Blueprint for Love

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Blueprint for Love Page 3

by Chanta Jefferson Rand

  “I’m talking about a coin toss,” she confirmed. “Heads you win. Tails I win.”

  He waved her away. “No thanks.”

  “I thought you were a man who took chances, Vic Romano. I thought you grabbed life by the horns.”

  “I don’t know where you would have gotten that notion.”

  She shrugged. “I took a wild guess. Was I right?”

  He thought about his days before prison. Days when he’d made rash decisions without considering the consequences. Those actions had cost him dearly. “Maybe once. But not now.”

  She was undeterred. “C’mon, don’t be such a wuss.”

  That word wasn’t even in his vocabulary. Ms. Jones obviously didn’t know what type of man she was dealing with. “Fine. I’ll do it, if it means you’ll leave me alone and I can get on about my business.”

  He pulled a quarter from his front jeans pocket. With a quick flick of his wrist, he flipped the coin skyward, caught it in his palm, and slapped it on the back of his hand.



  “I win!” she declared. A triumphant grin stretched across her sensuous lips. Finally, he did one thing to make her smile. Too bad it was at his expense.

  “Let me get my purse,” she said. She walked toward her car, still holding his cell phone when it rattled in her hand. In the dark, he saw the oversized screen light up with a familiar pretty face. Big, innocent eyes and long blonde hair stared back. The name, ‘Andrea’ popped up on the display.

  “Shit!” he huffed, reaching for the phone. “I’ll take that.”

  He plucked the phone from Ronnie’s hands. Now, Andrea would be wondering where the hell he was. The last thing he needed was to be at the mercy of two females.


  Ronnie watched as Vic’s face transformed from cocky to compassionate. His entire demeanor had changed, and the person on the other end of the line was definitely responsible.


  From the picture on Vic’s cell phone, the female looked like a blonde bombshell. A young one, at that. Ronnie had never been one to eavesdrop, but she listened to Vic’s side of the phone conversation with interest.

  “Hey,” Vic spoke into the phone. “Sorry, I got held up.” His voice was smooth as maple syrup on a summer day. “Yeah, I know I promised. Don’t I always make good on my promises?”

  Andrea must be one ballsy woman to have Vic on eggshells, explaining himself.

  “Something came up,” he said to the caller. “But I’ll be there soon.”

  Vic went from sour to sweet in a matter of seconds. If Ronnie hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she would have never believed it.

  As her eyes roamed his chiseled physique from the bottoms of his black jeans to the rolled up cuffs of his black shirt, she felt a sting of jealousy. What woman could make a man like Vic Romano turn to mush? Oh, to have that kind of control over such a stallion. It was probably someone with a lot more confidence than her. A woman who wasn’t so busy working she didn’t have time to indulge her passions.

  Vic’s call was short and sweet. He hung up, looking slightly agitated. Funny, how his mood changed on the drop of a dime. His gruff voice filled the air. “C’mon, let’s get you where you need to be so I can handle my business.”

  Is that what men called it these days? Business? She glanced at her watch. Seven-thirty. “Isn’t it a little early for a booty call?”

  His heated gaze bored into her. “For your information, that was not a booty call. I’m not the type of guy who sneaks in after the sun goes down. I shower my woman with affection in private and in public.”

  Well, damn!

  Shivers ran down her spine. Ronnie’s eyes dropped to Vic’s big hands as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. She imagined those hands rubbing up and down her thighs, across her ass. She sighed. She longed for the passion that had been missing during her marriage. When Vic gave her a curious look, she closed her mouth. She was sure she’d been drooling.

  “Um, I’m sure what you do is no business of mine,” she told him. “I just need a ride to the banquet. I can make it worth your while.”

  She didn’t mistake the mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’m sure you can, but that’s not necessary,” he said.

  She gasped. Oh, he thought she meant some type of personal favor. She felt embarrassed until she realized a second later that he’d refused her.

  I guess I don’t have what Blondie has.

  Ronnie pushed her wounded pride aside. “No, I meant I could pay you,” she added.

  “No need. Hold on to your money.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means hold on to your money.”

  “Are you implying that I spend money willfully?”

  “Jeez, woman. I’m not implying anything. Will you lighten up?”

  He walked to his Explorer and opened the passenger side.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Nowhere. I’m opening your door for you. Just because you’re an ice queen doesn’t give me the right not to act like a gentleman.”

  “Ice queen!” she gasped. “I’ll have you know—”

  “Don’t forget your purse,” he interrupted. “Like you said, we only have a few minutes to get you to your event. Time’s awastin’.”

  Deciding not to start an argument over his ‘Ice Queen’ remark, Ronnie stalked back to her car and retrieved her handbag and her beaded, sequined dress from the front seat.

  Vic’s eyes landed on the dress. “Really, there’s no need to get dressed up.”

  Was that his attempt at a joke? He was a real riot. She’d give him some of his own medicine.

  “Oh, funny man. That’s exactly what I need to do.”

  “And just where do you plan on changing?”

  “In your backseat.”

  # # #

  The fact that Vic had a half-naked woman in the backseat of his Ford Explorer was doing all sorts of kinky things to his libido. As he drove, he kept stealing peeks in his rear-view mirror, when all the time, he knew he should be focused on the road. It wouldn’t do them any good if he ran into a ditch or hit something and ended up getting a flat tire too. The Ice Queen would not like that one bit.

  He glanced in his mirror again, just in time to see Ronnie pull the shimmery dress over her head.

  “No peeking!” she ordered.

  He chuckled. She was damn pleasing on the eyes. But what a snarky personality. She was obviously used to giving orders, and used to being obeyed. Just like she’d expected him to drive her to her event. Worse yet, she’d given no thought to what he might do to her. After all, he was an ex-con—even if it was for something that wasn’t entirely his fault. But Ronnie didn’t know that. Five years ago, he’d let his anger get the best of him. He’d learned from it and nowadays, he took a deep breath, regrouped, and let things slide off his back like water on a duck.

  Ronnie glared at him as she yanked on the side zipper of her dress.

  “I’m not a serial killer or anything,” he said.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You were thinking it.”

  “Good thing we don’t get in trouble for our thoughts.”

  He shook his head. “Woman, has anybody ever told you that you’re too uptight?”

  “Sure, but nobody that I took seriously. Slackers who can’t live up to life’s challenges.”

  “Let me guess. You’re divorced. Husband left you for a younger woman?”

  “Widowed. Husband died defending our country.”


  Now, he felt like a shit. There were rare occasions when he put his size-twelve foot in his big mouth. This was one of them. Vic thought he saw a fleeting look of regret cross Ronnie’s face, but he couldn’t be sure in the dim light.

  He changed the subject, eager to lighten the mood. “What would you have done if you’d lost the coin toss?” he asked.

  “I knew you would take me anyway. You would
n’t leave a woman stranded. You seem like a decent guy.”

  Oh, no. He was not letting her off the hook with that remark. “If I’m so decent, why’d you treat me like stink on a pig in your office?”

  She shook her head. “I treat all sexists that way. Plus, you acted like you didn’t want to shake my hand. Was it because I’m a woman?”

  “God, no!” He smirked at the ridiculousness of her question. “I’m a firm believer in girl power. In fact, I’m pro-female. I have a strong grip. I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “Hah! Trust me, it would take a lot more than a concrete handshake to hurt me. Take the next exit,” she ordered.

  “Can I tell you something without you biting my head off?”

  “I get the feeling if I say no, you’re going to tell me anyway.”

  “You’re too hard on people. Or maybe you’re just too hard on men.”

  “I’m raising a young man myself.”

  “I hope you’re not raising him to be a hard ass, too.”

  She puckered her full lips. “Mr. Romano, you’re certainly not endearing yourself to me. First, you call me an Ice Queen. Then, you question my child rearing skills.”

  “My apologies. I have a bad habit of speaking my mind. Bluntness can be both a blessing and a curse.”

  “Just put the pedal to the metal, buddy. I’ve got less than ten minutes to get there or I’m going to be late.”

  “God forbid you should miss out on all the fun.”

  “This is far from fun. In fact, I consider it work.”

  “So, what do you do for fun? Or are you too busy working to have fun?”

  She looked insulted as he eyed her through the rearview. “I have fun. Why does everyone think I don’t have fun?”

  “Okay, so I’ll repeat. What’s your idea of fun? Probably color coordinating all the clothes in your closet.” He snickered at his own remark.

  “I’ll have you know, I am very fun!” she insisted. “I do fun stuff all the time, dammit.”

  “Such as?”

  “Such as…I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

  “So then, just as I suspected. Ms. Jones does not have fun.”

  She let out a frustrated breath. “If you insist on knowing…”

  “I do.”

  “I collect elements from the periodic table.”

  “Huh? You mean that big ass chart we all studied in science class?”

  “That would be the one.”

  “That’s some dangerous stuff you’re playing with, lady.”

  “The periodic table is a masterpiece of organized information. It’s set up by number. I’ve worked my way through almost all of the metals.”

  “Where do you get those heavy hitters like Barium?”

  Vic was surprised he even remembered any of the elements. He’d hated science in school. In fact, he hated English and Math, too. About the only thing he did like was History. He enjoyed learning about folks in other periods of time.

  “I don’t have Barium yet. But there are websites that specialize in that type of stuff. Of course, I don’t collect the radioactive elements.”

  “Of course.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Well, you asked. What do you do for fun?”

  “I write stories about mythology. Dungeons and Dragons type of thing.”

  “Wow. Are you serious?”

  “Hell no.” He chuckled at the fact she’d fallen for his joke so easily.

  She frowned. “No fair. I told you my secrets. You could at least tell me yours.”

  “Collecting elements is a secret?”

  “I don’t share it with everyone.”

  “I can see why.”

  Instead of giving Vic the saucy reply he’d anticipated dodging, she said, “There it is. Up ahead on the right. The Eden Roc Hotel.”

  Vic pulled into the circular drive of the luxury hotel. The white high-rise jutted into the sky, each of its floors lit up with the ocean as its backdrop. He’d heard of the iconic Miami Beach hotel, but he’d never been inside. Couldn’t afford anything on this grand scale. But then again, if he’d had a woman of Ronnie Jones’ caliber in his bed, it might be worth emptying his bank account.

  He navigated around the overzealous valet attendants. “Here you are, my queen,” he imitated a fine English butler accent. “I’ve dropped you off at the front of the palace. Or did you want me to go around the back so no one could see us?”

  She let out an exasperated breath. “Scientists must have isolated the cantankerous gene and saved it all for you.”

  “Nah,” he quipped. “I did my college thesis on the subject.”

  “Well, thank you for the ride.”

  That would have been the end of it. Ronnie Jones was supposed to get out of his Explorer and make a fashionable entrance, never to grace his life with her presence again. But she was locked in. She struggled with the door.

  “So, you plan to kidnap me now?” she asked.

  “Dang. I forgot about the childproof door.”

  Vic hopped out and went around to the back passenger-side to let her out. Once again, he did the gentlemanly thing and offered his hand. When one of her shapely legs stepped out, he sucked in a breath. Ice Queen had transformed into a temptress. A stunning black sequined dress dripping with elaborate beadwork clung to every curve, replacing the dull pantsuit she’d worn earlier. Loose tendrils of hair from the bun she’d quickly fashioned and secured with a pair of blinged-out chopsticks framed her lovely face.

  “Wow!” He didn’t hold back. “You look amazing.”

  Ronnie’s heart thumped in her chest. A compliment from Vic Romano? If she was younger, she might have blushed. It felt good to hear his words of praise; see the shock on his face.

  His massive hand enveloped hers as he helped her from the vehicle. The heat from his touch infiltrated her senses, traveling like a jolt of electricity, and settling in the pit of her stomach like a live current. He felt good. There was no denying it. There was something warm and erotic about how he held her hand—not like the cold way he’d shaken it days ago in her office. This was personal, almost as though he was caressing her palm.

  She glanced at him, and her knees nearly buckled at the hungry look in his eyes. It was the look of a man who really wanted a woman. Raw desire. It had been years since any man looked at her like that. Vic Romano was the type of man who could back that look up. He could, no doubt, deliver on all of his wicked promises. She wondered what it would feel like to be the object of his desire.

  Would he manhandle her?

  Fuck her so hard she would be sore the next morning?

  The space between her legs exploded with a thousand tiny tingles.

  She mentally chastised herself. No, she could not feel lust for this man. What could he offer her? He had no job, no prospects, and he was a felon. Entertaining any ideas that involved him was pure insanity.

  Still, one night in his arms would cure all the ills she had.

  The scream of delight that pierced the air pulled Ronnie from her lecherous thoughts.

  “There you are!” Her cousin, Toye, rushed toward her.

  Ronnie’s heart dropped when she noticed bug-a-boo and potential stalker, Allen Boyd, was hot on Toye’s heels. Allen called himself trying to pursue Ronnie, but the feeling was definitely not mutual. It seemed that lately, he’d been showing up at all the Three Sisters’ events and trying to worm his way into Ronnie’s social circle.

  “Omigod!” Toye exclaimed. “You brought a date! Who is this?” she asked, her grey eyes flitting to Vic, who still stood holding Ronnie’s hand.

  Toye was always overdramatizing everything. Ronnie loved her cousin dearly, but the woman was the typical Leo—loud, flashy, and always wanting to be the center of attention. Even now, dressed in a gold gown with a thigh-high slit and five-inch stilettos, she commanded attention from every set of eyeballs. And right now, Toye’s eyeballs were fixated on Vic, her lips parted in breathless anticipation.

Ronnie let go of Vic’s hand, immediately feeling a void. She shook the feeling off, and she was about to correct her cousin when she noted the scowl on Allen’s face.

  “This is your date?” Allen questioned.

  Aw, hell no! Who gave him permission to be mad?

  Vic spoke. “Uh, no. I’m not—”

  “He’s not staying,” Ronnie finished Vic’s sentence. Her personal life was none of Allen’s business. “Vic was sweet enough to drop me off, but he’s a busy man.”

  Allen thrust a manicured hand out to shake Vic’s. “Allen Boyd,” he proclaimed with more pretentiousness than someone introducing the Queen of England. On more than one occasion, he’d bragged that he could trace his family’s roots back to eighteenth-century Barbados. Ronnie really wasn’t interested in his lineage or in him.

  “Pleased to meet you.” Vic pumped his hand.

  “I’m Toye,” Her cousin waved to him. “Ronnie’s cousin.”

  Before Vic could reply, Allen bogarted his way into the conversation again. “How did you meet Veronica?” Allen inquired, using her full name. Nobody called her Veronica.

  “You don’t want to know all those boring details,” Ronnie said, offering him a patronizing smile. “And anyway, it’s late. I’ve got to get in there to introduce Candace, and Vic has some important business to tend to.”

  Allen’s persistent frown was annoying. “But I do want to know. How long have you two been dating?”

  “Listen, dude—” Vic began.

  Ronnie cut him off, once again. “We really don’t have time for this,” she huffed and then nodded her head towards Toye. “Let’s go.”

  She slammed the car door. She did not want to deal with Allen’s intrusive questions right now. Let him think there was something going on between her and Vic. Maybe that might make him slow his roll. Ronnie stepped away from Vic’s SUV. Her legs moved, but the rest of her body did not. She realized, too late, a portion of her beautiful beaded dress was caught in the car door! As she pulled away, the expensive fabric ripped. The sounds of scattering beads hitting the pavement in all directions echoed in her ears like a sonic boom.


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