Lily's Story, A Bentley Sisters Novel

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Lily's Story, A Bentley Sisters Novel Page 8

by Lauren Beaumont

  His words were too much, and already, against her will, her fingers were pulling at her nipples, stretching them as he had stretched them, twisting them as he had twisted.

  She saw the triumph in his eyes as her body squirmed in its search for pleasure and he lowered his head back down her body as his fingers found her centre and, so slowly, delved deeper into her body, circling her sex and gently drawing out the wetness that had gathered in her centre and massaging it intimately into her folds.

  As his fingers continued their massage, she felt his mouth close over her nub, keeping her lace panties as a barrier and using his tongue to skim her most sensitive point over the lace, manipulating the soft lace to torture her as she felt him trace its patterns over her flesh like an intimate tattoo.

  Still, his fingers refused to fill her the way she craved, and skirted around her, delving in and out, spreading her cream. Instinctively, her hips rose to meet his mouth and his fingers, encouraging him to take more, to take everything she could offer.

  At last, she felt him roll the unwelcome barrier of her panties down her legs so that, finally, there was nothing between them, and his tongue continued its ministrations as, with a jolt, she felt him cup her bottom in his broad hands and tilt her hips upwards to meet his mouth.

  She groaned as his tongue slowed down and lazily circled her now exposed clitoris and, unable to be embarrassed now, her own fingers plucked at her nipples with increasing urgency, wanting only to come but knowing that he controlled her pleasure.

  He swept one arm out from under her and placed it under her leg, raising it so that the back of her knee was resting on his shoulder, and then did the same with her other leg. She was open to him in every way.

  Carefully, with one long finger, he pressed into her core that was now drenched with the evidence of her need and she moaned at the invasion, her body tightening like a fist around his finger but wanting more. She tried to move against him, experimenting with the depth of his invasion, but he stilled her hips with his other hand.

  “No, Lily, let me...” and at the same time flexed his finger, drawing a long cry of yearning need from her as her body spasmed around him.

  With a groan of his own, he took her clitoris back in his mouth, probing the sensitive nub with his tongue and feeling it swell as her need grew.

  Slowly, he pushed another finger gently inside her and felt the clench of her body accepting them. Careful not to hurt her, he draw them back and forth, all the time his tongue rubbed over her clitoris in tiny probing circles, knowing from the insistent pull of her channel that she needed to be filled and that she wouldn’t last much longer, but wanting her to come first against his fingers, to get used to the sensation of being filled before he penetrated her with the thickness of his cock which was, even now, pressing upwards against his stomach, demanding attention to the point of pain.

  Lily mewled in sweet agony as his fingers rocked back and forth inside her. Never had she felt anything as intense, as overwhelming or as unapologetically erotic as Tom’s assault, and she felt the pressure grow and grow as his fingers and mouth moved ever faster.

  The tension climbed and climbed until Lily’s senses ached, and then, at last, she felt Tom press down on the centre of her clitoris, firmly but gently as was clearly his way, and she flew apart with a strangled cry. She felt her body clench fervently and spasm again and again against his fingers and felt a gush of wetness flow from her body around his fingers as her release shook every atom of her being.

  She didn’t know how Tom had moved so quickly, but no sooner was she gasping raggedly for breath that the intensity of her orgasm had knocked from her lungs, than Tom, now fully naked, was above her and gathering her hips to his own as, with one smooth long thrust, he penetrated her still clenching channel.

  Lily cried out in a fleeting moment of pain that quickly subsided as her body adjusted to his length and girth. Only now did she realise why he had spent so long readying her for this. The sense of fullness was like nothing she had expected, and it was as if her whole body was centred around that one stretched, tight channel that was the focus of his penetration.

  Conscious that her body was still undergoing spasms from her previous orgasm, and that that had shielded her from the initial impact of his invasion, Lily very slowly moved her hips and felt Tom shift fractionally inside her and heard a straggled groan from above her.

  Her eyes flew open and met his, and she saw the tension etched on his face and the taut muscles of his shoulders and back tightly frozen as he stayed as still as he could, despite every instinct in him clearly wanting to thrust into her again and again. But he didn’t, not even as she moved her hips again.

  “I hurt you?” he asked, with a different type of pain clouding his eyes.

  “No... yes...” Lily replied, confused at the myriad of sensations overwhelming her body, feeling her inner muscles clench at him and trying to draw him deeper inside her and feeling an ache begin to build again each time she moved her hips, “it doesn’t hurt now, it feels... different.


  “Hm..... different.... fuller... please... move like you were before?” she pleaded.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Lily, you know that,” he replied with a strangled expression on his face as he fought against the urge to drive into her again and again.

  “You didn’t... you won’t... please!”

  Slowly, she felt him move inside her and, again, felt the sensation of being filled overtake her, as her head rolled back against the pillows and her hips tentatively found a rhythm of their own.

  Inch by inch, he withdrew from her and then filled her again, refusing to be drawn just yet into her pleas for faster, or harder. At last, when it became clear that he wasn’t hurting her, he set an almost leisurely pace, determined that she would feel what it was like to come around him before he let himself give in to his own body’s demands.

  Quickly, Lily’s body, already so primed from her earlier release, wound itself tighter and tighter and she knew they could both feel the hard ridges of his cock grinding against her silken, slippery folds.

  With one hand, he reached down and, without breaking the rhythm of his thrusts, he stroked her engorged clitoris. Finally, after one, two, three strokes with his fingers the coil that was wound so tightly inside her again exploded as the muscles in her legs tightened and lifted, her back arched and she came, harder than before, around him, her spasms naturally milking his cock as it squeezed him tighter than ever and forced him to join her over the edge.


  “You look stunning,” a deep, husky voice whispered in her ear as strong arms wrapped themselves around her from behind. Smiling, Lily leaned back into Tom’s embrace and relaxed into his arms as he pressed feather-light kisses along her neck.

  Lily couldn’t believe that she and Tom had been together for over three months already. It had gone by so quickly and she knew that, in that time, she had grown more confident in their relationship, feeling secure and cherished.

  “Hm... that’s nice...” she breathed as her pulse quickened, responding immediately as one hand stroked downwards over her abdomen and skimmed over her panties to hover purposefully at the juncture of her thighs.

  “Just ‘nice’?” He chuckled, as he turned her to face the full-length mirror that stood in the far corner of the bedroom, so she could see herself standing in her lacy underwear, pressed back into him.

  “You’re bad, Tom Sinclair,” Lily groaned as she felt, and saw, his hand delve under the low band of her panties, while his other hand lazily circled one hard nipple, causing her thighs to tremble and tell-tale moisture leaked from her folds.

  “I’m supposed to be getting dressed. We’re meeting the others at eight, remember? We can’t be late, not for Megan and Luke’s engagement dinner. They really wanted to have something quiet and laid back, just with us, Bel and Elise before they get caught up in planning a full party.”

  “Relax, love. I’ve no
intention of making us late. We’ve got loads of time.” His fingers gently massaged her folds, drawing her wetness from her channel and spreading it slowly across her engorged clitoris, drawing circles around the hard, wet nub.


  “No, buts,” he growled in her ear. “You’ve been tense for days, let me relax you.”

  “Oh!” Lily blushed. She had parent/teachers evening next week at school, where the parents of the children came in to talk to her about their child’s development over the last few months. No matter how prepared she was for it, there was a part of Lily that always worried about it, wanting to ensure that she had every piece of information possible at the tips of her fingers to pass on to the parents if they wanted it. She’d thought that she had kept her worries and stresses to herself, but clearly not.

  “Forget about next week. Just concentrate on having a fun time tonight with your sisters,” he ordered, “and we can take your mind off next week!”

  One long finger slipped inside her and Lily’s knees buckled. She would have fallen had he not immediately scooped her up and carried her to the bed. He drew her panties down her thighs and, reaching back, unclasped her bra.

  Prettily, she pouted at him through her desire-clouded eyes. “I chose that underwear specially for tonight!”

  Tom chuckled. He guided her to sit on him, taking him deep inside her. “So it had the intended effect? Come on, love, ride me.”

  Gently, he guided her hips so that she was poised directly above his straining cock. He reached down, gathered some of her natural wetness and deliberately applied it to the crest of his cock, smoothing it over to ensure that she could sink onto him easily and without any discomfort.

  Lily eased down onto him with a moan, her hips finding their natural rhythm and all thoughts of next week’s meetings flew from her mind. Again and again she sank onto him, feeling the rigid contours and natural curves of his cock press within her, feeling his hands guide her hips and one hand reach forward to press against her clitoris, not moving, just pressing, forcing her to rub herself intimately against his fingers while his cock slammed upwards into her tight sheath.

  “Please!” she gasped, needing to find relief but not wanting the friction, the sensation, to end.

  With a guttural moan of his own, Tom’s thrusts quickened as his hips pistoned upwards into her again and again. Her channel tightened on him in preparation for her release and, expertly, his fingers massaged her clitoris. Within seconds, she cried out and spasms racked her body and milked his cock, sending him spiralling towards his own release.

  Long minutes later, as she lay nestled in his arms enjoying the intimacy of being cuddled against him almost as much as she’d enjoyed their previous exertions, he murmured to her, “Much as I’d happily stay wrapped up in you here all evening, we probably should think about moving if we ‘re still going to be on time... hm?”

  “Are we late?” she asked drowsily.

  “Not yet, love. But we need to move.” He laughed as he extricated himself from under her, lightly tapping her bottom as he got up.

  “Ow!” She pouted. “Not fair! I’ve been good!”

  “Hm... for the time being. Now, out of bed, love, or do you want me to pick an outfit for you?” he asked, laughing harder at the dark look on her face as she leapt up off the bed at his words.

  * * *

  As they made their way into the restaurant, Lily was relieved to see that they weren’t the last to arrive. Megan and Luke were there and were chatting with Elise who, glimpsing them out of the corner of her eye, grinned at them and waved them over. Only Isabelle had yet to arrive.

  Walking over the table, Lily hugged both her sisters as Tom and Luke greeted each other warmly. Tom bent to greet Megan and Elise as Luke wrapped Lily in a big brotherly embrace.

  The group reclaimed their seats. As the waiter brought over wine, Lily asked, “So where’s Isabelle?” and was greeted with rolling eyes from both Megan and Elise.

  “Bel’s running late as always,” said Elise with a shrug. “I think she was deliberating about whether to ask her latest date to join us but when I spoke to her earlier today she’d decided to tell him not to bother.”

  “You’re kidding?” said Luke and Tom at the same time, their looks similarly incredulous. Tom had met Isabelle a few times over the last couple of months and they all knew that she had been troubled, but she wouldn’t confide in any of them over the reasons, not even Elise, with whom she was probably the closest.

  “No joke,” said Elise, now sounding despondent herself. “She won’t talk about whatever it is that’s bothering her, but it sounds like she’s finished things with Charlie without even giving the guy a chance.”

  “Surely he’ll make her see sense?” Tom said, wanting to reassure the sisters, “Maybe that’s why she’s running late?”

  Lily snorted inelegantly and Megan and Elise looked at him with bemusement written across their faces.

  “Tom,” explained Elise, “Bel doesn’t go for guys like you or Luke. She thinks you’re both great, but you’re not her type. She prefers guys where she can stay in control.”

  “She means men she can walk over,” added Luke grimly, “and it’s making her miserable.”

  “Maybe... I don’t know. I don’t think Bel knows herself at the moment.”

  “Oh... here she is!” exclaimed Lily, as she saw Isabelle rush through the door of the restaurant, her long hair flowing and an apologetic look on her face.

  “Sorry guys,” she said, “the traffic was a nightmare.”

  “No worries,” answered Megan with a smile, “we haven’t been here long. You haven’t brought Charlie?”

  The furrows of a frown appeared on Isabelle’s face, “No... I decided against it. I don’t think it’s going to work out, so there didn’t seem much point.”

  “Uh ho. What happened?”

  “Nothing at all,” Isabelle replied quickly, “but let’s not talk about it now anyway. We’re supposed to be celebrating your engagement, remember?”

  The other sisters exchanged a quick look of concern, but sensing Isabelle’s mood, Elise interjected quickly, “Absolutely!” and proposed a toast for Luke and Megan, changing the conversation.

  The sisters pressed Megan for details on the kind of wedding she and Luke were planning.

  “We haven’t got that far yet, but probably next summer. Something relatively small, probably at the little church back in Richmond where mum and dad got married,” Megan mused as she gazed up at Luke lovingly. “And you’ll all be bridesmaids, won’t you?” she added, suddenly sounding concerned that the other three women wouldn’t want to take on the role that she had planned out in her mind, and was reassured when she was immediately met with a chorus of “of course” from them all.

  “It will be in the school holidays as well, so,” Luke looked at Lily, “you won’t have to worry about juggling it with school events.”

  “Great!” responded Lily, secretly relieved that she’d be able to enjoy fully preparing for Meg and Luke’s wedding without the stress and pressures of school life.

  “Speaking of which,” added Elise, “how is school at the moment? Has there been any progress with those kids who were causing trouble a couple of months ago?”

  Lily sighed. “Not really. Ricky and Mike Collins, twins in my class who we thought were there that evening, popped by to see me last week. I don’t know what it was they wanted to talk about. They looked pretty serious, but one of the new temp teachers interrupted us before they really got started. I thought I’d try to catch up with them next week.”

  As she was speaking, Lily had missed the look that had passed between Tom and Luke.

  “Sweetheart, you didn’t tell me that the twins had tried to come and see you...” Tom said, concern filling his voice.

  “Oh, well, I guess lots of the kids come and see me all the time. It could have been about anything – homework, parents, anything. I didn’t really think that much about it unti
l Elise mentioned it.”

  “I know, Lily. It’s obvious from being around the school and your classes that the kids trust you and that’s pretty rare in a school like Clayston.” Tom’s pride in Lily was evident as he spoke. “But, you know, you need to let me or Sam know if something like that happens as it could be important.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Lily saw Isabelle stiffen slightly at Tom’s words and, instinctively, tried to diffuse the tension. “I know, I know... I probably should have done. There’s just been so much going on at the school, and as we were interrupted I had no idea what it was they wanted to talk about. It really could have been homework or anything mundane like that. If they do come back and have anything to say about all the trouble that’s been going on, of course I’ll let everyone know.”

  “Oh, come on, Lily!” Isabelle exclaimed. “You shouldn’t have to be justifying yourself! It’s your job, and Tom knows that! You’ve always had backbone, and we’ve always been proud of you for it. You chose Clayston for a reason, and wrapping it all up in cotton-wool isn’t going to achieve that!”

  Even as Megan and Elise laughed aloud at Isabelle’s petulant rant, treating it as a joke, the look that passed between Tom and Luke was dark and hard as both men were clearly annoyed at Isabelle’s words.

  “Bel, I promise you, I’m not trying to wrap Lily up in cotton-wool or stop her from doing any of the things she set out to achieve at Clayston.” Tom’s voice was gentle, but laced with steel.

  “Tom,” Lily tried to interrupt.

  “No, Lily. Let me finish, please.” Tom gave her hand a squeeze. “Lily is one of the best teachers that I’ve seen and I wouldn’t prevent her from following any dream she has. But I know what some of the gangs in London are like and I’ve watched people get hurt, and die, because they tried to help but didn’t take the precautions to keep themselves safe at the same time, and I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to Lily‑ or any of you ‑because of that.”


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