C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment

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C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment Page 22

by Palmer, Dustin J.

  Jake nodded dumbly. She walked back to her door and giving him one last wave pulled it shut behind her. Just before it shut, she heard Diana yell out, “Oh my god! You and Jake?!”

  Jake stood there dumbstruck for several long seconds. "Better get some sleep son." John said, coming behind him and slapping him on the back.

  "Uh, yeah Dad," he said, coming back to his senses. "Headed that way now."

  "You stay safe tomorrow kiddo. Watch your back, keep your team safe."

  "Thanks Dad you too. I'll see you in the morning then."

  "Goodnight son," he said, opening the door to his room.

  Jake walked back into his room to find Wes Turner sitting on his bed. "Uh . . . hey Mr. Turner,” he said, closing the door behind him. “What's up?"

  "Where's Buck?" he asked coldly.

  "I don't know. He left a little while ago."

  "That so? Well you tell him I'm looking for him."

  "Yes sir. Will do."

  Turner nodded then got up and left. Weird. Jake thought as the door closed. He showered quickly then brushed his teeth before heading to bed.

  He lay there thinking about Amber and the next days’ big hunt and didn't fall asleep until nearly 4:30am. Buck didn't come back the entire night.

  Chapter 11


  The Cattleman Inn

  Twister, Oklahoma

  July 20, 2001 6:45am

  Jake woke up the next morning to a dull gray sky. The unmistakable sound of thunder rolled in the distance. Sitting on the edge of his bed in his boxers, he peered through the slight crack in the curtains. Lightning flashed in the distance. Well this can’t be good. He glanced over at Buck’s still made bed and sighed. Now not only did he have to worry about vampires, he’d have to worry about a confrontation with Buck as well. “Great,” he said, running his hands through his messy hair.

  Standing up he walked to the window, and pulled the curtains open. All of the teams were loading their gear into the vans, trucks, and Humvees in the parking lot.

  Jake dressed in his chosen battle attire. A full body suit made of a lightweight material the military had recently developed. It was heavy, but not nearly as bulky or cumbersome as flak jackets or the preferred chainmail lined dusters his dad and Ben Morris wore. Presumably they would stop even the strongest of knife blades. The price tag was somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty thousand dollars per suit. Expensive as it might be, it itched something awful.

  After he was dressed, he laced up his black steel toe hunting boots, and then stared at himself in the mirror. Something is missing.

  Digging through his bag, he pulled out his overly large AC/DC T-shirt and slipped it over his suit. “Now, that’s better,” he said, grinning ear to ear. “Time to put up or shut up!” he said, jumping up and down trying to loosen up the suit. “You looking at me?” he said, at his reflection. “That’s right bitch! It’s Jake Bishop!”

  Raised voices in the hall outside his room drew his attention away from the mirror. He opened the door to Colonel Judge and Billy Williams arguing down the hall.

  "We can’t call this off Williams! We can’t! If we do we won't get another shot at this."

  "If this storm comes in we could lose the sun, and if that happens we are in big, big trouble. You do know what that means don’t you? That is our only edge, Judge, our only retreat. We go in there without a way out, and we’re going to lose a lot of men. Not just my men, but your men as well.”

  “Goddamn it Williams! Do you think I value my men’s lives anymore than yours? If we could do this without getting anyone killed, I’d be dancing a jig! But you’re living in a fairytale if you think that’s going to happen. Sun or no sun we’re going to lose some men!”

  Billy turned to walk away, and then turned back. “All of your planning, your Intel, your . . . your bullshit satellite imagery and building schematics and you didn't bother to check the local weather reports! This is ridiculous Judge!"

  "The mission is on Williams. If you want out, pull out. We’ll do this our damn selves!"

  "If you do this alone you will all die. You know that. You need us just as much as we need you."

  The Judge rubbed his hand over the top of his shaved head. "What do you want me to do? If we pull out now, how many people will die when these bloodsuckers go to feed again? If there are fifty then at least that many humans will be dead by tomorrow morning."

  Billy took a deep breath shaking his head. "If we lose the sun, bottom line, this is a suicide mission."

  "Get your team together. We're leaving in twenty."

  Billy walked away clearly furious. Jake jogged after him. "Billy what's going on?" He asked.

  "Hey Jake,” he said, clearly exasperated. “We've got a massive line of thunderstorms moving into the area. If it keeps on track, we'll be under heavy rain about an hour after incursion. If it's severe, enough we could lose the sun completely. But Colonel Hardass over there, says game on, so it's game on. We can't pull out now, not without leaving a hell of a lot of army guys to their deaths. I just wish I wasn’t sidelined for this! I hate not being there when I'm sending in so many of our guys!"

  "It will be okay Billy,” Jake said, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Dad and the others will get them through it."

  "I sure as hell hope so Jake," Billy said. "If not we’re going to lose a lot of guys. Anyway son, get your gear we're heading out."

  "Yes sir," Jake said, with a nod then jogged back to his room. He ran into Donnie along the way.

  "Hey man what's going on?” Donnie asked zipping up his vest. “Everyone seems more on edge than I thought they'd be."

  "Yeah, it's something to do with the weather," Jake said, walking backwards to his room. "I'll see you out there okay. I still have to get my gear together."

  "Cool," Donnie said, stepping back into his own room. "I'll see you out there."

  Jake got back into his room to find Buck already geared up sitting on his still made bed. In his left hand sat his sawed off shotgun.

  Ah shit. This could have happened at a better time. "What's up Buck?" Jake asked nervously.

  "Did you screw her?" Buck asked his eyes focused on the shotgun.

  "Watch your mouth." Jake said, a fire erupting deep in his chest.

  "Did you?"

  "That's none of your damn business," Jake responded.

  He flicked the safety off the gun then stood up. "Well I hope you like sloppy seconds. Best lay I've ever had." He smiled.

  "You're a real tough guy pointing a shotgun at a man's chest,” Jake said, with his fist clenched tightly. “How about you drop the gun and we handle this like men."

  "Bishop you little prick, I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back."

  "Then why don't you put the gun down and show me."

  A loud knock sounded behind him. Buck quickly flicked the safety back and holstered it. John opened the door looking them over. "You guys are late for the party." He asked, “Everything okay?"

  "Yeah everything is great." Buck stepped past him.

  "You alright Jake?"

  "I'm fine Dad.” Jake let the rage funnel out through several deep breaths. “Just give me two minutes and I'll be there."

  "Okay just hurry up okay?"

  Jake nodded and his dad closed the door. Jake strapped his sheathed knife to his belt and reached for his gun case, which oddly was unlocked. Strange,’ he thought to himself. I could have sworn I'd locked it back after checking them yesterday afternoon. Another knock came at the door this time it was Chris' voice, "Come on Jake! Everyone's leaving!"

  Jake grabbed up his case that held his shotgun, pistol and axe and headed for the door. "Alright, alright let’s go!" he said, rushing past Chris.

  Together the two of them jogged down the hall and down the stairs then jumped into a large white van filled with their team plus Billy behind the wheel and Cort in the passenger seat. Wes Turner sat next to his son, a sawed off shotgun gripped tightly in his hands. The stock co
vered in notches.

  Amber, decked out in her own body armor gave him a bright smile when she saw him. Jake couldn’t believe how amazing she seemed to look even under all that armor. He smiled back until he saw Buck’s eyes locked on his face. We’re going to have to finish this.

  Diana gripped her favorite weapon of choice, a trident with razor sharp barbs on its tips. Along with that, she carried a crossbow. She smiled at Jake and gave him a thumbs-up.

  Whisper stared out the window gripping her compound bow tightly with both hands.

  Jake took his seat next to Donnie who gripped Terry’s battle-axe in a white-knuckle grip. Billy had given it, along with two Roman short swords, to him for his first big hunt. He slapped Jake hard on the chest. “You ready for this brother?!”

  “You know it!” Jake said, slapping him back.

  "You guys know the drill.” Billy turned around in his seat. “You are not to take part in this hunt. You are here only to observe. Is that understood?"

  "Yes sir!" they all echoed.

  Cort turned around and gave a Jake a thumbs-up. Jake gave him one back with a nod. This is the moment he’d been training for. He’d been ready for this day since his mom disappeared so many years before. Time for some payback!

  The van pulled out onto the highway alongside six Humvees. Two Black Hawk helicopters flew low overhead. "Ah man, now that's the way to roll!" Donnie said, straining to look out the window. "Why can't we cruise off in a couple of Hummers, or better yet a helicopter?!"

  "Maybe when you grow up!" Turner said, “Now shut your mouth and get ready for battle."

  "Turner," Cort said slowly, but didn't turn around. "Take care of these kids."

  "I got this old man. It ain't nothing but a cakewalk."

  "I'm serious Turner. You take care of these kids or I'll take care of you. Understand?"

  "Yeah, yeah," Turner said, turning to look out the back windows.

  They sped down the highway past a barricade set up by the local police. As far as they knew, there was some type of military training op going on. Fifteen minutes later, the van pulled up outside the Sanitarium. A massive barbwire fence surrounded the property. The Judge's team was already settling onto the roof of the building in one of the Black Hawks. John's team was rushing out of their Humvee, cutting through the fence with bolt cutters. Everyone was getting into position. Jake and the others climbed out of the van and loaded up their weapons.

  "Alright kiddies. Let’s get to it," Turner said, pointing toward the hole in the fence. “On me! Double time!” They ran in twos through the cut fence, across the weeded lawn, toward the looming building in front of them. The van peeled off back to the mobile command post. Jake’s heart was pounding with excitement. They made it to the courtyard and set up defensive positions covering each of the two wings. The calls starting going out across the radio, "Delta team in position. Bravo in position. Alpha team in position. Charlie is in position."

  "Echo team in position," Chris said, into the headset over his ear.

  "All teams are green. Breach, breach, breach!" The radio officer's voice called out. Explosions and gunshots rang out from inside the building. The Black Hawks flew by overhead firing their mini-guns into the second floor shattering boarded up windows and letting in as much sunlight as possible. After a few minutes, John’s voice came across the radio. "This is Bishop! This is Bishop!" then static. "We are experiencing heavy resistance in the east wing. We have zero, I repeat zero human survivors in this area."

  "Copy that Bishop." Judge's voice came across the radio. "Continue to push forward into the complex. We will meet up in the middle as planned."

  Hearing this caused Jake’s stomach to drop around his ankles. He wished more than anything he could run inside and help his Dad. But orders were orders and it had been beat into his head enough times by his instructors to do what he was told. Diana, Chris, and Whisper moved around restlessly as well. Their fathers' lives were also on the line.

  The thunder boomed up above causing them to jump. The sun was getting closer and closer to being blocked out. Blindingly bright lightning flashed across the sky.

  "We've got survivors in the North Wing!" Lt. Perry called out across the radio. "I repeat that the survivors are in the wrong place!"

  "Damn that's the smallest unit," Donnie said, pacing back and forth. "They were just supposed to cut off any retreat from those not killed by the other groups."

  "Damn vampires never do what they are supposed to do," Turner said, cocking his SAW. "I'm going in. Who's with me?"

  "What?" Jake, Donnie, and Diana all said, in unison.

  "You heard me. Let’s go, they need our help."

  "What are you doing Turner? You know we're not ready for this," Donnie said, crossing his arms over his belted chest. His heavy battle-axe hung across his back.

  "Stay if you want then Williams. I always knew you were a punk."

  "Donnie's right, Mr. Turner. Let’s just follow orders," Amber said, standing next to her brother with her crossbow leaning over her arms.

  "Orders? Are you joking? I guess Buck really does like them dumb. We're not military sweetheart. We don't have to follow orders."

  "An asshole to the end, eh Turner?" Jake said, unable to hold his tongue any longer. His encounter with Buck earlier that morning had been the last straw when it came to the Turners. Everyone stopped and stared at him; utterly amazed those words had just come out of his mouth. "Go ahead. I'm sure your son is dumb enough to follow you into the grave but the rest of us are staying here.”

  "You son of a bitch," Turner said, walking towards him. “It’s time you learned a thing or two about manners, and boy I’m just the person to teach you.”

  Donnie stepped in his path. "Jake's right. You wanna go, go. But we're staying here. You want to tangle with Jake, you’ve got to go through me first."

  "Yeah, that goes for me too," Chris said.

  "Bunch of chicken shit cowards," Turner said. “Alright Buck. Let’s go kill some vamps."

  "You don't have to go Buck," Jake said, “Follow orders, do what you're supposed to."

  "Screw you pussy. Go play with your new girlfriend while the real men take care of business." Together the two of them jogged off toward the north side of the complex.

  "Good riddance," Jake said, shaking his head. "I hope they both get turned."

  "You don't mean that Jake," Amber said.

  "The hell I don't. Those two deserve it if anyone does."

  “God, can you imagine the vampires they would make?” Chris said. “It’s like they were made for it! I bet they’d be running the whole bunch within a day.”

  "This is Smart.” The radio crackled with static. “We just lost Perry. Repeat Perry is KIA. We're in full retreat."

  "No . . .” Chris looked down sadly. He and Perry had become close over the years. He'd been her favorite student. He gripped the rifle she'd given him tightly in his hands.

  “I never thought they’d get her,” Diana said. “There were times I hated her guts, but she was one of a kind.”

  Damn, I always liked Perry. Jake thought to himself putting a hand on Chris' shoulder. "You alright buddy?"

  Chris nodded then put the rifle up to his shoulder and began scanning the buildings.

  Lightning crashed nearby splitting a tree. The whole team ducked and shielded their eyes.

  “This is Bird One.” One of the helicopter pilots called in. “We’re going to ground, Colonel. Lightning strikes are too close and too dangerous.”

  “Copy that Bird One.”

  A few seconds later another call came, “We're cut off!” Smart said losing his usual cool. “We are cut off! We've got thirty plus grunts on both sides of us, can't hold them long."

  "Smart. This is Castle. Calm down and take a breath it's going to be okay. Lucas? Are you able to help?"

  "Negative. That's a negative!" Sounds of gunfire filled the airway. "We've got our hands full."

  Through all of the radio chatter, they co
uld hear constant gunfire. "This is Bishop! Smart hold on, we're headed to your position now," John’s voice called across the radio.

  Jake held his breath as the fight ensued. Rain began pouring from the clouds above. The sun was now completely gone. Jake heard something crash not far away. "Holy shit!" Chris yelled out staring through the scope on his rifle.

  “What?” everyone said looking in the direction he was looking. At least a dozen forms were running across the grass, their skin smoking.

  Donnie got on the radio, "This is Echo! We've got bloodsuckers moving across the lawn coming from the west building! I repeat Vampires are in the open!"

  "Williams this is Judge. Where is Turner?"

  "Your guess is as good as mine sir. Him and Buck took off about twenty minutes ago."

  "Son of a bitch. Okay. Williams take your team and move on those vampires, I repeat move on the vampires."

  Jake cocked his shotgun and prepared for battle. Donnie flung his battle-axe from off his back. “Yes sir!” he yelled into the mike on his shoulder.

  "Negative Judge!" Billy Williams’ voice came across the radio. "Donnie. Sit tight."

  "Get off the radio Billy! I gave an order; I expect it to be followed!"

  "I don't care what you ordered Judge; I'm not sending my kids, against Makers! They’ll be slaughtered."

  "Williams this is a direct order, engage those vampires immediately!"

  Donnie looked from Jake to Amber unsure of what to do. "What do we do guys? Tell me what do we do?"

  None of them spoke. It was the report of Chris’ rifle that broke them from their trance. One of the Maker’s tumbled over, a large hole in his head. "That was for Perry!” He yelled cocking the rifle and firing again. Another vampire toppled. “The sun is still hurting them! We’ve got a chance!” Donnie and Jake nodded to each other and took off running yelling a battle cry as they went.

  The vampires were almost into the tree line, where they’d be safely out of sight from the sun. Suddenly Billy’s white van crashed through the chain link fence and slammed into the lead vampire before coming to a stop. Billy and Cort climbed out shotguns in hand.


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