Within Arm's Length: A Secret Service Agent's Definitive Inside Account of Protecting the President

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Within Arm's Length: A Secret Service Agent's Definitive Inside Account of Protecting the President Page 29

by Dan Emmett

  The Secret Service is an independent law enforcement agency with full power to make arrests. From its beginning in 1865 until 2002, it fell under the Department of the Treasury. After the attacks on 9/11 and a reorganization of American law enforcement, the Service was placed under the Department of Homeland Security, where it remains; it is unique among federal agencies in its dual mission of investigations and protection. The majority of people think of the Secret Service as the agency that protects the president of the United States. While this is certainly true, the Secret Service is also an investigative agency that helps protect the financial infrastructure of the United States.

  Today all US paper currency is printed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, in Washington, DC. In 1865, at the conclusion of the Civil War, individual banks produced the country’s paper currency, and much of the paper currency in circulation was counterfeit. It was determined that the creation of a federal agency to fight this plague was needed, and this agency was the United States Secret Service.

  On April 14, 1865, the day he was assassinated, President Abraham Lincoln signed the bill that brought the Secret Service into existence, thereby creating the agency that would one day protect the president. Even if the Service had already existed, however, it would have done President Lincoln no good. The Service did not begin protecting presidents until thirty-seven years later, in 1901, after President McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo, New York.

  The Secret Service was thus originally created for the purpose of combating counterfeiting. This mission of counterfeit suppression remains one of the Secret Service’s main investigative missions today and is carried out by field offices that cover all fifty states and most of the world. In addition to counterfeit investigations, the Secret Service has the main federal jurisdiction over the statutes regarding credit card fraud and various types of financial crimes, as well as government check forgery. The Service also investigates threats against anyone it provides protection for, most notably the president of the United States.

  When a person is hired as a new special agent in the Secret Service, he or she begins his or her career in a field office, which could be located anywhere in the United States. A new agent investigates the above-mentioned violations and does not serve on a permanent protective detail. While these investigations have little media appeal, they are extremely dangerous, and one can unexpectedly be killed.

  After an agent serves approximately six years in a field office conducting investigations, he or she may then move on to a full-time protective assignment, such as the presidential detail. This time in the field is really an agent’s tryout for protection. If an agent does not prove to be trustworthy, intelligent, proficient with weapons, and hardworking, it is unlikely he or she will ever see the Presidential Protective Division.

  It is mandated by law that the following receive protection: the president of the United States and his immediate family, the vice president and his immediate family, the president-elect and vice president-elect and their immediate families, former presidents and their spouses as well as children under age twelve, major presidential candidates, visiting foreign heads of state in the United States on an official state visit, and anyone else the president so dictates. The Secret Service does not protect members of Congress or the Senate, as is widely believed. That task is performed by the US Capitol Police.

  Only the president and vice president must accept Secret Service protection. All others mentioned may decline protection if they so desire, and many do, most notably foreign heads of state who do not want Secret Service agents around them.

  Richard Nixon is the only former president to have refused protection. In 1985, eleven years after leaving office and feeling he no longer needed the Secret Service, he hired his own private security detail, saving the taxpayer millions of dollars.

  Never confuse the Secret Service with any other government agency, and, please, never introduce a Secret Service agent to anyone as an employee of the FBI or CIA. You have been sufficiently educated.


  Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

  ASAIC: assistant special agent in charge

  ATSAIC: assistant to the special agent in charge

  CAT: Counter Assault Team

  CP: command post

  DSAIC: deputy special agent in charge

  FLETC: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

  FLOTUS: First Lady of the United States

  Hawkeye: call sign for CAT

  Halfback: follow-up vehicle

  JJRTC: James J. Rowley Training Center

  NYFO: New York field office

  POTUS: President of the United States

  PPD: Presidential Protective Division

  SAIC: special agent in charge

  VPOTUS: Vice President of the United States

  About the Author

  After a stint in the Marine Corps, DAN EMMETT joined the United States Secret Service, serving on the elite Counter Assault Team before being selected for the most coveted of all assignments in the Secret Service, the Presidential Protective Division. After twenty-one years as an agent, Emmett retired from the Secret Service and joined the CIA for six more years. Today the author is an adjunct professor as well as a security consultant for both private industry and for the United States government.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  AAFB. See Andrews Air Force Base


  agent. See also Secret Service agent


  life of PPD



  PPD site



  socializing with


  Air Force, U.S.


  arrival of

  C-141 Starlifters

  call sign

  car planes in


  Lockheed C-5 Galaxies

  Air Force One

  Douglas C-9


  flights aboard



  tail number 26000

  tail number 27000

  tail number 28000

  tail number 29000

  Air Force Two

  aircrafts. See also specific types

  American cockroach

  American Legion



  bullets as



  Anderson, Richard

  Andrews Air Force Base (AAFB)

  arrivals at

  trip to

  Anopheles mosquito

  AOP. See attack on a principal

  Arab fable

  Army, U. S.

  conscript or all-volunteer

  murder of officers with

  recruitment by



  statistics on conviction and


  warrants, execution of

  ASAIC. See assistant special agent in charge

  al-Assad, Hafez

  guards of

  meeting with Clinton




  of Kennedy, John F.

  of Kennedy, Robert F.

  assistant special agent in charge (ASAIC)

  assistant to the special agent in charge (ATSAIC)


  ATSAIC. See assistant to the special agent in charge

  attack on a principal (AOP)

  Auerbach, Red




  Axis communications

  Bagby, Todd

n International Airport

  bank fraud

  Barrett, Mark

  bayonet fighting

  Beatty, Warren

  Behind Closed Doors

  Beltsville. See James J. Rowley Training Center

  Beretta 9mm pistol

  Bill of Rights

  bin Laden, Osama


  black-tipped ammunition

  blue boxes

  arrest and conviction statistics on

  Bronx target location regarding

  telephone companies and




  bombs, carpet-tack

  Bonifas, Art

  Boston Celtics

  Brady, James

  Bremer, Arthur

  Bridge of No Return

  Bridge of No Return (Korea)

  Clinton, Bill, at

  North Korea and


  Secret Service agent


  British Airways



  target location regarding blue boxes

  Bronze Star

  Brunswick, Georgia

  Buckingham Palace

  Bud (uncle)


  Buendorf, Larry

  Bull Moose Party


  Bureau of Engraving and Printing

  Burning Tree Country club

  Bush, Barbara

  Bush, George Herbert Walker

  campaign loss of

  children of

  as ex-president

  at Kennebunkport compound

  military service of

  as naval aviator

  protection of

  staff of

  trip to France and Russia

  trip to Saudi Arabia

  trip to Somalia

  Bush, George W.

  protection of

  running and

  Bush, Jenna

  C-141 Starlifters

  Cadillac sedans

  Cambridge, England

  Camera I vehicle

  Camp Bonifas (South Korea)

  Camp David

  Camp Pendleton

  Capitol Police, U. S.

  Carbone, Mike

  Carlson, Craig

  Carter, Amy

  Carter, Jimmy

  CAT. See Counter Assault Team

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  application process at

  Counterterrorism Center of

  creation of

  mission of

  National Clandestine Service of

  officers or assets of

  on open source intelligence

  service at

  Charlotte Police Academy

  check fraud

  Chevrolet Suburban



  China, People’s Republic of (PRC)


  Christmas Party, White House

  Christy, Kenneth L.

  awards received by

  as recruiter

  CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

  CITP. See Criminal Investigative Training Program

  Clancy, Joe

  Clinton, Chelsea

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham

  Clinton, William Jefferson (“Bill”)

  administration of

  at Bridge of No Return


  as Eagle

  election of

  meeting with Assad

  predictable behavior by

  running with

  site advances for

  South Korea visit of

  staff of

  threats against

  trip to Cambridge, England

  trip to Jerusalem

  trip to Jordan

  trip to Russia by

  on Valentine’s Day (1994)

  Coates, Robert F.

  as ASAIC and SAIC

  employment offer extended by

  interviews with

  thank-you note to

  Cobb, Jim

  Colt M4 rifle


  command post (CP)



  U.S. Marine Corps

  Congress, U.S.

  Congressional Country Club

  Congressional Medal of Honor

  Constitution, U. S.

  corporal punishment

  Counter Assault Team (CAT)

  abolishment of

  acceptance into

  advance teams of


  background and history of

  career with

  during Clinton, Bill South Korea visit

  creation of

  divisional status of

  fire team tactics of

  freedom within

  funding of



  image and reputation of

  initial selection course of

  at Kennebunkport compound

  live-fire exercises of

  methods utilized by

  mission of

  motivation of


  PPD and

  preselection course for

  promotion within

  requirements for

  running and


  team leaders within

  training within

  Uniformed Division

  urban deployment of

  utilization of

  vehicles utilized by

  weapons proficiency requirements for

  weapons utilized by

  work schedules of

  counterfeit currency


  Ferraro staff


  in Israel


  PPD and staff



  new field of


  Counterterrorism Center

  CP. See command post

  credit card fraud

  Criminal Investigative Training Program (CITP)

  graduation from

  location of

  Cronkite, Walter





  Cuban missile crisis




  D-Day anniversary


  of Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  watch vehicles

  December debacle

  Delahanty, Thomas

  deputy special agent in charge (DSAIC)

  Desert Storm

  Directorate of Operations

  DIs. See Marine Corps drill instructors

  Distinguished Flying Cross

  Dominican Republic

  Donovan, William (“Wild Bill”)

  DOR. See drop on request

  Douglas C-9

  drop on request (DOR)

  DSAIC. See deputy special agent in charge


  East Wing, of White House

  Eastern Germany

  Eastwood, Clint


  1811 series

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  administration of

  memory of


  first responder


  Emmett, Dad

  Emmett, Dan

  childhood of

  courtship of

  education of

  honorable discharge of

  marriage of

  on media

  metal canteen cup of

  parents of

  pilot license of

  promotion of

  regrets and wishes of

  retirement of

  Emmett, Donnelle

  as agent

  courtship of

  marriage ofr />
  Emmett, Mom

  Emmett Furniture Company

  Enota Elementary School

  Essentials of Instruction (EOI)



  events, outings and vacations


  FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). See also specific divisions


  funding of


  history of

  Hostage Rescue Team of

  Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)

  class size at

  curriculum at

  under evaluation at

  fun at

  graduation from

  instructors at

  stipend during

  training at

  Ferraro, Geraldine

  podium banner for

  site advances for

  staff counterpart of

  Ferrer, Juan

  Fields, Lee

  fighting spirit

  fire team tactics

  firearms. See also weapons

  proficiency at JJRTC

  qualification and requalification for


  First Amendment, U.S.

  First Atlanta Bank

  First Lady. See also FLOTUS

  conversations with

  protection of

  relationship between Secret Service agents and

  at White House Christmas Party

  flash cards

  FLETC. See Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

  FLOTUS (the First Lady of the United States)

  Flynn, William J.

  for official use only (FOUO)

  Ford, Gerald

  administration of

  assassination attempt of

  children of

  protection of

  foreign customs

  Fort McNair

  FOUO. See For official use only


  Frank (firearm instructor)




  credit card

  Fromme, Lynette (“Squeaky”)

  FUBAR (fucked up beyond all recognition)

  Gainesville, Georgia

  Gainesville Police Department

  Gaithersburg, Maryland

  Gandhi, Rajiv

  General Assembly

  General Schedule (GS)




  General Scott Hotel

  General Services Administration

  George Washington Hospital


  Gilpin, Gunny

  Glock pistol

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  New York visit of

  as Soviet Union president


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