Darfur, 31, 34, 36, 37
Daru plateau, the, 195
Date palms, 111
Dawasir, the: 103, 204, 207; massing to attack the Saar, 216
Dawasir, Wadi: 126, 211, 216, 238, 243; Amir of, 242–4
Desert, Arabian, size of, 39
Dessie, 38
Dew, in the desert, 163
Dhafar, 81
Dhafara, 116, 126, 151, 288
Dhala, 45
Dhaufar Mountains: 43–4, 190; trilithons on, 90; great flood in, 258
Dhiby well, 256; arrival at, 258
Dhow: 79, 266, 276; voyage on, 277–9
Dibai, 163, 261, 275, 280, 325
Difln, Wadi, 96
Dikil, 30
Dinka, the, 34
Divers, Bani Yas with pearling fleet, 261
Donkeys, 261, 304, 307
Doon crater, 36
Drums, priests’: in Abyssinia, 18; in the Tihama, 75, 105
Druze, Jabal al, 37
Dugong, 266
Dupuis, Charles, 31
Duru, the: 114, 267, 269, 271; treachery of, 156; hostility to Christians, 160; enmity with Rashid, 171; hostile meeting with, 172–3; they pursue Umbarak’s party in Wadi al Ain, 298–9; desire to keep Umbarak out of their territory, 319–23
Eagles: lawful as food, 162; chasing gazelle, 198; killing fox, 284; attacking peregrines, 293
Eastern Aden Protectorate: journey through, 182ff.; raid from, 185–6
Egypt: 38, 109; Ancient, 92
Elephants, 35
Eloy, Aucher, 273
Emi Koussi crater, 36
Empty Quarter, the: 40ff., 54, 76ff.; first view of, 83, 108. See also throughout Chapters 7 and 11
Execution of a Habad, 125–6
Exploration, reasons in favour of, 278–9
Fahad, Amir of Laila, 246–7
Fahud, 314
Falcons: saker, at Laila, 247; the training and using of, 288–94; the catching of, 289–90
Farai, 304
Fasher, 32
Faswat al Ajuz, well of, 285
Fennec. See Fox
Fig-trees, 47, 179
FitzGerald, Vesey, 41, 42
Floods, 66–7, 182, 258
Flycatchers, Paradise, 48
Fox: 140; steals meat, 119; lawful food, 162; killed by eagle, 284; Fennec, 260, 304
Frankincense, 44, 190
Fughama: 199; anticipated attack near, 199–200
Galifage, 27
Gazelle: 106, 111, 113, 119, 130, 179, 192, 198, 307; becoming rare, 232
Genghis Khan, 98
Ghaf, 111, 119, 172, 274
Ghafari, the: 171, 197, 273, 282, 295, 296; hostility to Umbarak’s journey through Oman, 313
Ghaidat, 124, 197, 207
Ghail ba Yamin, 201
Ghanim, 65, 76, 119, 153, 164
Gharbaniat sands, 301
Ghazala, a camel, 274, 291
Ghudun, Wadi, 83, 89
Giulietti (Italian explorer), 24
Gloucester, Duke of: mission to Ethiopia, 20
Glubb, Sir John, 108–9, 125, 170
Goats, 70, 73, 85, 172, 245, 274, 304
Gojam, 37
Granite, 232
Grasshoppers, swarming of, 42
Grazing. See Camels
Greece, Ancient: influence of, on Muslim Empire, 98
Gumsait Mahra, the, 197
Gypsum: 120, 127; flats, 152
Habab, the, 125
Habarut, 192–4
Habasha, 198
Habashiya, Jabal, 198
Had pastures, 234
Hadara. See Ahl al Hadara
Hadhramaut, the: 48, 68, 74, 203–4; architecture of, 89, 209–10; raids around, 185–6
Hadoram. See Ahl al Hadara
Hafit, Jabal, 274, 283, 318
Haig-Thomas, David, 23, 25
Haij, 305
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Abyssinia: coronation of, 21, 198; restoration of, 37
Hajaz Mountains: 17, 75, 237; villages in, 51; travels in, 203
Halfain, Wadi, 204, 309, 313
Hamad bin Hanna. See bin Hanna
Hamaid, of the Mahra: 295; 296, 299, 301; arrested at Tawi Yasir, 314
Hamasa, 282; sheikh of, 283
Hamdu Uga, 27
Hanawi, the, 171, 175, 273, 282, 320
Hands, cutting off of, 242
Hanu, stream bed of, 237
Harasis, the, 47, 178–9, 320
Hares: 130, 150–1; as forbidden food. 111; the catching of, 166, 283–4; the hunting of, 293
Harm: 130; as camel food, 164, 165
Harmal, 90
Harth, the, 310
Hasa, the, 232
Hassi well: 220, 221; arrival at, 236ff.
Haushi, well at, 176, 178
Hautas, 111
Hawking, 290–9
Hazaramaveth, 48
Heat, in the desert, 140, 149, 157
Hebrews, 92
Heliotrope. See Rimram
Henderson, Edward, 275, 325
Himyarite civilization: 44, 92, 198; language of, 47
Hiza, sheikh of Abu Dhabi, 263–4, 267, 268
Homosexuality, 125
Honeysuckle, 17
Huaishil: sheikh of the Dura, 317; as guide to Birkat al Mauz, 319; anger with Dura, 320; gets support from Ali bin Hilal, 321–2
Hulaiya, 72
Humura, the: 68, 194, 204; trilithons in their country, 90
Hun, Wadi, 199
Hunger, in the desert, 143–4, 157–8
Huquf, the, 303
Hurr, 289
Hussain, Saif al Islam al, Governor of the Jauf, 228
Hyenas, 179
Ibadhis, the, 273, 314
Ibex, 85, 188, 192, 198
Ibn Jawali, Governor of the Hassa, 122, 152, 156
Ibn Saud, Abd al Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia: 41, 93, 186; permission to Philby to cross Empty Quarter, 122; his tax-collectors, 152, 156; refuses permission to cross Western Sands, 203; acknowledged as overlord by the bin Maaruf Saar, 212; post at the Hassi, 221; permission to tribes to raid Mishqas, 238; orders detention of Umbarak and imprisonment of his companions, 239; anger at Umbarak’s journey to Sulaiyil, 247; and the Akhwan, 248; control over Murra, 271
Ibri: 160–1,271; hostile Dura from, 172; diversion to collect stores from, 173–4
Ilb, 205
Incense, 109
Ingrams, W. H., 204, 209
Iraq Petroleum Company, 272, 275
Islam, 54–5, 96–8, 249
Izz, 295, 316, 323
Jaalan, Jabal, 309
Jabal. See under individual names of mountains
Jabari, al: of the Awamir, 294; and the fennec fox, 304; agrees to accompany Jabal al Akhadar exploration, 319
Jabrin, 116, 118, 232; Umbarak offers to act as guide to, 248–50; journey to, 250ff.
Jackson, Noel, 275
Jaddat al Harasis, the, 131, 178, 204
Jadid, of the Rashid: 155, 157; leaves the party, 164
Jarbib, 47, 82
Jasmine, 17, 47
Jasper, 232
Jaub, 256
Jauf, the, 185, 228
Jaul, al, tableland of, 201
Jaulbaut, 275
Jayakar, Dr., 274
Jerboas, 130
Jibuti, 20
Jidda, 41, 75, 186
Jilida plain, the, 225, 232–3
Jira, volcanoes of, 29
Jiza, Wadi, 197, 198; drought in, 103
Jizan, 75
Johnson, E. R., Assistant Political Officer in the Hadhramaut, 210
Joktan. See Qahtan
Juasimi pirates, 277
Jumaan bin Duailan. See bin Duailan
Juniper, 17
Junuba, the, 113, 323
Karab, the, 152, 212, 214, 225
Karia, 283
Kashgai, the, 276
Kaur, Jabal, 172, 311, 317
Khaba well, 156
Khalid, sheikh of Abu Dhabi, 263–4
li, al. See Oman, Imam of
Kharijites, the, 273
Khartoum, 30, 32
Khaur bin Atarit well, 120, 153
Khaur Sabakha, 153
Khaur Wir, 179
Khuatim, 135–6
Kidyut valley, 195
Kismim pass, 82, 188
Kites, 20, 263
Koran, the opening verse, 55
Kudu, 32
Kutum, 31–2, 35–6
Lahamma well, 284
Laila: plan to go to, 243, 245; arrival at, 246; given no food in, 248; failure to find guide in, 248; as stronghold of the Akhwan, 249; supplies from, 250
Lammergeyer, 75
Larks, 130
Lawful food, 162
Lawrence, T. E.: 83, 97; on Bedouins, 15; Revolt in the Desert, 39; The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 125
Lean, O. B., 38
Leopard, 81
Libyan desert, 32, 34
Limestone, 48, 177, 232, 313
Lions, 34, 35
Liwa: 116, 153; as centre for buying food, 155, 157; decision to look for, on way to Abu Dhabi, 259–60; found, 261; exploration of, 283ff.
Lizards: 130, 179, 230; monitor, 260; lizard skins for carrying butter, 85
Locusts: in the Sudan, 41; in Abyssinia, 41; ‘desert locust’, 41; Locust Research Centre, 41–2, 181–2, 203
London, Umbarak’s homesickness in, 203
Lucerne, 74, 238
Mabkhaut bin Arbain. See bin Arbain
Madhamar, Mt., 313, 314
Mahalhal, of the Awamir, 294
Mahra, the: 47, 68. 109, 178, 184, 192, 195, 197, 206, 214, 217; descent from the Habasha, 198; circumcision among, 124; assist in attack on Abida, 218
Mahrat, Wadi, 197, 198
Mahsin, of the Rashid: 101–2, 106; accident to, 109ff., 135; recovers, 114, in Salala, 179
Maidob, Jabal, 31, 32
Main, 228
Makhia, the, 213
Mamur, 323–4
Manahil, the; 68, 73–4, 103, 152, 182, 184, 185, 214, 215, 216; raids on, 74; as sheep owners, 88; fight with the Dahm, 199; attacks on government posts, 204; hatred of the Saar, 208; raid the Yam, 207; raid the Manasir, 286–7
Manasir, the: 156, 161, 163–4, 271; encampments of, 165; Liwa encampment of, 261; guide from, for Abu Dhabi, 261
Mankhali, well mounds of, 236
Manwakh well: 205–6, 213; lovely girl at, 206; well runs dry, 218–20
Maria Theresa dollars. See Rivals
Ma Shadid well, 88
Masila valley, 197, 199
Matrah, battle between Omanis and English, 273
Maxwell, Wedderburn, 35
Meat, division of, by lots, 85, 151
Mecca: 97, 109; sanctuary around, 111; face towards, when praying, 55
Michail, Negus, 19
Miles, Colonel, 273, 276
Minaean civilization: 44, 92; language of, 47
Miram Muhammad, 26–7
Mishqas, the: 208; attacks by, 244
Modra valley, 36
Monsoon, 47
Moon, eclipse of, 151
Moore, Guy, 31
Mosque, 324
Mudhaibi, 310
Mudhail: 189–90; discovery of neolithic axe-head at, 190; old buildings at, 191
Mughair well, 71
Mughshin: 42, 46, 65, 108ff., 155, 204; prolonged drought around, 66–7; Sultan of Muscat’s claim to, 76
Muhammad al Riqaishi. See Riqaishi, al
Muhammad bin Abdullah al Khalili. See Oman, Imam of
Muhammad, of the Duru: acts as rabia, 173; returns home, 175
Muhammad, of the Rashid (son of bin Kalut): 185, 206, 217; offers to join Western Sands crossing, 207; anxiety over raiders, 207; suggests alternative crossing, 217; presented with rifle before crossing, 224; inefficiency of, 225; offers to guide from Subkhat Mutti to Abu Dhabi, 254; agrees to accompany Jabal al Akhadar exploration, 319
Muhammad Yayu, Sultan of Aussa, 27
Mukalla: 68, 132; plan to travel to, 181; arrival at, 201–2; return to, 203–4
Munzinger, Werner, 24, 30
Muqaibara well, 303
Murra, the, 122, 152, 204, 238, 239, 250, 253–4
Murri, Ali al, 282, 284
Murzuk, a renegade Saar, 207–8
Musallim bin al Kamam. See bin al Kamam
Musallim bin Tafl. See bin Tafl
Musandam peninsula, 271
Muscat: 174; as capital of Oman, 273
Muscat, Sultan of (Sayid Saiyid bin Taimur), 43, 76, 122, 272, 313, 328
Muslim Empire, 92, 98–9
Muslim faith. See Islam
Mutair, the, 93
Muwaiqih, 268, 272, 274, 281, 288, 294, 317, 319
Nabi Hud, shrine of, 199
Nafi, 307
Nafud sands, 252
Najd, the, 51, 92, 328
Najran, 186, 203, 207, 212, 215, 240, 280
Nasrani, al, 238
Naukhada, 276
Nazwa, 174, 310, 316, 317–8
Nesbitt, L. M.: Desert and Forest, 24
No, Lake, 35
Nuer, the, 34, 36, 48
Nura, 193, 194
Oil, effects of discovery of, 95–6
Oil used to anoint guests, 312–13
Oleanders, 311
Olive, wild, 17, 75
Oman: 76, 124; route through, 156ff.; interior of, 269, 270; bitterness of feuds in, 281–2; Umbarak’s determination to return to Buraimi through, 306
Oman, Imam of (Muhammad bin Abdullah al Khalili): 76, 160, 174, 271, 273, 295; authorizes journey back to Muwaiqih, 316–17, 324–5
Omdurman: 30; camel ride from Jamal Maidob to, 31
Ophir, 44
Oryx, 32, 34, 179, 227, 228; search for, 302, 303; missed by Umbarak, 227–8; becoming extinct, 230; the stalking of, 232; Awadh shoots forty, 280
Ostriches, 32, 231
Palmetto. See Saf
Palms: date, 111, 161, 164, 179, 192, 197, 209, 238, 252, 261, 263, 268; coconut, 44
Pelicans, 229
Peregrines. See Falcons
Persians 92
Philby, St. John: 39, 242–3, 246–7, 248–51; and crossing of the Empty Quarter, 121–2; work along Yemen border, 204
Phoenicians, 92
Pinks, 17
Pintails, 179
Pirate Coast, 277
Plant distribution in the Empty Quarter, 181
Porphyry, 232
Prayer: 54; call to, 55
Primulas, 17
Qahtan (or Joktan), descendant of Shem, 48, 91, 171
Qahtan, the, 75
Qaid, 119
Qaimiyat, the, 228–9
Qamaiqam, a camel, 156, 266
Qariya: well, at, 236; ruins at, 237, 248
Qarra, the 46, 47; customs with cows, 48; as cattle owners, 82
Qarra Mountains, 43, 46–7, 122, 179, 186
Qasaiwara well, 295, 296, 299
Qasm, 282
Qassis, 150, 228, 229, 230, 258, 283
Qatar peninsula, 254
Quff, palm groves at, 209
Qurn Sahma, 303
Qutuf, 261
Rabadh, 164.166
Rabia, the, part played by, 171, 173, 175, 184, 196
Rai, of the Afar, 175–6
Raidat al Saar, 204–5, 212–13
Rainfall, in the desert, 127–8, 140, 181, 256–9
Ramadhan, fast of, 142
Ramlat al Ghafa, 122, 126, 145
Rashid, the: 53, 67, 79, 102–3; prayers among, 55, 74; contrasted with the Bait Kathir, 67; smalt numbers of, 68; signal of peace among, 72; raids on, 73–4; raid on Saar, 107; lead across the Empty Quarter, 134ff.; enmity with Dura, 171; as guides to Mukalla, 181–2; anger at truce-breaking by the Dahm, 187; agree to attack the Dahm, 200; discuss truce with the Saar, 206; buy camels from the bin Maaruf, 214–5; youthfulneu of guides, 216; two herdsmen killed by the Abida, 217; attack on the Abida at Thamud, 217; renewal of truce with the Dahm, 280
Rashid, son of Sheikh of Di
bai, 295
Ras Lul Seged, 20
Ravens: 130, 147; eaten as cure for stomach ache, 162; attacked by peregrine, 293
Rhyolite, 232
Rift Valley, 24
Rim, 129, 229, 230
Rimram, 123, 130
Riqaishi, Muhammad al, 174
Riqaishi, the, Governor of Ibri, 160–1, 317–18
Riqaiya. See Walia
Riyadh, 122, 126, 243
Riyals, 81, 159
Romans, the: 91, 92; attempt to invade Arabia, 44
Roses, wild, 17
Royal Air Force: 43, 49, 50; in the desert, 180, 184, 210, 255, 272, 275
Rub al Khali. See Empty Quarter
Rualla, the, 68, 328
Rustaq, 273
Saad, Sheikh, tomb of, 190
Saar, the: 68, 107, 110, 185; trilithons in their country, 90; murder of Saar boy, 107; nature of, 205; discuss truce with the Rashid, 206; camels bought from, 212; encampment near Manwakh, 213; credulity of, 214; bitterness towards the Rashid, 216
Sabaean civilization: 44, 92, 198; language of, 47
Sabkhat Mutti salt-flats: 254, 258; the crossing of, 250ff.
Sabyia, 75
Saddle camel, Omani, 57
Sadr, of the Saar, 220, 221, 222, 224–5, 230, 235–7
Saf, 86, 87
Sahail, killing of, 107
Sahara desert, 35
Sahma sands, 110, 301
Said, of the Bait Kathir and evil spirit, 108–9; and proposed crowing of Empty Quarter, 114, 116; and stomach ache, 122–3
Said, of the Rashid, (brother of bin Kabina), 131, 196, 200
Saif al Islam al Hussain. See Hussein
Saints: oaths sworn on tombs of, 112
Saiwun: 204; Sultan’s palace at, 209; modernization of, 210
Saiyid Said bin Timur. See Muscat, Sultan of
Saiyids, the: 209, 214, 215; overcharging by, 215
Saker. See Falcon
Salakh, Mt., 313
Salala: 43, 64, 134; description of, 43–6; Wali of, 41, 45, 181; stay at, 182ff.
Salih, of the Saar, 220, 222, 224–5, 233, 234, 237
Salih bin Aisa. See bin Aisa
Salim bin Ghabaisha. See bin Ghabaisha
Salim bin Habarut. See bin Habarut
Salim bin Kabina. See bin Kabina
Salim bin Mautlauq. See bin Mautlauq
Salim bin Rashid al Kharusi, former Imam of Oman, 273
Salt-bushes. See Harm
Salt-flats, 140, 143, 148
Salukis, 283–4
Sambuk, 275, 276
Sanau well, 71
Sandford, Colonel (later Brigadier) D.A., 21
Sands, the. See Empty Quarter
Sands: colours of, 128, 137, 140, 148, 152; ‘the singing of’, 166; reading the, 302–3
Sands, Western. See Empty Quarter
Sandstorms, 322
Sardines: 44, 70, 193; fed to camels, 79
Saud, brother of Salim bin Mautlauq, 218
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