A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 26

by Nancy Hopper

  Grace put a hand on her arm in comfort. “There, darling. Come now. We must be strong. David will be fine.”

  Caitlin’s misery was so acute that she couldn’t respond.

  Grace turned to Will with sharp eyes. “Caitlin and David are engaged to be married.” She advised him with a warning in her voice. “She will be treated with the respect due David's intended, Will.”

  Will nodded and looked at Caitlin with nothing less than hatred. “We’ll be there soon. Grace, I’m going to have to be blunt. Having this girl there is not good.” he said in a tone that one might use to reason with a child. “She’s caused such a riot in times past that I can’t afford to have her around again. Things are far too volatile! We need to think of David first.”

  “I am. He needs the woman he loves, there beside him. Your job is to deal with whatever is necessary to make that happen.” Grace shot back with authority.

  Will pressed his lips together in obvious anger, but he said no more.

  Once they’d arrived at the hospital, they were hurried to the intensive care unit.

  “Only Grace will be allowed to go in.” Will said as they went up the elevator. “And only for very short periods of time.”

  “I will see that changed immediately.” Grace answered smoothly. “The very best chance we have of seeing David recover is to have Caitlin there with him.”

  Will gave her a terse look. “I’ll ask that his doctor come and speak with you.” He agreed. “In the meantime, she can look in the window.”

  Grace gave him a look that would have killed a lesser man, and clamped her lips together.

  They found David in a private room with oxygen and a heart monitor hooked up. He looked pale and lifeless. Caitlin felt her heart contract, and tears began running down her face. She couldn’t help it anymore.

  She looked through the window in agony as Grace went in to see him. She touched his arm and spoke to him, but there was no response. She did not stay long. Caitlin was amazed by Grace’s composure.

  When Grace came out, she squeezed Caitlin’s hand.

  “Go on in.” she instructed gently.

  “Grace,” Will objected.

  “Shut up, Will.” Grace said evenly. “She is going in.”

  Caitlin gave her a frightened, incredulous look and shook her head.

  “You go on in, now. Darling, you’re just what David needs. Talk to him. Touch him. Encourage him. Sing to him. Love him. Kiss him. Do all you can to woo him back to life. Get in there, now.”

  Caitlin looked at the floor, terrified to meet Will’s eyes.

  She went into the room and walked cautiously up to the bed. She could hardly see through the tears streaming. She put a hand on his forearm gently. It was very hot.

  “David.” She said softly. “David, I love you. I love you, darling. Please get well. Please come back to me. David, darling. I’m here. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll be staying until you’re all right. Darling, I’ll pray!” She promised. “Remember, you asked me to pray, and you told me that it would be instrumental. You knew, didn’t you darling?” she whispered.

  She leaned over him and kissed his forehead softly. He had fever. She kept talking. Finally, she told him she was going to step out so that he could rest.

  When she left, she looked at Grace with worried eyes. “He seems to have a very high temperature.” She advised.

  Will nodded. “They have him on IV antibiotics, but I will tell the nurse anyway.”

  “See if they won’t let Caitlin stay close to him, Will.” Grace added pointedly.

  The sun came up as Caitlin and Grace sat down in the waiting room. Very soon, a doctor entered the room and addressed them. Grace responded, as Caitlin had fallen asleep. She discussed David with the doctor for some time before he nodded and left.

  Grace gave Caitlin a weary smile when she awoke a few minutes later.

  “The doctor was here. He says that he believes David has come through the critical time and that he is nearly out of danger. There were no bones fractured, no organs damaged. The bullet was removed without any fragments and the only real problem was the blood loss.”

  “The rest is soft tissue damage and arterial damage. If the arteries hold and mend, he should recover. Bless the woman’s shoddy aim! His temperature is very dangerously high, and they are watching that. It should be down in the morning. And, you are free to be with him as much as you would like to be, Caitlin.”

  Caitlin looked at Grace with big, sorrowful eyes and nodded. “Grace, I am so sorry.” She said. “It is all my fault.”

  “Now, Caitlin. Stop that.” Grace chastised. “None of this is your fault. You must not take this on yourself. Stay cheerful and positive for David’s sake, dear. You are our greatest hope.”

  Caitlin nodded sadly and tried not to cry. She felt as though her heart was breaking. “I don’t understand, Grace. Why do you say that?”

  Grace smiled. “Because David is in love with you.” she answered gently.

  Caitlin closed her eyes and tried to maintain control. She nodded to acknowledge that it was so.

  Grace smiled. “Then please, darling. Try to love him back to us.”

  Caitlin learned a great deal about prayer that week, for she did it constantly. She talked to David as though he heard every word and was simply too tired to answer. She laid her hands on him and prayed aloud as though nothing were amiss. She proclaimed his health and his healing. She told him that she loved him and when they were alone, she whispered all manner of sweet things in his ears and told him the desires of her heart.

  On the fourth day, Caitlin was sitting beside his bed in prayer. “Look.” A voice inside her urged. She lifted her eyes, and looked at David. His eyelids were flickering. Hope and excitement rushed up into her heart and she shot up from her chair. She put a hand on his forearm gently and stroked the skin.

  “David!” she whispered, with tears running down her face. “David, darling.”

  His brows pulled into a slight frown and he managed to open his eyes just a bit. He looked around and finally found the face above his. He blinked and tried again to focus on her. She stroked his hair and smiled tenderly down at him.

  ”David, my darling. I’m so glad to see you awake. I love you, David.” She told him passionately.

  He sighed and took a hitching breath. “Cait.” He whispered.

  She didn’t get a lot more out of him. He kept slipping in and out. She buzzed the nurse immediately to let her know.

  He wasn’t much company, but he continued to be conscious intermittently, and for lengthening periods of time. Caitlin continued to be his constant companion, showering him with love and attention. His mother got to see his eyes open, but he didn’t speak to her.

  The following morning, he woke up about ten o’clock and turned his head to find Caitlin sitting in a chair with her Bible open on her lap. Her eyes were closed but her lips were moving. He managed a little smile and gathered his strength to speak.

  “Praying for somebody?” he asked weakly.

  Caitlin’s eyes flew open, and she flew to his bedside when she saw him looking at her. “David! David, darling.” She said. She leaned over and kissed him gently. “Darling. I’ve been so worried about you. Thank God. You’re going to be all right.” She assured him.

  “Did you get that information from heaven, or a doctor?” he asked teasingly.

  “Both.” She answered firmly.

  “You shouldn’t be here. It’s not safe.” He admonished, already feeling weaker.

  “There is no more danger. Don’t you worry about a thing.” She assured him. “Connie won’t bother us again. She is in custody.”

  “What happened to Skyler?” he asked.

  Caitlin smiled down at him. “Skyler is fine now.” She answered softly. “Don’t you worry about anything.”

  David sighed. “I don’t want him bothering you.” He mumbled. His eyes were sliding shut.

  “He won’t, darling. Believe me, you don't need t
o worry about that anymore.”

  David grew stronger as the days went by. It wasn’t long before he was out of ICU and in a private room. He was able to carry on conversations for longer and longer periods of time; and soon was sounding like himself again, dropping lazy humor into his speech that greatly cheered Grace and Cait.

  He was still, however in a great deal of pain. The first time the therapist had him try to sit up, his face drained of all color and he obviously struggled to keep from passing out. Several weeks passed before he could move his arms or trunk without overwhelming pain.

  But, he made jokes about having his catheter removed and about getting the nurses to put something more interesting into the IV for pain control, and so they were cheered. It certainly seemed that given some time, he would be all right.

  “I’m blessed, you know. Missed my heart and my spine, but not by much. Believe me, I can tell you exactly where everything is and how close it was.” He laughed. “I am simply amazed to be alive.”

  Caitlin took his hand in hers and tried to keep the hazy tears in her eyes from spilling over.

  He looked at her with a crooked grin. “You almost seem glad of it.” He teased.

  She gave him a sideways look. “Don’t tease me about that, David.” She warned. “You know very well how awful it has been.”

  He chuckled. “What, you could well have escaped my clutches and I’d never have known until it was far too late.”

  She growled at him and her eyes squinted dangerously. “One fine day you’ll be well enough to pay for your lip, Mr. Majors. And I shall take great delight in punishing you for your sins.”

  He laughed at her. “Is that right?” he taunted. “And what makes you think I won’t fight back?”

  She looked at the lazy challenge in his eyes and leaned over his bed. “I’ll be sure not to wait until you’re back to normal. There will come a time when you’re strong enough to punish, but not strong enough to retaliate.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it, darling.” He countered with a chuckle. “You play with fire and you might find you bit off more than you bargained on.” He let his eyes caress her with longing and desire.

  Caitlin’s cheeks burned with the embarrassment she felt, but she managed not to look away. “David,” she scolded softly.

  “Hmm.” He asked, forcing his eyes back to her face.

  “You’re being very naughty. What happened to your manners?”

  He smiled. “Well, my patience is wearing a bit thin.” He admitted. “I had planned to come home and have no collar and chain to restrain me anymore.”

  Caitlin’s eyes flew open wide as David pulled her close and kissed her with deep, passionate need.

  “Cait,” he asked in a raw voice. “Will you still marry me?”

  “David,” she objected. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” He answered immediately and certainly. “Cait, it’s exactly what I want. I’m going to be fine. I promise.”

  She felt tears fill her eyes and she looked at him with more emotion than she could contain. She put her arms around his neck and laughed as she cried and kissed him with sheer joy.

  “And there will be no extended engagement. I want things to be as close to what I had planned as possible.”


  "Because I'll go mad if I have to wait too long. I am eagerly anticipating the consummation of our marriage."

  She laughed in outrage, blushing furiously.

  "Don't expect me to apologize." He warned her immediately. "I want you and I want you now. So just get used to the idea that your time of sleeping alone is coming to an end, very soon."

  She made a noise in her throat to express her outrage; and he smiled at her.

  "Come here." He ordered.

  She complied, feeling shy and very vulnerable.

  He looked at her sitting on the edge of the bed with a sly wink, and pulled her against him so that her head was resting on his shoulder.

  "I am looking forward to making you very much mine. Now, don't tell me I shouldn't be lusting after you. You've already promised. And I think that there is a woman of incredible passion inside you, just waiting to be discovered."

  Though her blush was blistering and accurately measured her level of embarrassment, she raised her chin and looked him in the eye. "Now, David. What makes you so sure that she hasn't already been discovered?" she asked pertly.

  He laughed heartily and hugged her tightly. "I don't think so, sweet thing." He denied without concern.

  She gasped in outrage and pushed against his chest. "I've had men friends." She insisted, looking up at him defiantly.

  He shook his head, still trying not to laugh. "Not that kind, you haven't." He insisted with certainty.

  "And how would you know?" she forced herself to persist.

  He smiled at her. "You're far too innocent. Far too naive, far too shy. You, my darling, are sweet, lovely and untouched. You have been intimate with no man."

  She blushed yet again, and he shook his head. "You see, even the mention of it mortifies you."

  She growled in frustration. "Well, you needn't be so very sure of yourself." She objected. "You could be wrong."

  "No way." He denied. "It's one of the things I love best about you. You waited for me; you saved this precious gift for me alone. And I will have the pleasure of touching you, tasting you, having you, loving you and knowing you, with the complete assurance that no other man has had, or will ever have, the pleasure that is mine."

  She buried her head against his chest in absolute mortification and he stroked her hair in comfort. "Get used to having me talk to you like a lover." He suggested. "That's exactly what I intend to become, very soon."

  His low, hushed voice and his lips began to convince her that he meant what he said and that she would find it delightful, indeed. She'd never known that passion could be so strong, but David knew exactly how to trip her triggers and set her heart pounding, and he never once touched her anywhere that he shouldn't. She was breathless and aching when he finally decided to show some mercy.

  He looked at her with deep satisfaction and she looked down to avoid the steady burning in his eyes. "It's going to be all right." He told her softly.

  She looked up at him and smiled bashfully. "I never doubted that for a moment." She agreed.

  David looked up to see his mother watching them from the doorway. She had a knowing but pleased look on her face. "David, you must certainly be feeling much better."

  Caitlin tried to move away, but he held her against him with his strong arm.

  Grace sat in the chair beside the bed and gave Caitlin a compassionate look. "Darling, has the brute upset you?"

  Caitlin blushed. "No. Not at all." She denied.

  “How long shall the wedding be postponed?”

  “I’ll talk to the doctor, but I’m not in favor of losing even a day.”

  “Bless you, David.” Grace sighed.

  David sighed. “I suppose I'll need some time to get out of here and regain some strength. But I don't want to wait too long."

  David did increase in strength daily. Caitlin was concerned about their hotel bill and the amount it was costing for restaurant food, but Grace had no such concerns. She wanted to be near David and she knew Caitlin did, too. So she shushed the girl and assured her that money was no problem.

  At last, David was able to go home. He'd given Will instructions to block out three months for recuperation and the wedding.

  They all flew home together. David was extremely tired, but he fared well on the trip. He followed up with a doctor the day after their arrival home, who advised David to wait a month more before increasing his activity level. So they set the date of their wedding for eight weeks into the future.

  They both agreed that they would prefer a very quiet wedding. Neither of them had a great number of close friends that they wanted to invite, and they elected to have it at home to protect their privacy.

  Though they had been very insula
ted from the press because of their private jet transportation and the private hospital, and of course the security of David's home, they were well aware that the story was big news and that it would certainly take some time to blow over.

  Grace insisted upon having a seamstress come to the house to measure Caitlin, and to create for her the dress of her dreams. She also got Cait's ideas about flowers, and made all the arrangements. Cait was a bit uncomfortable with all that they were doing for her, but there was nothing else to be done. Grace was insistent.

  She sent an invitation to her Uncle and his wife, but he wrote with regret that they'd be on a trip and couldn't change the dates. And so, Caitlin was going to be standing alone. She asked Grace to be her matron of honor, and she ecstatically agreed.

  Caitlin spent a lot of time swimming and David generally sat by the pool, watching while he slowly recovered.

  He felt weak in his entire upper body, and was prone to headaches and chest pain. He knew that there was quite a hole in his chest and that even though the bullet had missed the important bones and organs, he'd been very torn up.

  He was lucky to be alive and he was being careful to follow his doctor's advice. He wanted to be one hundred percent in his recovery, if possible.

  So, he watched Caitlin. She was so beautiful. He marveled at the goodness of God, to give her to him. They also prayed together daily. He read to her, and she read to him. They talked about God and he watched her grow daily in the things of the Lord. He was well pleased. She was sweet and innocent, as well as beautiful.

  As he began to feel better, David spent more time at the piano and composed some work. He was planning to go into the studio after their marriage, to record a new CD.

  Caitlin took a few rides with Jana over the following weeks, but for the most part, she stayed near David. She was well aware that her nearness brought him pleasure and comfort. She was also well aware of his eyes on her, watching.

  He was patiently waiting for their wedding. The remembrance gave her shivers and caused her to hug herself with anticipation.

  His eyes on her, his kisses, the touch of his hand caressing her, were all preparing her for the time when David would be her lover. She was a bit afraid; after all, she'd never had a man. But she trusted David. She knew that she'd be all right with him.


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