Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance Page 27

by Mia Ford

  I laughed nervously as we continued back to the condo, relieved when Mason pulled me out the door and called out to Ken that he’d talk to him later. The doorman held open the door, greeting us cheerfully as Mason hurried to the elevators. The doors opened, and he pushed me inside, kissing me as he pressed me against the back of the car. I was vaguely aware that it was empty, but I didn’t care as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. We heard the ding of the door and he pulled away, staring at me before he pulled me to his door and unlocked it.

  I was sore as he pulled me inside of the foyer and slammed the door, pressing me against as he kissed me without abandon. I reached out to hold onto him before I pulled his t-shirt up his muscled body. Mason pulled away from me reluctantly and stripped it off in one fluid move before he looked me up and down. “I missed you so fucking bad.” Mason cupped my face and kissed me again, softly for a moment. “I want you in my bed.”

  I pushed him back and led the way to the master bedroom. I couldn’t wait to have his mouth on my body and he stopped me and pulled me back to him for another kiss. Mason reached around my back and unzipped the dress, letting it fall to the floor as I shuddered before him. Mason kissed me again, and I wrapped my legs around his body as he carried us to the bed. I was desperate to have him inside of me and moaned against his lips as our tongues danced together.

  He stripped off his pants, kicking them off before he unhooked my bra. “You are so damn beautiful.” Mason leaned down to kiss my jaw as I let out a happy sigh. His hands slid up my sides and stroked the soft skin underneath my breast as I cried out. My nipples were pebbled and needy as his fingers found them and squeezed gently, causing me to arch my back against him. He kissed my neck, arching above me so he could tease me by kissing slowly down my body as he rubbed his thumbs against me.

  I cried out as his mouth wrapped around one, sucking it firmly into his mouth. I felt his teeth dragging against me and felt a warmth between my legs, soaking the lace of my underwear. Mason reached down and stroked me, pulling away for a moment to tell me that he could smell how badly I wanted him. I whimpered as he teased the other nipple with his mouth and teeth before moving down my stomach.

  A week without Mason was too long. I didn’t know how I’d handle it ever again as he slipped the panties down my legs and slipped a finger inside of me. He slid it inside and out slowly as I wrapped around him, telling me how hard he was going to fuck me. I felt the void of his hand and then his warm breath on me before he pressed his mouth against my pussy. I arched up, offering more of myself to him as I slid a hand into his hair. Mason started my licking me all over, drinking in my arousal as I ceased to recognize the sounds coming out of my mouth. He found my clit with his tongue, stroking it repeatedly until I was begging to come. Mason sucked it into his mouth and bit down as I felt my body let go.

  It was intense and so long as he slid his finger back inside of me and stroked my sensitive walls slowly. I closed my eyes and breathed in, still feeling desire as I enjoyed the aftershocks. “I love you,” I murmured as he rested his face against my stomach.

  “I love you… more than I have ever loved anyone else. It’s the best feeling that I’ve ever had.” Mason smiled lazily at me as I met his eyes. “I missed you both.”

  “Can I show you how much I missed you?” I asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. Mason pulled away and crawled up my body as I watched his hard cock get closer to my mouth. I reached for some pillows and propped my head up further and then reached out to pull him into my mouth.

  Mason was thick and warm as he moved inside of my mouth, pressing back into my throat as I moaned. I loved the feeling of Mason inside of me in nearly every possible way and I wrapped my mouth tighter around him. He rocked against me and I welcomed him, feeling him slide deeper inside of me as he thickened. I knew that he was coming as he jerked against me and prepared to swallow every drop. I was shy about this in the past but with Mason, I was willing to do anything that he wanted. He stilled as he released, moaning my name as I took it all.

  Mason pulled out and dropped beside me, breathing raggedly as he closed his eyes. I took this time to look at him, flawless on the bed beside me. I never thought I would have someone like Mason in my life. Jackson had such a way of making me feel like I was disposable and once I was pregnant, I believed it to be true. I thought that I needed to try to be the best mother I could be and make up for the faults that I had as a girlfriend.

  Mason made me feel sexy in the bedroom and intelligent at work. He gave me the confidence that I was lacking and the love that I’d been craving. He opened his eyes and looked over at me, smiling gently. “See something that you like?”

  “I sure hope that you’re not done with me,” I teased him as he glanced down at his cock. He was already half-hard, and I chuckled as I reached my hands under the pillow and offered him a full view of my body. Mason stretched and showed off his six pack abs as I licked my lips.

  He moved slowly, reaching for a condom before he sheathed himself between my legs. “I want to find a way to do this bare, Isabelle.”

  “Should we try some other form of birth control?” I asked as he slid inside of me. I gasped as he stretched me, making me feel like it was the first time for me. I always felt that way with Mason and I hoped that it was always this passionate. We started to rock together, needing to come together as I gripped his back. I clawed at him as I thrust against him, needing him deeper. Mason moved harder, filling me as I wrapped my legs around him. I knew that I was going to come soon and cried out his name as I pulled him closer.

  I came a beat before he did, and Mason roared my name as he jerked inside of me. He pressed his face into my neck and breathed in as I held him, still shaking above me. We stayed this way until he rolled over and asked if I was hungry.



  I pulled on some shorts while Isabelle found a robe in the bathroom. We made our way to the kitchen, arms wrapped around each other like we’d never let go. I looked in the fridge as she made fresh coffee, deciding on omelets and toast. We needed to grocery shop soon, and I smiled as I played the words back in my head. “Did you both like staying here?”

  “Kendra stared out of that damn window all the time. She loves your place. It’s so much bigger than ours.” Isabelle seemed nervous as she stared at the coffee pot and I stared at her.

  “I’m serious. I want you two to move in. We’ll fix the room up any way that she wants and make it home. You could add your touch as well.” I saw her look at me and smiled. I wanted to encourage this because I wanted her. I needed her and Kendra here with me, so I could see them all the time. “Tanner moved to New York so that room is free. It’s the one Kendra is in right now.”

  “It’s fast, Mason. We’re a package deal.” I heard the doubt in her voice. “What if it doesn’t work out?”

  “It will work out and should it not, she loves me anyway. Living here won’t change that.” I pointed out as I started to mix the eggs and vegetables together in a bowl. “I consider Kendra my own daughter, Isabelle. I want her in my life.”

  “I never thought I’d want a man to say that. I was in denial of this ever happening, fighting it.” She almost seemed to be talking out loud and I added some cheese and milk as I listened. “I said I wouldn’t rush anything but I have. You’ve met her and she adores you and that scares the hell out of me, Mason.”

  “I am not scared enough not to do this. I love you.” Isabelle looked up at me. I breathed in and went to get a pan, melting some butter in it before adding the eggs. “I’ll cook you both breakfast on the weekends before we go see the city. We can have some traditional something that families cook on Sunday mornings. We can watch movies in bed on Saturday night, eating popcorn. I want all of that. Don’t you?”

  She was quiet for a minute before she smiled. “I do.”

  “Let’s discuss it with Kendra tonight and see what she thinks.” Isabelle’s eyes widened. “It’s just a conversatio

  “She’ll say yes. You know that. Should we wait a little longer?”

  “No. We need to take this opportunity and go with it. I want you both in my life full-time.” I looked down and stirred the eggs slowly as she looked at me.

  “Okay.” Isabelle poured two cups of coffee and brought me my cup, setting it down on the counter before kissing me softly. I slipped my arms around her waist and pulled her against me, forgetting about everything until I heard the pan sizzling. “Breakfast.”

  I grabbed the spoon and stirred them, realizing that they were still edible as Isabelle laughed. “Are you sure you can cook?” She teased me as I smirked. “I think even I could cook in this kitchen.”

  “And cook, we will. We have a little human to feed.” I reminded her as she looked at me with a loving gaze. I finished the eggs as she fixed her coffee. I slipped some bread into the toaster and we sat down at the table just inside of the dining room. It was currently a small one, but I imagined getting one for entertaining. I envisioned family dinners here in the future and considered converting the office to another guest bedroom.

  “Where are you?” Isabelle asked after swallowing a bite of her eggs.

  “Our future,” I replied as she smiled. We ate our late breakfast in a comfortable silence, letting our new reality sink in. After dropping the dishes into the sink, I led Isabelle back to my room so we could take full advantage of the empty house. We showered at the last minute and dressed, Isabelle looking for something from the pile on the dresser. She found some jeans and a sweater and slipped it over her head, pulling the wet curls out.

  “I kind of wish that I could pick her up at school more often. It seems like she’s there so long,” Isabelle mused as we headed to my car.

  “You could work from home sometimes. We both could.”

  “You like work,” she reminded me as I laughed.

  “Does she enjoy herself?” I asked as she smiled and nodded.

  “She does. It was just her and Mom while I was going to school. I think she likes being around other kids,” Isabelle told me as I pulled out to the street.

  “She’s just fine. She knows that its quality time when you’re with her. I encourage you to keep it that way and spend some time together one-on-one.” I didn’t want to invade completely in their lives. They only had each other for a while and I didn’t want anyone to forget that. I was glad that Isabelle’s father wasn’t in her life, in part because he sounded like an asshole and because I was selfish.

  “You do?” Isabelle asked as I glanced at her at a stoplight.

  “Absolutely.” We had a lot of memories to make together since I had a feeling she was the one. Hell, I think I knew that the first time that I met her.

  “I am glad that you understand everything that I am scared about.” Isabelle told me, reaching for my hand.

  “I am here to work through all of those fears with you. I am here to support you.” I turned down the street that led to the school so we could get a good spot in front. Isabelle warned me about the bad drivers and general chaos of pick up from the few times that she managed to do it. I found a good spot and rolled down the windows before shutting the car off. The breeze was cool and Isabelle smiled as she leaned her head against the cushion.

  I watched as other parents pulled up to wait. Some talked on the phone, others read, and I saw a man sleeping. I smiled. I never thought that I’d be a part of this life. “Do you want more kids?” I asked out of the blue as she looked thoughtfully out of the window for a moment.

  “I told Mom that I would in the right situation. I wouldn’t want to do it on my own again but I think that Kendra would like to be a big sister. How about you? Do you want kids?” Isabelle looked at me with a curious look in her eyes.

  “If anyone would have asked me that three years ago, I’d tell them no way. I was all about working and moving up. To be honest, I never even wanted that with my ex.” I looked at her, taken back by how gorgeous she was. “I think I’d give you a baby right now if you asked me to.” Isabelle blushed and looked down and I sensed that I just overwhelmed her.

  “I think there’s time for that,” Isabelle murmured as she gave me a surprised glance. I smirked and glanced over at the school, watching the quiet setting that would soon be filled with kids. When the bell rang, we both watched as little bodies flooded out of the school and parents came to life. I stepped out of the car and watched closely for Kendra, smiling as I watched her appear and look around. I walked forward, and she saw me, smiling as she ran up to me to throw herself in my arms.

  I carried her to the car, asking how her day was. Kendra told me in a fast, never ending stream of words as I tried to make sense of it all. Isabelle stepped out and kissed Kendra before she buckled herself into her seat in the back. I gave Isabelle a long look as I started the engine and she smiled at me with a clear understanding on her face. “Are you hungry or do you want to wait for a while?” I asked as I looked in the rear view mirror. After round two, I felt like I could eat again.

  Kendra asked me if we could go to a park and Isabelle rolled her eyes at me. I agreed, and we headed to the big park in the middle of the city, parking along the curb. Kendra got out first and went running to the play area as soon as we told her that it was okay. Isabelle reached for my hand and laughed beside me. “She is going to work you for everything she can. Be careful, Mason. She knows how to use those eyes. Works on my dad nearly every time.”

  “I’m tougher than that.” I protested as she smirked at me. “It’s good for her to get some fresh air.” We walked to the playground and took a seat on a bench as I searched for her. I thought back to the day at the beach and knew that I’d never forgive myself if it had worked out any differently. I’d do anything to protect my girls.

  “I do the same thing on days like this. It’s nice just to hang out together while the sun is out,” Isabelle told me wistfully as I glanced over at her.

  “If you’d prefer to stay home, you could. I could support us, Isabelle.” She gave me a shocked look before shaking her head gently.

  “No, Mason. I love my job. I just feel guilty that I don’t stay home.” She shrugged. “It is what women are supposed to want. I worked hard to finish school, so I could work.”

  “That was before when you were a single mother. It’s different now,” I spoke softly, not wanting to push this.

  “I want to keep things just the way they are. Will this step put my job in jeopardy?” Isabelle asked as she looked at me.

  “I am not planning on advertising it. I keep my life fairly private.” I did. I knew that the fact that Ken was my uncle was a sore spot for a lot of people. That was when I chose to keep to myself, focusing on working and moving up in the company. It would be a stupid opportunity to blow. “I’d recommend that you do the same for the sake of gossip.”

  “I didn’t get the job to make friends. Since I moved here alone with Kendra, I don’t think I’d have time,” Isabelle told me as she watched Kendra running around with some other kids. “I never guessed I’d find all of this.” I kissed her hair as she snuggled against me.

  “It caught us both off guard. Believe me,” I assured her as she laughed softly. We watched Kendra playing and laughing in the crisp air for a while. After she was done, Kendra asked if we could get some pizza for dinner. I chuckled and told her that sounded great. We headed to the car, and I took them to a place I loved on the water. It was a bit of a dive but the food was great and I was good friends with the owner.

  Isabelle took one of Kendra’s hands while I took the other, walking towards the door. I opened it and ushered them inside, waving at Gio as he called out my name. He finished with his customer and walked out to greet me, wrapping me in a hug. “Mason. It has been a while. How are you?”

  “I am great, Gio. I’d like you to meet Isabelle and this is Kendra.” I smiled as he shook their hands and shot me a curious look before glancing around the restaurant. “How about the booth in the back here?”

  “Perfect,” I told him as he led us over, calling for a waitress to come over and get our drink order. Isabelle watched with wide eyes as she sat down with Kendra beside her. Once he went to talk to someone else and our drinks were on the way, I looked at Isabelle. “He’s a lot to talk but really a great man.”

  “I can see that,” Isabelle replied as she looked around the charming room. “It sure smells good.”

  “The Hawaiian is the best. Oh, and they all meat one too.” I felt my stomach growl as I looked at Kendra. “What kind do you want?”

  “I like pepperoni. Can I have my own?” She asked as Isabelle laughed.

  “Of course,” I replied as the waitress brought our drinks and asked if we needed more time. I looked around the table and was met with smiles and told Kendra to go first. She ordered a pepperoni pizza and Isabelle interjected to tell the girl a small once she asked how many slices there were. We ordered a large all meat and a salad to share and I sat back as we were left alone again. I looked at Isabelle and she smiled encouragingly at me.

  “There’s something we’d like to talk to you about, Kendra.” Isabelle said as the little girl looked at us. Isabelle moistened her lips and looked at me nervously. “I talked to Mason today while we were working and we thought of an idea. How would you like to move into his condo and stay there?” She looked nervous as Kendra’s mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

  “I can bring my toys over there?” I nodded and Isabelle smiled at her. “What about our apartment, Mommy? What about Nan?” They’d become close over the last few months and Isabelle stroked her hair.

  “We could visit Nan anytime that you wanted. We could take her to dinner and show her Seattle.” Isabelle assured her as I watched her face.

  “We could even invite her over for dinner,” I offered as they both looked at me.

  “Would you both take me to school?” Kendra asked as I looked at Isabelle, nodding.


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