The Ghost House

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The Ghost House Page 23

by Helen Phifer

  ‘I couldn’t let you have all the fun.’

  Will stepped inside and stared at the pictures. It took a few seconds before they registered in his brain and his face went white. Kav stepped in behind him.

  ‘Oh shit, what the fuck is Annie’s husband doing in here?’

  Will looked at Kav and then down at the body. He had never seen the man before but if it was Annie’s husband then he had met his match. Kav looked around the room and sucked in his breath.

  ‘I think we have a much bigger problem. Why is our Annie plastered all over the walls?’

  They both looked up to the ceiling at the giant picture: Annie stared back at them smiling. Will turned and ran out of the house, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Tugging off his latex glove he answered to a frantic Jake.

  ‘Have you spoken to Annie lately? I’ve been ringing her on and off for ages and can’t get hold of her. If I hadn’t had a couple of large glasses of wine I’d have driven up there but I thought you’d be there by now.’

  Will had to concentrate to stop himself from throwing up all over the flower beds. ‘Not since lunch, I’ve been busy. Jake, we’ve just come to a house and found her husband and he’s dead. I’m going up there now.’ He didn’t have time to explain everything. He got back in the car, forgetting about Grace until she spoke.

  ‘Is everything OK?’

  ‘Not really. I can’t get hold of my girlfriend and she is staying on her own in the woods behind the Abbey and inside that house is her husband’s dead body, lying in a room which is covered in pictures of her.’

  ‘Go. Don’t worry about me, get driving. I’ll keep out of the way but you might need me anyway.’

  He knew this made sense but he couldn’t think straight for the panic had taken over and a feeling of dread had settled in the pit of his stomach. Will had never suffered from anxiety or panic attacks but he had a tight band squeezing his chest. He ignored it; he didn’t have time to have a heart attack.

  He drove into the rear yard of the station and dumped the car. He then ran inside to the sergeant’s office taking the only set of van keys off the whiteboard and his radio and CS gas from his locker. He jogged back into the yard and let Grace out of the car. Swapping vehicles she climbed in beside him. It was years since he’d driven a van and it took him a moment of fiddling with the buttons to find the lights and sirens: he needed to get to the Abbey in record time.

  He passed his phone to Grace. ‘Please can you keep trying?’

  She hit the call button and put it to her ear. ‘Voicemail.’ Grace had no idea who this Annie was but she was worried for her, so she kept on redialing. The phone beeped with an incoming call.

  ‘Jake, should I answer it?’

  Will nodded.

  ‘Will’s phone, he’s driving can I help?’

  Will could hear Jake’s animated voice but couldn’t make out what he was saying, ‘OK, I’ll tell him, we’re almost there.’ Grace repeated what she had just been told. ‘Alex is driving him and he’ll be here soon.’

  ‘Good if we need to split up we can. I just hope she’s having a long soak in the bath and can’t hear her phone.’ He pulled up in front of the gates and swore; they were locked up tight. Jumping down from the van he felt in his trouser pocket for the key. ‘Bloody hell, I went home to get changed and the key is in my other trousers in the washing basket.’ He was furious with himself. Taking the huge Magnalite® torch from the footwell of the van he looked at Grace. ‘I’m sorry to drag you into this. You can wait here if you want till Jake arrives. It’s a bit of a trek through the woods but not that far.’

  She snorted. ‘Are you having a laugh? There’s a man killing women on the loose and you want me to wait here like a sitting duck, no thanks. I’ll follow you. I can handle a bit of exercise.’

  Will smiled. She was growing on him by the minute. ‘Thanks but make sure you don’t tell your dad that I made you do it.’

  ‘You would be surprised at just how little I do tell my dad.’

  They set off jogging along the path. Grace wasn’t even breaking a sweat but Will was struggling to breathe. How he wished he’d joined a gym instead of talking about it. The band around his chest got tighter, squeezing that bit harder and he had to start taking deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth.

  He could see the outline of the farmhouse in the distance. There were no lights shining through the trees like every other time he’d been up here. Annie’s car was parked outside, the dog began to bark as he pushed the door handle: it was locked. He peered through the glass unable to make out much except the shape of the dog pacing up and down growling at him. He turned to check the barns just in case she’d hurt herself. He went into the hay barn first. Shining the powerful torch around until it reached the bales of hay by the window: they had been made into a makeshift seat. He looked at a dog lead on the floor next to it and his blood ran cold.

  ‘She had an audience, Will.’

  He looked out through the cracked glass and had a perfect view through the kitchen windows. Will took out his phone but there were no bars on the screen. Grace tried hers but it was the same.

  ‘What about your radio?’

  ‘It’s in the van, shit. Why am I such an idiot?’

  Grace looked around. ‘The door is locked, her car is there and there is no sign of a struggle so either she went with him of her own free will or – ‘ she paused and Will knew she was gauging his reaction to what she was about to say. He felt like shit and was trying to keep it together but he knew they were screwed. ‘Or whoever it was took her by surprise coming out of the house. But unless he drugged her or knocked her out cold there would be some evidence of a struggle, wouldn’t there?’

  Will nodded as they left the barn. ‘The only place within walking distance if you were carrying someone is the old house five minutes away.’

  ‘Look, why don’t I go back to the van for the radio. At least then you can let patrols know where we are and what’s going on.’

  Will was torn. He didn’t want to let her wander off on her own with a maniac on the loose but he didn’t have much choice. He couldn’t waste time going back down there; he needed to get to the house.

  Grace reached out and touched his arm. ‘I’ll be fine. I teach self-defence classes back in Manchester to the kids off an estate. I can handle myself and I’ll be able to run down to the van and back in a couple of minutes.’

  Will felt sick. If anything happened to her he didn’t know what he’d do but he had little other choice; he needed back up and soon.

  ‘Thanks, but promise me you’ll scream as loud as you can if you so much as see a shadow.’

  She nodded.

  He passed her the keys and watched her set off running. Will turned the other way and headed towards the house. If anything happened to Grace he would never forgive himself but Jake should arrive any minute and meet her half way. Bloody hell, Jake in the dark is enough to make anyone scream, what was I thinking? He rounded the final bend out of breath and paused to look at the mansion; it looked like every scary house in every horror film he’d watched. It was so creepy in the dark. He studied the upstairs windows for any moving torch beams but it was all pitch black.

  Taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down he walked up to the front door. If he was going in there was no point in hiding; he may as well walk right in. He hoped the front door would be open and his prayers were answered when he cautiously pushed the heavy door and it moved. He had the gas in his pocket and some handcuffs on his belt and that was it. He never needed to carry a baton and he wasn’t Taser trained. At this moment in time he would swap anything to have one or both of them. He stepped inside the entrance, leaving the door ajar, scared that if he closed it he wouldn’t be able to get back out. He shivered. The atmosphere in here was awful. It was so cold he could see his breath every time he exhaled. Will stood very still and listened for any noise but there was none.

  The only place he and Annie had n
ever checked the other day was the cellar. Every old house this size had either a haunted attic or a demonic cellar so it had to be one of them, didn’t it? He made his way through the house until he reached the kitchen. Shining his torch around the beam illuminated a pool of blood on the floor. Will couldn’t breathe and the blood was pounding between his ears, he let out a sob and tried to tell himself that it didn’t have to belong to Annie but it was fresh, it hadn’t started to congeal it was a big, wet pool. He shone the torch further and he could see drag marks leading into the next room, keeping away from them he followed struggling to keep on his feet, his legs wanted to give way.

  Henry had gone back up to check on the man. He didn’t want him waking up and escaping. But he didn’t need to worry. He was out cold and by the amount of blood on the floor he didn’t think he would be waking up any time soon. He returned to the cellar to make his final preparations; he was almost ready.

  This had been a very long time in coming. She had been his downfall once but not this time. He would finally give her what was coming. She wouldn’t leave his room alive this time.

  He was no longer the quiet, reserved man who hadn’t even got into a playground fight. He was a mighty killer who had been kept buried inside for so many years and it was good to be free at last. He would keep on killing because that was what he did. Images of his first victims flashed through his mind as if it was yesterday. He could see and hear them now, feel their blood and pain.

  Chapter 36

  Grace reached the van as a car pulled up in front of her and a huge man jumped out. She screamed and Jake threw his hands in the air shocked at her reaction.

  ‘Sorry, sorry I’m Jake. Where’s Will?’

  She explained what she was doing rooting around in a police van and passed him the radio. ‘I don’t have a clue how to use it.’

  Jake took it from her. ‘5129 to control. I’m off duty but been called out by the DS. We need patrols to the Abbey Wood. An officer has been taken by the suspect in the Emma Harvey murder.’

  The radio crackled into life breaking the silence surrounding them. ‘Say again 5129?’

  Jake growled, the last thing he needed was someone on control who didn’t have a clue. ‘I need urgent assistance to the Abbey Woods. We need an armed response vehicle and is there a dog handler available?’ He knew the chance of getting a dog was as good as getting six numbers on the lottery.

  ‘Control to 5129 there is an ARV travelling as we speak. Jake, what’s going on?’

  ‘Can we get every available patrol here as soon as possible before there is another murder?’ He put the radio in his pocket; he didn’t want to waste any more time talking on it. He began to shake the gates as if the lock would magically fall off. Frustrated, he waved Alex to move the car out of the way and then he climbed into the van and reversed at speed. He revved the engine and floored the accelerator. Grace hid her face in her hands and Alex jumped out of the car screaming at him to stop. Jake didn’t care, his two best friends were in those woods and he didn’t want to think about what could be happening to them, the last thing on his mind was a bit of whiplash and a bollocking from the powers that be.

  He sped forward and there was a terrific bang as the van hit the gates, which splintered easily. Bits of old and rotten wood flew everywhere. His head flew forward hitting the steering wheel and he slammed on the brakes. The front of the van had half a gate embedded into it but at least they had access and the other police cars would be able to get in.

  A patrol car sped up behind him, lights flashing. Jake shook his head trying to clear the silver stars from of his vision as he watched Kav get out of the patrol car. Alex was stood by the side of the road having a panic attack and Grace was trying to comfort him.

  Kav marched over to the van and threw the door open. ‘For fuck’s sake, Jake, you’re such a bloody drama queen, did you have to make such an entrance.’

  Jake winced. ‘Yes, I did and I’m not letting anything happen to her this time, not if I can help it.’

  Kav’s face was grim. ‘Good, I wouldn’t expect anything less of you son. I should have known Annie would be involved in this somehow, even when she’s on the sick she’s a bloody pain.’ He winked at Jake. ‘Right plan of action, what’s happening?’

  Jake lifted his arm and used his sleeve to brush away the trickle of blood running down his forehead. ‘Will said the killer had pictures of Annie all over his room. Now we can’t get hold of her. Will is up there looking for her in that massive old mansion.’

  Kav tried to think clearly: it was so much harder when it was one of your own whose life was at stake. ‘We need Task Force here with Tasers and guns. It’s no good us steaming in without the right equipment. What have you got on you?’

  ‘Nothing. Alex drove me here straight from home. I don’t care, Kav, I’m not sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for the cavalry to arrive from bloody Ulverston or Kendal while my friends are being butchered in that house.’

  ‘Ah bollocks, you’re right. I can’t wait here either. I’ve got my gas, cuffs and harsh language.’

  ‘And I’ve got my fists and a tyre iron in the boot. Alex, you wait here with Grace to send the patrols up to the house.’

  Kav turned to Alex. ‘Lock yourselves in the car. Task Force are travelling from Kendal so it may take them some time even though they are blue lighting it. Tell them from me there is no room for cock ups and to get to that house pronto.’

  Alex nodded his head.

  Jake took him firmly by the shoulders and pushed him towards the car. ‘It’s OK, I’ll be back soon. Stay here and do exactly what Kav just said. If you see anyone acting weird run them over. At least then we might get put in a cell next to each other when all this is over.’

  Alex nodded again and got into the car. ‘Jake, please be careful.’

  Jake winked at him. ‘You know me, I always am.’

  Kav pulled the remains of the gate from the van and they got inside.

  Jake coughed. ‘Is now the time to tell you I’ve had a bottle of wine.’

  ‘You know, Jake, you never cease to amaze me. I never heard that. Just get driving.’

  Chapter 37

  Will didn’t see the body until it was too late and he almost fell over it. Terrified it was Annie he held his breath and shone the torch down onto it. The relief when he saw it was male was overwhelming. He instantly recognised the man he had seen briefly on CCTV who had come to the station looking for her. He bent down to feel for a pulse: there was a faint but steady one.

  The man groaned and tried to open his eyes. Will took off his suit jacket and knelt down. Rolling it up he put it under the guy’s head to try and stem the bleeding.

  ‘It’s OK, I’m a policeman. Help will be here soon. Don’t try to move and we’ll soon have you up at the hospital.’

  As Will stood up a hand reached out for his wrist. ‘Annie, she needs your help.’

  Will choked finding it hard to speak. ‘I know, I’ll find her.’ He hoped that Grace had made it to the van and found the radio. But would she even know what to do with it? He walked towards the cellar door. His entire body felt as if it was dragging a lead weight and it was getting harder to breathe. He pulled the door with too much force and it opened, slamming against the wall.

  Henry stopped; someone was here. That door was too heavy to blow open in a draught. He cocked his head to one side to listen. How many were there? The bottom step creaked once echoing throughout the cellar. Henry moved to the back of the room. On a box next to the door to his trophy room he lit a candle then backed into the shadows. The flame gave off a warm glow, he knew it would be the man and sure enough like a moth to a flame the candle drew him in. Henry looked down at the hammer in his hand. The wooden shaft was slick with blood. He wiped it onto his trouser leg so he could grip it tightly. He couldn’t mess this one up. He was bound to be a fighter and wouldn’t go down after just one smack.

  Annie stirred. She opened her eyes. It was too dark to s
ee anything but the smell told her where she was. She hadn’t wanted to visit Edward’s trophy room but here she was and this was where he had hidden Jenna White because the smell of decomposing flesh was overpowering. Annie was lying on a damp earthen floor which she knew had at least one other body buried underneath it. At least she wasn’t dead; there was still a fighting chance.

  Panic began to fill her chest; she didn’t want to be down here with a dead girl for company. Crawling to find the door her hands touched Jenna, her body was so cold and Annie felt bad, the poor kid must have been terrified to die down here all alone in this awful room.

  She whispered, ‘I’m taking you home Jenna, I promise.’ She moved the other way, feeling in front of her until her fingers brushed against the rough, wooden door. Pressing her ear against it she listened. She could hear muffled footsteps on the other side. The flickering orange glow from a candle outside cast a tiny light underneath the gap in the door. She held her breath as the footsteps approached and then she heard Will’s voice as he called her name.

  ‘Will, I’m in here, I can’t get out and Jenna’s in here too, well I think it’s her body it’s so dark.’

  ‘Hang on, Annie, I’ll try to open the door, are you hurt?’

  Overwhelmed to hear his voice she fought back the tears. ‘No, I’m fine, please just get me out.’

  Will twisted the handle but it was locked. He turned to see if there was something he could use to break the door open with. A shadow stepped out of the darkness. He looked at the ordinary man standing in front of him he didn’t know what he had been expecting but not this. In Will’s mind he was the epitome of evil. The man took another step forward and Will saw the blood-soaked hammer he was holding in his hand. Then Will ran for him. He swung his fist, which caught the man off guard as it connected with his chin. He was taller than Will but roughly the same build. The man swung the hammer at Will but he ducked and it whooshed through the air. Will lunged for him again this time trying punch him in the balls. He just needed to get him off his feet and then Will knew he would take the hammer off him and use it to pound his sick head in: there was no time to tell him to stop he was under arrest and would he please come nicely, the look in his eyes said it all. This man had nothing to lose and would not blink at killing another person.


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