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Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

Page 9

by Unknown

  “Whats wrong Amber did someone pee in your Wheaties?” I ask. I hear a small bang and watch over Amber’s shoulder. OK well not her shoulder considering shes a mini giant.

  Ella hit the floor once again laughing. Well poor Jesse tried so hard not to laugh. Unfortinatly for him he needs to be on guard. Or Adien will have his balls.

  Well if they don’t exploded because he’s laughing so hard “What the fuck are you talking about” Amber looks so lost and confused.

  Screwing up my face to look sympathetic “How was your Wheaties this morning? Did they have a sunny yellow glow to them?” I ask sweetly.

  Just then Jesse hits the floor hard. It looked painful “huh?” she asks. clearly confused “I added a little extra to your breakfast. I think his name was Josh? Jason? Joe? I cant remember his name. but I put a little bit of him in there was it good?” judging by her face it was totally lost on her.

  Shaking my head I leave her there and continue to my table. I’m fucking hungry and even the pleasure I take in tormenting Amber. Even that hasn’t changed anything.

  I got half way through my food. The nectar of life. My num nums. When my phone went off. “Hey” my automatic response. “Have you been being good Tessa?” it was Adien.

  “Of course. why wouldn’t I be?” I ask sweetly. I just goat a call from a very confused Amber. Something about some guy that’s name started with a J and Wheaties. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” his voice was like silk.

  It smoothed over my body. Making me shiver in response. “Well she stayed over last night and had some Wheaties for breakfast” I say airily. Sounding like I didn’t have a clue. Any at all what the problem could be. I wont lie to him. But I wont be forth coming either.

  I hear him sigh and felt a twinge of guilt. He sounded so tired. Here I was causing him some more problems. “What did you do Tessa?” he asks.

  “OK I asked a guy whose name started with a J to pee in a cup. I then put it in her Wheaties. And she had Wheaties because I hide all the other cereal. You know you cant pee in someones Wheaties. When there not eating Wheaties.” I reply quietly. Feeling really bad about bothering him and causing him trouble.

  Silence greats my response. I start to fidget. I don’t like it when hes mad at me “Don’t be mad. I’m sorry” I say quickly in a small voice.

  “I’m not mad baby” I can hear the strain in his voice. He chuckles “I got to go baby. Stay with Jesse at all times OK.” it wasn’t a question.

  “Of course I will. Even in the girls room” his response is immediate. “He better stay out of the stalls no peeking. I will pluck his fucking eyes out” he growls.

  That’s all it took for wetness to flood my panties. Shifting in my seat I say a little breathlessly “Of course no peeking! I'll take his eyes out first” another chuckle.

  “I know baby I’ll see you soon. Try to be good”.” “Always” I reply. Ending the call on his chuckle. I slip my phone back into my pocket.

  I return to eating. looking at Jesse I inform him “Adien says no peeking or you'll loose your eyes” my voice is nonchalant.

  The rest of the day flew by quickly. And before I knew it I was curled up on the couch watching John Wick. Who reminded me of Adien. My eyes felt heavy. Sometime later I felt strong arms scoop me up. Then carry me to bed. Snuggling my face into his chest I let darkness consume me again.

  Chapter 18


  Still chuckling I end the call with Tessa. I notice everyone is looking at me. Shaking my head " I guess Amber crashed at the house last night. So Tessa hid all the cereal. All of course. But the Wheaties. She then had Josh pee in a cup. To pour it in Amber's Wheaties. When Amber wasn’t looking she poured it in her bowl. Her reasoning. You cant pee in someones Wheaties when there not eating Wheaties" Shaking my head again as everyone laughed.

  Looking at Jace " Everything set up?" "yes boss" he replied with a smile. I couldn't tell if it was because of Tessa. Who everyone seemed to love or because of what we were going to do.

  Walking into the other room I run my fingers over the various tools. Tools I will use today. I will show no mercy. There will never be any mercy when it came to Tessa.

  Selecting a pair of needle nose pliers. Already deciding I would use these first. I head over to my new friend. "were is he?" I ask calmly. When all's I want to do is shout the words at him. I'm met with silence.

  "Should I start with your fingernails, toenails or maybe your ear?" I question out loud watching him shudder.

  I don't think he believes I'll do this. He has no fucking clue what I would do or what I'm capable of. Deciding to start small. It lasts longer that way.

  I sink down and grab his foot. Running the pliers slowly over his toes. Until I reach the baby toe. I give him a smile. I pull his toenail off slowly.

  He lets out a small grunt of pain through gritted teeth. "Got anything to say? I could do this all day. I know how to make it last. I know how to make you feel the most pain. All the while making sure you stay alive." I say nonchalantly.

  I'm met with silence. Shrugging my shoulders I move the pliers to the next toe and slowly pry the next toenail off. Another grunt of pain and more silence.

  Really getting into it. I just keep going. I don't stop to ask him anything. Once all his toenails are gone I make my way to his fingernails. Still nothing. Only grunts. And those have gotten louder. He's sweating.

  I think I even see a few tears welling up in his eyes. I want screams of pain. I need screams of pain. I want to hear him beg. I want him to confess. At the same time. I'm enjoying this to much for it to end. The more he fights it the better it is for me.

  Putting the pliers down. I’ll save his ears. For now. I like working on the toes and fingers. Reaching over. I grab the cigar cutter.

  The cuts are cleaner then that of a knife. Smoother. I said I want it to last. I start with the baby toe again. Then I make my way through his toes one at a time. His screams are music to my ears.

  When his toes all gone. I move on to his fingers. Grabbing one I slide the cigar cutter up to the first knuckle. Pressing down taking the tip of his finger clean off.

  Moving the cutter to the next knuckle I press down. Now we have about half a finger. I'm not satisfied I want the whole finger. I didn't stop at just one. I continue from finger to finger until there all gone.

  He's bleeding profusely. Shaking my head. I'm not ready for him to pass out from blood loss. Our game would have to end. Grabbing the salt I pour some into my hand and rub it into the ends of both his feet and hands.

  Tears are now pouring down his face. He jerks and screams. Kneeling I move back to his feet. Grabbing a knife. I slide it under the skin and start peeling it like a potato.

  At this point blood has soaked the plastic covering the floor. Removing my eyes from my work I look at Jace knowing without asking he already started a small fire. Already heating up a knife.

  I watch as Jace reaches over and hands me the blade that's black from the fire. I reach over with my other hand and grab the foot that's covered in blood and press the blade to the bottom of his foot.

  The sizzling of burning flesh could be heard barely over the screams. " were is he?" I demand. Once again half hoping for nothing. But then again even if he gives it up who said I had to stop.

  His whimpering only annoys me. I need screams not whimpers. " I don't know. I really don't know. He told me to wait at the school for her. Then told me what class and what time they are. He said to collect her during gym today. That her guard wont be in the locker room. Per your orders. That her friend wont be there. He would make sure of it." Fresh tears pour down his face as he sobs uncontrollably.

  Turning I look at Jace "Time?" I demand trying to keep the rising panic out of my voice. "12:32 boss" he looks a little panicked him self. shit fuck mother fucker.

  "Call Jesse. Tell him to get in the fucking locker room now!" standing. I storm to the door not giving a shit about anything else. I needed to get to Tessa

  Hearing the word. " boss" I turn to look at Jake's face. "You may need to clean up first boss" he points to my cloths. Looking down at myself. I'm covered in blood fuck.

  Looking at Jace "Hes got her boss" I watch Jaces face form a smile "Got an eyeful though" he starts laughing. Reaching for the phone I hear Jesse yelling.

  "I did fucking not. You fucker. He will kill me!" " Jesse" I say calmly. I hear silence. Then his panicked voice comes over the line again " I swear boss I didn't see a thing. Just her back as I did a quick sweep of the room" I feel my self smile good. I really didn't want to kill him.

  " Wheres Ella?" I try for clam "Her and Amber got into. When Tessa was going pee.." he chokes slightly on the pee part. I feel a small smile at that "...she was sent to the principles office. Dan's with her" I feel my self relax

  "Collect the girls. Get them home now Jesse." my voice is hard. " boss" is his reply before the line goes silent. Tossing Jace his phone. I walk back over to our guest.

  "What were you suppose to do when she was in the locker room?" I watch him shake. "Just grab her. I wasn't going to hurt her. I was going to use chloroform. He told me to hit her. There was no way it was going to happen I swear" he swallows.

  My temper rising to another level "Then what were you suppose to do with her?" I ask trying to sound relaxed. Make him believe I was going to let him leave.

  No more torture. Maybe even walk away with his life. " I was suppose to bring her to 22 Washington st that's all I know. I swear it. please no more." he begs for his life.

  Looking over at Jace " Take care of this. I need to clean up and head home" Jace gives me a nod and a knowing smile.

  Going up the stairs. I take the back way to my office. Once there I strip. Then climb into my private shower.

  Standing under the hot spray. hot water slide’s down my skin. I watch the water go from red to pink and finally clear before scrubbing up.

  Quickly dressing I head home to see Tessa. I’ve missed her so fucking much.

  Chapter 19


  I can't fucking believe this. How the fuck could he do this. Sending Jesse into the locker room to get me. Was over the top bullshit.

  I'm fuming as I stab my legs into my pants. Looking down at my bra clad chest. I feel more annoyance sweep over me. At least the bastard could have knocked or hell even called out a fucking warning.

  But no that's not how it happened not even close. Reaching into my locker. I pull the tank over my head as the scene plays out again. My hand in my locker reaching for my pants while my hips sway and my ass shakes. I dance to the imaginary tune in my head.

  All the good feelings I was getting went crashing. When I heard a chuckle. Immediately my head snaps to my left. There is the asshole himself. Leaning agents the locker right next to mine.

  Did the little shit stop there. Oh no he let his eyes rake over my almost naked body. His eyes slowly make there way to mine. Then his head snaps back from the force of my punch. I don't hold back.

  I ball up my fist and hit him full force my knuckles make contact with his too pretty face. Cheek first. Where I'm a little vertically challenged my fist came from a little low. So it was a head snapping back slightly to the side fuck you mother fucker kinda hi.

  Slipping my boots on I slam my locker closed. My anger is like fire coursing through my veins. My anger at Jesse has started to turn to fury at Adein.

  Where does he get off telling Jesse to come into the locker knowing I could be scantly clothed to "retrieve me" like a fucking puppy.

  Clenching my hands into fists I storm to the door. Reaching for the door handle I start to pull. And nothing. So I pull a little harder. It moves only slightly. Then nothing. I feel my self start to vibrate in frustration and pent up anger.

  That quickly changes when I feel something or should I say someone at my back. My head slowly lifts to take in the large hand pressed against the door. Fear creeps in slowly as my body tenses. "Tsk tsk Tessa" the man whispers in my ear.

  I feel his breath brush over my ear. It reeks of beer and tobacco. I feel a shudder of disgust crawl up my spine.

  The possible exits are running through my head. Why did I make Jesse go into the hall? Stupid stupid stupid Tessa. Think. You can do this. The alternative isn't an option.

  Forcing my body to relax. I try to give the impression of surrender and willingness to comply. "Good girl" he whispers in my ear again. I slant my head away a little with the appearance of shyness.

  Now with the back of my head in the right position I slam my head back with as much force as I could muster. Acting fast I raise my elbow and slam it onto his throat.

  His body stumbles back under the force and he falls to his knees holding his throat. Grabbing the door handle I pull the door and rush out into the hall and right into Jesse almost knocking him to the floor.

  " Tessa everything ok?" Jesse asked in a little higher pitched voice then normal. I decided to keep this to my self. It's bad enough Adein asked Jesse to come get me. If this gets out I will have no privacy.

  Nodding I grab his arm and start walking towards the exit. Personally I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Jesse has other ideas it seems. He digs his feet into the floor and becomes unmovable. I shoot him the look. The look all woman have.

  Jesse breaks "Please, please don't tell him about the locker room incident" he pleads. When I don't respond right away he quickly spits out " If he found out about your lack of cloths he will kill me. Please Tessa don't tell him. I'll be better I promise."

  I felt relief that he was referring to that not the other. "I already got you for that." I say quickly while giving him a tug. He's like a fucking bolder and won't budge not even a little.

  "I promise Jesse I won't tell him if you won't" I say gently. Jesses my friend. I really liked having him around. He looks so relived as he finally starts walking again thank fuck.

  Not wasting any more time. I rush out of the school and head for my car. Jesse watches me unlock the door and slip in. His hand wraps around the top of the door holding it in place. "I'll follow you" he says as he closes the door.

  Locking the door I start the car. Backing out of the parking spot I all but floor it in my rush to get away from the school. It wasn't until I heard Jesse’s bike that I realized I wasn't waiting for him.

  Hell after he closed the door I completely forgot he was going to follow me. My brain said get the fuck out of dodge so I did just that. Stopping at the red light. Jesse takes the opportunity to pull up next to my drivers window and gives it a tap.

  I put a hopefully innocent smile on my face and quickly comply. "I said I would follow you" he's quick to point out. "I forgot. I know I know it was just minutes ago. But when this baby purrs all thoughts leave your mind. I'm really sorry Jesse. I won't tell Adein if you don't." My voice sounds almost to innocent and I cringe inwardly.

  Jesse just stares at me for a minute. Before giving me a nod and a smile. " ok Tessa we can keep this between us. But please behave. My life depends on it literally." His aspirated tone makes my smile go from faked innocence to a real slightly bigger smile.

  The light changed and I take off at a much more sedate pace. Earning me a thumbs up from Jesse. I have no idea what has caused Adien to have made such a rash decision. So rash that it had Jesse storming into the locker room.

  I'm almost afraid to find out. In all this crazy I completely forgot about Ella. I'm such a horrible friend. I reach into my back pocket and slip my phone out. I quickly call Jesse. I watch in the mirror as Jesse gives me signal to pull over. I'm quick to respond. Jesse pulls up to the drivers window again.

  "Tessa?" The question is out before I fully get the window down. " I forgot about Ella. Jesse we just left her." I feel panic take over. Jesse quickly places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

  " Ella is fine. I promise she's headed home as well. You'll see her as soon as we get there ok?" He says in a reassuring voice. I take a deep breath and let it out. Giving h
im a nod I pull back out and he's right there on my tail.

  The rest of the drive was quiet and gave me plenty of time to think. And with the thinking came the anger. By the time we got to the house I was ready to commit murder. The soon to be victim was Adein.

  That was until I got out of the car and was greeted by Amber. Nasty fucking Amber. My desire to commit murder doubled and Adiens took the back seat.

  First I needed to find a way to kill this nasty whore with out contracting anything or multiple any things. That thought made me giggle. Poor Amber had this confused look on her face guess my giggles got to her.

  Poor Jesse looked like he was remembering breakfast and was having a hard time keeping a straight face. I need some entertainment. and Amber here. She's perfect for said entertainment.

  I give her a wide birth as I make my way to the door. I need to think of some torturous I mean fun things to do with Amber. I feel a little giddy as I make my way up stairs. I had some planning to do and I needed My general. Ella.

  Chapter 20


  Ella always had brilliant ideas I swear. She suggested we take a little swim. Slip into our tine tiny bikinis. Give the men some eye candy. Piss off Amber. While we plot our way into ruining her night.

  The last had my hands rubbing together in glee. Personally I wanted nothing to do with the eye candy part of her plan. But the idea of getting at Amber. Well it over shadowed all else.

  I swear she could suggest we strip naked and sit on Jesse's lap and I would be on board if it meant getting to her. Okay I wouldn't go that far but close. Poor Jesse would die of shock. If I say sit in his lap. I also had the distinct feeling Adien may kill him.

  I didn't want that. Jesse has grown on me. Stripping off the last of my cloths. I shimmy into my pink and gray stripped bikini. Not so tiny anyway. Pulling my hair back into a messy bun. I walk out of the bathroom into Adiens room.


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