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Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

Page 7

by Unknown

  A lot of the seasoned veterans. The ones who have been around for a long time agree and know where this is going but the newbies not so much.

  “So we just sit here while those dicks sell our guns and party over Drakes death. We do nothing?” John spits out.

  At this point my blood is boiling. That stupid fuck has been out of my good graces seance the party with Tessa. Now he has the balls to sit here and undermined me.

  Pulling my gun I stand up and walk over to him. Not taking my eyes from his I put the barrel to his head. His eyes widen in fear “Listen hear pup. You’ve been a hair a crossed my ass for a while now. I run this club. If I say we wait. That we plan the attack. Then we wait and plan the attack. If I say pull your gun and shoot the fucker a crossed from you. You pull your fucking gun and shoot the fucker a crossed from you do you understand?” I demanded.

  This piece of shit just nods his head. I have half a mind to shoot him and be done with it. I have to much shit that needs handled right now and he may be handy later.

  Does anyone else have a problem?” I ask. I’m greeted with silence. Perfect. I walk back over to my seat “back to business. I know no one wants to sit here wile the scum sells our guns and defiantly not after they killed Drake. We need to. This shit needs to be handled properly. To get the mass affect we want for our brother Drake were going to sit back. we’ll watch them.”

  “We make no move on them. You hear me. When they get nice and comfy. We’ll have the advantage. We will know there ins and out’s. Who’s who. Those they love. There jobs. When they take a fucking shit. We will know. Then we strike. We hit them were it hurts. We slowly take them apart” I all but growl the last part.

  Shouts of agreement went up around the table “its time we go put our brother to rest” I shout out.


  It’s been hours since Adien left. With out even a good bye. And I have spent those hours pacing the floor. Heaving a sigh I climb back on his bed and close my eyes. I wonder whats keeping him? Why didn’t he say goodbye? Maybe hes with the slut Amb.. I don’t even get to finish the thought when I hear the door creak open and then a high pitch scream.

  “What the fuck are you doing in here?” Amber screeches at me. Grabbing my ears I give a slight moan of pain “For fuck sakes. Put a cork in it. Are you trying to make my ears bleed?” I admonish in the most motherly tone I can muster.

  All the while I have a smirk on my face as I run my hand over the sheets. “Get out you you..” Amber starts but the doors burst open and Jesse comes sauntering in “What are you doing in here Amber?” Jesse demands.

  “What am I doing in here? You mean what is she doing in here! This is my boyfriends room” she screech's some more “No this is Adiens room and as of this morning its also Tessa's room” Jesse reply’s with a smile.

  He is so enjoying this “No your lying she..” she points a claw at me “Needs to get out of this room right this instant” she continued with a stomp of her foot.

  I cant help but watch with fascination as Jesse grips the bridge of his nose “So your calling me a liar? And your going against Adiens orders? Would you like me to call him now?” Jesse demand pulling out his phone.

  I watched the emotions play a crossed Amber’s face. I thought for a moment Amber was going to be smart and say no and leave. But then she proves just how stupid she was. I realized there was a brain cell left in that brain of hers maybe.

  “Call him. I want to hear him tell you to kick her out” Amber smirks and shifts her eyes to me and I feel my smile get bigger. Jesse puts the phone to his ear “Boss we got a problem here..” pause “No Tessa is fine..well I mean shes safe but well Amber’s here..” pause “in your I mean yours and Tessa's room..” pause “yes boss I told her but she continues to demand Tessa's removal from the room..” pause “yes boss” he pulls the phone away from his ear and press's the speaker phone button.

  Adiens voice fills the room “Tessa babe you alright?” he asks softly “hmm I'm okay my ears hurt and I’m starting to get a head ache. But other wise okay. I was getting ready to go to bed when she came in' I reply

  “Okay babe you rest I’ll be home soon..”his voice still soft. If not more so then normal. His voice goes cold and hard “Amber?” “yes babe I’m here. I came home to find this whore in our bed and she wont leave..” I interrupt by jumping from the bed with a loud “GROSS you fucked that walking std on this bed and you put me in it oh god” I feel my self go green what the fuck was he thinking.

  “Tessa” I hear Jesse's voice “You okay your looking a little green there.” “Tessa babe you okay?” I hear the worry in Adiens voice.

  “Okay are you fucking kidding me. You wanted me to stay in a room. In a bed were countless others have been including this.” I reply pointing at Amber “I think I’m going to be sick” I force out.

  “Tessa babe there has never and I mean never been another in that room or that bed I..” he paused “I took them in another room. I never brought a woman to my room your the first I swear babe” he pleads.

  I believe him sitting down on our bed I say “I believe you” before closing my eyes to take away the stinging I feel I will not cry I just wont do it “Amber why the fuck are you in our room? And after Jesse told you it was mine and Tessa's room?” I can hear the murder in his voice.

  “Adien...” Amber starts “GET THE FUCK OUT” he shouts at her I watch in fascination as Amber all but runs out of the room. “I want her barred from the house Jesse” Adien says curtly “yes boss”

  “Tessa?” “yes?” “get some rest babe I’ll be home soon okay” Adien says gently. “Okay” I say on a yawn.

  Jesse turns off the speaker setting and puts the phone to his ear “yes boss” he says and hangs up before turning to me with a smile on his face.

  “That was so much fun!” he claps his hands like a kid “get some rest Tessa I gotta go make sure shes left the building. Then inform everyone shes not aloud back in boss's orders. You need anything just let me know okay?” I just nod my head as my eyelids get heavy and sleep takes me with a smile on my face.

  I'm back in front of the mirror smiling at me reflection. My hands placed over my belly “it will be okay” I whisper to my self.

  I feel like this is important like its real “hey Tessa?” I hear Ella shout from some were behind me “hmm?” I respond “Lets go. You need to tell Adien” she says excitedly. I nod my head and turn to head for the door. Then I’m at his house and Amber's cars there...

  I feel the bed dip behind me and strong arms pull me up to a warm hard chest. Adiens home. I smile as he kiss's my head and snuggles his face into the back of my neck. Sighing I let sleep take me into nothing but darkness no more dreams.

  Chapter 14


  Shoving my phone back into my pocket. When I really want to through it at the fucking wall. Watch it shatter. What the fuck am I going do about Amber? The bitch just wont stop.

  I told her that shes just a fuck nothing more. Tessa shit. The fucking thing with Amber. The stupid whore almost fucked everything up I had going with her. I'm so glad I always wrap my shit.

  “Trouble in paradise boss” Jace asks. the stupid shit is enjoying this. “fucking Amber” I growl “aah I see well I heard” he says while laughing his ass off at my expense no less.

  “Lets finish this I need to head home” Is all I say in response. Jace just nods his head. Smart man I’m holding on by a thread at this point.

  It took almost an hour but finally I'm home. Stepping into my room I make my way over to the bed. feeling a smile pull at my lips at the sight that greets me. Tessa with her back to me. Her face facing the window. Her back to the door the covers at her waist. There was a smile lighting up her whole face.

  Stripping out of my cloths I climb into the bed. Pull her into my arms and kissing the top of her head. I nuzzle my face into the nape of her neck and let sleep take me.

  Sunlight hits my face and I groan shifting slightly. I crack open my eyes to
see Tessa's sweet face tilted up to mine her eyes closed. Her beautiful long legs are tangled in mine. Unable to help my self I press my lips to her soft pouty ones.

  Pulling back I hear her sigh as her eyes flutter open. A sweet smile lights her face. Once again I’m unable to stop myself and lean back in for another kiss. That peck turned to another. then another. next thing I know I’m on top of her. Her legs on ether sides of my body. My cock pressed against her pantie covered pussy.

  I wrap my hand up in her hair deepening the kiss. Letting my other hand slowly roam her body. I rub it up and down her side. My fingers brush the under side of her luscious breast.

  The moan that follows that simple touch was so fucking erotic I almost unmanned my self and by shooting my load off in my boxers.

  “Oh god” Tessa whispers. “Tessa get up.” Ella shouts from the other side of the door. Following it up with a swift pounding knock. Groaning I reluctantly roll off of her. Head to the bathroom I’ve got a little or you know big problem I need to take care of.

  Stepping under the hot spray I wrap my hand around my cock and give a light squeeze before stroking it up and down. I close my eyes and take my self back to a few moments before. Before we were interrupted. I pick up were I left off slowly lifting her shirt as I kiss her more passionately.

  I pause long enough to pull her shirt over her head. Slanting my lips back on hers and sliding my tongue into her mouth I gently caress hers with mine. My hands go back into there original position one knotted into her hair. Tilting her head back for better access to her mouth.

  The other went to her breast my fingers sliding over her nipple gently.. I squeeze my cock a little harder.. I pinch her nipple before my mouth leaves hers to I trail down her neck leaving a trail or kiss's nips and licks.

  I pull her nipple into my mouth. Giving it a gentle tug. I suckle on it. A loud sweet moan met my ears. My control snapped a little. Sliding one of my hands down her stomach. I push it into her panties and slowly trail my fingers through her wet slit..

  My cock jumps a little in my hand as I pump it a little harder. Moaning.. shes so wet for me. My fingers go deeper. I circle her tight whole with my fingertip then I slowly insert one finger into her moist heat.

  Tessa moans grow louder.. and so do mine. I'm close. So fucking close I pump my cock a little harder and a little pre cum wells up on top of the tip..

  Pumping my finger I insert another finger into her tight moist pussy so fucking tight. I pump a little harder. A little faster as I feel her body start to stiffen up and she starts to scream in pleasure.

  I watch the look of pure pleasure that comes over her face as her orgasm rush’s through her.. groaning I stiffen as my cum shoot’s out of my cock. Jets after jets of hot cum forcefully leave my cock and hit my hand. I gave one final tug on my cock as it finally emptied I slumped forward.

  Taking a deep breath I wash my self quickly. I dry and head out into my room. Pulling on a pair of washed out loose fit blue jeans. My phone rings

  “boss we have sightings of Trevor. In route to confirm. What do you want us to do” Jace asks “confirm. Then text me the location. I’ll be headed your way in a few.” I barked back in reply.

  Slamming my phone down. I quickly put the rest of my cloths on. As I’m sliding my shoes onto my feet the bedroom door opens. I knew without looking up it was Tessa.

  Everyone else new better. You knock first. But she didn’t and I didn’t want her to it was our room “Everything okay?” she asks in her sweet voice. I could see the worry in her eyes “Fine babe. Just need to go meet up with Jace nothing big” trying to keep as much of the truth as possible with out saying to much.

  “Oh okay I’ll see you later?” she asks worry being replaced with disappointment. “I’ll be back as quick as I can” I say to her gently.

  Making my way over to her I kiss her gently. before heading to the door. I need to end this shit and I needed to do it now.

  So much has changed between us. After she told me everything. It was like I was struck by lightning. Everything I’ve learned about this girl. Makes me want her more. Everything screamed mine. I wasn’t going to fight it anymore. Shes mine.

  The leads panned out. At the same time didn’t. We didn’t find Trevor. We did however come a crossed one of Kevin’s men. “Take him to the gym. I’ll be in later keep him. Under wraps until I get there understand” I demand in a hard firm tone.

  I’m going to have a little fun getting him to talk. We found him were Trevor was rumored to be. I didn’t believe in coincidence. First and foremost I needed to head home and see Tessa. I told her I wouldn’t be long so he will half to wait.

  Chapter 15


  School I hate fucking school. At least Ella’s here with me. Adien couldn’t be. At least I wasn’t lonely and bored out of my fucking mind. Aah its lunch time thank fucking god. I spent my morning recalling what happened this morning before I left for school.

  I open my eyes as Adien's fingers caress my stomach gently sending tingles and shivers through my body. “good morning babe” he whispers in my ear causing more of those tingles to run through my body.

  “good morning” I breath out almost breathless. The effect his fingers have just rubbing my belly with gentle caress has me almost breathless. His mouth starts kissing my neck gently sucking here and there.

  “As much as I would love to strip your beautiful body and continue this we need to get ready babe. I have some shit to take care of today and you my little kitten needs to go to school.” he finish’s with his teeth gently grabbing my ear lobe and tugging.

  I moan “what are you doing?” I ask “nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about babe. Just some club shit.” I feel my heart stop for a minute as I turn my body towards him. “will you be okay?” I ask quietly dropping my eyes to his chest. Not wanting to see the laughter in his eyes.

  “kitten I’ll be fine” he gentles his voice before putting his fingers under my chin. Forcing me to meet his eyes.

  Searching them I see nothing but sincerity in them. I feel my body relax a little. Letting out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. I smile at him. Then hes kissing me. Not a peck on the lips, Not sweet and gentle. Full on kissing me hard and rough with so much passion.

  Abruptly pulling away he kiss's my forehead “go get ready for school kitten” he taps my but before getting up and heading to his closet for cloths. He throw’s me a wink as he walks out of the bedroom. Off to take a shower in another room.

  When I asked him about it yesterday he told me he didn’t want anyone to see me like that but him. The only place no one dares to enter without knocking is his room. So the shower is mine for now.

  The for know part was said with so much heat in his eyes I almost crumpled under the desire it sent through my body.

  “Tessa? HELLO earth to Tessa. Are you in there?” I snap back to reality. Ella is shouting in my face. Shit I spaced out. “Sorry” I mumble in embarrassment.

  Ella laughs “what were you thinking about so intensely?” I fell my face heat up. “You know what never mind I don’t want to know” she says quickly.

  She plugs her ears and starts singing. Loudly I might add. Shaking my head I start walking. Leaving her behind. Going in the direcion of the cafe. when someone. “cough” slut “cough” steps out in front of me.

  “So Tessa I guess you didn't keep Adien happy” she says in her screechy voice. I let out a sigh “what do you want you prehistoric walking decease?”

  “what the fuck did you just call me?” she shouts in that nails a crossed the chalk board voice. “I called you a prehistoric walking decease. You know since scientist may have found proof that you were what they call patient X or Zero for sexually transmitted deceases” I say as sweetly as I can.

  Ella starts laughing her ass off. I feel my lips twitch. I fight it. “Ugh whatever. Anyway as I was saying. I noticed Adiens not here today. Well we spent the whole morning together” she says with a huge s
mile on her face. I feel my heart start to break. I carefully keep my face blank of any emotion behind me Ella stops laughing and steps up to my side.

  “Shut the fuck up Amber. We both know your fucking lying!” Ella shouts. I cant take it. I need to get out of here. I cant look weak though. I cant let her see it hurts. It hurts a lot.

  “Oh Ella you know me and Adien will always be together. He will always want me. he may..” she pauses to rake her eyes over me with disgust clear upon her face “.. try others but he will always come back to me.” she spews out.

  I watch Ella get in her face and start shouting. I couldn’t hear it. I could hear nothing over the blood rushing through my ears. My heart pounding in despair. I turn on my heal and walk fast around the corner before breaking into a run.

  Slamming through the school doors. I bend over I suck in a sharp breath. Bile rise’s in my throat. I gag as I hit my knees. “Tessa” I hear Ella shouts. I turn my head towards her

  “Tessa shes lying. My brother is a lot of things but stupid isn’t one of them.” she says while looking into my eyes. All I could do is nod my head “can we go home?” I ask her “lets go” she puts her arm around me as we head to my car.


  Leaving Tess this morning was difficult to say the least. My dick was pissed at me. Turning my head I put my hand out palm up “screw driver” is all I said before one was place in my hand.

  Turning my head back I look at Kevin's guy. Who is looking a little worse for wear. To say the morning has been productive would be both an understatement and a lie.

  He wont fucking give up Trevor. I’ve got to admit I admire his loyalty to Kevin.


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