A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 16

by Nancy Hopper

  After he’d hung up, the phone rang again. Being right there, David answered it. “Hello? Hello,” he said a second and third time. He finally sighed and put the receiver down. “Well. That's interesting.” he sighed. “They hung up.”

  Caitlin showed her dimples and put a comforting hand on his arm. “So what? I’ve got a knight in shining armor, and Paris awaits.” she hinted. She gave him a naughty look.

  David laughed and shook his head. “What’s Mother done to you? Every time you talk to her, a reckless, sexy temptress emerges.”

  Caitlin blinked her eyelashes and smiled. “I don’t know what you mean.” she argued. “But right now, I’m starving. Let’s find something to eat, David.”

  That evening, they ate a very light dinner before going to the theatre. Caitlin wore her burgundy dress, and David whistled in appreciation when she appeared. She was looking downright ravishing, and it unsettled him.

  Caitlin in Paris with high heels and dark lipstick brought out the male predator in a man. He hid it well, he thought; but he didn’t feel at all comfortable. It had been a mistake to bring her here -- a really big mistake.

  The black leather had been just the beginning. The clothes this girl had in her closet all highlighted her long, slender back; her long, shapely legs; her firm, young breasts; her flat, sweet tummy.

  Her tiny waist and tight, round bum never failed to catch male eyes. David wondered how he was going to keep her safe. He laughed derisively at his own folly, and shook his head.

  Her words about “Paris waiting” had been quite prophetic. Against this backdrop, he wondered how he’d ever get through it. Every soft breeze that blew against Caitlin’s skirts and hair, caught his eye. And held it.

  He took her to the theatre with deep misgivings. Yet, he felt better about having her there with him than he did about leaving her alone at the motel. She was smashing in the clinging burgundy dress, and he wondered if Skyler’s weakness for Caitlin would prove to be too strong. If so, it was going to be a touchy business.

  Skyler, however, paid no more attention to Caitlin than he had the night before. He gave her one burning, ugly look on his way by, but David and the security guards kept him at a safe distance.

  David performed better that night, more consistently. He was obviously more at ease.

  When they got back to the motel, they were both tired but happy. It had been a good day, and Skyler had done nothing to mar it. Caitlin put on her white lace nightgown and got ready for bed. It was not see-through, but it was lovely.

  She opened her closet door, and gasped. She put a hand to her throat and stood there, reeling.

  “Cait? Caitie, honey, what is it?” David asked worriedly. He ran to the door, wearing only a pair of sport shorts, and looked in. She was standing there staring into the closet, looking like death.

  He grinned, and walked in. “What’s the matter?” he asked lightly.

  “David, there has been a mistake.” she said in a tight whisper. “A very big mistake!”

  “Has there, now? What seems to be the problem?” he prodded.

  “These dresses … the ones that I tried on at the boutique today. They are all here!” she gasped. “I don’t understand.” She looked up at him and saw the smile on his face. All the color remaining drained from her face.

  “David. You didn’t.” she accused.

  He shrugged. “What if I did? I wanted to surprise you.” he defended.

  She snorted. “Well, you did that. But, David, this cost a fortune!” she objected.

  He shook his head. “No. Not really. Enjoy them, Cait.” he suggested lightly.

  She turned to face him, and it was his turn to blanch.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked worriedly.

  “What happened to your flannel nightgown?” he asked woodenly.

  She looked at him strangely, and then blushed brilliantly. “It’s … well; summertime.” she explained lamely.

  David was looking at the shape of her hip and thigh silhouetted against the softness of the fabric of the gown. He was seeing the cleavage and the sweet curve of her breasts in the lace. He looked away and went back to his room. “Sleep well.” he said hurriedly over his shoulder. That was the last that she saw of him.

  She bit her lip, and smiled. She hadn’t meant to, but it seemed that everything she did, everything that she wore was pushing David’s buttons. And how wise his mother was, telling her how to get his attention in Paris. She had been so right. It seemed to be working. Caitlin wondered where it all would lead. It certainly made one wonder.

  She thumbed through the new dresses in awe, and then she came to something short and white. She pulled it out of the closet and blushed brilliantly. It was a white teddy of the finest lace. It was too sexy for words, and it left Caitlin speechless. She felt laughter bubble up inside her and put a hand to her mouth. She put the teddy back in the closet, and went to bed.

  Caitlin’s phone rang. She answered it and after a pause, a man’s voice began to speak.

  “Get out of Paris now.” he said angrily. “I’ll pay you if you’ll leave. If you won’t leave, I’ll hurt you bad.”

  David was at the door, a question in his eyes. Caitlin held the phone to him, terror in her eyes, and he took it. After listening, he looked at the receiver, and then looked at Caitlin.

  “No one there.” he sighed.

  “Well, there was someone there a moment ago. He told me to get out of Paris. He said he‘d pay me to go but he’d hurt me if I wouldn’t.”

  David’s face grew very grim. “It could be Skyler, but he’s always taken the stance that he prefers you near.” he said thoughtfully. “Shook up?”

  Caitlin shrugged. “Not really, David. It wasn't Skyler's voice. I guess I’m getting a bit more used to this game. My, will he never give it up?”

  He sighed and hung up the phone. “It makes me tired. Would you like me to stay a bit?” “No. No, David, it’s late. Go to sleep. I’m absolutely fine.” she assured him.

  He smiled and ran a finger down her nose. “Good. Sleep well, and just yell if you don’t feel right.” he urged.

  Caitlin watched him go, wearing nothing but a pair of cotton sport shorts, and bit her lip. He was so broad, and muscular and beautiful.

  Neither of them slept all that well. David heard Caitlin rustling and tossing, and she heard him. They were acutely aware of one another’s presence in the adjoining room. And so it was a long, still, restless night.


  Caitlin got up and showered at nine the next morning. David followed suit, and came to stand in the doorway when he knew that it was safe. “’Morning.” he said tiredly.

  “Good morning.” she replied with a fleeting smile. She blushed brilliantly, and David smiled. How could one not?

  “Hungry?” he asked lightly.

  “Yes.” she agreed immediately.

  “Are you going to survive without sleep?” he asked.

  Caitlin gave him a startled look. “How did you know I wasn’t sleeping well?” she asked uneasily.

  He laughed. “That’s a piece of cake, love.” he assured her.

  She sighed and lowered her lashes. “I suppose that I was very excited about all the lovely things you bought me.” she supplied weakly. “David, I didn’t properly thank you.”

  He shook his head. “Yes, you did.” he assured her. “You can thank me by wearing them and letting me enjoy the sight.”

  Pink spots appeared in her cheeks. “Well, David; I thought that perhaps you’d change your mind. It’s not seemly for you to spend that kind of money on me, you know.” she chastised.

  “Says who?” he challenged.

  “Well …” she hedged.

  “You listen to me, Miss Caitlin Kilpatrick.” he said sternly. “If I want to show you Paris and send you home with a closet full of lovely things to wear, it’s no one’s business but mine, and yours. Are you pleased with them?” he asked pointedly.

  “Of course.” she admitted,
blushing furiously.

  “Then enjoy them.” he ordered lightly.

  She smiled up at him. “You’re very good to me.” she said, near to tears.

  David looked down at her with that dark, intense look, and then he smiled. “There you go again with your accusations.” he sighed. He laughed down at her fondly, and put an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s find some food before I get grouchy.”

  Caitlin’s phone rang again. David nodded, and she answered it.


  “Get out, or I’ll kill you.” the male voice said. It appeared to be disguised.

  “Oh, you make me tired.” Caitlin said with a sigh. When she’d have hung up, David took hold of her arm. He pressed the pound key and two numbers on the phone, and the line immediately went dead.

  Caitlin looked at him quizzically.

  “The hotel will trace the calls when you press the pound key and code.” He explained. “Let’s go.”

  They came out of the hotel to face a beautiful, summer day. Caitlin breathed deeply, and smiled. David stole a look at her in her chic, white suit and grinned. He took her hand.

  After a fine brunch, they went to a jewelry store. Caitlin wandered aimlessly, admiring the many fine things that were in the front case.

  David, however, was in the back corner of the store, she discovered, deep in conversation with the proprietor. Money was exchanging hands, she noticed, and the shop keeper looked pleased, indeed. He was gesturing to David with excitement and assurance. David nodded, and smiled.

  He looked up and saw Caitlin watching, and came to join her. “See anything that you like?” he asked lightly.

  “No, of course not.” she refused immediately. “You must have, though. Did you find something for your mother?”

  David withdrew a bit, and then turned his eyes to her. “I was hoping that you would help me with that. What do you think she’d like?”

  Caitlin wrinkled her brow. “Well, gold is always safe.” she said uncertainly. She wondered what in the world David had been purchasing, if not something for his mother?

  “And diamonds?” he asked lightly.

  Caitlin smiled. “You know it. You can’t go wrong with diamonds.” she said immediately.

  David laughed. “I thought maybe that word would do it.” He showed her a gold brooch with several diamonds, that was lovely.

  “I know that she’d love anything that you gave her, David. She adores you so.” Caitlin assured him.

  He smiled. “Yeah. Well, I’m glad of it. I’m not sure I deserve it.”

  Caitlin looked at him quizzically. “Don’t be silly. Of course, you do.” she scolded. “No woman could ask for a finer son. She’s very proud of you.”

  He looked at her with a bit of embarrassment, and smiled. “Thanks.” he said. “I just feel as if I’ve rather … deserted her, you know. I’m never home anymore. I hated leaving her alone; I’m so glad you’re with her now.”

  She grinned at him and scanned the cases thoughtfully. “What about a bracelet?” she asked thoughtfully.

  David smiled. “Of course. She’s crazy about those diamond bracelets. What do they call them? Tennis bracelets.”

  Caitlin’s eyebrows went up a bit. That would be quite a purchase. But David seemed to have his mind made up. He went to the shopkeeper, and made the deal. But he came away empty-handed.

  “Didn’t you find what you wanted, after all?” she asked worriedly.

  “Oh, yes.” he assured her. “I’ll pick them up on my last day here. That way, I won’t have to worry about securing them.” he explained.

  “Oh.” she said softly. What exactly was he up to? He’d said ‘them’, not ‘it’, and he’d obviously been making a purchase before his mother’s. Or had he just been making a deposit, or a payment on something he’d already agreed to buy? There was no way to know. And it was really none of her business.

  They decided to go back to the hotel. They were both a bit tired. After retreating to their rooms, David popped in at the door. “Want to go for a swim?” he asked lightly.

  “Don’t you need a nap?” she asked wearily.

  “Yes. We could swim after, I suppose.” he agreed.

  “That makes more sense, doesn’t it?” she asked slowly.

  “Sure. I can sleep now, let’s do it that way.” he agreed. He winked, and disappeared.

  Caitlin heard his deep breathing in a few short minutes. She couldn’t seem to get to sleep. There was something bothering her, and she couldn’t quite make out what it was. David, for once since they’d come to Paris, seemed to be fine. For that, she was grateful.

  David woke up at three, feeling very much better. He went to Caitlin’s door and peeked in. She was curled up on the bed, sound asleep. He smiled and closed the door quietly. Then, he went to the piano that waited in the bay window of his room and sat down to play quietly.

  Caitlin slept for another hour, which was just about the right amount of time for David to rehearse. She sat up, hearing strains of music that she knew to be David’s. She smiled, and went to the door. She opened it and put her head through.

  David was sitting at the piano, bare-chested. She blushed until she saw that he had shorts on. He looked up and smiled.

  “Hello, sleepyhead.” he greeted her lightly. “Ready for that swim?”

  “Sure.” she agreed. “But don’t hurry your rehearsal.”

  “No. I’ve been about an hour, that’s plenty for today.” he assured. “Open the door when you’re ready.”

  She smiled at him, and closed the door to change clothes. She changed into her suit, and covered up with her terry kimono. She took a towel from the bath and found David waiting for her at the piano. He kept his eyes on her face, avoiding any other part of her body.

  She smiled at him, and her shining green eyes made him wonder what she was thinking. He could swear that he saw affection beaming out at him.

  He put an arm around her and grinned down at her. “All ready?”

  She nodded, and they went out to the pool. As she took off the terry cover, David had a wild urge to pick her up and throw her in the water. He resisted. He didn’t want to do anything to alarm Cait, and he wasn’t at all sure what might do it at this point. He felt very certain of her in some areas, but in others, he couldn’t tell. After Skyler, he was not about to take any chances. She didn’t need it.

  She dove into the water with straight, beautiful form, and his eyebrows went up again. She hadn’t been kidding about being a good swimmer. She was superb.

  And as he had suspected, he had ample time to get an eyeful of long, slim legs, slender waist, curved back and other various charms as she dove. He shook his head ruefully. She was a very beautiful girl. He’d had little doubt, but it was a different thing to have it so confirmed. He discovered that his focus was quickly swayed by the sight of her in the relatively revealing suit.

  He joined her in the water, and shot the length of the pool underwater. It felt good to get a bit of exercise, and to feel the cool water course around his body. It was a good distraction, too. David knew there was no percentage in dwelling on Caitlin’s slim curves. None at all. That would only make for a long night tonight, and a longer tour.

  He surfaced at the other end of the pool and found her close by, her eyes big and round, and her hair streaming over her shoulders. “You’re a strong swimmer, David.”

  He laughed. “Well, I get a bit of practice too.” He pointed out. “So, tell me. Are you a good sport in the water, or is horseplay off limits?”

  Caitlin gave him a sideways glance. “That all depends, David. How do you categorize horseplay?”

  He shrugged. “You’ll either have to take your chances, or miss the fun.” He warned. “Or, I may decide for you. I’ve been a long time without anyone to play with.”

  She stifled a chuckle, and gave him a naughty look. “You look and sound as though you could be quite difficult.”

  He tipped his head in acknowledgment. “Could be so

  She couldn’t help her smile. “You’re incorrigible. I’m going to get dunked whether I want it or not, aren’t I?”

  David sighed. “Well, you know. You were very kind to Skyler, even when he was rotten. And you have decided what I’m going to do, so I may as well go ahead. You will forgive me, won’t you?” he entreated.

  She laughed. “David,” she warned. “Don’t even think it.”

  As he advanced on her, her smile grew broader, her eyes wider. Then he dove. He could hear her incredulous laughter above him, as he came up beneath her like a locomotive. His shoulders picked up her legs and she grabbed his head, gasping as he lifted her out of the water and caught her legs to his sides.

  “David,” she objected, but her laughter made it totally unconvincing. Just when she began to think it was over, his strong arms picked her up by the thighs and lifted her high over his head. Knowing she shouldn’t scream in a public place, she covered her shriek with her hand as she sailed through the air and hit the water.

  When she surfaced again, he was nowhere to be seen. She looked wildly about, but she couldn’t find him anywhere. “Looking for someone?” he said from directly behind her.

  She whirled and he caught her with strong hands, laughing at her.

  “Oh, my! You are quite something, aren’t you?” she accused, with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes. “I didn’t know that you could misbehave so!”

  He copped a very stern expression. “Come, now, I’ve worked very hard to be Prince Charming. Cut me a little slack, will you, woman?”

  A dimple appeared in her cheeks. “You poor man. Have I kept you walking a very narrow line?”

  You can let me off it any time you want to.” He challenged lightly.

  She laughed. “Oh, my. Now, I don’t know about that. You’re altogether charming, David. I can’t imagine you, if you were not such a gentleman.”

  He shook his head. “Well.” He complained resignedly. “I suppose I’ll just take up a notch in the chain and bide my time, then.”

  Caitlin felt twinges of sweet expectancy in the depths of her belly. She couldn’t help following it up a bit. “Well David; what exactly do you think you’d do if I took the chain off?” she asked teasingly.


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