Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance Page 50

by Mia Ford

  “Thank you,” the ranger insisted, calling over one of the other rangers and asking them to check this area out right away.

  After the other ranger left, with the map, his superior turned back to us.

  “Hopefully, we’ll find the items on the receipt and that’ll be even more evidence against him,” he insisted, “But, for my initial questions…” he redirected the conversation quickly, “First, Carrie, I wanted to know if you wanted to press charges and I wanted to ask you both if you were willing to testify against the guide.”

  “Wait, you caught him? He’s in jail?” Carrie seemed not only surprised, but relieved and kind of lost. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see any of that. He attacked me…He did use the Diazepam on me though, I think. He tried to give me something that knocked me out.”

  “Did you tell the paramedics?”

  Carrie nodded, “But, getting back to what you said, you caught him?”

  Again, she seemed surprised and honestly, I couldn’t blame her.

  Usually, what happens in the mountains stays in the mountains, unless there was an extremely good reason it wouldn’t, so it was an unlikely surprise to find out that he was caught.

  The ranger nodded, “Now, the only reason I ask you this here, is so that when we get back down the mountain, you aren’t pressured into a decision. I want you to know that while he isn’t a danger to society anymore, you will have to be in the same room with him, while you testify and if you press charges, it might be a long process, but if you were willing to testify, at least, you would be getting justice for yourself, in addition to helping get justice for everyone and anyone he might have hurt in the past…and this could also prevent him from hurting anyone in the future.”

  “Of course. Definitely,” Carrie insisted, now coming out from behind me fully for the first time.

  “Yes, I would like to testify too. I want everyone to know what that bastard tried to do,” I insisted.

  “Okay, then,” the ranger nodded as he tipped his hat and stood up, “Now that we’ve got all that unpleasant business out of the way, let’s get you two back to civilization.”

  It was then that my stomach dropped. Instinctually, I looked at Carrie, who was staring back at me, with an odd expression.

  I knew this was the time to decide, though I there were still so many factors floating around in my mind.

  The conversation about the psycho guide had distracted me for a few moments but now that time had run out and I had to make a choice, I had wished that I had given it more thought.

  Although, I doubted more thought was what I needed.

  We must have stared at one another for a good minute, while the ranger looked between us, wondering what the issue was.

  “Are you both okay?” The ranger finally asked, “Is there a problem?”

  “He lives in the woods. In his grandfather’s cabin…” Carrie spoke up first, breaking the connection of our eyes to look at the ranger.

  “Oh!” The ranger replied, though he still looked slightly confused as to why this was such a big decision, “Well, Sir, if you’d like to get a ride back to the cabin, I can definitely get someone to drive you back. That isn’t an issue. It explains why you know the mountain so well, though.” The ranger insisted, looking me up and down now, as though he was attempting to figure out my story.

  I know he didn’t trust me, but I didn’t blame him. I didn’t trust him either.

  With that, Carrie returned her gaze to mine and grinned. I felt her hands clasp solidly around mine as she exclaimed, “Johnathan, remember what I said. I am willing to give you time. My door is always open. It’s always your decision. I am not going to force you into doing anything.”

  It was with that comment, that I decided to finally take a leap of faith.

  “No, thank you,” I told the ranger, “I’m going to go down the mountain with Carrie.” Afterward, I looked over to Carrie and beamed meaningfully, “We started this adventure together, and I trust that’s the way we’re going to finish it.”


  After a few months of dating, the couple is celebrating at a place that has become their new favorite restaurant.

  The small, quaint place, with a bed and breakfast upstairs had absolutely the best food. It was run by an older Italian couple, who always seemed to be making their rounds through the dining hall, ensuring that the quality they expected was the quality that was received.

  The staff was nice too, as it was mostly comprised of the couple’s family.

  The couple had found this place randomly one evening, only a little while after returning home from their mountainous ordeal.

  While things were good, being that they were now in the real world with one another, there was a little bit of a strain, with Johnathan rehabilitating himself.

  Johnathan spoke very little and seemed almost amazed at what he saw. What he did say, consisted of how much everything had changed, along with cheap shots about how the world had gone on fine without him.

  Carrie had learned to ignore these comments, since Johnathan seemed to only say them to get them out of his head, not because he believed there was any merit behind them.

  Yet, on this night, they were frustrated and hungry. Johnathan hadn’t done well in an interview and was genuinely thinking that he might have made a mistake.

  Carrie was trying to convince him otherwise when she saw this restaurant and pulled inside, announcing that they were going to stop this conversation until after they both had eaten.

  Upon going inside, they found that the restaurant was bustling, yet everyone they encountered seemed to be happy to see them.

  The owner seated them, though they didn’t know that at the time. He gave them a quiet, private, intimate table, away from the family-sized parties that were taking up most of the dining hall. The owner had told them that he thought they needed to add a little romance in their life and this table was the perfect remedy. He claimed that it was where he and his wife sat when we wanted to get away from the world and re-focus on one another.

  As he walked away, Carrie and Johnathan thought this was strange, but intriguing. Johnathan insisted that he must have heard them bickering but agreed that it was a nice thought, just the same.

  Unintentionally, the couple had taken the man’s advice and ended up talking about everything but the issue at hand.

  They enjoyed a wonderful meal, amid gorgeous Italian artwork, while eating under an awning, giving the illusion that they were eating outside of an Italian café.

  On the table between them, there was a small candle and checkered tablecloth that reminded Carrie of Lady and the Tramp. She mentioned this to Johnathan who found it amusing as well, citing more their personalities, and asked if they should split a pasta dish.

  After dinner that night, as they were walking out of the restaurant, Johnathan’s new cellphone rang. He answered it only after complaining about instantly being so connected, but immediately changed his expression after speaking to the person who was calling him.

  It ended up that Johnathan was hired for a position at a local bank. It was close to the apartment and a great opportunity. He was asked to start the following Monday.

  After he got off the phone, his mood completely changed, he looked back at the restaurant and wondered aloud if there was something to that table after all.

  Ever since that night, the couple had eaten at that restaurant at least twice a month, sitting at the same table and taking the older man’s advice to forget everything else and focus on one another.

  On this night, the couple was celebrating. Johnathan and Carrie had officially taken the dive and gotten their own place together.

  Since returning to civilization, Johnathan had gotten a job where he was doing extremely well, and Carrie was thriving in her school.

  Initially, the couple had moved in with Kasandra, who thought it was weird that Carrie brought a boyfriend home from the mountains but couldn’t help being impressed.

  She and John
athan got along well, except for the fact that Kasandra seemed to make it her life’s mission to make Johnathan not only like people again but become an extravert. She insisted that the two come out with her, wherever she went and tried to get them to have new experiences, which was fun.

  Carrie felt safe, knowing that she had Johnathan by her side, but eventually, their happy home got a little too cramped when Kasandra announced that she too had a boyfriend who was moving in.

  Carrie wondered if she had done this on purpose, but she decided it didn’t really matter, since it was time for the couples to go their separate ways anyway.

  “I can’t believe we actually did it!” Carrie expressed, placing her menu down on the table. “This is the first time I’ve lived with a boyfriend, since…Well, you know.”

  Johnathan snickered, “Carrie, we’ve lived together for almost six months now.”

  “Yes,” Carrie insisted, but continued with insinuation in her voice, “We’ve lived together, but it’s different living…alone, together.”

  “I know,” he admitted, “I’m just teasing you.”

  “Plus, with your promotion, things are really starting to turn in our favor,” she exclaimed, her shoulders rising with excitement.

  Johnathan, watched her carefully, as he tried to hide the fact that his leg was bouncing up and down with nervousness.

  He truly couldn’t believe how lucky he was and how happy he had become.

  Ever since returning to civilization, he had completely transformed his life. His existence was never this easy, or this much fun, even when he and his ex were at their best.

  He grinned as his heart swelled with excitement.

  He had thought about this a lot in the past few months and although he was ready to take the next step, his heart was beating ferociously in his chest.

  He knew he had to wait until the right moment, but he was bursting at the seams.

  Part of him wanted to ensure everything was perfect while part of him couldn’t wait to get it over with.

  “And with a paralegal in the family, you’re going to be able to help people and help us react our own goals.”

  Carrie blushed, “Graduation is still some ways off…”

  “It’s only a few months and besides, you killed it last semester. You’re going to be amazing this semester too,” Johnathan grinned with encouragement. “I know you would be the only one I would trust with my case if I ever needed it.”

  “I’m kind of the only person you trust period, so is that really a compliment?” Carrie retorted playfully.

  Johnathan scoffed playfully, “Of course it is! And besides, I’ve gotten a lot better. I kind of like Kasandra…She’s growing on me…”

  Carrie laughed at Johnathan’s face of confusion.

  “Kind of,” he reiterated.

  “Yeah, she has that effect on everyone. Don’t judge the whole world by her or you won’t really fully like anyone.”

  Johnathan chuckled, “I guess there is such a thing as being too honest?”

  “Yes, yes there is, and Kasandra doesn’t care who you are, she has no filter…But her heart is in the right place.”

  “Do you think her, and her boyfriend are going to be together for long?”

  “No,” Carrie replied, almost immediately, “Honestly, I think she did this so that we would find a place of our own.”

  “She’s tired of us already?”

  Carrie shook her head, “I don’t think that’s it. She wants us to have our own experience and she is not an enabler.”

  “So, she decided it was time for us to take the plunge?” Johnathan insisted, “I’m so glad that Kassandra plays such an active role in our life.” He rolled his eyes, playfully aggravated at the thought.

  “Actually, she wanted me to do it. Remember how I told you the only love Kassandra knows is tough love? Well, this is a great example of it. She knows how I feel about living alone with you…And so, she forced my hand.”

  Despite his complaining, Johnathan was pleased by her friend’s urging, since they were both shy when it came to such decisions.

  Although, Johnathan was concerned about the true motive behind the decision. If he was going to go through with what he had planned for the night, he needed to make sure that Carrie was in the same headspace as he was. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

  “Carrie, you are okay with all of this, right?” Johnathan insisted, putting his hand over hers and catching her eye meaningfully.

  “Yes, of course!” She exclaimed, immediately, “Just because I think Kas had alternative motives to moving her flavor of the week into the apartment, doesn’t mean I’m not grateful.” Carrie grinned, moving close to Johnathan, keeping an even continuous stare, to prove she was serious. “Johnathan, I love you and I cannot wait to start our life, without anyone else. I promise. I don’t want to live anywhere, but with you and I am excited to be moving in with you…and only you. I have no doubt this is the right move for us.”

  Johnathan held her gaze for a little while longer before nodding in agreement.

  “Okay. Good. I’m glad to hear it,” he grinned and sat back, feeling relieved that the plan was still on. If he had to wait a second longer, he thought he might burst.

  He didn’t remember feeling this way the first time. Although, it was more presumed by that point in the relationship. So maybe that had something to do with it.

  Or you knew more than you thought… Johnathan thought to himself but shook the idea out of his mind.

  Tonight, especially, wasn’t about old flames, or past failures. Tonight, was about future successes and taking the necessary steps toward building a life with the woman he loved.

  The waiter came interrupting Johnathan’s thoughts. He was thankful, because the more he thought about what he was planning, the more noticeable he felt the tiny box in his pocket was.

  He had hidden it well from Carrie, with Kassandra’s help. Now, all he had to do was keep it a secret for a little longer.

  After they ordered, Carrie looked around, taking in the sights of the restaurant.

  “The apartment is closer to this place too,” she added.

  “I’m just going to be happy to have a real couch instead of that dead horse that Kassandra refuses to get rid of,” Johnathan insisted with a grin.

  “I know, right? I’m starting to think there’s like…evidence in there or something. She’s normally not sentimental but she will not part with that damn couch,” Carrie made a face and proceeded to ask more questions about the apartment.

  “Carrie, I’m excited,” Johnathan insisted, “But you realize I’m still getting used to having reliable running water and a toilet that flushes consistently. When it comes to colors and couches, I am good with whatever you want.”

  Carrie’s eyes were alight at this, which caused Johnathan to worry that he had said something he would later regret.

  “Within reason, Carrie…” he warned.

  “Oh no!” Carrie insisted with a sneer, “You’ve done it, now. Normal men know that telling a woman they can do whatever they want is like writing a blank check…”

  “Good luck with that,” he retorted lightheartedly, “You know damn well that my blank check won’t get you very far. It’s more likely to bounce than to buy a damn ice cream cone.”

  “Yeah, but still, you don’t say things like that to me. When you come home to an apartment that is a replica of Versailles, you cannot say a word.”

  “Why would you want that?” he teased.

  “Gold…Everywhere!” Carrie responded, her eyes growing large as though she was imagining the sight.

  “Ewww,” Johnathan replied, not the least bit impressed.

  Carrie burst out laughing, “My point, exactly, love. Be careful what you say, even to me.”

  Johnathan rolled his eyes, “Great! Now I have to be active in the decorations…”

  “Yay!” Carrie insisted, genuinely enthusiastic, and returned to asking random questions about the
décor options throughout dinner.

  After ordering desert, something that Johnathan had missed a lot while he was on sabbatical from reality, he decided that this was a good time to change the subject.

  “Carrie,” Johnathan finally insisted, reaching across the table, and grabbing her hand.

  Midsentence, about lighting, or a bedframe, or something, Johnathan had far too much on his mind to genuinely be paying attention, she stopped short and stared at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Carrie asked, tilting her head to the side curiously.

  “Absolutely nothing!” Johnathan grinned, hoping that his nervousness didn’t give anything away.

  Inside, he felt his body shaking, but he hoped to God it wasn’t as noticeable as it felt.

  He sighed, preparing himself as best as he possibly could.

  “Carrie,” Johnathan began, “I know that we haven’t known one another all that long, but the time that we have been together has been extremely impactful on…both of our lives. We have gotten to know one another better in the last few months than I believe many couples get to know one another in years. I have loved getting to know you…And I cannot wait to continue this journey of exploration with you…You have made me a better man then I ever thought I was capable of being. You have raised me up and even though I know I still have a long way to go, I now have the support and assurance that I can get there,” he paused, grinning at her still confused, yet appreciative expression. “I love you, Carrie and since we’re moving into our apartment, I thought it was only right that we did so, with the assurance that we are going to be husband and wife.”


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