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Mendacious Page 4

by Beth Ashworth

“Did the meeting go well?” she asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “Yes. Do I look that relieved?”

  “Just a little.” She smiles and tucks a lock of her short, auburn hair behind her ear. “Don’t forget that you’re going to your mum’s for dinner tonight.”

  I roll my eyes and nudge my laptop out of idle mode. “I can’t bloody wait.”


  Perhaps I should have been prepared. Not that the thought hadn’t crossed my mind a couple of times over the last few days, because it had. But honestly, I thought my mother would have had a bit more tact.

  She’s setting me up on a blind date in her own dining room. Fucking fantastic. Clearly this wasn’t about family time, but more about finding me a bloody date.

  “I think you’ll really like her,” my mother reassures as she tries to soften the blow she’s just delivered. “She’s Susan’s other daughter. I’ve met her a few times when she’s popped into the pub with her girlfriends.”

  “I’m leaving,” I mutter, bending down to place a kiss against my stunned mother’s cheek. “I’m not here to play a game of blind date. I have other stuff I could be doing instead.”

  Her friend Susan, the lady she works with at the local community centre, has been forever trying to force her daughters on me. I think she has maybe four or five? I’ve met all of them bar one, so my guess is the final one’s coming tonight.

  Shame I won’t be here, right?

  “You’re not leaving,” my mother warns, reaching out to grasp my hand. “Alice will be here in a minute. You haven’t seen your sister in almost a month, Alex.”

  She’s wrong. I see my sister practically every week when she pops into the office to collect a cheque for whatever bill needs covering. Her business is still growing, so naturally she’s needed the financial help in getting things off the ground. And what sort of a big brother would I be if I didn’t help?

  “She’ll be fine—”

  “I’m home,” Alice sings, bobbing through the front door. I catch the quickest glimpse of a shadow hovering behind her and I immediately sigh. There isn’t a chance of me trying to escape now I’ve been spotted.

  “Alice,” my mother coos. She releases my hand after giving it a sharp squeeze and opens her arms wide to accept Alice’s hug. “Oh ... A-And you brought a friend with you?” she asks with panicked, wide eyes.

  At that moment, I hear knocking at the front door and I’m instantly confused. I’d assumed Alice’s friend was my blind date, but judging by the panic on my mother’s face, I’m wrong.

  “Want me to get it?” I offer with a smirk.

  I don’t mean to be suddenly happy, but I’m relieved this is all going up in flames. My grin is clearly infectious because Alice suddenly bursts into giggles just as our mother hurries along the hallway to answer the door, her irritated huffs echoing back at us down the narrow passage.

  “I bloody love you, Alice.” I grin, high-fiving her quickly before turning to the young girl loitering behind. “Are you gonna introduce me to your friend?”

  “Of course. I’d assumed you would be busy again, so I asked her to come tonight for company.” Alice steps to the side to reveal the shadow, who in fact, is a stunningly petite friend dressed in a simple coral summer dress and wedges.

  Well, I wasn’t expecting that.

  I take my time taking in every inch of her. The dress fits her slightly curvaceous frame to perfection and I can’t help but stare. Those legs of hers ... Jesus, I can’t tear my fucking eyes away. And of course she’s a blonde. Why wouldn’t she be? The devil is out to get me with this one. I haven’t even learned her name and I feel as if I’m already losing my cool. I’m acting like a pubescent teenager and I can’t control myself.

  “Alex,” Alice scoffs, nudging me gently with her elbow. “Put your eyes back in your head. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

  Taking a deep breath, I shake my head to jolt the sudden images circling my brain. I can’t allow myself to fall for another woman’s charm—I won’t. Polite and friendly was the way to be with this awkward situation.

  Don’t look at her legs.

  Don’t look at her legs.

  Look anywhere but the legs.

  “Hi, I’m Alex Lewis,” I smile, offering her my hand. I try to play it safe and bring my eyes up to her face, but I find myself equally fucked again. Her dark blonde hair, her forest green eyes and her lightly tanned skin have bewitched me completely. I don’t even give a shit what her name is or if she’s got a nice personality.

  It doesn’t matter. Well, I suppose it does, but not right now. I’m too busy imagining how well those legs of hers would look wrapped around my waist ... or neck. Jesus, I haven’t reacted to a girl like this in so long. It almost feels wrong that I’m so attracted to her.

  She returns my gesture with a firm shake. “Hi, I’m Holli, spelt with an i. It’s nice to meet you.” She releases my hand and turns toward my sister with a hand on her hip. “You’ve obviously been trying to keep me away from your brother. How did you know I would want him?”

  Alice laughs nervously, but I’m floored by Holli’s response. This girl has balls and I bloody love it.

  “Well, Holli with an i, how long have you been friends—” I’m interrupted by a hand curling around my upper arm. It’s not my mother’s that’s for sure. I see fingernails that are grubby and chewed down to the skin, which definitely don’t resemble my mother’s usually well-manicured fingers.

  “My sisters weren’t lying when they said your son was good looking,” a rough and raspy voice says from my right.

  She sounds like a heavy smoker from the deep wheeze, but I imagine that’s her normal hum and not because she smokes forty to sixty fags a day. The sound travels along the length of my spine and I inwardly cringe as repulsion settles in the pit of my stomach.

  In front of me, Holli raises her eyebrows with obvious surprise at the person standing beside me, and I daren’t even turn round.

  “Alex, darling,” my mother calls. “I’d like you to meet Joanna, Susan’s daughter, the girl I was telling you about.”

  Here we go.

  Deep breaths…

  1 ... 2 ... 3 ... Shit.

  I hear Alice and Holli snort discreetly behind me as I force a smile to my lips. “Hi, I’m Alex,” I greet, stepping back ever so slightly from Joanna’s encroaching form.

  She looks odd. I can’t even hide my reaction because I know it’s on display. And it’s not pretty. Even my forced smile looks just that.

  But, really? Why the fuck is this girl even here? I’ve got no interest in anything she has to say.

  I’m already grossed out by her manky fingernails. Add in the tangled web of brown and faded green hair, and the garish makeup that looks like my Great Aunt Joyce and you’ve got the icing on the cake.

  “I’m Joanna,” she whispers, edging herself closer to me once again. She squeezes her fingers into my arm and I shudder. Yeah, I remember why I didn’t have any interest in her sisters. They were all the same as this one.

  “Well then,” Alice says, clearing her throat. “Shall we eat?”

  I can see she’s trying to help me out of an awkward situation, and I appreciate it more than she probably realises. “Yeah, I’m starving,” I say, turning to face my mother. “Can we eat?”

  “It’s a good job I set plates for six. I wasn’t sure if Debbie and Steve were coming round. Go and take a seat and I’ll bring the food in.” My mother gestures to the table before heading straight for the kitchen.

  Well, dinner should certainly be amusing tonight. This backfired edition of Blind Date should provide us with some entertainment. But I’ve just got to make sure this Joanna knows the score, because right now she’s pretty fucking close and I’m not okay with this.

  Give it up sweetie—it’s not happening.

  I walk over to the head of the table to take my seat, you know, because I’m the man of the house. I’m amusing myself with that label, because I know I’m anyt
hing but.

  “Holli? Alice?” I motion to the two seats either side of me with a smile.

  I should feel guilty that I’m splitting them both up, but I’m not. They’re sat opposite each other at least. Besides, I care more about myself, and staying out of touching distance from the vulture who has set those evil, beady eyes on me.

  Both girls catch on quickly and take their seats at the dining table. Alice flicks a glance across to her friend and I catch them mouthing stuff at each other.

  “So awks,” Holli murmurs. She puts her elbows on the table and steeples her fingers as my mother comes through with the first load of plates.

  Awks? What the heck does she mean?

  “Awkward,” Alice whispers, clearly noticing my confusion.

  “Why not just say awkward?” I muse.

  “Why should I?” Holli challenges. “I can say what I want.”

  I smile at her response. “Well, you’re a feisty one.”

  She blushes slightly. “No, I just—”

  “So, Alex ... What do you do?” Joanna asks from across the table, taking delight in interrupting the two of us. “I heard you own some sort of business?”

  There’s a glint in her eye. I’ve seen it so many times before, so it doesn’t faze me in the slightest. I deal with this sort of shit on a daily basis from prospective female clients.

  “It seems like you know already, so I won’t bother going into detail. But you’re correct.” I keep my tone terse and my response closed and clipped. This girl isn’t getting anything from me.

  “So how’s the business going, sweetie?” my mother asks Alice in an attempt to break through the rapid tension building around us. “Is your client list starting to grow?”

  “Yeah,” she replies with a shrug.

  “So do you think it’s going well then?” my mother presses.

  “Yeah,” Alice replies again.

  “You aren’t being very talkative?” I say, putting down my knife and fork. I know she’s under pressure with running her business, but this isn’t the Alice I’m used to seeing.

  “Well, I had to sack two girls today,” she murmurs, keeping her eyes down. “I didn’t like it, and I felt like such a bitch for doing it to them.”

  Now this catches my attention. “What happened?”

  She takes a deep breath and reaches for a glass of water. “I had a complaint about Tasha and Jade. One of my clients threatened to cancel a contract they’d just signed because the girls were trying to sell extra services on the side.”

  Well, well, well ... I guess their true colours have been revealed. But then again, what if Alice knows about me using them too?

  “It’s probably not the right time to tell you, but I’m proud of you for doing the right thing. Your girls also offered me a similar service last night, which I respectfully declined,” I lie through the skin of my teeth. “I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it seems as though I wasn’t the only target. You don’t need people like that working for you, Alice. You’ve worked way too hard to let somebody take this from you because they don’t care. Weed out the rough ones now and keep those with true intentions close by.” I’m rambling, but I hope she takes my advice. I’ve got her best interests at heart, apart from fucking her employees. But she doesn’t need to know about that part.

  Alice smiles and nods her head. “I know you’ve got my back.”

  “Always,” I reply, drawing a rude snigger from the other end of the table. I cock my head to the side and narrow my eyes at Joanna. “Do you have a problem?”

  “N-No,” she says, her skin flushing a fierce reddish colour.

  I’m about to call her bluff when my phone vibrates in my pocket, effectively distracting me away from the Joanna drama I was about to cause.

  “Excuse me,” I apologise, fishing out my phone to find Sean’s name flashing across the screen. “This had better be important,” I bark, trying to come across pissed when I’m actually relieved of the interruption.

  “It is,” Sean says, his tone a tad snotty with me. “Benedict’s racing over to Libby’s as we speak to get her signature on the contract. We’ve received word that Oakley is preparing to make a move.”

  “Motherfucker!” My hand comes down hard against the dining table, the cutlery and glasses rattling in protest from the force of the vibrations.

  “Alex!” my mother snaps.

  I ignore her and get to my feet. My blood is turning thicker and hotter in my veins the longer I’m out of the loop on this deal. It’s driving me crazy. The idea of getting in my fucking car and driving over to Libby’s company to get that signature myself is looking real inviting. “You’d better hope Benedict pulls his finger out his arse and gets this sorted,” I growl. “I’m not losing another to fucking Oakley. And if I do, you can bet your arse it won’t only be Benedict’s head that’ll roll.”

  “Understood. I’ll follow it up now and I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  I need to get to the office before I go nuts. I can’t trust that fucker Benedict with this.

  “I’m heading to the office now. Meet me there in thirty minutes,” I reply, disconnecting the call and stuffing my phone back into my pocket.

  “You aren’t leaving?”

  A deep sigh escapes my lips. “Mum—”

  “Alex, I invited Joanna to have dinner with us. You can’t just leave.” Her eyes are practically shooting daggers at me from across the room.

  Jesus, if looks could kill ...

  “I have a problem with a large deal I’m working on. I need to go to the office. I’m sorry to skip out on dinner, but this needs taking care of.” I shoot my mother a sad, apologetic smile before bending to kiss Alice on the cheek. “Keep your chin up kiddo. You know where I am if you need me.”

  My eyes drift toward Holli. I’m virtually burning a hole in the side of her head and I feel the distinct need to just touch her on the shoulder at least, but I don’t.

  Yeah, whatever … I’m a coward.

  Instead, I take the easy route and acknowledge both her and Joanna at the same time. “It was nice meeting you both,” I say, nodding my head as I pass through the dining room and out into the hall.

  “Where’s my kiss?” I hear my mother demand, the sound of her footsteps tailing me as I expected.

  Chuckling, I turn to face her and press a kiss against her cheek. “Cheers for dinner. I’ll see you later, mum.”

  “Well, it was nice to see you for a little bit anyway. Your Grandmother keeps asking for you whenever I visit. Have you got any time? You know she’d love to see you.”

  “Mmm ...” I murmur, at least acknowledging that I’ve heard her as I open the front door and head down the driveway. I should make more time, but I just don’t have it.


  Pulling out my security fob to the office twenty-five minutes or so later, I spot Sean waiting outside my door, his fingers busily typing on his phone.

  “Did you have a busy session tonight?” I ask, nodding at his jogging bottoms and T-shirt. They’re Sean’s statement gym clothes, just like my own basketball shorts.

  For me and Sean, the gym was our time to let off steam. We usually liked to go together. It was just a chance for us to forget about work for an hour or so and just chat about whatever drama or shit was going on in life.

  “Connor kicked my arse on the mat. Don’t ask me why I agreed to spar with him. I should have guessed a battering was on the cards. But how did dinner at your mum’s go? Any prospects invited again?”

  Using my shoulder, I nudge open the door to my office and flick on the light. “That’s why you should avoid the mats at the gym,” I laugh, setting down my laptop on my desk and taking a seat.

  Sean comes in behind and sits opposite. He’s still typing away on his phone, but looks up and snorts. “Nice. Way to avoid the question. So I take it mummy invited a future wife for you to vet?”

  My eyes roll of their own accord
. “Of course she did.”

  “So, who was it tonight?”

  “Susan’s daughter.”

  Sean scoffs. “How many has that woman got for God’s sake?”

  “This was the last. She wasn’t anything special. Actually, she was kind of annoying,” I reply, lifting the lid on my laptop. “I’m sure my mum will find someone else with plenty of daughters to reject.”

  “Your mum’s persistent, I’ll give her that.”

  He’s bloody right. My mum is like a dog with a bone when it comes to matchmaking. She’s not satisfied unless everyone—except her—is in a happy relationship.

  It’s tiring.


  I’m starting to get annoyed with it.

  “We’ve just been copied into an e-mail from Benedict.” Sean’s voice pulls me back from the thoughts in my head, reminding me of the reason why I’m sat at my desk on a Friday night. “He got it,” he cheers, slamming his hand on my desk and getting to his feet. “This is bloody fantastic, Alex!”

  I move my cursor over the e-mail, a slow grin creeping over my lips as I take in Benedict’s words for myself.

  “You seem happy?” Sean beams.

  He’s right. I’m absolutely buzzing. The deal may have cost me more, but at least we closed it before the other bastard dipped his hands in.

  I dial Benedict’s number and slip on my Bluetooth headset. Getting up from my desk, I make my way over to the window and heave a deep breath.

  He did it.

  The fucker pulled through at the right time.

  “Alex?” Benedict answers after a couple of rings.

  “Well, I’ve got to say that I’m impressed. You nailed it this time round. Good job.” I cross my arms over my chest and turn to face Sean. “We’re both in the office. Pop over and we’ll crack open a bottle of champagne.”

  “Sounds good. Give me twenty minutes.” He snatches me up on my offer quickly, knowing this type of opportunity doesn’t happen often. I’m not one for dishing out praise, but I think Benedict deserves something for cracking this deal at least.

  Pulling the headset from my ear, I throw it on the desk and rub my hands together. “So when do you reckon we can get in there?”


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