by RJ Young
country music, 22–23
Coweta, Oklahoma, 1–2
cows, vaccinating, 8–11
Crockett, Davy, 81–84
Crowley, Brad and Terrilyn, 122–123
Damon, Matt, 67
Dechant, Friedrich, 30
defensive shooting, 79–80
Democratic National Convention of 1964, 56
demographics, 88–89, 104
Department of Children and Families, 151
Doctorow, E. L., 25
Dole, Bob, 86
ear protection, 64
education, gun control and, 89
empathy, 161
Evans, Kirk, 122
Fallin, Mary, 126
fear-mongering, 84–87, 123–124, 159
NRA rhetoric and, 84, 87–89
by U.S. Law Shield, 123–124
Federal Assault Weapons Ban, 41
field stripping, 68–69
50 Cent, 21
Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1976, 44, 86
Firearms Transaction Record, 43
Franks, Mary Anne, 119
Frank’s Gun & Repair, 37, 62
Frazier, John C., 115
Frederick, Karl, 85
Frohardt, Eric, 119
Fugitive, The (movie), 29
Gaddafi, Muammar, 31, 32
Gallologic, Marco, 93
Giffords, Gabrielle, 88
Glock, Gaston, 29–30, 31, 33
Glocks, 28–35
Glock 17, 30–35
Glock 26, 42, 62–64
loading, 62–64
manufacturing of, 31
Good Will Hunting (movie), 67
Gracie, Royce, 131
“Grandaddy’s Gun” (Lewis), 22
Groux, Brad, 93
gun control, 88–89. See also legislation, gun-related
Gun Control Act of 1968, 39–40, 41, 53–54
Gun Digest’s Book of the Glock, 73
gun rights
background checks, 43–44, 72, 87
gun control vs., 88–89
identification for sales and, 42–43
legal defense organizations and, 117–131
licenses, 39–40, 41
NRA on, 84–89
white people’s fears and, 20–21, 49–59, 98–99
black men with, 15
buying and selling, 20, 35, 37–47, 110–111
in cinema, 23–25
in circulation in the US, 107
cleaning and maintaining, 67–70
collector mentality around, 37–38
courses on, 72–73
fear of, 20, 61–62, 70
feeling of holding/using, 47–48, 74
Glocks, 28–35
how to aim, 77
learning to load, 62–64, 76–77
learning to shoot, 47, 64–67, 72–80, 108–109, 154–157
in literature, 25
magazines about, 46–47
music on, 21–23
NRA in US attitudes toward, 84–89
numbers of sold, 43, 71, 105–106
ownership rates of, 96
police use of, 13–15
prevalence of in Oklahoma, 15–17, 20
safety with, 63–64, 155–156
training programs for, 99–100, 108–109, 112–115
trigger control with, 77–79
willingness to kill with, 79–80, 99, 111, 119–120, 127–131
women owners of, 102–105
gun shows, 35, 37–47
black people at, 42
gun legislation and, 39–40
swapping and haggling at, 45–46
Guyot, Lawrence, 55–57
Haggerty, Dan, 40
Hamer, Fannie Lou, 55, 56
Handgun Carry Military Exemption, 126
Hanson & Holmes, 125
Harman v. Forssenius, 58
Hattiesburg, Mississippi, 13, 150
Hayes, Blake, 125–128, 130–136
Henry, John, 58
Heston, Charlton, 87
hollow-point bullets, 111
Holt, Sondra Stidham, 102–105
home intrusions, self-defense in, 127–131
homicide rates, 49, 104
Horn, Joe, 116–117
Houston, Jeff, 119
Huey P. Newton Gun Club, 98
hunting, 82, 86
Indian Territory Gun Collectors Association, 39, 40
Institute for Legislative Action, 85
interracial couples, 144–145
“I question America” (Hamer), 56
Jackson, Andrew, 82
Jarrett, James R., 119
Jefferson, Douglas, 98–102
Jim Crow, 50–51
Johnson, Lyndon B., 39
Jones, Kevin, 104
Jones, Tommy Lee, 29
Kelly, Megyn, 153
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 51
Kokalis, Peter G., 30–31
LaPierre, Wayne, 87–88
LaRue, Lash, 40
legislation, gun-related, 39–40, 41, 44
concealed-carry, 51, 71–72
Georgia, 101
gun violence and, 85–89
NRA on, 85, 86–88, 93
Oklahoma, 43–44, 71–72, 108, 125–128
open carry, 53
to prevent blacks from carrying guns, 51, 53–54
workshop on, 120, 124–128
“Let It Bang” (ASAP Ferg), 22
Lewis, Aaron, 22
licenses, 71–72
black women with, 104
Georgia laws on, 101
for gun sellers, 39–40
waiting periods and, 41
Lil Wayne, 21
Limbaugh, Rush, 153
literature, guns in, 25, 29
Loesch, Dana, 93–94
Lord of War (movie), 24–25
Los Angeles Times, 96
Ludacris, 21
lynchings, 50
Lynd, Theron, 58–59
machismo, 74
Malcolm X, 51, 52–53
Malone, Karl, 87, 95
marksmanship, 79–80
Martin, Trayvon, 42, 111, 119–120
McKee, Elodie, 87
McKinnon, Jerrick, 141
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 56
Mobb Deep, 21
movies, 23–25, 29
Mulford Act of 1967, 52–53
music, guns in, 21–23
NAAGA. See National African-American Gun Association (NAAGA)
Narrative Life of David Crockett of the State of Tennessee, A, 83
National African-American Gun Association (NAAGA), 97–106
National Association of Arms Show, 38–39
National Firearms Museum, 40
National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), 43
National Outdoor Center, 86
National Rifle Association (NRA), 152
black alternatives to, 89, 96–106
on Davy Crockett, 81–84
finances of, 87
on Gun Control Act of 1968, 53–54
history of, 84–89
legal service program of, 118–119
lobbying and political influence of, 85, 86–88, 93, 96
National Firearms Museum, 40
on police shootings, 92–93
racism in, 53–54, 84, 92–96, 116
rhetoric used by, 84, 87–89, 93–96
on the Second Amendment, 52
sportsmen in, 85, 86
training programs by, 99–100, 112–115
New Black Panthers Party for Self-Defense, 98
Newton, Huey, 51–52
New York Post, 32
New York Times, 32
NICS. See National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)
Noir, Colion, 96
NRA. See National Rifle Association (NRA)
Nugent, Ted, 95
N.W.A., 21–22
Oakley, Annie, 40
Obama, Barack, 41, 71, 88, 94
background check laws in, 43–44, 72
culture of, 6–11
gun culture in, 15–17
gun laws in, 125–128
licensing laws in, 71–72
pervasiveness of guns in, 109–110
Self Defense Act Instructors, 108
Oklahoma City Gun Range, 112–115
Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971, 125, 127–131
Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, 125–127, 132
open carry laws, 53, 71–72
Orth, Franklin, 53
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 53
Panama City, Florida, 13, 150, 151
Peters, Zach, 128–131
Pew Research Center, 88, 105–106
Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services, 150
police, 107
Black Panthers and, 51–52
Glock used by, 33
gun training, 112–115
Guyot and, 55
racism among, 13–15, 61–62, 113, 134–136
shootings by, 42, 50, 91–93
Terry stops by, 137–139
“Violence of Lies” ad on, 93–94
poll taxes, 58–59
property rights, 116–117
racism, 49–59
after Obama election, 94
black gun ownership and, 49–54, 73–74
carrying a gun and, 61–62
of Crockett, 83–84
in gun culture, 159
at gun ranges, 73–74, 109
gun shows and, 41–42, 44–45
NRA, 53–54, 84, 92–96, 116
police and, 13–15, 91–93, 113, 134–136, 137–139
self-defense against, 101–102
self-defense and, 136
voting rights and, 56, 58–59
white people’s fears and gun rights, 20–21, 49–59
rap music, 21–22
revolvers, 28, 34
Rice, Darren, 117
Robinson, Kayne B., 87
Roosevelt, Theodore, 40
Santa Anna, López de, 82
Seale, Bobby, 51–52, 53
Second Amendment, 98, 160–161
Black Panthers and, 51–54
NRA on, 99–100
Second Call Defense, 118–119
Secret Service, 31
self-defense, 100–102, 116–136
Castle Doctrine on, 127–131
fear and, 152–154, 159–160
gun-law workshop on, 120, 124–128
Hayes’s system of, 132
hollow-point bullets for, 111
marksmanship vs., 79–80
Oklahoma law on, 125–128
perception of threat in, 123–124
of property, 117–118
race and, 136
against racism, 101–105
willingness to kill in, 79–80, 99, 111, 119–120, 127–131
Self Defense Act Instructors, 108
Selleck, Tom, 40, 87
Severence, George, 119
Shade Tree Cars and Trucks, 1–2
Sketches and Eccentricities (Crockett), 83
Smiley, Glenn, 51
Smith, Philip, 97–98
Smith, Will, 29
Smith & Wesson 645, 33
Smyrna, Georgia, 31
Soldier of Fortune, 30–31
“Southern Horrors” (Wells), 50–51
Southern Poverty Law Center, 94
Stafford, Charles, 1, 6–7
country music and, 22
financial generosity of, 18–19
getting to know through guns, 19–20
at gun show, 41–47
learning to shoot from, 47, 64–67, 114–115
loading the gun with, 62–64
number of guns owned by, 16–17
on revolvers, 28
Thanksgiving with, 139–144
truck gun of, 27–28
vaccinating cows with, 8–11
Stafford, Jimmy, 8–11, 62, 64–67
Stafford, Lizzie, 137–139
on asking about guns, 16–17
divorce from, 144–146
meeting and courtship, 2–6
shooting with, 62, 64–67
Stafford, Nancy, 7–8, 142–143
Strait, George, 22
terrorism, 32
Terry, John, 138
Terry stops, 137–139
Terry v. Ohio, 138
Texas Law Shield LLP, 122–124
Time magazine, 32
Training Day (movie), 23–24
Trump, Donald, 84, 96, 97, 106, 145, 153
Tuskegee University, 50
Ultimate Fighting Championship, 131
United States Concealed Carry Association, 119, 152
United States Shooting Academy, 155
University of Tulsa, Collins Fitness Center, 2, 3–6
Urban Sports Limited, 104
US Department of Defense, 31
U.S. Law Shield, 117–118, 119–131
“Violence of Lies” ad, 93–94
voter suppression, 56, 58–59
waiting periods, 41, 86–87
Walker, T. Edwin, 117
Walther P-38, 29
Wanenmacher, Joe, 39
Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Arms Show, 39–43
Ward, Benjamin, 32
Warren Theatre, 137–139
Washington, Denzel, 23–24
Washington Post, 32
Wells, Ida B., 50–51
West, Allen, 95
Wu-Tang Clan, 21
Yanez, Jeronimo, 91–93
Young, RJ
anger of, 145–146
childhood of, 54–55
family of, 13–14, 18
grandmomme of, 54–59
learning to shoot, 47, 64–67, 72–80, 108–109, 154–157
marriage and divorce of, 2–6, 137–139, 144–146
mother of, 147–157
political learning of, 147–148
Zimmerman, George, 119–120
About the Author
RJ Young’s writing has appeared in Reuters, the Oklahoman, and USA Today. He is pulled over by the police more often than most white people change their sheets. He lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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