I Belong To Her

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I Belong To Her Page 3

by Ava Danielle

  After we pay for our lunch we head back to the office, I push the button for the elevator and we stand there waiting for a while. The elevator dings and the doors open, I’m walking in expecting Theresa to walk in behind me, only she gets hung in the crack of the elevator with her heel and falls right into me. I almost didn’t catch her. “Holy shit. Are you ok?” I ask her as I hold her tight. She’s breathing hard. “I think so. Fuck, I don’t know how that happened. I’m so embarrassed.” Still holding her I reassure her that it’s ok. We both stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds. “You can let me go now, Mr. Walker.” I feel her stir and try to escape my arms. “I’m so sorry, Theresa. Are you sure you’re alright?” I’m really nervous around this woman and never seem to know what to do next.

  “Yes, I’m fine, but my shoe, not so much,” she states as she shakes her shoe around and starts to laugh. And when I say laugh, I mean belly laugh. She’s got this cute little laugh, the one you can’t resist but to laugh along to. Pretty fucking sexy.

  Once we get to back to our office, I decide to take her out shopping to replace her shoes. “Let me see if I can fix that heel with some superglue until we get you a new pair.” I tell her as she sits down in her office chair. “Oh no, that’s fine. I can do it. It should hold off until I get off work and make it home. It’s not the end of the world,” I shake my head. “Nonsense, give me your shoe, let me fix it, and we’ll go down to a boutique right away.” I say as I pull the shoe out of her hand and walk back to my office. “Mr. Walker!” she’s screaming, but I completely ignore her. “Mr. Walker. I can fix my own shoe.” I start to laugh. “I have no doubt you can, but I will not let you.” I start to put some superglue down and push the heel back onto the shoe. “This should do, go get your bag and let’s go,” I demand. She continues to try and argue but I don’t care. I’m just going to pretend I can’t hear her.

  “Are you having fun with this?”

  “What do you mean, Theresa?”

  “Bossing me around.” I laugh out loud.

  “I am your boss. And yes, I’m having loads of fun. Aren’t you?” She huffs. “Not entirely.” “Well deal with it honey, we’re going shoe shopping.”

  That reminds me, I never once went shoe shopping with Addison, I usually just sent her. This is totally out of my element, but so much fun.

  The shoe shop is pretty empty. This is a cute little boutique on Main Street, they have the latest fashion and definitely know their way to a woman’s heart; one stiletto after the other.

  “You don’t have to do this, Mr. Walker.” Theresa walks into the boutique in full awe mode. She’s eyeing one pair after the other. From the red pair that I think would look fucking smoking on her, to the brown leather pair that would go great with the beige dress she’s wearing.

  “I know I don’t have to. But I want to.” I watch her intently walk all the isles when I hear her gasp. “Oh my fucking god.” I swear that girl curses more than I do. And for some mind-blowing reason I love it. “What?” I say walking up behind her. “I’ve been dying for this pair but haven’t seen them anywhere.” She pulls them off the shelf and starts to tear the shoes on her feet off. She pulls the first shoe out of the box and tries it on. Four brown leather straps run across the top with open toe.

  “Damn. Those look good on you.” I say as she puts the other one on. “You think so?” I nod as she stands up and starts to walk the isles.

  The sales lady walks up to us. “Can I help you?” But before I could answer, Theresa has blurted out, “Nope, we’re all good.” She pulls the shoes back off once she noticed the price tag. “Let’s go Mr. Walker.” I look at her confused. “Thanks for taking me, but I have plenty of shoes,” and storms out of boutique and left me standing.

  Can someone explain to me what just happened? I grab the shoes and look at the price. No big deal. I take the shoes up to the counter and pay for them. I see Theresa standing outside; I’m assuming she’s waiting on me. After the lady places the shoes into a bag and hands them to me, “have a nice day,” I smile at the cashier and make my way outside.

  “Are you ok, Theresa?” I ask her. She stands there dumbfounded. “Perfectly fine. What’s in the bag?”

  “I found a pair of flats for my oldest daughter,” I mention.

  “Oh, that’s nice.”

  Walking back to the office building, we stride side by side. I’m trying to figure out the right words to say to start a conversation, but silence falls between us, neither of us sure what to say next.

  Arriving in my office, I sit down on the chair and wonder what just happened. I decide to call Theresa in and give her the rest of the day off. I think maybe if I sent the shoes to her apartment as a surprise, it’ll make her day. I buzz for her to come into my office and give her the good news. “Theresa, you can take the rest of the day off. There’s really not much to do today, ”I say as she sits down on the chair with a pen and paper. “Are you sure? This isn’t because of the shoes, is it? Because I can make it until I get home.” I chuckle. “No, it’s not because of the shoe. Have a good afternoon and do something fun,” I tell her as I start to gather some of my things straight on my desk and she walks out. “Have a good weekend, Mr. Walker.”

  I pull out her address and call our messenger into my office. As I wait for him to show up I start to wrap the shoes in a pretty box with a pink ribbon that I had lying around. I write a little note;

  “Get these to Miss Leighton’s Apartment, right away please.” I explain to the messenger and tip him an extra five bucks to assure it gets there quickly.

  After work, I’m sitting at home on my couch and staring at the stupid TV. I’m eating a stupid sandwich. Everything is just stupid. And worse of all, I’m sitting here wondering what Theresa fucking Leighton is doing on a Friday night.

  A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. Ryan storms in, “Hey man, let’s go downtown and get drunk. Kristina and Addison are hanging out and I’m bored out of my mind.” I guess it couldn’t hurt. “Maybe we’ll find you a woman.” I silently say I already have a woman. Ryan smacks me on the chest. “Addison is not yours anymore, man.” But I laugh. I didn’t realize he even heard me.

  “Let me go change into some jeans and my AC/DC t-shirt and we can go.” I tell Ryan. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Every time we go to the bar, I wear the AC/DC t-shirt because the chicks seem to dig it. So many women throw themselves at me, but at the time I wasn’t over Addison to be able to pursue anything with any of them. One night, I was making out with one of the chicks out back against the wall. But that girl, oh my god, she drooled when she kissed. No, I don’t mean her lips were wetter than usual; she downright drooled, like a baby. Major turn off.

  “Alright, let’s go man.” I grab my wallet and keys and throw on my leather jacket. We jump into Ryan’s pick up and head down town. Ryan starts to blast some country music on the radio and I’m looking out the window day dreaming like a fucking girl.

  Arriving at the bar, there are so many cars parked outside it’s crazy.

  “What the hell is going on here tonight?” I ask as I get out. “Country Night I think.” That explains it. It’s the most popular night of the month for this bar.

  The last two seats at the bar are open and we go for it. Ordering us a beer, we turn around facing the crowd and watch some people do line dance, we flirt with some of the girls. Well actually, I’m the one attempting the flirting. No one is her though. No one is Theresa Leighton.

  After a few more beers, I start to feel a buzz, I was ready to hop off the barstool and go out to get some fresh air. But I was stopped at the counter, “Excuse me,” I say as I try to squeeze by, but the woman just laughs. What the fuck?

  “Excuse me,” I say a little louder.

  “Fuck Asshole, would you just wait?” I finally look up right as she looks at me. I think my heartbeat just stopped. But how could it when I see her break down laughing.

  “Oh my god, Mr. Walker, I’m so
sorry,” she says while laughing. I look at her confused, but with a small smile. She’s definitely drunk. Any other woman would’ve been embarrassed. But her? No, she’s laughing hysterically. Laughing so hard she fell on her ass. “Theresa, shit, are you ok?”

  She lifts her feet and shows off her shoes. “Like my shoes? My sexy boss sent them to me. I didn’t want them, I mean did you see how much they were, but nooooo he had to buy them for me. And then he included this cute little note. Gah! Men fucking suck.”

  I look at her confused. Does she not realize whom she’s talking to?

  I pull her up off the floor; she fixes her miniskirt, straightens herself back up and clears her throat. “Have a nice night, Mr. Walker,” and tries to walk away. Not this time though. I grab her by her arm. “Let me buy you a glass of water.” She looks at me and sneers, “No thank you.” This woman is getting the best of me. “Please, do me the favor,” I start to beg. And she has the nerve to roll her eyes. Yep, she’s definitely drunk. “Fine.”

  We both sit down at the bar and after I order her a glass of water, Theresa starts to speak.

  “I need to thank you for the shoes.”

  “They look really good on you, Theresa.”



  “All my friends call me Terri,” she says like it’s no big deal. And as much as I wouldn’t want to call her a friend, I just prefer the name Theresa, sounds so much sexier.

  “Theresa sounds good to me.”

  “If you weren’t so damn good looking I’d keep arguing with you,” she says as she plays with the rim of her glass.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “You take that however you want sunshine.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her. As I’m watching her slide her finger across the rim of her glass, and her licking her lips, I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss her. Except the fact, before I could even think about moving in on her, she’s already leaning toward me, parts her lips, and kisses ME.

  The way her lips press against mine, the taste of the alcohol on her lips, the way her tongue tries to find mine. It’s making my heart race, my mind leave, and my dick rise. Thinking straight and stopping this is definitely out of the question.

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” she says as she pulls back away from me. Only problem is; I miss her lips already, so I decide to pull her back into me. My hand pulls her close by her neck, my other hand in her hair, and I kiss her as if my life depended on it. I kiss her hard, our lips connecting perfectly. Our tongues dance to the music in the background. Neither of us stopping until Ryan interrupted us.

  “Fuck, sorry man.”

  Theresa throws herself at me, leans into me, and starts biting my lips. She pulls them and stares right into my eyes as she does it. This woman is my undoing.

  “Mr. Walker,” she whispers.



  “Call me Michael.”

  She starts to laugh. I’m not even sure why. But she’s still in my arms, so I’m fine with it.

  “Okay Mr. Michael. I have to go.”

  I look at her, trying to study her face to see what exactly she’s wanting to tell me. She’s pulling on my hand and pulling me with her. We are leaving the bar, walking out, as she hails a taxi to leave.

  “You’re coming with me, right?” she asks innocently.

  I’m standing here dumbfounded. She’s my assistant. My drunken assistant. I can’t take advantage of that. She’s hot, fuck is she hot, but she works for me. This isn’t right. And if we pursue anything, I’m not going to do it when she’s drunk. I should however, take her home to make sure she gets there.

  I open the taxi door for her and see that she gets in. I sit down next to her as she rambles the address off to the taxi driver. I pull my phone out and text Ryan that I won’t be going home with him. As I’m putting my phone back into my back pocket, Theresa puts her head on my shoulders,

  “You smell so good, Mr. Michael.”

  I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Will you fuck me when we get home?” she blatantly asks.

  “Shhhh, close your eyes a little.”

  “You need to answer my question. Will you fuck me?”

  “Do you want me to?”

  “You can’t answer a question with a question, Michael.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I said so.”

  “Are you the boss or am I?”

  “That’s not even fair,” she huffs and tries to pout.

  I look at Theresa, I really look at her, our eyes staring into each other and I lean in to kiss her, gently. Our lips pressed firmly. She starts to moan and my dick is about to bust out of my pants. Controlling myself is fucking difficult right now.

  “I want you, Michael,” she whispers in-between kisses. Before I get a chance to answer, the taxi stops and we arrive at her apartment.

  We both exit and make our way up her stairs. She’s having a hard time unlocking the door in her unsteady state. I take the key from her and unlock the doors to the building, and then to her apartment that is on the first floor. As we walk through the doors of her apartment, she pulls her heels off, unzips her miniskirt and pulls it off. I’m watching every move she makes. She’s taking off her blouse and undoes her bra, letting it fall to the floor. She stands in front of me in nothing but panties. Beautiful pink laced panties. She walks into a room and I follow her. She’s so intoxicating. She’s hard to resist; I don’t want to leave. She’s full of confidence and self-esteem; it blows my mind. I’m standing, watching her, waiting to see what unpredictable thing she’s going to do next. Not making a single move, I just watch her.

  She lies down on her white satin sheets. She’s an angel. A sexy angel that I want to ravish, but I can’t.

  I walk into the bedroom, pull the blanket off the chair that sits in the corner, and cover her up. I place a kiss on her forehead, and tell her to sleep. As I try to leave the bedroom, she screams, “Asshole!” but I smile.

  I wake up in only my panties with my favorite white plush blanket on my naked body. I have a headache from hell and not even sure what happened last night. I’m seriously hoping I didn’t sleep with someone again and give him hope for a relationship. I’m not in the mood for that. I just want fun and my job. That’s it.

  I’m trying to gather the energy to get out of bed when I see a glass of water, an aspirin, and note on my nightstand. I pull the note closer and read

  What the fuck? Who the hell is in my living room? Shit. Don’t tell me I slept with someone and they are sitting on my couch. Think Terri. Think! What happened last night? I went out with Sarah, one of my friends. Downtown at the bar I had a few beers. I guess I had a few too many. I wore my new heels Mr. Walker sent me. Wait, where are my clothes? I look around the room. Mr. Walker, I saw him at the bar. I remember that. Oh shit! I also remember kissing him. Fuck it, instead of lying here trying to remember, I’m just going to go out there and see whom I brought home with me and get rid of them. It wouldn’t be my first time.

  I open my dresser and put on a bra and sweatpants and my favorite AC/DC t-Shirt. I push the drawer back closed and realize my head is pounding. Hurry up and do your magic aspirin.

  Leaving my bedroom, I rush to the bathroom to use the toilet and at least brush my teeth. I don’t care who the hell is in my living room, but I’m not going to go out there with dragon breath.

  Walking into the living room, I see a shadow on my couch, I can’t make out who it is or what he looks like until I walk around the couch. As I’m doing so, he moves. I hear him breathe. And I gasp realizing who is on my couch; he wakes. Fuck my life; it is Mr. Walker.

  I stand and remember the way his lips tasted against mine. The sexiest lips I’ve kissed in a long time. He gave me butterflies that I never felt kissing anyone else but my ex fiancé. And that was a long time ago. I catch myself rubbing my finger across my lips when I
see him smiling at me. He sits up and pats the seat on the couch next to him. But I don’t move. Instead I stare at him.

  I’m going to be honest, I had a crush on him the minute he interviewed me for the job. But he’s my boss, so that’s it.

  There can’t and never will be anything there.

  “Did we have sex?” I ask him as I sit down on the couch.

  He smiles at me. A smile that just makes my heart melt.

  “No, we didn’t. You were, well, a little tipsy and I wasn’t going to take advantage of that.”

  I look down in shame. What the hell is wrong with me? He takes my hand in his getting my full attention.

  “Don’t beat yourself up. It’s all good. I just spent the night to make sure you were all right. We didn’t do anything,” he ensures me squeezing my hand tight.

  “Let me make you a cup of a coffee for all your troubles,” I say as I try to get up and out of his hold.

  “It was no trouble, Theresa. Sit back down; I’ll make the coffee. How are you feeling?”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I try to argue with him, but there’s no winning. He pushes me back down on the couch as he walks into the kitchen that is connected to my living room. “I’m fine, nothing a warm shower can’t fix.”

  I can’t believe I brought my boss home. He saw my bed. Pretty sure he saw my naked body. I could slap myself for this. And I’m also pretty sure we kissed. I couldn’t forget those lips if I tried. Part of me wants to kiss those lips some more. I probably should quit. But I love my job. What the fuck did I get myself into?

  “Theresa? Hello?”

  “Oh shit, sorry. I was just thinking,”

  “I noticed. About?”

  “Nothing important. Thanks for the coffee.”

  I look down to the floor and watch every dust particle float around. I have no idea what to say or even think.

  “I better get going.”


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