Jihada: The Lost Scriptures

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Jihada: The Lost Scriptures Page 16

by Bill McNaught

  Armed with rifles, guns, knives, iron bars and any weapon that readily came to hand, the entire black community of America mobilized and wreaked their revenge. This revenge was not only directed at the Muslim men; no-one was spared. Women and children sat passively by, watching and waiting their turn to die as their family members were cut to pieces.

  The Army and the Police stood by and watched as the streets of America turned into the same rivers of blood as the streets of England had experienced only a few short days before. Their victims offered no resistance, nor did they hide. They were all willingly complicit in their own genocide. They no longer controlled their own minds.

  Mohamed’s American dream ended, as did the lives of his entire family, in a hail of vengeful bullets delivered by the black father of one of his young school bound victims.


  ‘What the hell is his game’? The President asked, ‘ if he is supposed to hand over the world to the Muslims, why is he killing fucking millions of them; at this rate there won’t be any of the bastards left to hand it over to’?

  The men and women in the room were becoming irritable; they hadn’t been out of the White House for days. This had become their prison, the outside world had become a killing ground and it was unsafe to venture beyond the outer walls. Tanks surrounded the building and the grounds; it appeared that half the American Army and Marine Corps were outside. The destruction of the Pentagon had come as a shock to everyone; none of the military had even considered the possibility of an attack by a rag tag army of protesting white suicide bombers. How could anyone sacrifice their own children they wondered?

  The men and women inside the White house had watched in disbelief on TV’s and close circuit monitors as the slaughter and mass genocide unfolded in front of them. There was no point in the President issuing orders; his military and his police were standing idly by; they were fully in agreement with the actions of the black community; they had no love of Islam; they had witnessed the slaughter of the innocents – the mutilation of the black children by the Muslims, and now, they in turn reveled in the revenge that was happening before their very eyes.

  Even inside the White House there had been problems with bouts of sporadic violence by employees with even the slightest amount of Muslim blood coursing through their veins. These had been brought under control, and the assailants placed under restraint and armed arrest. They were now passive and fully compliant, remembering nothing of what had taken place.

  ‘Isn’t anybody going to fucking well answer me then; what is his game; what is he trying to achieve; what is he going to do next; and why are you lot not fucking well doing something about it’? The President slammed his clenched fist down onto the table for the second time in the meeting.

  ‘He has moved on sir’, Michael said quietly, ‘his work in America has been completed’.

  ‘Stop talking in fucking riddles Michael; if I am to believe any of this crap about the LOST SCRIPTURES, and a Muslim takeover of the world, why has he just killed about every Muslim in America, and every fucking Muslim in 4 Arab countries. From the evidence I have seen so far, it looks to me as if he is trying to wipe out the entire Muslim population of the world. I haven’t even mentioned Thailand and Myanmar, and reports are now coming in of mass slaughter of Muslims in the UK, France, and Italy’.

  Theodore spoke up. ‘Sir, it is real, and he is working to a plan: unfortunately for him, his plan is all going wrong. His first objective was to mobilize the Muslim world with his destruction of the Great Mosque of Mecca. That part of his plan was successful, however, Israel struck first with her nuclear weapons’, that was unforeseen, he had expected the Arabs to eliminate Israel completely.

  As for the mass uprising in America, he was looking for self destruction between the blacks and the Muslims. There was no intention to create the deaths of so many of the Muslims though; he expected the military to step in and finish the job; I’m afraid that Sir James, Michael and myself were pretty much instrumental on that score. The three of us together were not powerful enough to prevent his initial plan, Allah broke the rules and interfered, we simply modified it more in our favor. His Muslim powerbase here now sir, is almost non -existent.

  ‘How do you know all this Theodore, have you read his bloody mind or something’? The President did not sound convinced.

  ‘Yes sir, as I told you I entered his mind at the airport as he was probing mine: only for a fraction of a second, but as you know sir, I never forget anything’.

  ‘You seem to have forgotten Theodore that you told me he had no plans for America’, the President was suddenly becoming wary. Theodore never forgot anything, therefore he must have told a lie. Was there something that he was trying to cover up or hide?

  Theodore squirmed uncomfortable in his chair before speaking, ‘Indeed sir I had knowledge of his intentions but failed to mention them as I was quite convinced that the combined powers of Sir James, Michael, and myself would easily be able to prevent him from even trying to carry out his plan. I did not expect interference from Allah; as Michael has told us, that is against the rules.

  McNaught detected a brief flicker of uncertainty before Theodore closed him down.

  ‘OK then Theodore, what is his next move, and can we do anything to prevent it’? The President was not entirely happy with Theodore’s explanation, but decided to move on.

  ‘I cannot really say at this point sir, he is certainly not pleased with the way things are going at the moment, and he is reviewing his options. The one thing that he could never take into account was human nature; he could only assume that people would act in a certain way; they very rarely do, the military and the police have just proved that to him ’.

  McNaught entered the conversation; fearfully, everyone listened to what he had to say. He was now deeply in tune with the JIHADA’S thoughts. The JIHADA could barely block him; McNaught’s powers far surpassed the powers of both Michael and Theodore and were still growing at an alarming pace.

  ‘He is seriously considering breaking the rules Michael’. He went on, ‘He is now looking at the nuclear option, and wants to involve both China and Russia. He thinks that his powers are now such that he can bring about a nuclear launch simultaneously from both countries’.

  ‘He cannot Sir James; the Gods will not allow it. No-one has ever taken a life, not on this planet or on any of the countless other planets and galaxies, the Rules of the Universe have always expressly forbidden the taking of any form of life’.

  The President exploded. ‘What the fuck are you talking about Michael? I would guess that so far he has been responsible for at least 2 hundred million deaths, maybe more, yet the rules will not allow him to even swat a fly? If the bastard gets Russia and China involved, that could add a couple of billion to his score. Theodore, are the Chinese and Russians capable of totally annihilating each other, and what will be the collateral damage to the rest of Europe and the East’?

  Theodore smiled. It was pretty much a smug form of a self satisfied smile. He didn’t know why he smiled; perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it; for some reason he thought that it would be appropriate. He blocked McNaught from probing his mind before he spoke. ‘Sir, in the event of a nuclear exchange between China and Russia, the total loss of lives would indeed be around 2 billion; this would represent over 90% of the population of each country; only people in the most remote provinces would survive. As for damage outside of the region, I would say pretty minimal ever since the world eliminated the nuclear radiation problem: fifty years ago such a nuclear exchange would have spelt the end of the human race’.

  ‘And what would be the damage to the Earth itself Theodore’?

  ‘Not so serious as in the Middle East sir; the main concentration will be on the cities and the larger towns; these are well away from the major oil and gas fields.

  In the countries surrounding Israel, the Earth’s crust was shallow and easily fractured, the oil and gas were no longer under pressure, and once released
, they ignited; the reason why everything extinguished itself so quickly was a complete meltdown of the land because of the temperatures reached; at the point of the explosions, the temperatures would have been in excess of 100 million degrees Celsius. Effectively, the desert became a lake of molten material, and as it turned from sand to liquid glass, it fortunately sealed every crack and fissure. If it hadn’t done so, within the space of a few months, the fires would have reduced the world’s oxygen to a level that few creatures on earth would have survived’.

  McNaught penetrated Theodore’s defenses. Theodore attempted to block him but was too late. He saw things that Theodore was concealing; things that were disturbing; things that previously he could never have imagined.

  McNaught moved on to Michael’s mind. Michael was still too powerful and blocked him. Both of them knew that it was only a matter of time before McNaught became too powerful to block.

  Maybe bringing McNaught onboard had been a mistake. He may even get in the way of the overall plan.

  Michael flashed this message to Theodore.

  Theodore nodded.

  McNaught was listening. What was the overall plan? Why was he being excluded from the loop? Why were Theodore and Michael blocking him whenever he tried to ask the question? It was also pretty obvious that Mario was in the loop but only as a subordinate; Mario was blissfully unaware of the overall plan. He was however very skilled at concealing his own thoughts and was obviously working to his own agenda. Mario’s psychology background often proved very useful at deflecting attention.

  The President also appeared to have his own agenda. He had felt genuine delight at the thought of Israel’s destruction, and an equal amount of anger at the destruction of the 4 Arab countries.

  There was no love lost between President Steinberg and his Jewish connections. McNaught could also recognize an even deeper hatred emanating from Mario and directed at the President.


  Power shift

  The Prime Minister of the UK addressed his makeshift Parliament. There were less than 300 MP’s present; all MP’s that had voted for Sharia law and were still alive, were now under arrest and spread around many of the UK prisons. Few of them survived for more than a few days; the guards turned a blind eye to the actions of the other prisoners where ever Muslims were involved.

  The crisis on the country’s streets was not yet over, however the worst had passed. The British military had finally organized itself, and all military men who had fought alongside the Muslims had been killed. Not one of them had surrendered his or her arms freely; it was the same form of fanaticism that had been exhibited by the Japanese during the Second World War. When cornered and unable to escape, hundreds had committed suicide; reminiscent of the Japanese Hara Kari; many more had embarked on a Japanese style Banzai charge, often without bullets or even weapons. At first, the well trained British soldiers had been reluctant to fire into the ranks of unarmed comrades; they soon discovered the folly of such decisions as the seemingly unarmed men and women atomized themselves with hidden explosives, taking many of the non Muslim soldiers with them.

  No Mosque was left standing anywhere in the British Isles or Ireland; the British people had finally made their stand against the rising tide of Islamism. As in America, the Christian military and police had stood by as millions of Muslims were slaughtered. Britain was no longer the tolerant multicultural society of the last few decades. Britain and its people were now as fanatical as the Muslims had been. Enough was enough and “The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim” became the national mantra.

  The Muslims fought back in the only way that they knew how. Years of planning had resulted in virtually unlimited supplies of explosives; and suicide bombings, often by as many as 100 men women and children took its toll on the Christian people and churches. Christian schools were blown to pieces together with hundreds of children. This only served to fuel the British anger against all things relating to Islam; with the vow that not one single Muslim must survive.

  The whole of the British Isles must be cleansed of this scourge. Islam was to be banished to where it belonged; - back to the Middle Ages; better still, eradicated for all time from the face of the earth.

  The JIHADA looked on powerless to intervene; powerless to break the rules of the Gods.- The Rules of the Universe. The rules that had been in place since before time began.

  The Prophesy of the LOST SCRIPTURES had to be enforced. They were the words and commands of Allah. Allah had delivered them to him over 1500 years ago.

  He had to obey Allah; - not the rules.

  Allahu Akbar.


  Back Onboard

  Captain Garry Stevens and his first officer David Knowles on board the US Ship Mississippi, at anchor in International waters off the Gulf were still in a state of shock and disbelief. They had watched the sky all around them light up as the nuclear holocaust had taken place; this virtually within an hour of the first conventional missiles having been launched. They had watched in a defcom 2 state of red alert and readiness, as wave after wave of fighter and bomber planes had banked over the gulf and made their bombing runs on Israel. Hundreds of missiles had filled the sky, illuminating it like a News Year’s Eve fireworks display.

  They felt that they were in a world of make believe, a world of virtual reality computer games, except that this was for real: they were not stuck in the middle of any game; they were stuck in the middle of the gulf, in the middle of a war that bore no relevance to human existence other than perhaps its finality; its elimination. They had heard the nuclear blasts from many miles away; they had felt the shock waves and clung on desperately as the ship was tossed around like a cork by the tidal waves; they had felt the burning searing heat on their faces; many of his men were temporarily blinded by the intensity of the flashes, particularly the ones from Iraq, the country closest to their ship.


  No planes or missiles had flown in from Iran; this had been closely observed and monitored. Iran had always been the most threatening and bellicose of the Arab countries with regards to Israel’s right to exist; she was also the best armed and most technologically advanced of all the Arab countries. There had been a quiet acceptance of that right over the years by the other Middle Eastern powers. Egypt and Saudi Arabia now traded freely with Israel; they had the oil, in the case of Egypt, only recently discovered in the Sinai desert, and Israel grew much of the food.

  Just as many of the Gulf countries had oil, gas and minerals; Israel had the water, having discovered what was unquestionably the world’s largest underground lake straddling what had previously been Palestinian land. There was enough accessible water to supply much of the Middle East for a couple of centuries; maybe even longer. It had only taken a couple of degrees rise in global temperature for the rains to disappear. Most of the Arab nations were no longer able to grow their own food; there was never enough to feed the population. Rainfall barely existed throughout the Middle East.

  The Western countries had been aware of the oncoming inevitable rise in Global temperatures for over a hundred years, yet chose to ignore it for almost half a century. The developing countries then took over the mantle of uncontrolled and unregulated releases of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as their industrial capacities increased. Throughout the Middle East, water spelled wealth and power.

  The Arabs wanted this water; the Israelis were not going to give it up. World demand for oil was dropping as more and more effective and cleaner power sources were developed. The most desirable and sought after commodity now in the Middle East, in most of the world; was water. The rivers’ Tigris and the Euphrates, the lifeblood of Iraq, were now both shadows of their former glory; too many people extracting and abstracting too much water for personal and agricultural use had reduced both rivers to a virtual stagnant trickle during the summer months. Crops no longer grew, and livestock starved.

  The world’s climate was also changing in what were previously
unforeseen ways; wet countries spent half the year submerged under constant flood water, while the more arid Arab, North African and Southern Mediterranean countries barely saw a drop of rain during the course of a whole year.

  Rice crops in the east were no longer able to survive as the paddy fields scorched under the unremitting sun.

  Israel was now the bread basket for most of the Middle East, her revenues only adding to her overall control of the world’s money markets.

  Bangladesh was now virtually uninhabitable; the monsoon season having been extended by two months a year, and for the rest of the year, no longer draining sufficiently to grow crops or to keep livestock. Millions of people had either starved or been displaced. India did not want these people; India was now prosperous and most certainly did not want a massive influx of Muslims; preferring to move them on to Pakistan in the west. Pakistan was running out of food, and looked enviously at India’s economic dominance in the region.

  The whole world seemed to be on the verge of a tipping point; there were simply too many people for the planet to sustain. Millions starved annually in Africa; no rain meant no food; still the Africans continued to breed. The entire country was reverting back to its nomadic state of centuries ago. Nations were on the move looking for food and water, and if war was the only way to secure this lifeline, then all human life that got in the way was eliminated. Islam was now completely dominant throughout the continent. The LOST SCRIPTURES had said that there will only be Islam. Non Muslims were using up precious water supplies and food. Non Muslims had no place in Africa. Non Muslims had to be eliminated for the Prophesy to be implemented.

  Only the country of South Africa stood in the way of complete Muslim domination of the African continent. Their philosophy was now becoming only too clear as they adopted a total siege mentality, positioning troops all along the more accessible frontiers of the country. They simply allowed the well armed Muslims to annihilate all others, then using covert Special Forces, poisoned the Muslim’s water supplies. Their borders became secure, any form of Islamic problems within the country being met with instant death. They were observing how tolerance within the Western countries had resulted in complete anarchy and chaos.


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