tropopause, 45
tuberculosis threat, 264
Tupelo, Mississippi, 52
Turkish red wheat, 5
Turner, Rev. J. P., 36
Tuttle, Adam, 107–8, 125, 166
Tuttle, Dena, 107–8, 125, 166
Tuttle, Harold, 107–8, 109, 125, 126–27
Tuttle, Virginia, 107–8, 109, 125, 126–27, 166
Udall, Kansas, 78–80
Union Pacific, 4
University of Kansas volunteers, 277
updraft, 41, 45–46, 47, 155
updraft rotation, 45
upper air soundings, 16–17, 23–24
U.S. Army Signal Corps, 48–51. See also U.S. Weather Bureau
U.S. Weather Bureau
ban on tornado warnings, 50–51, 52, 56
Exceptional Service Award, 282
and public awareness, 83–85
southwest corner safety myths, 279–81
tornado safety rules, 279–81
See also Garrett, Richard Albert
U.S. Weather Bureau, Kansas City, 280
U.S. Weather Bureau, Topeka
radiosonde, 16–17, 23–24
tornado coming “down the line,” 215, 230–31
tornado watch, 24
WSR-3 radar set, 32–33
See also Eland, P. N.
Van Buren Street, Topeka, 194–95
Vickers gasoline station, 222–23
Vietnam, troops in, 269–70
Vogel, Richard, 277–78
Volunteer Emergency Services Team (VEST), 31–32, 38. See also Meinholdt, John
vorticity, 45
Wakefield, Kansas, 34
Wallace, Janifer, 265
Ward, Carolyn, 96, 105–6, 114, 130–31
Ward, Greg, 96, 105, 114, 130–31
Ward, Jim, 27–28, 96, 105–6, 114, 130–31, 290
Ward, Sally, 96, 114, 130–31
Warfel, Ruth, 144
warning systems. See tornado warning systems
Washburn, Ichabod, 8
Washburn University
devastation, 159–60, 162, 265, 277
overview, 7–8, 136
rebuilding, 277–78
ROTC building, 147–48
See also specific buildings
water tank on Burnett’s Mound, 72–74, 105, 303
Weather Bureau. See U.S. Weather Bureau, Topeka, Kansas
weather spotters, 52, 78, 88, 92–93, 257
Wells, John T., 262
wheat harvest, 5
White, Dean, 100
White, Jim, 100–101
White, Ray, 99–100
White’s Pony Farm, 99–101, 123
Whitney, Bertha M., 172, 177–78, 261
Whitney, Von, 172, 177–78
WIBW Channel 13, Topeka, 22, 23, 90–91, 117–18, 276
Wichita nation, 58
Willcuts, Mrs. Byron, 18–19
Will Rogers Airport, 53, 55
wind tunnel experiments, 280
Wolf, Calvin, 260
Wolf, Clarice, 260
Woodward, Dan, 253–54
Worcester, Massachusetts, 47
WREN 1250 AM, 18, 20–21, 286. See also Douglass, Rick
discovery of after tornado, 285
overview, 21
during tornado, 87–88, 97, 101–3, 108, 125, 167
Wright, Chuck, 245–46, 255, 270
Yoho, Carol. See Martin, Carol
Zurcher, Louis A., 273–75
And Hell Followed With It: Life and Death in a Kansas Tornado Page 35