C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment

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C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment Page 16

by Palmer, Dustin J.

  “Unbelievable,” Jake said as he stopped at the cabin.

  Mr. Orwell sighed deeply. “Now I must say goodnight, Jacob. My family is waiting for me and I really don’t want to make the missus angrier than she already is.” Mr. Orwell shook his head. “She told me not to come here. I just couldn’t let go of what happened at Riker’s. This time I had to make sure you weren’t in over your head and after I discovered Ivar was here . . . whatever the cost, I did what I had to do.”

  Jake sighed. “Well, thank you Mr. Orwell. Sincerely. I know it couldn’t have been easy for you, and I really hope that Ragnar doesn’t punish you for your actions. You don’t think he’d exile you like he did Chef do you?”

  “Perhaps exile is what I need.” Mr. Orwell lowered his head. “Ragnar is a good friend to me, as is Ubbe. But many of our kind, Nathan and myself included, have become increasingly disappointed by their decisions to stay out of the fight.

  “It was one thing to exile the vampires into a wilderness with only scattered tribes of natives to feed on. It is something else entirely now that the land has been settled and great cities, filled with millions dot the landscape.” A loud howl came from the darkness. “Ah the missus . . .” Mr. Orwell said looking off to his right. “Goodnight then, Jacob. Damn . . .” he said as an afterthought. “I still need to speak to the Instructors. Looks like I will be sleeping on the couch tonight. Ah well! I will see you for your normal lessons in a few hours. Do try and get some sleep.”

  Jake grudgingly returned to his cabin where Donnie, Buck and Chris lay on their bunks wide-awake.

  Jake lay down on his own bed, burying his head in his thin pillow. Mr. Orwell’s story and revelations ran rampant through his mind.

  “You know,” Chris suddenly spoke. “It really makes you think.”

  “About what?” Donnie asked.

  “What else is out there that we don’t know about?”

  “What? Like leprechauns and unicorns?” Buck snickered.

  “Aliens,” Jake said rolling onto his back. “I’ve always been afraid of aliens.”

  “Aliens?” Buck laughed. “You’re seriously afraid of aliens?”

  “Yeah, well you won’t be laughing when they abduct you and stick a probe up your ass will you?”

  Buck didn’t respond.

  “What about werewolves?” Donnie said.

  “Who knows? After tonight . . . nothing would surprise me.” Jake rolled onto his side and tried to put the violent death screams of the vampires out of his mind. It didn’t work.

  Chapter 8


  The Williams Ranch

  May 30, 2001, 11:22pm

  Jake sat on the edge of his bunk cleaning a mixture of sand and mud from his black army boots. Sitting across from him, Chris was doing the same. He looked over at Jake and closed his eyes before slowly shaking his head. Buck and Donnie were arguing again.

  “I’m not doing it Buck!” Donnie was saying. “We’re not doing it! Do you have any idea what would happen if we got caught? Ortega would murder us!”

  “I know, I know, but listen.” Buck put a hand on Donnie’s shoulder trying to placate him. “What’s the worst he could do? Training is over right? Tomorrow we all go home, so what’s the worst that could happen? They aren’t going to hang us from the gallows with our families in town. Hell we finished a full six months earlier than expected! Doesn’t that deserve a little reward? So let’s celebrate! Toss back a few beers . . . have a few laughs. For shits and giggles my man.”

  “Yeah Donnie! For shits and giggles!” Jake repeated, holding back his laughter.

  “See! Jake’s got the spirit!” Buck said, sitting down next to him and putting him in a headlock.

  Jake shoved him away with a laugh. Donnie gave him a, you’re not helping look. But Jake couldn’t help but smile back at him.

  Honestly, he could care less about ‘celebrating’. The team’s final test had all but exhausted him.

  Together they’d cleared a house filled with their instructors. One by one the team was whittled down but so were their instructors until finally only Jake and Lucas remained.

  Jake crawled through a mocked up attic no bigger than two and a half feet by two feet. It was like being buried alive. At the end of it had been Sergeant Lucas dressed completely in black. He slapped Jake hard across the face, and received a face full of paintball rounds for his trouble. As a last ditch effort Jake grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him through the ceiling.

  Jake landed on him knocking the man unconscious. He’d dragged him out into the daylight to the cheers of his teammates. Sergeant Major Castle had slapped him on the back and congratulated him on a job well done. Once Sergeant Lucas regained consciousness he too congratulated Jake.

  So if it were up to him he would just as gladly turn off the lights and go to bed. That seemed much more appealing than sneaking out and chance being caught by El Diablo.

  From the exhausted look on his face, Jake could tell Chris felt the same way. But Jake wasn’t about to get in the middle of this argument. It would just make matters a hundred times worse.

  “Donnie, just hear me out okay? My dad has a friend that works at a bar right on the outskirts of San Angelo. Used to be a Hunter, got hurt, my dad saved his life once . . . anyway, he said he’d hook me up any time I wanted. All we can drink! All we have to do is show up!”

  “I don’t care what he is, what he was, or where the hell he works.” Donnie dropped to his bunk and began unlacing his boots. “We aren’t going. Grandpa would kill me if we snuck out!”

  “Oh no!” Buck said, in a squeaky feminine voice. “Your mean old grandpa won’t let you have any fun! Ohhh!”

  Jake had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing. Chris didn’t even try to hide it. It sometimes amazed him how easily they’d all learned to live with Buck. He might be an asshole, but he’s our asshole, seemed to be the general consensus.

  A sharp knock came at the cabin door followed by girl’s voices. Donnie looked up from his boots giving Buck a hard stare. “You didn’t?”

  Chris, whose bunk was closest to the door, stood and opened it to a very sexily clad Amber, Diana, and Whisper. “He did,” Chris said, then plopped back down on his bunk.

  Dear Lord in Heaven! Jake’s jaw literally dropped when Amber stepped into the room. She wore a tight fitting, low cut blue dress. Her hair, that was almost always tied back, was worn down across her shoulders. She caught him looking and smiled shyly. Jake quickly focused his eyes back on the dirty boot in his hands.

  “What’s up homies?!” Diana said, playfully. “Why aren’t you guys ready?”

  “Because we’re not going,” Donnie said, exasperated that he was now so greatly outnumbered.

  “Would you stop playing big brother for two minutes?” Amber rolled her eyes. “It’s our last night, let’s go have some fun!” Buck put his arm around her and kissed her on the neck causing Jake to cringe inwardly.

  “Look if you want to go, go. No one’s stopping you.” Donnie laid back on his bunk crossing his arms behind his head. “I’m staying here.”

  “You’re the only one with a ride!” Buck said, “tell you what, give me your keys and me and the ladies will go.”

  “Now I know you’re dreaming,” Donnie said, “there’s no way I’m giving you the keys to my baby.”

  “You’re baby is an ’89 Chevy Silverado!” Amber said, laughing.

  “Hey it’s more than what you’ve got!”

  “What about you Jakey?” Diana interrupted. “You don’t want to have a night out on the town with three gorgeous hot babes?”

  “Uh . . .” Jake stammered.

  “Oh so we’re not hot?” she asked sitting down next to him.

  “No. . . I mean yes! I mean . . .” he stammered again. He looked at Chris for help only to see that he was distracted by Whisper, who stood quietly at the door, her long hair in two braids hanging over her shoulders. Well played Buck, well played.

dressed!” Diana leaned in and playfully yanked the dirty rag from Jake’s hands with two fingers. “Yuck! Jake what have you been stepping in?” she tossed it across the room where it actually stuck to the wall. Jake could feel his cheeks reddening.

  “Don’t you do it Bishop.” Donnie gave him one last pleading look. “Don’t you turn on me too.”

  “Donnie . . .” he started to say. “It’s our last night.”

  “Et tu, brute?” Donnie asked, defeat filling in his eyes. “Alright, alright,” he said, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat. “You three get out of here so we can get dressed.”

  “Ooooh, I want to watch!” Diana said, playfully leaning on Jake.

  Amber laughed at her friend jerking her off the bed. “Come on, Diana. Let’s let these boys clean up!”

  “Ah man!” Diana said, giving Jake a wink.

  The three left the room shutting the door behind them. “Thanks a lot buddy,” Donnie said, giving him a half-angry look.

  “Hey don’t blame Jake!” Buck said, coming to his defense. “You can’t argue with a nice piece of ass!”

  Donnie actually burst out laughing. “Buck, man . . . shut up!”

  “What? It’s the truth! I mean did you see what Diana was wearing? If I weren’t with Amber, I’d be all over that. Hell, Jake would have to be insane not to try and hit that!”

  “Dude, seriously,” Jake said, shaking his head with laughter. “Shut up.”

  “What! She was all over him like a cow licking a salt . . .”

  “Buck shut up!” Donnie and Jake said, in unison, both now laughing.

  “Okay, okay,” Buck said, holding his hands up in defeat. “I’m just saying . . .”

  “Alright, let’s go if we’re going,” Donnie said, opening his footlocker and searching for some ‘civilian’ clothes.

  “I think I’ll just stay here . . .” Chris started to say.

  “Oh no nancy-boy!” Buck sat down next to him. “Just because we’re not going to watch Star Wars, doesn’t’ mean you can’t go and have a good time. This is your time to shine, Chris! I know you want to get close to Whisper. Well brother, now is the perfect opportunity! Show her some of that famous Morris charm. I know that deep down there’s a big, bad biker just trying to get out. His bags are packed, his boots are laced, so let the inner biker out to play.”

  “Inner what?” Chris rolled his eyes. “Buck, what are you talking about?”

  “Okay, an inner Sith Lord then! Look, whatever, it’s time to be bad, for a change.”

  “Buck where do you come up with this shit?” Donnie asked pulling a clean white T-shirt over his head.

  “I don’t know," he shrugged. "Just gifted I guess. Now come on Morris, get dressed. Bishop you too! You don’t want to keep that little hottie of yours waiting!”

  Jake had to admit, Diana did look absolutely stunning in her tight miniskirt, and honestly, he’d considered getting with her more times than he could count, but it was Amber that had his full attention. Somewhere in the past two and half years, she’d completely captured his heart. He just wished he had the guts to tell her.

  After everyone was dressed, they turned off the lights, and stuffed their pillows under their sheets. “You really think that’s going to fool Ortega?” Jake asked as he gently pulled the door closed.

  “It worked for those guys that escaped Alcatraz,” Buck whispered.

  “Yeah but they had like, dummy heads with human hair on them,” Chris said, quietly.

  “I see someone's been paying attention to Mr. Orwell’s lessons,” Buck said, as he crept across the dark lawn. “Bigfoot or not that old geezer puts me to asleep worse than any teacher I’ve ever had! And did you ever notice he looks just like Col. Sanders? Minus the beard of course.”

  “Would you three shut up?!” Donnie whispered loudly. "You’re going to get us caught!”

  “Donnie’s right. We need to keep an eye out for the Instructors. If they catch us . . .” Buck left the rest unsaid.

  “The Instructors?” Jake exclaimed. “What about the Watchers? If they catch us, we’re in deep shit.”

  Ragnar had not been happy with Mr. Orwell after the Star Wars night attack. It had taken some convincing from both Nathan and Mr. Orwell, but in the end he’d grudgingly allowed Mr. Orwell and his family to remain. Jake was sure his decision had more to do with the old Viking wanting to keep an eye on his son, then it did with keeping the recruits safe.

  “I’ve got it all under control,” Buck said with a smirk. “Pete’s on watch to night and I bribed him to let us go.”

  Pete, or Peter as he was actually named, was Mr. Orwell’s youngest son.

  “You bribed at Watcher?” Jake asked, taken aback. “How?”

  “He may be a Watcher, but he’s still a teenager,” Buck replied with a quiet laugh. “All it took was a hundred bucks and a promise that I’d take him to the strip club on his eighteenth birthday.”

  “Oh you’re going to hell,” Donnie said softly. “Yep, no doubt about it, you are going straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.”

  “What just because they’re Watchers they can’t want sex? They aren’t monks Donnie. Besides it’s not like he’s just taking the night off. He’s still out there somewhere, he just isn’t going to bust us or turn us in.”

  “I’m sorry I underestimated you Buck,” Jake joked. “There is no low that you won’t sink to.”

  The night air was cool for May barely into the low sixties. The lights in the Williams’ house, Chef’s mess hall, and the Sergeants cabins were all out. But Jake knew that didn’t mean they were asleep. It would be just like Ortega to ambush them when they were all convinced the training was over. They made it to the girls cabin but they were nowhere in sight. “Where are they?” Chris whispered.

  “How should I know?” Donnie answered. “Let’s head to the truck. Maybe they were planning on meeting us there.” Quietly and carefully, the four crept through the darkness avoiding the few lights scattered around the property. Buck tripped over a small bush and cursed loudly.

  “Geez Buck!” Jake whispered. “Why don’t you talk a little louder? Maybe Ortega will come down and show us the way.”

  “Shut up! It’s not my fault. Who the hell plants a shrub out here in the middle of nowhere?”

  “You guys sure make a lot of noise,” Whisper’s voice called behind them.

  “Shit!” Donnie exclaimed louder than he meant. “Damn it Whisper, where’d you come from?”

  “Be quiet.” In the full moon Jake could just make out her putting her finger up to her mouth. “Lucas is out walking the grounds.”

  “How do you know?” Jake asked looking around.

  “Can’t you smell it?” she asked.

  “Smell what?” Buck asked sniffing the air.

  “His aftershave. He uses Brute. Seriously, you guys can’t smell it?” she asked, smelling the air.

  Donnie also sniffed the air. “I don’t smell anything but Buck. Damn dude when’s the last time you took a shower?”

  Whisper sniffed the air again. “I’d say at least four days.”

  “Oh ha ha,” Buck lifted up his arm smelling his armpit. “It’s not that bad.”

  “He’s over by the mockups now,” Whisper said, “If we hurry we can get to the truck before he comes back around. You remembered your keys right Donnie?”

  “Of course I did . . .” he said, checking his pockets. “At least I hope I did . . . ah there they are.” he pulled them out of his pocket with a jingle.

  “Put those back!” she whispered. “You’re making too much noise.”

  “You’re the only one making noise!” he whispered back, shoving the keys back into his pocket. There was no reply. He looked back up to see that she was gone. “Whisper?” he asked looking around. She’d left without making a sound.

  “Damn that girl is like a ghost!” Jake exclaimed.

  “Yeah, she’s getting as good as Talon,” Chris added.

  “We all know you’ve got the hots for her Morris,” Buck said, “Come on let's get to the truck.”

  As quietly as they could the four made it to Donnie's coveted matte black 4x4 ‘89 Chevy Silverado parked on the edge of the driveway. Amber and Diana were already there. “Where’s Whisper?” Donnie asked.

  “She’s distracting Lucas,” Diana whispered back. “Giving us a chance to get away. We’ll pick her up a mile down the road.”

  “How the hell is she going to do that?” Chris asked worry filling his voice. “What if she gets caught?”

  Diana chuckled, “Don’t worry, she won’t get caught. Lucas would have a better chance catching a jack rabbit by the ears than catching her.”

  “Alright, let’s push the truck down to the end of the drive, and then I’ll start it.” Donnie climbed into the cab and put the truck in neutral.

  “Good idea,” Jake said, starting to push.

  After a few minutes of light exertion, the truck was out of sight from the Williams’ property. “Alright that’s good.” Donnie turned the key firing the truck up. “Everyone jump in!”

  “Jump in? Jump in where? You’ve only got room for two other people!” Amber said.

  “Well someone should have thought of that before we decided to sneak out!” Donnie said, giving Buck an annoyed look.

  “What? It’s not my fault you drive this old P.O.S. Why can’t you drive a nice supped up low rider like every other black guy I know." Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Buck. “What?” Buck asked looking from face to face. “What I’d say?”

  “Come on Buck. Seriously?” Chris said.

  “What?” he asked again.

  “Just ignore him,” Amber said, patting him on the head as if he were a child. “He’s beyond our help.”

  Donnie shook his head then shut the door and rolled down the window. “Looks like you just volunteered to ride in the bed Buck. The rest of you play rock paper scissors or something. Just hurry the hell up, we need to get going, it’s almost midnight.”


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