The President looked across the table at McNaught and nodded slowly and slightly.
‘Mr. Ambassador’? McNaught said in an enquiring voice.
The Ambassador turned slowly to his right to face McNaught, who engaged him with those mesmeric steely blue eyes in an intense stir, and as the electric blue flash exploded in the Ambassador’s brain, he continued speaking, ‘kindly take off your tie, and throw it onto the floor behind you, and do not pick it up again until I tell you to do so. You will now answer every question that anyone in this room asks you, is that clear’?
‘Yes sir’, came the almost robotic reply as he removed his tie, disturbing his perfectly groomed long jet black hair, and threw it over his shoulder behind him, turning to see it land in a heap, the knot still visible.
He turned back to face McNaught, this time wearing a blank almost subservient look; devoid of all his previous arrogance and swagger. A thoroughly unpleasant man was now to become hypnotically traitorous to his own regime and country, and would remember nothing of what was about to take place.
One by one, the people in the room asked the Ambassador a series of questions: he was now so deep into McNaught’s induced hypnosis that he was powerless to resist or lie.
He told them of how the mutated Ebola virus had first come into being some 30 years previous, during tests that they were making on the original and by now common Ebola strain following the latest African outbreak. They had developed a vaccine for the common virus that could easily have saved the millions of Africans that had died. They chose not to release it into Africa: selling this early vaccine to the richer countries was much more profitable, and by doing so had avoided a second great world Ebola pandemic.
The early years of the 21st century had seen what had appeared to be a fairy controllable form of Ebola suddenly mutate and become airborne. Deaths, particularly among the poorer nations had numbered in their millions. The wealth created by the vaccine for this strain of virus had brought to India countless billions.
During the course of their experimentation, by the simple process of DNA manipulation, the mutant virus, - code named E5M had emerged. This new virus proved impervious to all attempts to kill or control it; no known vaccine had any effect on it what so ever. It had mutated to such an extent, that it had completely ceased to be hemorrhagic, preferring to migrate to the human brain, where it would replicate itself several million times over before simply asking the brain to stop the heart.
Death almost always occurred during sleep or during periods of deep relaxation; for this reason, people often stayed awake for days on end: the virus simply waited. It was always 100% successful and was in no hurry.
During the 6 to 8 week incubation period, coughs, sneezes, and even close proximity breathing, transmitted the virus to anyone within range; it was ready to jump hosts within 2 days of first being contracted. India estimated that a 90% death rate could be achieved in a city the size of New York within a few weeks using only one infected carrier. The other 10% would die within the next few months, regardless of any precautions they may have taken.
The virus was smart; it could move around in animals, through air conditioning ducts, and in the perennial scourge of mankind, the mosquito. Like all conscientious hunters, it did not kill indiscriminately in the same time frame, always leaving just enough of its quarry alive to maintain its own survival.
India recognized that she now had the ultimate weapon of mass destruction; - if only she could produce a vaccine to control the virus, she would now have access to most of the world’s wealth. Without an effective vaccine however, her new found weapon was of no use what so ever if it were to kill all her own people. Billions of rupees had gone into this search for the Holy Grail of vaccines over a 20 year period with little success until a brilliant young Afghan graduate called Mohamed Abu Raheem had finally cracked the genetic code, and created what appeared to be a 100% successful vaccine.
Mohamed had been visited by the JIHADA many times in his dreams; the vaccine was not all that it seemed.
‘What were the Indian Government’s future plans for the virus, were they world domination’? The President asked the Ambassador.
The Ambassador’s reply shocked everyone in the room, with the exception of two men, - Mario Molinari, and Theodore Warburton. He told of how Mario had first approached the Indian Prime Minister with tales of the JIHADA and of the plans for total domination of the world by Islam some 15 years earlier. He told of the financial and military shield offered by both the CIA and the Israelis, and of the plans to infect the entire Muslim world with the virus. Their plan was to rid the world of Islam for all time.
The JIHADA had pre-empted their plans, and had been responsible for the destruction of Mumbai. It would have only been a matter of time before both Russia and China would have become involved; they had already threatened India with total destruction. They resented the fact that India was now a major financial and manufacturing power, whilst their own relevance was inconsequential.
The Ambassador told of how India had moved with lightning speed, infecting Russia, China, and the entire Islamic world on the same day; only days after of the Mumbai bombing. Years of preparation ensured that vaccine stocks were sufficient to meet the requirements agreed by themselves, America and Israel.
‘What the fucking hell have you and the CIA got to do with all this Mario’, the President screamed. ‘How could America have agreed on what were sufficient vaccine stocks? Who gave you and the CIA this authority, and how come I have never been fucking told about it’?
Mario closed his eyes for a few seconds before speaking. He was boxed in and had to now reveal the full extent of American involvement; he also knew that even the smallest deviation from the truth would be apparent to McNaught. ‘Sir, the knowledge of the JIHADA was first brought to our attention by Theodore some 16 years ago’.
‘What---Theodore’? The President almost screamed with anger as he slammed his fist on the table. ‘Why has the fucking President of the country been kept in the dark while the rest of the world is hell bent on destroying itself? Who gave you two the fucking right to go behind my back; I am the President. It is me who makes the final decisions in this country, not the fucking CIA or my own personal assistant’.
Theodore interrupted and spoke quietly in a very assured and controlled manner. ‘Sir, I was the young priest that took Michael from the doctor 16 years ago and flew him to England. When I had become aware of the imminent birth of Michael and the JIHADA, I contacted the CIA, and Mario was assigned to assist me and to maintain constant protection. Once in England, we were guarded by the Knights Templar. All of this information sir, was passed onto, and fully approved by both your Predecessors. Ever since that time sir, we have been working very closely alongside both the Israelis and the Indians’.
‘I might have guessed that the fucking devious Jews were involved, but the Knights Templar Theodore, there you go again, I didn’t believe you the last time that you mentioned them, why should I believe in your mythical cult this time? I am more concerned with where the hell we are going at the moment; Mr. fucking Ambassador here has got us by the balls, and if we don’t comply, one way or the other, none of us will be alive to discuss the consequences’.
Michael had been quiet for much of the meeting: the room went quiet as he spoke. ‘The Knights Templar are no mythical cult Mr. President. They may be secretive and disappear from public view and perception for decades, even centuries at a time, yet they are one of the most powerful organizations on earth .They are the guardians of the ARC OF THE COVENANT. This bestows upon them powers beyond anyone’s imagination. The ARC contains the WORD OF GOD – the LOST SCRIPTURES contain the WORD OF ALLAH. The day of reckoning is now almost upon us’.
McNaught’s booming voice entered the conversation as the room sat in silence in an effort to digest Michael’s words. ‘This is the final solution then Michael, the question as to who wins the bat
tle; God or Allah; Christianity or Islam’?
Admiral Black spoke. ‘It appears to me that Islam has already lost the battle. Any Muslims that were still alive after what appears to have been an orchestrated world war against Islam, are now dead or dying thanks to our Indian friends; at least they got something right’.
‘I’m not so sure about that Admiral’, McNaught replied, ‘Before his banishment, I detected a sense of triumph in the JIHADA. Before I could completely enter his mind, he disappeared’.
Theodore stood up from his chair and walked to the head of the room positioning himself alongside the President and began to speak in a strange voice. It was not the voice of Theodore; it was not a human voice, it was a voice that those present felt rather than heard. It was so quiet that it was almost silent, and yet everyone in the room was clearly aware of the words that were spoken.
‘SIR, the three governments, Israel, India, and America had to take positive steps for two reasons. The first was to prevent the JIHADA from implementing the Prophesy of the LOST SCRIPTURES, and the one that everyone seems to have overlooked, was to prevent the human race from destroying both itself and the planet.
Whole countries are becoming barren; the seas are dying, the earth is beginning to overheat, even the atmosphere is beginning to disappear. There are too many people for the earth to sustain and yet they still multiply; the whole of the human race is either polluting the planet or destroying its assets. The Gods have exhausted their means of controlling the growth of this dominant species; what you are witnessing now is the culmination of 2000 years of planning.
The Gods have decreed that the dominant species of this planet has to be culled. This final solution, as Sir James has described it, has been 2000 years in the making. When Michael first appeared a little over 2000 years ago, the Gods thought that by creating a religious leader, a prophet, his followers would keep the growth of the human race in check by constant warfare on or by the non believers. This was unsuccessful. We brought the JIHADA to the planet 500 years later in order to create a different much more intolerant religion and to create religious conflict. The virtual elimination of 90% of the earth’s population is now the result. We were successful with our plan.
Our work on this planet has been completed and it is now time for us to leave. You, Mr. President, Sir, will complete our task when you eliminate one and a half billion Indians; if not, they will deceive you and ultimately enslave and destroy you. With or without the vaccine, that will be your next move’.
Theodore planted the thought firmly into the President’s mind, and that of the chiefs of staff.
The jaw of the President dropped in disbelief: almost everyone in the room sat in stunned silence as the impact of Theodore’s words began to sink in. What could they possible accomplish now by discussing ways of preventing the cull? They were subject to a culling by the Gods. If so deemed, why were they now sat around this oval table in the White House? They should surely be with their families awaiting the inevitable. And why exactly did Theodore continue referring to the Gods as WE?
‘You cannot leave Theodore; neither can Michael. My powers are now greater than the two of you combined’. McNaught rose as he spoke, ‘There is nothing left for me on this planet; if you leave, you must take me with you; - you must make me a God’.
Theodore and Michael smiled at each other before Theodore spoke. ‘We cannot make you a God Sir James’.
McNaught bristled as he spoke, almost in a roar, ‘and why not’?
‘Because you are a God Sir James, - you were the God of many ancient civilizations; the Incas, the Mayans of this planet and of many different Galaxies. You wished to live among the people of this planet as they do. The Gods wanted to discover why the dominant species always ultimately destroys both itself and its planet. The Gods simply wiped your memory clean and brought you here as a child.
What did you discover Sir James’? Theodore lifted both hands as he spoke, pointing his palms skywards in a questioning gesture.
The Gods were listening with interest to proceedings from their Planet of the Gods, and instantly restored McNaught’s memory: - the memory that had been lying dormant in the deepest recesses of his mind for over 50 years; the one mind on the planet that he had been unable to unlock. For the first time he recognized why he had been searching and storing people’s minds for his entire life.
McNaught paused for a while before speaking. The enormity of the revelation had taken him by surprise. He was a God; a God that had been living with and among the planet’s dominant species for over 50 years without knowing either the truth of his purpose or of his own self denied powers. Deep down he had always been aware of his magical powers, he had simply chosen not to accept them.
Sir Isaac Newton had known nothing of the Gods when he had formulated his laws of physics; they were the physical laws of the planet; not of the universe. The Gods were pleased as they listened to him speak. Now that they had restored his memory, he spoke as a God.
‘The truth Theodore, I have discovered the truth’. McNaught spoke in the voice of the Gods; there was no physical or audible sound, yet every one present heard the words. ‘We can only delay the inevitable. There is no way that we can prevent the total destruction of the planet; this dominant species has evolved too far for the Gods to save. We can only delay their self destruction – no more. Evolution has created a species with an unquenchable thirst for both violence and power.
The only solution is complete extermination before they export this destruction to other planets within their galaxy; this must be the message to the Gods for the entire universe – as evolution produces a species with the capability of destroying everything that has evolved or been created; that species must be eliminated and not culled’.
The Gods are aware of this Sir James; that is why they will never allow evolution to progress so far again; they must henceforth break the Rules of the Universe. There is to be no alternative’. Theodore’s thoughts travelled the universe to the Planet of the Gods. The Gods approved.
In an instant, two Gods and a prophet disappeared before the astonished eyes of everyone in the room.
The world’s greatest magician – The boy magician -- and Hermes, the Greek messenger of the Gods, were now on a distant planet millions of light years away. Evolution had allowed the dominant species to run out of control there.
They needed to be culled.
Both Allah and the JIHADA were waiting for them.
With them was the virus – The Gods were about to break the Rules of the Universe.
There was to be no culling of the dominant species – only extermination – total elimination from the planet. This time, THE GODS would complete the task.
The elimination of the dominant species of planet Earth was taking too long.
The elimination would soon be completed by the dominant species themselves.
The Indian Ambassador looked around the room in amazement; he was no longer under McNaught’s hypnotic spell. ‘Where have they gone, where have the two men and the boy gone? I was talking to the big fellow with the beard 2 seconds ago and now he isn’t here, where has he gone, and what is my tie doing on the floor’?
The President jumped in quickly before anyone else had the time to speak. It was unlikely that anyone else could have spoken, as the shock of seeing 3 people completely disappear before their very eyes had left them all pretty much immobilized and dumbfounded. Had they really been sitting with and talking to two Gods and a prophet? Was the whole mess that the world was in really the God’s exercise in culling the human race? If so, why had they allowed the Indians to develop a vaccine that could ensure the continued survival of the species? Was the vaccine the panacea that it appeared to be?
‘They all left the room some 5 minutes ago, and you threw your tie on the floor yourself in what appeared to be a petulant rage’, the President said loudly and rather sarcastically, ‘you appear to have b
een asleep. Is this the contemptible way that you conduct all of your business Mr. Ambassador? Do you think that such behavior is acceptable, because I most certainly do not, and I will be putting in an official complaint to your Government, is that clear’?
Kathleen Cromwell clasped her knees firmly together. ‘Power’ she almost gasped, her breathing becoming heavy and more frequent.
The Ambassador turned as bright a color of red as his brown Indian face would allow, and stuttered an apology, at the same time trying to collect his thoughts. How had he fallen asleep? Had he been drugged? Then the realization confronted him; he was not a stupid man: McNaught had hypnotized him at a glance: he had retained a slight recollection of the electric blue flash in his brain, and he was now very concerned. How much information had he revealed? His hand may now well be a busted flush.
‘I think that is now the time to cut to the chase Mr. Ambassador’, President Steinberg said, ‘how much of the vaccine do you possess, and when can we have ALL of it’?
The thoroughly unpleasant man smirked as he spoke. ‘Mr. President, my Government has authorized me to allow the United States 10 million capsules in return for certain types of payment. These payments must be made in advance, and include the handing over to India of your entire nuclear arsenal, together with all the firing codes’.
Admiral Black jumped up from his seat, and slamming his fist on the table, almost screamed. ‘Over my dead body you fucking black Indian Bastard, you will not even get a fucking bow and arrow from my military’.
‘Thank you Admiral,’ the President said politely, ‘What exactly do you suggest then’?
‘I would nuke the fucking lot of them sir; as far as I am concerned, they have effectively declared war on the United States, and I for one am not prepared to sit idly by and let this smug bastard get away with it’.
‘Well Admiral’, the President was now smiling, ‘may I suggest, that as soon as this meeting ends, you take your entire nuclear stockpile, - land, sea, and air, and do just that’.
Jihada: The Lost Scriptures Page 19