Poisonous Dream

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Poisonous Dream Page 22

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Mew?" Nightmare tilted her head, looking at me before turning to Father.

  I lowered my gaze to see Father pet her head before he sat next to my legs on the bed. He chuckled at my flushed expression.

  "I figured you'd have to use that method," he suggested.

  "I don't know what you're suggesting," I mumbled.

  "Uh huh." He rolled his eyes playfully before he continued.

  "How are you feeling, sweetheart?" he questioned.

  I met his gaze, pondering for a bit. "Better, I guess? Not at one hundred percent, but I think with time I'll get back to myself. It's a lot to take in. It's only been what, four rotations since I've met the guys. Everything’s moving at a fast pace and it's hard for me to reflect and enjoy the process. Like, here I am talking to my father who I never thought I had. I'm trying to keep up, but it's hard. Whenever one thing is solved, something else comes up. Daniel and I were having issues before the whole fiasco in Minato, but now that we solved it, I feel something else is going to slam into my face. I just need a moment to enjoy being here. Getting to be reunited with family I prayed to the gods to have and relax with my knights," I vented, needing to express how I felt.

  Father nodded while Nightmare walked up my legs and into my lap, purring quietly as her tails waved back and forth slowly.

  "I understand. It's a lot to process. I want you to take it a step at a time and not be afraid to voice out your worries. If the train is moving too fast, say something so we can slow it down. Everyone wants good for you and we'll try our hardest to help you adjust to everything. I agree with you and dislike the fact you’ve had to face challenges one after another, and I'm trying to make things go smoother in that department," Father explained.

  "Something else is going to slam me in the face?" I questioned, confused.

  He chuckled.

  "No, sweetheart. The boys have been wanting to tell you together. I think Midnight only knows a little about the situation. Every cycle, there's a competition that occurs within our castle walls. We have an enclosed area just past the garden where these competitions are held. One royal from our family is challenged by that cycle's chosen realm. Kade and Xavier have always alternated each cycle. This cycle was supposed to be Xavier's, but he's undertaking a tough assignment and still isn’t back. Kade participated last cycle, and can't go again," Father explained. I already knew what he was trying to say, sighing.

  "Let me guess. They want me to fight, regardless of my current predicament and you can't stop them or it would make you look bad to both the opposing realm and the other realms who would surely hear the news if leaked out," I summarized.

  He gave me a sad smile. "Are you mad?" he asked, looking nervous.

  It brought a smile to my face. "I'm not. I'm just tired. Kind of tired of having to prove myself over and over again. I know that's probably a part of being a leader or royal. But, I just wished I had more time," I confessed.

  "Ryder and his father were able to postpone it. They first gave us a two week extension, but with Winterlya's involvement, they've delayed it until you’re deemed stable to fight. As eager as Cecelia is, she isn't a sworn member of the Moore family and her participation is only because Cedrick's current wife is a pain in the— ah. I wouldn't be a good role model if I swore...hmmm," Father explained before pondering on what word to use.

  I laughed, unable to ignore his concentrated expression. "Just say ass, Dad." I giggled.

  "I shouldn't be prompting you to swear. You're a lady," he argued.

  "Uh huh. Xavier swore all the time," I mumbled.

  "You remember that?" he questioned, a look of disbelief on his face.

  I nodded. "I think I remember everything from when I was three? Some things are still blurry and fading, but since my uh...death experience, I remembered everything. If Xavier doesn't come back I'll face this Cecelia. Wait, who is she and who's Cedrick?" I questioned.

  "Cedrick Moore is Daniel's father and King of ArchAilennia. Cecelia is the daughter of Cedrick's current wife, who I didn't waste time remembering her name because she's a bitch."

  I gawked at him. "You...you just told me I couldn't swear, but you just called Daniel's stepmom a bitch," I pointed out.

  "She is. There's no other word in the dictionary that can describe her," he muttered.

  "Bitch is not in the dictionary. It's slang, Dad."

  "It's in the Heila dictionary." He winked.

  "Please do not tell me you got them to input it in there?" I crossed my arms.

  He looked away, Nightmare beginning to roll in my lap, mewing away.

  "Maybe..." he replied.

  "Yup, he's totally your father," Rose announced.

  "No wonder we're awesome. Dad's a badass too!" Hope sung.

  "Imagine when he was a kid," Lily pondered.

  "I bet he made a lot of people's lives a living hell. Epic!" Lexi hummed.

  "He's a cool Dad. Mako, tell Dad he's cool," Midnight suggested.

  I'm not telling Dad he's cool and you guys are noisy. I'm trying to concentrate. Though, Dad is pretty epic. No wonder I'm awesome. Hmm.

  Father snickered, Nightmare looking at me in confusion.

  "I...didn't say that out loud...or did I?" I questioned.

  "Mew." Nightmare jumped up and down happily while Father grinned.

  "I guess it's true you talk out loud at times," Father replied.

  I groaned. "Just ignore me," I mumbled.

  We relaxed for a few moments, discussing past competitions. Father even told me about the cycle where Kai and Kade fought; Kade winning by a few points. He gave me a few pointers and told me to not use my legs for today. He wanted me in good shape for tomorrow.

  We continued to talk for another thirty minutes about random Earthala behavior and what I'd experienced during my time down there when the door clicked open. Our heads turned to see my five star knights walk in.

  "Oh. Are we interrupting?" Ryder questioned.

  "Nope. We were just discussing weird risky behavior humans love to participate in." Father rose to his feet, petting Nightmare before walking over and giving me a kiss on my forehead.

  "Have fun and no magic or leg usage. I've already been told you’re stubborn like your mother and don't listen to rules," he stated.

  "I'm not stubb—" I began, all five knights staring at me. I groaned, crossing my arms as I sulked. "Whatever," I mumbled.

  "Oh no. She's going to sulk for at least an hour," Marcus complained, which made me giggle.

  I loved how disturbed he got when I was mad or sad.

  "I'll be off, guys. I've informed her about the competition that's approaching. You guys can update her with any details I missed," Father announced.

  I noticed the guys exchange glances, looking worried. I smiled. "Father knew you guys wanted to tell me together, but wanted to answer some of my questions. I'm not mad," I reassured them, watching them sigh in relief.

  Father smiled, making his way to the door.

  "Thanks, Dad...love you," I whispered.

  He turned back, looking shocked for a few seconds before a pride-filled smile formed on his lips. "I love you too, Makoto. I'll see you tomorrow," he reassured me.

  I beamed at the usage of my preferred name. I knew it would take them some time to get used to using my alternate name. Not to mention around certain royalty, they would want to emphasize my status, but it was nice to see them trying.

  He gave a wave to the others before walking out of my room.

  "How are you feeling, Princess?" Kai asked, being the first to walk over to give me a passionate kiss.

  "Smooth every chance he gets," Marcus muttered.

  "Right? We need to make notes," Daniel agreed.

  "I'll carry a notepad next time," Elias confirmed.

  "And once again, she can hear you," Ryder pointed out, walking over.

  I giggled, breaking the kiss at Ryder's comment, peeking over Kai's tall frame to see the others’ embarrassed expressions. Kai moved out of the way
for Ryder to give me a kiss, the others following.

  I kissed Daniel a tad longer, which Marcus took the opportunity to voice out.

  "Favoritism I tell you," he huffed.

  "From the guy who wanted to have sex with her out in the field," Kai announced, relaxing against the wall.

  The others turned to Marcus whose face grew beet red, while I gawked at Kai.

  "KAI!" we both shouted.

  He shrugged his shoulders.

  "I thought a certain Princess has proclaimed that the truth shall set you free. Just stating the truth," he replied, winking at me.

  Marcus and I groaned while the others laughed.

  "I guess we should show Mako her surprise," Daniel suggested.

  I looked between my group of men around the room. "Surprise?" I questioned, unsure if I heard correctly.

  "Yes, surprise," Elias confirmed.

  "Why don't we help ya get ready and show you?" Ryder suggested.

  "Yes!" I replied excitingly.

  Daniel walked up to my side, lifting me up with ease.

  "Hey, you had her all night. You can't have bath time with her," Marcus complained.

  Daniel grinned, his eyes glowing a tinge darker. "So?" he questioned, enough confidence in the one word that the others stood there stunned.

  "Uh..." Elias tried to say something, but stopped.

  Kai sighed. "We'll meet you at the destination. Make sure you leave Mako's hair down. I like it when you curl her hair," Kai confessed, gesturing for us to leave with his hand.

  Daniel grinned, saying goodbye before carrying me out the door.

  "I thought you said you don't use your gift on others?" I questioned.

  "I didn't," he replied, giving me a wide grin.

  "Ah. So threatening doesn't count. Got ya." I giggled.

  "It helps in sticky situations," he added.

  "Of course," I replied.

  He stopped in front of the private washroom.

  It took a tad longer to get me ready, our bath consisting of other pleasurable activities. We did have the excuse of working on restoring my leg function if anyone wondered about the loud moans coming from the oversized bathroom.

  I was now sitting in a floral pink dress; the white pinup style dress had multiple cupcakes and angels decorated all over it. The pink silk ribbon wrapped around my waist, making my breasts stand out. I was only showing a little bit of cleavage, deeming it acceptable since we were staying in the private section of the castle, no one would mind.

  Daniel was currently fixing my hair, curling each brown segment in loose curls— all the boys and even Kade agreed I looked the best with loose curly hair.

  "Mako," Daniel mumbled.


  "I'm sorry," he whispered.

  I looked up at him in confusion, looking at his sad eyes framed by his gold glasses that matched his gold shirt and black pants.

  "Why are you apologizing, silly?" I questioned.

  "My family being assholes. Well, younger sister doesn't count and Michael tried to convince that witch of a woman. My father just isn't as courageous as he presents himself to be. Makes me sometimes feel ashamed to be a Moore," he whispered.

  "Daniel. You have no control over your father or stepmother's decisions. You shouldn't be apologizing. And sister and brother?"

  "Michael and Freila. You didn't get to see my older brother when we were down on Earthala. Freila is my youngest sister," Daniel confessed.

  After our eventful night of sex, he'd explained to me all about Claire and his childhood, having shared the same news with Midnight when I was dormant and he'd thought Midnight was trying to jump off the balcony. I could sense that he still took Claire's death to heart, but maybe in time and with reassurance, he'd realize he wasn't in the wrong and was only a child at the time.

  "If Freila is your younger sister...isn't she your stepsister?" I questioned.

  Daniel moved to face me as he began working on the front section of my hair.

  "Mother had disappeared after my birth, but apparently Father and her were warned prior to my birth that she wouldn't be able to carry another child. My parents both wanted a girl, but even if they prayed to the gods, the healer stated it would be too much of a risk and the Starlight gods wouldn't grant a wish that would only cause tragedy. So, the plan was to have a surrogate when they were all ready to have a third child," Daniel explained.

  "But when your mom disappeared..." I trailed off, unsure what had happened next.

  "Father still wanted a girl, but he still was in love with my mom. Claire tried to be a replacement and even suggested carrying Freila, but my father seemed determined to have someone else. In the end, he got another angel shifter to carry Freila. My father tried to stay home and give Freila the childhood Michael and I never got. Maybe that's why she's grown more holy like," Daniel commented, chuckling to himself.

  I frowned, rising my hand to brush his cheek. "You grew up to be an amazing person, Daniel. No one can tell me otherwise," I vowed.

  He lowered his lips to mine. "Thanks to our Princess," he whispered.

  "I hope I can meet your sister one day," I announced, wondering what a female Daniel would look like.

  "She looks innocent, but she's evil," he mumbled.

  "You just said she would grow to be holy like?" I exclaimed, confused.

  "Oh, she is. But she's an Archangel," he replied.

  "What? How does that make her evil?" I countered.

  Daniel smirked. "She's eight. She doesn't know how to control her powers still. When she's mad, everyone’s mad. When she's sad, everyone’s depressed. Apparently, we've had tons of sitters and nannies leave the castle. I just can't determine if it’s due to my sister or Cecelia," Daniel explained.

  "Cecelia sounds like a bitch," I mumbled, remembering my father's comments regarding Daniel's stepmom.

  "Hah. I thought my stepmom was bad. Cecelia is the definition of bitch. She's worse than Brittany," Daniel revealed.

  I gasped dramatically. "Bitchier than Brittany. I'm appalled." I placed my hand on my chest for added effect.

  Daniel laughed, having to pull the curling wand away so he wouldn't burn me as his shoulder shook.

  "Yup. Little sis needs you in her life," Daniel beamed.

  "I'll meet her if the stars want me to. Now, I want to know my surprise!" I announced.

  "Not telling you," Daniel replied, grinning mischievously.

  "Ugh. You’re no fun," I grumbled.

  "Give me five minutes of concentration and you'll get to see it," he promised.

  "Okay." I sat up, allowing Daniel to finish curling the rest of my brown locks.

  Freila. Maybe I'll see her around the castle. I guess if she came along. I let the thought run through my mind before I tried to guess what my surprise was. I hoped the five minute wait would be worth it.


  "Daniel. I wanna see," I complained.

  "One more minute," Daniel replied.

  I tried not to shake side to side in anticipation. I could kind of feel my legs, not feeling as weighed down. I could feel the pedals of the wheelchair beneath my unicorn slippers. Father said I couldn't use my legs if I wanted to do a decent performance tomorrow so I was trying to be good, aka Daniel had been watching me like a hawk. He wouldn't even let me lift my leg to kick the bubbles in the bubble bath.

  "He didn't complain when you hooked your legs when you guys were having sex," Hope reminded, entering my mind.

  I blushed as I kept my eyes on my clothes.

  That was an exception.

  "What was an exception?" EliaseAnne’s voice whispered in my ear.

  I flinched, turning my head and opening my eyes to see her bright emerald ones. "ELIASEANNE!" I squealed, raising my arms to hug her.

  She walked around, kneeling to give me a tight hug. "Wow. I saw you less than two days ago and you're making it seem I went on vacation for a cycle," she joked.

  "Or you can admit you’re happy I missed you," I r
eplied, giggling as her cheeks flushed at my observation.

  "A little happy," she mumbled.

  "You can look now, Mako. Thanks for the distraction, Eli." Ryder announced.

  I turned my head— my eyes grew wide and my jaw fell open at the stunning room before me.

  We were at the entrance of what looked like a modern house; the way the furniture was organized reminded me of our cozy home at Knightwood.

  My eyes glanced to the right; the living area had a royal blue velvet three seater sofa which was parallel from a large flat screen TV. There was a two-seater on the right and one seater on the left, reminding me of Scarlet's apartment on Earthala.

  There was a marble white coffee table with pink and gold lines that glittered from the chandelier above— the crystal ball lights twinkling brightly.

  There was a bookshelf in the corner next to a row of oversized windows; the royal blue curtains with gold hearts hung from the ceiling down to the floor and were currently open wide to give a gorgeous view of the balcony and Heila.

  There was a desk in the other corner, a white marble one that had a similar design as the table. On it stood a sleek looking computer— reminding me of the computer Marcus had shown me at the store my phone was from, the one with the half-eaten apple symbol.

  I turned to my left to view the kitchen; a wide smile formed on my lips as I saw our stools aligned around a marble island that was double the size of the one at Knightwood.

  There was already a bunch of food, my stomach growling at the sight of the various dishes— a plate of steamy blueberry pancakes placed right where my pink stool sat.

  The fridge was larger and was black rather than silver, matching the rest of the appliances with their sleek black surfaces. I returned to stare at my knights who were lined up with big smiles on their faces. Eli moving to join them, pulled her phone out and holding it to display a picture of Elias in similar attire, causing me to laugh.

  "You guys...how? When? Are we even in the castle?" I questioned, unsure whether to laugh or cry. I was so happy, the happiest I've been in a long while.

  "We started this before exams. Maybe a rotation after we'd found you. We let Kai began sectioning everything out and reserving this part of the castle for it," Ryder explained.


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