Love All Out - Part 2 (A Stepbrother Romance)

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Love All Out - Part 2 (A Stepbrother Romance) Page 6

by Ward, Alice

  “We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow,” he reminded me. “Close your eyes and get some rest. I’ll be right here when you wake up in the morning.”

  I leaned up and kissed the soft skin behind his ear. “Good night, James.”

  “Sweet dreams, Willow,” he replied in a whisper.

  I returned my head to his shoulder and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


  “You did what?” Matt asked, his eyes wide with surprise. It was Sunday night. James and I had arrived home with Locomotion an hour before, and Matt and I were finally alone in the barn.

  “You heard right,” I said, brushing Locomotion’s long, blonde mane. I’d just told Matt everything that had happened over the weekend, and I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye.

  He put his hand over mine, took the brush from me, and led me into the office. I sat down behind the desk while he took two coffee mugs from a shelf. He pulled a flask from his back pocket and poured us each a double shot of whiskey.

  “Drink this,” he directed, pushing a mug to me. I obeyed and he continued, pacing the tiny room. “So let me get this straight. You knew that Renee’s in-laws were on their way, but you didn’t warn anyone.”

  I nodded and stared down at the table.

  “And the whole thing backfired… and now they’re moving here?” he continued.

  “That’s the plan… for now, at least.” I felt him staring at me and finally looked up to meet his gaze. He looked confused but, to my relief, there was no judgment in his eyes.

  “And you and James were so upset about it, you ended up in bed together again?” That seemed to be the part he was having trouble understanding.

  I shook my head. “No… I mean yes, we slept together. But it wasn’t because we were upset about anything.”

  Matt tossed back his whiskey and slid into the seat across from me. “Help me understand this, Willow. You hated James after the Aztec rodeo. You swore that you never wanted to see him again and that he had nothing to do with why you didn’t want your dad and Renee to get married. You said you were going to give Renee a chance. Suddenly you’re plotting with James and jumping into bed with him? This doesn’t make any sense.”

  I sighed and slid my mug across the table. Matt poured me another shot while I tried to explain myself. “You were right,” I told him. “One of the reasons… the main reason I wanted to break up Daddy and Renee was because I do have feelings for James. I want to be with him, despite what happened at the rodeo. And he wants to be with me too, Matt. He said so last night… kind of.”

  Matt raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, kind of?”

  “He said that he wants me… but he’s not sure he’s ready for me. And he admitted that his feelings for me are the reason he doesn’t want Daddy and Renee to get married. I’m so confused, Matt. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt Daddy, but if he and Renee get married, it will ruin my chance to be with James. And I’m not sure I can bare that.”

  Matt stared silently at the table for a minute, and I had a hard time reading his mood. Finally, he looked up and cleared his throat. “So you slept with him last night. How did he act today? Was he nice to you, or standoffish like the other times?”

  My face flushed pink with happiness as I thought about our trip home. “He was amazing. We had room service in bed this morning, and I rode all the way home in the middle of the truck with his arm wrapped around me.”

  “So are you together now? Are you going to tell your parents? Please tell me that you aren’t still plotting to break them up,” Matt pleaded.

  I shook my head. “James and I had a long talk, and we agreed that we should take things slow. He admitted he’s not ready to settle down. If we rush into something we’re not ready for and it falls apart, we’ll still be stuck with each other because of our parents. I wouldn’t say that we’re together, and we’re certainly not going to tell anyone about it. But I don’t think either of us will be seeing anyone else…”

  The truth was, James and I both wanted to see if our parents’ engagement survived the trip to Kentucky before we made any decisions about our relationship. I didn’t want Matt to know we were still trying to break them up, so I left out that small detail.

  Matt narrowed his eyes. “Willow, I think you need to be careful. It sounds like James isn’t sure what he wants, and I don’t want to see you get hurt again. And I don’t want you to do anything to Cole and Renee. I know you… you’d regret it for the rest of your life.”

  I looked away from him and rose from my seat. “I’ll be careful, Matt. I promise,” I said as I moved towards the door.

  Matt pushed his chair away from the table, but didn’t stand to follow me. “Uhh… Willow? There’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” he shifted his weight nervously and looked at the dirt floor.

  Oh shit… I’ve gone on and on about myself, and I didn’t even think to ask how Matt’s date was this weekend.

  I leaned against the desk and gave Matt my full attention. “Did you have a good weekend with Lucas?” I asked.

  He looked up at me and grinned. “Actually yeah, I did. That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about… would you hate me if I bail on the Derby?”

  I was taken aback by the question. “You don’t want to go? You have to go, Matt! It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  “I doubt you’ll even notice I’m missing,” he argued. “Lucas’s sister is going to be in town next weekend, and he wants me to meet her. And we still haven’t hired anyone to look after the horses while you’re gone. It just makes sense for me to stay behind.”

  I knew Matt was right, but I couldn’t imagine going to Kentucky without him. Daddy had invited Bradley and his parents to join us, and I’d been counting on Matt to help me escape their company.

  I folded my arms across my chest. “I wish Renee would stay here like we planned on in the first place,” I sulked. “But I understand why you want to meet Lucas’s sister. Things must be going well between the two of you if he’s already introducing you to family. When do I get to meet him?”

  Matt winked at me. “All in good time. So you’re not pissed at me?”

  I shook my head. “Not pissed… I’m happy for you.”

  I gave Matt a hug and he followed me out of the office.

  “Are you sleeping down here tonight?” he asked as I unfolded my cot.

  I nodded. “I want to keep an eye on Locomotion, make sure he settles in okay.”

  “Okay, I’ll wake you up in the morning. Sweet dreams, Willow,” he said as he made his way to the door. “Do you want me to shut this?” he called over his shoulder.

  “No, leave it open. The breeze feels nice,” I called back.

  And maybe, just maybe, James will see the light on and decide to pay me a visit.


  The next four days flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday morning and we were about to board our chartered jet to Kentucky. We sat around the private hanger and waited for the ground crew to finish their preflight checklist. Bradley and his parents were talking to Daddy and Renee about their wedding plans while James and I stared out the window and pretended not to hear them.

  The adults broke out in laughter and Bradley slipped away from them. He walked up to me, took me by the elbow, and pulled me to my feet. “Willow, can we speak privately for a moment before we get on the jet?”

  James’s entire body tensed the moment Bradley put his hand on me, but I shot him a stern look that kept him in his seat. Bradley didn’t even acknowledge he was there.

  “Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of James,” I said, pulling my arm away from him.

  Bradley gave me an impatient frown. “Forgive me, but I feel differently. Please, just come over here for a second.” He turned and walked to the back row of chairs.

  I looked down at James. His right hand was clenched in a fist and his lips were pinched with frustration.

t’s better if I just get this over with,” I whispered. “I’ll be back in a second.”

  I walked over to Bradley and stood in front of him, my hands planted firmly on my hips. “What do you want?” I snapped.

  He stood up, stuck his hands in the pockets of his khaki slacks, and blushed. “I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted at the benefit a few weeks ago. I was completely out of line, and I’m sorry. I hope that you’ll forgive me, and that we can move past it.”

  I studied his face for a moment.

  He’s sorry he showed his true colors. I don’t doubt for one second that he meant everything he said… but the trip will be easier I just accept his apology now.

  “I forgive you, Bradley,” I told him with a resigned sigh. “And we can move past it… as friends. But only if you can move on from the idea of us being together,” I warned.

  He gave me a cocky grin. “I won’t push it, Willow. But I still believe we’ll end up together one day.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, just as Daddy called out that it was time to get on the jet. I turned on my heel and walked out of the hangar, eager to get the flight over with.

  The cabin of the jet didn’t have regular airline seats. Instead, recliners and couches equipped with seatbelts were arranged around a large, flat screen television. Bradley and I were the last to board and I quickly took an empty seat next to James on one of the couches. Bradley and his parents sat on the couch across from us while Daddy and Renee took the recliners facing the television.

  I buckled my seatbelt and Dale gave me a broad smile. “It was so nice to see you and Bradley talking again. I was worried you’d never forgive him, considering what an ass he made of himself at the benefit.”

  Bradley blushed and sank down on the couch.

  “Oh Dale, Willow understands that everyone has bad days. Don’t you sweetheart?” Daddy asked.

  I nodded and bit my lip to stop myself from telling everyone exactly what I thought of Bradley.

  “Don’t worry about the kids, Dale,” Daddy continued. “We all know that they’re meant to be, they’ll find their way to each other when the time is right. Renee and I are living proof that you can’t stop true love.” He brought Renee’s hand to his lips and she giggled with delight.

  Oh my God. If they do this the entire weekend, I’m not going to make it. How long is this flight?

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and glanced at James. His shoulders were still tense, and he stared at the dark television screen as if something fascinating was playing. It was clear that he was uncomfortable and out of his element on the private plane, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed.

  Bradley straightened in his seat and pompously put his shoulders back. “First time flying private?” he asked, staring at James.

  James moved his eyes across the cabin and stared at him for a moment. “First time flying period,” he replied.

  Bradley opened his eyes wide in amusement. “Really? And here I thought you’d been leading an exciting life, seeing the country.”

  James puffed out his chest and I wondered if it was in instinctive reaction, or if he was trying to be intimidating on purpose. Either way, it worked. Bradley swallowed and looked down at the floor, bracing himself for James’s reply.

  “I have seen a lot of the country,” James said, careful to keep his tone even for the sake of our parents. “But you can’t exactly fly from town to town when you’ve got a horse with you.”

  A cocky grin spread across Bradley’s face and I knew he’d realized James would be on his best behavior as long as Daddy and Renee were around. “I guess traveling with an animal does have its limitations. So this is your first time visiting Kentucky?”

  “No… this is my first time flying to Kentucky,” James replied, his patience wearing thin.

  “I grew up in Kentucky,” Renee chimed in. “We used to visit my parents at least once a year, until they passed. But we always drove. Flying was a little out of our budget,” she added with a blush of embarrassment.

  Bradley ignored her and kept his eyes fixed on James. “Have you been to the Derby then?” he asked, an air of doubt in his tone.

  “No,” James replied through his tightened jaw.

  Bradley lifted his nose in the air. “This is my sixth time. I’d be happy to help you choose an outfit, give you some pointers on racing etiquette.”

  James cleared his throat and I was relieved to see a confident smile spread across his face. “Thank you for the offer, Bradley. But I have never in my life worn an “outfit” and I don’t intend to start now. As for the etiquette pointers, I know how to behave.”

  Bradley scowled and it was clear to everyone that the two of them would exchange barbs until someone else took control of the conversation.

  “Why don’t we put in a movie?” Daddy suggested. He hit the call button on the arm of his chair and a flight attendant emerged from the cockpit. She was blonde and bubbly, and her name tag read “Kate”.

  “Can I help you, Mr. Rogers?” she asked with an eager smile.

  “Yes, I brought a copy of Secretariat,” he told her. “I thought it would get us all in the mood for race weekend. I’m afraid I don’t know how all the equipment works, would you mind getting it started for us?”

  “I’d be happy to,” she agreed. Renee pulled the DVD from her purse and passed it to Kate. The flight attendant opened a cabinet under the television, fed the disc into the player, and passed the remote to Daddy.

  “We’ve been cleared for takeoff,” Kate told us. “If you haven’t already buckled your seatbelts, please do so now. When we reach our desired altitude, I’ll come back and take everyone’s drink orders.”

  “Thank you, Kate,” Daddy said as she disappeared back into the cockpit.

  The jet taxied down the runway, and I settled in for the longest flight of my life.


  Early that evening, I was in my hotel room getting ready for the Derby Eve Ball when I was startled by a knock at the door. I threw a glance to the bedside alarm clock.

  Daddy and Renee aren’t supposed to be here for another twenty minutes… God, I hope that’s not Bradley.

  I walked to the door and peaked out the peep hole. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw James in the hallway.

  “Willow… you look amazing,” he said as I swung open the door.

  “You clean up pretty nice yourself,” I replied. I took a few steps back and James entered the room. He wore a classic black tuxedo, with a starched white shirt and a black satin vest and tie. Shiny leather shoes adorned his feet, and his face was freshly shaved.

  “Seriously, Willow, I can’t take my eyes off of you,” James continued. He held my right hand above my head and I spun in a full circle, showing off my outfit.

  I wanted to look elegant, but I also wanted to be taken seriously as a horse woman. I’d chosen a black silk jumpsuit for the night, with a low cut, spaghetti strapped top and wide, flowing legs. I’d cinched a silver belt around my waist and completed the look with silver jewelry and strappy black heels. My long, blonde hair hung in curls around my shoulders.

  I completed my circle and came to a stop, facing James. He put his hands on my hips and pulled my body to his.

  “This is just cruel, seeing you like this and knowing I won’t be able to touch you all night,” he whispered into my ear. His soft breath tickled my neck. My pulse quickened and my breasts heaved against his chest. I leaned back in James’s arms and gave him my best seductive smile.

  “You could always come back here with me tonight,” I suggested. “Or I could pay a visit to your room.”

  “Are you sure you don’t have plans with your betrothed?” he teased.

  I frowned and gave him a playful slap on the shoulder. “Don’t even joke about that. I hate that Bradley is on this trip and I hate that our fathers keep encouraging his little crush on me. I never have and never will have any interest in Bradley Miller.”

  “I know that, Willow,” James
assured me. “I was just teasing you. But I have to say, when he put his hand on you back in the hangar, it was all I could do not to rip his arm off.” He sat down on the foot of the bed and pulled me onto his lap.

  “Don’t worry about Bradley,” I told him. “He’s annoying, but harmless. I’d rather talk about our plan. Are you sure your mom’s old boyfriend will show up this weekend?”

  James nodded. “Clark should be here tonight, actually. He doesn’t have a horse in the race, but one of his partners does. It worked out pretty well. I had nothing to do with him being here, so no one can accuse us of meddling.”

  I shifted my weight nervously and James rested his head against my shoulder. “You’re still not sure we’re doing the right thing,” he observed, his voice barely a whisper.

  I sighed and shook my head. “Think about it, James. Even if they call off the engagement, the fact that they were ever involved to begin with will make it difficult for us to be together. I know it will be awkward… them getting married and us dating… but maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as we think. At least we’d all be happy.”

  James pushed me out of his lap and rose to his feet. “Think about what you’re saying, Willow,” he said as he paced the floors. “If they get married, you’ll be my sister. Not by blood, but by law… and in most people’s eyes, that’s close enough. Can you imagine what they’ll say about us? What they’ll say about our family? We’d never recover from the scandal.”

  I didn’t know if he was being paranoid or realistic. “But going behind their back, plotting to break up the engagement… it feels wrong, James.”

  He walked back to me and pulled me to my feet. He leaned down and kissed me urgently, his hands moving up and down my body as his mouth covered mine. And then as suddenly as he’d embraced me, he pulled away.

  “Did that feel wrong, Willow?” he asked, his arms still loosely wrapped around my waist.

  I looked into his frustrated eyes and shook my head. “No,” I whispered.


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