Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance Page 52

by Mia Ford

  “Ooh.” Kelly makes a dramatic show of shuddering at my words. “You know that’s exactly what I want to do! I want you to examine me all over.”

  “Well, since I’m a gynecologist, that’s my job,” I tease while snapping the latex gloves onto my hands. “And there’s no naughtiness today. You know it’s hard enough for me to keep my hands off you when you’re all exposed like that for me. You don’t have to make it worse.”

  Maybe for another doctor, saying that sort of thing is way over the line, but to me it’s normal. Especially with patients like Kelly who are pretty much gagging for it. When I first started my job as an actual doctor – something that I’d studied for years to achieve – I was all about sticking to the oath and behaving only in a professional manner, but that time has long gone.

  It all started, rather ironically, with an irresistible woman named Mrs. Robinson who immediately made her attraction to me very obvious. I did what I could to keep away from her and only act in a way that I should, but it was too damn hard. Examining her intimately, touching her where she clearly wanted me to, got the better of me. Especially when she’d groan and roll her hips towards me, flicking her long auburn hair out the way while she looked at me with a desire filled look... I’m only human after all and Mrs. Robinson was like a porn movie come to life. I’m a red-blooded male with definite needs, and one day it all got too much for me and I got carried away. I touched her everywhere and made her come all over me. It was the hottest thing ever, and the fact that it was so damn wrong and such a risk, the idea that I could lose my job, made it that much more exciting.

  I guess I’m just the sort of person who likes it when it’s taboo.

  When I didn’t get caught that very first time, despite a couple of sleepless nights fearing that I might, I started taking more risks and pushing things even further. Now, I hook up with one of my patients pretty much every single day, and I have a funny feeling that Kelly’s actually going to be my second one for the day. I might be getting older, according to Simon, but I’m not losing my spark.

  I glance down at Kelly and lick my lips as I start to examine her. It’s obvious from the slick wetness of her slit that she’s excited. As beautiful as she is, I know that her husband’s actually a very controlling man and the most excitement she ever gets is in my office. The orgasms I give her are unlike anything she gets anywhere else. She loves pleasing me too, which is a rare and awesome treat.

  “So, I take it you aren’t married yet,” Kelly teases me as my hands run all over her, touching her in a way that maybe I shouldn’t. “No wife to take your attention away from work?”

  “Oh no, no wife.” I shiver violently at the idea. “I’m never going to settle down.”

  “You’re telling me that your biological clock isn’t ticking? There isn’t a deep desire in you to procreate and have a life long partner? Even now that you’re what, thirty nine years old?”

  “I haven’t ever seen the need to be dictated by my age or what society feels like I should be doing at certain age in my life,” I tell her, maybe a little too honestly. “I’m just loving each day as it happens. If something comes along to change that, then it’s fine but I don’t think it will.”

  “Oh it will,” Kelly tells me knowingly as she swings her legs down from the bed once I’m finished with her. “Some day a girl will come along that’ll change everything. You won’t even know she’s coming, she’ll just hit you in the face... metaphorically of course.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t know about that.” I shake my head and smirk at her. “We’ll see.”

  Kelly doesn’t bother to put her panties on, instead she walks towards me with a swing in her hips and lustful gaze in her eyes. A relief bursts through me as I realize that this is going to happen after all. Thank goodness because I’m all riled up. I’ve got myself into a bit of a state, and if I don’t get my relief with Kelly during her appointment time I’ll have to waste five minutes in the bathroom afterwards sorting myself out. Yes, I’m a horn dog, it can be a problem.

  “Now that you’ve examined me, I think it’s time for me to examine you.” She pushes me backwards until I fall into a chair and she drops to her knees in front of me. “I’ve missed seeing you all writhing in pleasure,” she tells me while tugging at my belt. “It keeps me up at night. I often have to touch myself over you after crappy sex with my husband.”

  If I’m honest, as she frees my erection and she pumps her hand up and down me, it’s actually the image of her getting fucked by another man which turns me on rather than the thought of her masturbating over me. I have no interest in making Kelly mine and she knows it.

  “Oh shit,” I mutter as she moves her mouth in towards me. She doesn’t hang about, which I love about her too. She doesn’t try and prolong things with foreplay like some do, she dives right into action and wraps her lips around me. I’m needy and desperate, I don’t have time for fucking around. I just want to get right into it. “Oh, Kelly, that feels so good.”

  She bobs her head quickly, I fist my hands up into her hair and control her movements, making her move faster and faster. She flicks her tongue all over me, sending me to heaven in a very expert way. She knows what I like now and she gives me just that. Maybe I’ve already screwed someone else today, but I’m more than ready to go. With Kelly’s mouth, I’m ready to explode wildly.

  “Oh fuck,” I grunt as the pleasure bursts free from me, filling up Kelly’s mouth so much that some of it dribbles down her chin. “Oh, fucking hell! That was awesome.”

  I pant breathlessly as Kelly moves her mouth away from me, tucking me away and zipping me up. I glance down at her and smirk with a small shake of my head. “God, Kelly, you are just too much.”

  “I am, huh?” She straddles me and grabs my hand, before tucking it up her skirt. “Well, I’m freaking on fire now so I need you to touch me again. Just like you did before, but more.”

  I slip my fingers into her, fucking her as hard and fast as I know that she likes. She rides my fingers, getting herself off incredibly quickly. Her head falls back, her blonde hair spills down her back, she gasps and grunts in a really hot way. She is gorgeous, she deserves to know it.

  “Oh my God, Foxx,” Kelly gasps as her hips buck violently towards me. The orgasm shatters through her body, just like it always does when we’re together. “You are something else.”

  She clings to my neck as the waves roll through her, then she kisses my cheek hard before she moves off of me. No kissing on the lips, she knows that, they all do. Kissing makes it weird and I never want it to get weird or complicated. I need everyone to know where they stand, that’s important to me.

  “Right, well that was a great appointment as always.” Kelly slips her panties back on and she grabs her handbag. “I guess I’ll see you again in the next few months… unless you’re in love by then.”

  “Well that won’t happen. I can assure you of that. I’ll see you again very soon.”

  As she leaves the office I move back into the canteen where Simon is still sitting, clearly not stocked up with appointments today. He gives me a knowing look, almost as if he can see in my brain what’s just happened, but as always he doesn’t say anything to give my game away. He’s an awesome friend. I know that I’m lucky to have him here working with me.

  “So, you know that the new batch of trainees are starting tomorrow, right? A bunch of young as fuck twenty something year olds shadowing us. Are you ready for that?”

  I roll my eyes and snort with derision at the idea. It’s a part of the practice, one of the main things we do is take on trainees, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. It’s irritating and it really gets in the way of my hooking up when I have someone shadowing me.

  “Yeah, it’ll be great,” I reply sarcastically. “Such fun.”

  Chapter Two – Louise

  Nerves cascade through my body as I wait in line with the other trainees, all ready for the very first day of our practical training. This is weird, I’ve b
een working towards this day for a very long time, but now that it’s here I’m anxious as all hell. What if everything that I’ve learned in books doesn’t work out as good in practice? What if I fail hard and I truly embarrass myself? I’m already at a disadvantage since I’m the youngest one here, but that’s what I get for being smart and graduating early. I know I’m different and so do the others, I can tell by the way they leave me out.

  “Okay,” a friendly looking woman says as she glances down at her clip board. “Thank you all for coming today. You have all been assigned to a doctor to shadow in the field of your interest, so when I call out your name please go in the direction that I point you in.”

  I tuck my red hair behind my ear and brush my finger over my eyebrow. This is pretty much make or break for me. It depends on what doctor I get to which would decide how far I go with my career. This is so hugely important, I really need it to go well. I need a doctor who won’t mind a twenty two year old tagging after him or her. From my experience with gynecologists, they’re either amazing and really friendly, or cold and terrifying. I really need the former of the two.

  Names are called out and people vanish rapidly, leaving me colder and more alone. All of a sudden, another feeling overcomes me, the horrifying sensation that I’ve been forgotten. I don’t want to be the last one standing here with no chance at progressing my career. I’ve given up so much for this! My intelligence always made sure I was in the classes with the older kids who didn’t want anything to do with me, which means I didn’t ever have a social life, I was always about work… I can’t lose out on all of that just because someone hasn’t written my name down on a piece of paper…

  “Lousie Wilter.” I glance up, turning my thoughts off as my name is finally called. “You will be with Doctor Oliver Foxx.” Hmm, a male. Interesting. “He’s in room nine, down the hallway that way.” She points to her left and gives me a smile. “Give me a shout if you get lost.”

  As I walk, my whole body buzzes with ice cold fear. I almost feel like my feet aren’t touching the ground, like I’m floating in air. My heart hammers violently in my chest, but I try my hardest not to let any of that show on my face. I need to act confident, until I feel it.

  I lift up my shaking hand and I knock lightly on the door, probably too quietly for this doctor to hear me. I pause for just a second before I reach up and do it again, only this time with a lot more force. It’s probably too loud actually, I might have gone too far the other way…

  “Come in,” a chocolaty smooth voice calls back to me, inviting me inside.

  I push the door open and peer my head around it. Almost right away I’m nearly knocked to my feet by how gorgeous he is, which definitely isn’t where my brain should be going. This is the man I’m supposed to be shadowing, not getting the hots for. Just because he has dark hair, warm brown eyes, and tanned skin, doesn’t mean my heart has to skip a beat. It doesn’t matter that he has broad shoulders, chiseled cheek bones, and a cheeky smile that lures me in, I need to appear professional.

  “Erm, I’m here to shadow you,” I say quietly, forgetting all my confidence tricks completely. I can even feel my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. “Are you Doctor Foxx?”

  “Oliver.” He extends his hand out for me to shake it, which forces me to slide right into the room. “It’s nice to meet you… are you…” He looks down at a sheet of paper on his desk. “Louise?”

  “Yes, yes I am.” Damn it. As he touches the skin of my hand I feel instant bolts of electricity racing through my body. It almost makes me jump backwards with shock, the feeling is so damn intense. I need to speak to cover it up. “Louise Wilter. It’s really nice to meet you.”

  “I’m sorry, I have to ask you.” He runs his eyes up and down my body, pausing in the places that he probably shouldn’t which makes me think that maybe he felt that electricity too. “How old are you? Do you just look really young and beautiful, or are you much younger than the other trainees?”

  Beautiful? Did he say beautiful? I’m not sure if I’m supposed to react to that or not. I pause for a moment and purse my lips, before deciding to ignore that comment and answer his question instead.

  “I am younger, actually. I’m twenty one years old. I just graduated early.”


  I don’t know if he sounds impressed by my age or horrified that I’m so young and he’s stuck with me.

  “Right, I see. Twenty one year old Louise.”

  For some reason the way that he says that gets my back up. I don’t want him to have all the control of me. Just because I don’t have a lot of social and people experience doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m smart, I know I can do this… well, theoretically I can. I need to make him see that I won’t be pushed around, I’ve got to set the boundaries early on.

  “How old are you?” I demand while placing my hand on my hip. Maybe it’s wrong but I think if he can ask that then I can too. I hope it’s me showing fake confidence rather than me being rude.

  “Actually, I turned thirty nine yesterday. So yeah, a little bit older than you.”

  I’m not sure if that comment is pointed or not. Is he announcing that he’s obviously older than me for a reason? If so, what? I already know that he’s more experienced than me in his field, that’s obvious. But if not that, then what? I cock my head curiously at him and I give him a look.

  “Right, I suppose we better get on with things then.” He straightens his back and glances around the room. “I think first I better show you where everything is in my office so you can grab it when need be, then I’ll discuss my methods with you. I want you to see how I work. I know you’ll sort out your own ways of doing things when you get your own office, but for now, we do things my way.”

  Somehow, despite the fact that he’s saying something quite commanding, his tone isn’t harsh, so it makes my shoulders roll back and relax. I don’t mind people telling me what to do, it helps me to know where I stand. I don’t like confusion and blurred lines, that’s where I really struggle. When other’s have an unspoken code that I just don’t understand. That’s when I feel like I’m different. Weird.

  “Fine, sounds good. You show me about the place. Tell me what needs to be done. I’m here to help you out. Whatever you need, I’m absolutely down.”

  I cringe as those words fly out of my mouth, that probably sounded way too forward. Or crazy. I don’t know, I just hope that Doctor Oliver Foxx doesn’t think I’m dumb. Luckily, with the happy, non-judgmental expression on his face I think I might have gotten away with it. For now. I suppose it won’t be long until he works out how sheltered and closed off I am, but for now I’m happy to just go with it. He’ll be content with my work anyway, and that’s the most important thing.

  “Right, well here’s where I keep all the patient records…”

  As Oliver talks, I drink every single word in. My brain is just designed like that, that’s probably why I’ve always done so well in my education, but today there’s a second layer to this. I can’t seem to stop watching Oliver and feeling things all over my body. Tingles, more intense that I’ve ever felt before, racing down to my panties. I’ve been attracted to people before, I’ve even had a short lived fling with a guy named Jonathon while I was in college, but I never felt about him like I do right now. With Jonathon, I felt a connection because he was a lot like me, we were both people who graduated early, although he was still older than me, and I thought that was enough. I liked him, he was nice but he didn’t get me going the way that I feel right now. Maybe that’s why I didn’t care much when it fell apart. There wasn’t any heart break or tears, I accepted it with poise and grace.

  Maybe that’s why I feel this way about Oliver now. He’s the complete opposite to Jonathon, and to me too. He’s over a decade older than me. Almost two decades, if I’m going to get picky about it, and he’s in a completely different place in his life to me. He’s successful and established whereas I’m just starting out. Of course he�
�s handsome and I find him attractive, he’s an actual real man whereas I’m much more used to silly boys who don’t know much of anything. He’s confident and self assured, probably seriously incredible in bed too. Like I don’t even want to know how good his hands would feel all over my body, touching me everywhere…

  Stop it, I scold myself with a sharp shake of my head. This is effectively my boss for the moment. Just because he’s hot, doesn’t mean I need to be a freak about it.

  I drag my eyes away and focus on my hands for a moment as I try to regain my sanity, but it doesn’t help at all. The images of Oliver, much too naked to be appropriate, are seared into my brain. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to think of anything else again. His hot, sweaty, nakedness… Oh God, I’m a mess. I didn’t even know that I enjoyed sex enough to miss it, but now I’m craving it so damn badly. It almost hurts a little bit. I cross my legs, squeezing my core, trying to keep my desperate need inside but I have the feeling that only draws Oliver’s eyes in more and makes him see just how I’m really feeling. He appears to be a man who just takes what he wants, no questions asked, no consequences considered. I don’t think someone inexperienced and naïve like me will be appealing to him at all. The look he’s giving me, the one that looks like he’s undressing me with his eyes, that must be something else entirely. That has to be me, projecting the desperate, crazy way that I am onto him. It can’t be anything else, there’s no way a man like him would like me. On top of everything, I’m much too young for him, which instantly puts a stop to anything anyway.


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