zeroed those stormy grey eyes on Hunter. “And a word of advice to a new witch, be careful with your words. Promises are literal in our world. A lesser person would’ve taken advantage of you but I release you of your promise.” Without another word he got up and left the table.

  After a few quiet moments Natalia placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Hunt.”

  He shrugged her off. “No, you’re not. You couldn’t care less about making things right for Becca and Savvy.”

  “You know that isn’t true.” She pushed her black cat glasses up her nose and sighed. “Hunter, have you thought maybe things are as they should be?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I mean, maybe they’re supposed to be what they are now.”

  “No. I don’t believe that.”

  “Either way, you know there’s a cure if they ever say they want it in the future.”

  “At a high cost.” Hunter was so mad he stood up and put distance between them. She didn’t understand. Couldn’t understand. He decided to visit the bathroom as a way to escape.

  “I hear you’re looking for a cure?” A female stopped him before he pushed the bathroom door open.

  He turned and looked for her. A woman with chocolate brown hair and striking green eyes stepped out of the shadows. She wore black pants and a black leather jacket. “Who are you?”

  “Ophelia. But the name is not important. I know how you can get a cure for the vampire and werewolf virus.” Her voice was smooth, seductive.


  “Hunter, we need to talk—” Natalia came up behind him and froze when she laid eyes on the brunette he was talking to.

  The stranger nodded her head in greeting. “The cure is not in this world. It’s in an alternate dimension that has far more advanced technology in human and supernatural studies.”

  “How do I get there?”

  “I’ll call you next time I cross over.” She put a phone in his hand and left.

  “Hunter, throw that away.” Natalia demanded.

  “No, when she calls I’ll be going.” He walked with purpose out of the club and headed to the car, leaving her no choice but to follow him.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Rebecca waited patiently for Savannah to join her for lunch at a café table outside. She found a great table outside in the sun. The beautiful Phoenix weather rarely forced her to eat inside and when it happened fifty percent of the time was because it was either too hot or raining. Either way she knew the next day would be sunshine once again.

  Savannah breezed into the eating area, her hair and makeup perfectly done. Her nails lacked the familiar bite marks that graced Rebecca’s. She wore a white summer dress with red polka dots, large sunglasses, and a large classy hat to shield her eyes from the UV rays. She was immaculate. The only sign that she was a vampire was the slight scent of death that followed her wherever she went and served as a gentle reminder to Rebecca that things were never going to be the same. She sat down with a huge smile on her face and handed Rebecca a postcard size invite.

  Savannah Ariel Matthews-Winters

  You are cordially invited to attend a meet and greet

  Location to be announced

  May 24, 2014

  “What is this?” Rebecca asked as she read the card again and found no information as to who the meeting was with.

  “My invitation to the Convent of Souls,” she whispered. “Now maybe we can get more answers as to what happened betwee
n them and our parents.”

  “I take it Maverick hasn’t been very helpful with that?”

  Savannah shrugged. “Celestia has done a good job of keeping us apart. Apparently, her duties have increased with the new position, which means she pushes most of them off on me.”

  Rebecca shuddered. “I don’t know why you stay with her.”

  “She gives me no choice. The last threat she made was toward you, Hunter, and Grandmother. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to any of you.” She ordered a sweet iced tea and a salad and Rebecca ordered an iced chai tea and a Reuben. When the teen waiter was gone they picked up their conversation.

  “We can protect ourselves,” Rebecca stated. “What about the engagement?”

  “I’m stuck, he won’t let me out of the commitment. It looks like I’ll be marrying Viktor the end of this year. It will be a loveless open marriage, but it’s the way things are in the vampire royalty world.” She sounded sad, not boastful. It broke Rebecca’s heart a little bit.

  “Again, you’re not stuck. What about Lucky?” Rebecca asked. She’d really hoped things would work out between them.

  “Lucky is stubborn. He won’t even discuss the attraction we have for each other until I’m un-engaged, which means we’re also stuck in limbo.” Savannah smiled her thank you when the waitress dropped off their food and drinks.

  Rebecca’s phone rang and she answered it quickly. “Yes?”

  “They made it.” Persephone reported.

  “That’s great news! Thank you, Seph.” Rebecca hung up the phone. Another level of guilt melted away as the realization of that call hit her. Georgie and Sundae survived the virus takeover and now they were un-official members of her pack. They’d become official at the next full moon. She closed her eyes and silently thanked whatever god was listening. She didn’t know what she would do if she lost either one of them. “Georgie and Sundae are going to be okay.”

  Savannah smiled. “I know you were worried about them. I’m glad it all worked out.”

  “I’m sorry about you and Lucky.” Rebecca offered quietly. She really hoped those two could work it out, but it seemed Savannah was on the wrong track and even true love couldn’t knock her onto the right one.

  “Me too. But it’s hard. I know you two were only pretending to date but you also told me you had feelings for him.”

  “I always will. He’s my friend. But my heart belongs to Gabriel. I think I tried so hard to be with Lucky to avoid the commitment that being with Gabriel required. Who gets mated for life at seventeen?” Rebecca shared a simple truth with Savannah.

  “I want it all, Rebecca. I want that mind shattering love you have with Gabe. I see it when you both glance at each other when you think no one is looking. Lucky has shown too many times that he still cares deeply for you and…I sometimes think being with him…would be like I’m his consolation prize.”

  Rebecca leaned forward, fighting the urge to attack her when she was this close, and squeezed Savannah’s hand. “I know you’re his first choice, Savannah.”

  Savannah pulled her hand away as though Rebecca burnt her. “It doesn’t matter anymore. He’s made his expectations clear and I’ve made the decision to go through with the marriage.” Savannah’s phone rang and she answered it. “Yes…okay…okay…OKAY! I’ll be right there.” She slammed her phone shut and sighed. “Well, duty calls.” She offered a weak smile and Rebecca caught the sadness as it passed behind her blue eyes for only a second. She got up to leave.

  Rebecca and Savannah had decided to try and fix their relationship but that was easier said than done. The pain that existed between them was heavy and this first sister lunch proved they had a long road to get back to where they began. “What do you think about inviting Miracle and Mystery to our next lunch date?” Rebecca asked.

  Savannah threw her vibrant red purse over her shoulder. “I think it’s a great idea. I suppose it might be important to get to know them a little better. I mean, they’re our sisters after all.”

  Chapter Forty-Five


  Savannah had no idea why she was being called over to her grandmother’s house without any reason behind the invite. It was slightly cryptic and that was saying a lot from a vampire’s perspective. She was already late thanks to the meeting she just had with an associate from the Convent of Souls. At her birthday party she told Rebecca she was going to try and infiltrate them and she was on her way to becoming a member. At least they knew of her interest at this point. Where it went from there she’dhave to see. It wasn’t like she didn’t have an eternity to figure out the invisible ties that existed between the Convent and her family.

  Now she was more concerned about this ‘family’ meeting. It had been a long time since they had one of those, that knowledge along with the weird invite intrigued her enough to drop her afternoon public appearances. That interest was sparked even further when she saw Gabe and Lucky’s motorcycles outside the house. She found she was happy the moral compass decided to constantly nag her until she agreed to go. It had been a week since Viktor and Lucky walked out of her life and she was enjoying her independence. She woke up this morning and realized her life was too messy to get involved with men. She would still marry Viktor when the time came and move forward with her life only now she was enjoying her freedom.

  When she entered the house she suddenly felt a wave of dread fill her body. Natalia paced the living room nervously. Lucky and Gabriel stood leaning against the fireplace, arms crossed over their strong chests. Grandmother was handing out tea to the guests, her hands shaking. Rebecca sat on one of the plush chairs, a worried look on her face. Jackson was at her side, holding her hand. Maverick, Miracle, and a girl who looked a lot like Miracle, who Savannah assumed was their other sister Mystery, sat on the couch.

  “Good, we’re all here,” Catherine said as Savannah entered the room slowly. “Natalia, will you please explain what happened?”

  Natalia pushed her glasses up her nose and sucked in a deep breath. “Most of you know Hunter’s been working on finding a magical cure for the vampire and werewolf virus. He’s convinced that one exists and has been almost obsessed with finding it since he regained access to his magic.”

  “I thought we pretty much gave up on that idea?” Rebecca asked.

  “Have you ever known Hunter to give up on anything?” Natalia asked with raised eye brows.

  Rebecca shook her head. “No, not really.”

  “Anyway, he couldn’t find anything, so he started reaching outside of the circle of witches and guardians. Talking to other supernaturals to see if there was some deep secret they had hidden in their past. One werewolf…” Natalia looked pointedly at Rebecca. “…told him of another dimension where the witches are more powerful, rumored to work magic of the Gods mixed with technology. How would one of your wolves know this, Rebecca?”

  Rebecca shook her head. “It wasn’t one of my wolves. If they’d known of such a cure they would’ve told me about it when I almost lost two new wolves last week.”

  “Are there any new wolves in the area?” Lucky asked.

  Rebecca shook her head. “None that have checked in with me. However…” She sighed. “There are some wolves from an alternate dimension that have been visiting this area. I’ve been told they’re the ones behind the recent issue of Black Death.”

  “Why haven’t you told us of this news?” Lucky asked. “You know how determined we’ve been in finding and eliminating the drug on the streets.”

  “I would’ve told you once we verified the information. I had a group of wolves that were going to cross over into the alternate dimension in a couple of days to do some recon.”

  “Without Protector help?” Lucky stepped away from the fireplace.


  “Gods, Becca, what were you thinking?” Lucky demanded.

  Gabriel stepped protectively in front of Rebecca, blocking Lucky’s approach. Savannah watched the pain cross through Lucky’s f
ace and she realized he was still in love with her sister. He had the look of absolute betrayal written across his handsome face.

  “She was thinking this was her battle and she would handle it,” Gabriel growled his warning.

  “And now it seems another of your siblings is caught in the destruction that is Rebecca,” Savannah spoke for the first time.

  “Come on, Savannah, there’s no way Rebecca could’ve known Hunter was mixed up with these guys.” Jackson defended his best friend.

  “Right, of course.” Savannah conceded. She didn’t come here to fight.

  “We also don’t know the wolves he talked to were the same ones I was going to investigate.” Rebecca pointed out.

  “Either way, he left a day ago and hasn’t returned. I think I’ve located the portal he used. I want to ask you guys if you want to be part of the search team?”

  Everyone in the room agreed to be a part of the rescue operation. Despite the problems they were family and the Winters family always helped their own. They made plans to leave the next day.

  Notes from the Author

  Thank you for reading Vampire Princess Rising, book two of the Winters Saga Series. I hope you enjoyed the story and please take a moment to pop over to Amazon and leave a review. Book three, Fire Master Rising, will be released in late 2015. The family will make a trip over to the alternate universe to save Hunter and find some surprises that will blow their minds as well as help them with the impending conflicts they will face in this universe.




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