Dragon Slayer

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Dragon Slayer Page 19

by Michael-Scott Earle

  I nearly choked on my food when she reached for her goblet and began to lap at the wine with her tongue like a dragon drinking from a lake. I’d shown her how to drink from the waterskin on our journey home, but it had never crossed my mind that I’d have to teach her to use a cup. More people at the dinner table began to shoot curious glances at her, so I nudged her elbow and showed her how to drink without using my tongue. Her face hardened, but she gave me a little nod of thanks as she drank the right way.

  Thankfully, the rest of the meal passed without mishap. There were no more courses that required utensils. Even the king and princess ate the chicken and pheasant with their hands, and dessert was served next. I let out a sigh of relief and sat back to enjoy my own food, but I kept an eye on Arieste just in case the dragon instincts kicked in again.

  Time seemed to slip by as I relaxed and basked in the celebration around me. Slowly, I felt the rigors of the last week begin weighing on my body. The more time that passed, the more I wanted to leave the party and crawl into a nice, warm bed for eighteen to thirty-six hours of sleep.

  “So, Ethan,” Sir Galfred called from where he sat on the king’s right side, “when do we go hunting Riamod?”

  “If I remember right,” I said as I shot him a sly smile, “one of us is badly wounded.”

  Sir Galfred’s face fell as if I’d just reminded him of something he’d forgotten, and I saw both the king and princess try to hide their smiles.

  “If I was a doctor,” I continued, “I’d be threatening you with all sorts of holy hell if you so much as looked at a horse for the next week.”

  “Alas, we do not have a week,” the king said with a shake of his head. “Riamod will be coming for his tribute in six days, and he demands a price we are not willing to pay.” He shot a glance at his daughter seated beside him, and she patted his arm.

  “We must depart either tomorrow or the following day,” Sir Galfred said. “It is the only way we can reach Riamod’s lair in time.”

  With the ice magic flowing in my veins, I knew I could handle another adventure after a long night of rest. But Sir Galfred wouldn’t be in any condition for another battle for at least a few more days. The look in his eyes told me he knew that as well as I did, but he was a stubborn warrior. He’d ride himself into the ground if he had to.

  “Then we’ll leave the day after tomorrow,” I insisted. “You, Adath, me, and whoever’s well enough to ride. That’ll give me time to recover from the trip and my fight with the dragon.”

  The tension in the knight’s face relaxed, and he nodded. “So be it.” I could see he was relieved he would have time to rest. I could understand what he was going through, since I was also a stubborn and proud warrior.

  “With that,” I said as I stood and pushed my chair back from the table, “it’s time for me to say goodnight. I’ll need a good night’s sleep if we’re heading off dragon-hunting.”

  The king and Sir Galfred nodded, and Princess Selene seemed disappointed to see me go. Her disappointment doubled as Arieste stood and said she would also be retiring for the night.

  “Your Majesty, Your Highness, Sir Knight,” she said and bowed to each one. “You have my undying gratitude for the warm welcome. For a stranger like myself, it is an honor to be received with open arms.”

  I knew what she was thinking. After all that Frosdar had done to humankind, she had expected a far less receptive greeting.

  “See you all tomorrow,” I said as I held out an arm for Arieste.

  We walked through the ballroom without a word. People bowed to me as I passed, and I responded with a nod. I guess slaying Frosdar had improved my standing in Whitespire.

  I could get used to being treated as a hero.

  Sadly, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it much longer.

  “We’re not going to wait until the day after tomorrow,” I told Nyvea in my mind.

  “We’re not?” she asked with confusion.

  “In his condition, Sir Galfred’s going to get himself killed. We can’t let him come with us.”

  “So, what’s the plan, Ethan?”

  “Tomorrow night, we’re going to slip out of Whitespire with enough ice weapons to take down the dragon. Just you, Arieste, and me.”

  “You think she’ll want to come with you?”

  “She’ll have to. I need her to keep teaching me how to use the ice magic if I’m going to beat Riamod. And, this way, I can keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t run away.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out,” Nyvea said, but there was a hint of humor in her voice. “Though, you might be forgetting one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “How you are going to find Riamod’s lair.”

  “I can sense the dragons,” I said, “and I’m guessing that Arieste might also know where her nemesis is.”

  “Ohh, good thinking,” Nyvea said. “But something tells me she’ll be less likely to want to go after her enemy in this form.”

  “But what if I could turn her back into Frosdar just long enough to take down Riamod? Having an ice dragon on my side would be pretty fucking handy.” I thought to Nyvea.

  “And risk her flying away?”

  “She won’t,” I said, but I knew it was a bit of a toss up. I didn’t quite know how my magic would work to change Arieste back into her dragon form, and it could quickly turn out to be a tragic decision.

  I was still trying to think of an alternative plan when we reached my suite. Arieste’s room was across the hallway from mine, but her fingers tightened on my bicep when I moved to release her.

  “Ethan,” she said as she turned her blue eyes to my face. “My room is small. May I stay in your suite?”

  “Uhh, sure,” I said as my heart started pounding in my chest. She had said the words calmly, and there was no hint of flirtation on her face, but I didn’t think that she actually had a problem with her room. “I haven’t looked at the bedroom yet, but the suite is large. Take a look.”

  The door to my suite opened into a sitting chamber, complete with a plush couch in front of a fireplace, a shelf filled with books, and a table with a glass bottle of wine and four crystal goblets. Through the door to the right was a dining room, with a small kitchen through a door beyond. The middle door led to a bathing chamber, and the door on the left went to the bedroom.

  I’d enjoyed a long soak in the copper tub before the party, but I didn’t have time for a nap. I froze as I opened the door to the bedroom and saw a single large bed there.

  “Er…right,” I stammered and quickly pulled my arm free of Arieste’s. “I’ll take the couch, of course.” My face felt hot, and I stepped aside and motioned for her to enter.

  “Of course?” she asked and gave me a little smile.

  “Did you have something else in mind?” I asked as I returned her smile.

  “Help me with my dress, will you?” she asked without answering me.

  The gorgeous woman turned her back toward me, and I saw the complicated lacing running up the gown’s rear. It was hard not to notice the pale skin of her toned back or the smoothness of her alabaster skin.

  “It took two maids to do it up for me,” she said over her shoulder as she swept her braided hair out of the way. “There is no way I can undo it myself.”

  Her body stiffened as my fingers brushed her back, and we both let out a breath of relief when I undid the first knot of lace.

  There was a flush to her cheeks as she turned to speak to me. “Damned thing is way too complicated to be practical. You humans are foolish.”

  A nervous silence descended as I kept working at the laces. With every breath, her intoxicating gardenia scented perfume intoxicated me further. It took all of my concentration to keep my eyes fixed on the dress and not the lean curves beneath.

  “There you go,” I said when I finally got the last of the laces untied. I swallowed to wet my dry mouth and stepped back with a shaky smile. “Goodnight.”

� she said and gave me a nod before entering the bedroom and shutting the door behind her.

  I stood like a staring buffoon for a long moment, and then I blew out my breath. That could have been a whole lot more awkward.

  “Awww, you should have taken her. She wanted you to,” Nyvea sighed in my mind.

  I growled in response and strode toward the couch. There were no blankets, but the fire crackling in the fireplace kept me warm enough. The pillows were plush and the couch soft, so I knew I’d sleep well.

  If only I could get the images of Arieste out of my head. My fingers still tingled from the touch of her skin, and the smell of her perfume still filled my nose. It took me a long time to close my eyes.

  “Ethan? Are you awake?” Arieste asked, and I felt a sudden weight on my chest.

  My eyes popped open. The fire had burned down, and the room was dark, but I saw the outline of her face, her platinum blonde hair, and her bare shoulders hovering over me.

  “I am now,” I said as I blinked away sleep. “What’s wrong?” I realized she was stark naked, and the dim light of the fire revealed the long lean curves of her back, ass, and legs.

  Her stomach and breasts rubbed against my torso as she crawled up my body to whisper into my ear.

  “Yes. Something is wrong with me.” Her breath felt hot against my neck, and her perfume filled my nose with its intoxicating aroma. Her words came out in an urgent tone as her hands ran up my bare arms toward my neck.

  “What is it?” I whispered, and I was acutely conscious of Arieste’s warm body against mine.

  “A burning desire like fire courses through my blood.” She pressed her hips against me and swayed back and forth in an undulating motion. “I crave to be touched, to be kissed, to be teased, and to be conquered by you.”

  My hands moved on their own, and I felt the flesh of her back hot and soft beneath my touch. Arieste’s whispers turned to gentle moans as I ran my fingers up and down her spine, and she arched upward as I caressed her shoulders.

  “Oh, this feeling,” she said with a little gasp, “I haven’t felt it in so long. Will you douse the fire that burns in my soul, Ethan?”

  “Yes,” I gasped and pressed her body into my chest as I sat up. She opened her legs to straddle my waist, and I crushed my lips against the dragon-woman’s with a fierce kiss. Her hands slipped down to the waist of my pants, but instead of letting her open them, I gathered her into my arms and carried her into the bedroom. She felt light as a feather as I set her down on the bed, removed my pants, and slid on top of her. The beautiful woman may have once wielded the power of ice, but her body was warm and receptive beneath mine as we reveled in the magic of passion.

  After Arieste climaxed for the fourth time, and I had come inside of her, we collapsed together on the large bed and spent five minutes letting our hearts slow their gallop. The beautiful woman let out a long sigh and began to trace her fingertips along the tattoos on my chest.

  “Who are you?” she whispered as she nestled her head into my shoulder more.

  “I already told you,” I answered.

  “No,” she replied. “There is something… strange about you. Incredible power that draws me to you. I sensed it when you came into my lair, but I ignored it like a fool.”

  “I doubt you are foolish,” I said as I trailed the fingertips of my right hand down her back.

  “Ahhh,” she gasped as my touch caused her to shiver with pleasure. “You say I am not foolish, but I have lost all my power, and now desire to be your lover and lay in your embrace for the rest of my life.”

  “That doesn’t mean you are foolish,” I whispered. “You just lost to me. Happens. I was about to kill you, but then you convinced me--”

  “Do you still wish to kill me?” she interrupted me.

  “No,” I said. “Of course not. Especially not now.”

  “Because we are lovers?” she lifted her head up from my chest and her eyebrow raised.

  “Well, that,” I said with a chuckle. “But I enjoyed our travels together. You’ve taught me more about using my magic, and you’ve been respectful to me. You are fun to be around, intelligent, and beautiful.”

  “Ahh,” Arieste said, and her cold blue eyes reflected the light from my fireplace like mirrors.

  I closed my eyes and thought about her behavior since I’d changed her into a human. I didn’t know exactly how my magic worked, and Nyvea didn’t seem to either, but something about Arieste’s quick acceptance of my leash and her bold move to sleep with me confirmed some things that I suspected.

  She obviously wanted her magic back so that she could return to her dragon form, but her actions conflicted with what I would have done. Had our positions been reversed, I would have just killed her in her sleep. Well, okay, maybe I wouldn’t have because I had a soft spot for beautiful women, but I kept asking myself why she hadn’t betrayed me yet.

  Did it have something to do with the altars? Did it have something to do with the magic I had absorbed? The questions led me to a theory that I guessed might have been true, but I kept it to myself instead of asking what Nyvea thought.

  What if Arieste was worried that killing me would destroy the magic that turned her into a dragon, and the only reason she was around me was to keep me alive until she could figure out how to get her powers back? It seemed to be the only answer that made any sense, and it would explain why she had wanted me to make love to her. She might have thought that she could find a way to access her magic if we were intimate.

  “Tell me of these tattoos.” Her question pulled me from my thoughts, and I opened my eyes to find her staring at me intensely.

  “Do not tell her,” Nyvea warned. “Yes, she was a great fuck, but I don’t trust her yet. She must prove herself more to us.”

  “I’ll tell you another time,” I said.

  “Is it the source of your power?” Arieste asked as she gently rubbed her finger across the Siphon tattoo at the base of my throat. “Why is only the one on your arm glowing?”

  “Let’s go back to sleep,” I said as I ran my left hand over her cheek and pushed back her long hair. “I’ll talk to you more about it when we travel.”

  “Very well,” she sighed as she laid back on top of my chest. “I am tired, and you are very comfortable. In the morning, will you make love to me again?”

  “Of course,” I replied, and my mind whirled as the last few weeks of my life played through my memories. I went from my first call, to almost dying in a fire, to being pulled to this amazing world, to fighting a dragon. Then that dragon turned into the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

  And now I’d just spent most of the night fucking her so well that she’d asked for more in the morning.

  I supposed it was pretty damn good to be me.

  Arieste’s breathing slowed into deep breaths, and I felt her body began to twitch as sleep took her. I was almost there, but the sound of an alarm bell snapped me from my drowsiness. A moment later, the cries of alarm echoed through the palace.

  “We’re under attack!”

  Chapter Fourteen

  I leapt from the bed and raced into the sitting room with my pants in one hand.

  “Ethan?” Arieste called.

  “Stay there! I’m going to find out what’s going on.”

  “But I can tell--”

  “Just stay here!” I growled at her as I pulled on my pants and stuffed my feet into my boots. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” I whirled away from our room and then ran into the hallways of the castle.

  Servants and guests rushed out of their rooms around me, and the corridor filled with their cries of panic. Above it all, the alarm bell rang out the threat.

  “What’s happening?” I demanded as I grabbed the arm of a passing manservant to halt him in his tracks. “Who is attacking?”

  The man’s face was pale and his eyes wide as he stammered out an answer. “D-Dragon!”

  My gut clenched at the words, yet I felt a momentary excitement. I
’d planned to leave Whitespire in search of a dragon to slay, but fate had other plans for me. It had sent an enemy right to me.

  “Which dragon?” I asked.

  The servant shook his head, ripped his arm from my grasp, and raced away down the corridor. I had to get outside to see the threat, but first I needed to tell Arieste.

  I ran back into my suite and found the tall blonde-haired woman coming out of the bedroom wearing a simple dress of rough spun wool. As much as I wanted to bask in the memories of what lay beneath the dress, there were more important matters at hand.

  “A dra—” I started

  “Riamod,” she cut me off, and her voice was as hard as the anger in her eyes. “that was what I was trying to tell you before you ran out of the room.”

  “What? How do you know?” I stared at her with a curious expression.

  “I can feel her.” She narrowed her eyes. “Call it a remnant of Frosdar’s magic or the memory of my bitter hatred for that fire-breathing bitch, but I sensed her the moment the alarm bell rang.”

  “Her?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Arieste replied. “My nemesis is a female.”

  “Shit!” I ran a hand through my rumpled hair. “What the fuck is he, errr, she--” I corrected myself quickly, “doing here? She wasn’t supposed to come for another week.”

  It took a moment to wrap my head around the idea that the dragon was actually female. How did the dragons reproduce? Did they lay eggs or give live birth? Could Arieste get pregnant from me? The questions raced through my head, but I pushed them aside for now. Time to focus on surviving.

  “What do you mean, supposed to come?” Arieste asked in a sharp voice.

  “The king made some deal with Riamod and paid her to leave Whitespire alone. But when they ran out of gold, Riamod insisted on another sort of tribute. A human sacrifice.”

  “Just her way.” Arieste’s lip curled into a sneer. “Riamod could never be satisfied with what she already had. The bitch always wanted more. Her land crept into mine, and her minions destroyed many of my ice creatures. If she has come to Whitespire, it can only mean one thing.”


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