Most of the people in the room nodded their approval.
‘Brilliant idea as always Kathleen’, the President also nodded his approval, ‘we will work on that plan once we have decided who has the 20 million doses of the correct vaccine. I am now throwing this open to the room. How do we decide who lives and who dies? Once we have settled that argument, we will discuss Kathleen’s suggestion’.
The meeting went on all day and well into the night before an agreed plan of action was arrived at.
The 20 million doses of the vaccine delivered by India, no matter how unreliable, would be the first to be administered. The recipients were the most important members of society; the people who would be of most use to the United States once the viral holocaust had run its’ course; these were to be followed by farmers, students, and selected, intelligent children; these young people were the future of the country, and would provide the breeding stock from which the country would eventually recover.
As the entire room comprised of white Americans, selectively chosen by the President; no black, Hispanic or any other race appeared on the list. They would be given the placebo as suggested by Kathleen Cromwell. A re-formed and successful America would never again have to suffer from racial impurity, not even the black and Hispanic servicemen would be receiving the correct vaccine.
There would certainly be “no fucking Jews” on the list, no matter how much money they possessed; Steinberg would see to that and stressed it most strongly. He was growing into his role of self appointed dictator.
Mario Molinari, as always followed the party line; soon, it would be time for him to go home. Home was, and always had been Israel. His work in the United States was now completed. He felt that all along, McNaught, Theodore and Michael had been aware of his dual identity. His plans fitted in perfectly with theirs. Their plan was the culling of the dominant species; his was simply to ensure that the US never again dictated terms to Israel. In their own way, each of them had been successful.
The utmost secrecy was to be maintained by members of the meeting, and plans were put into place. Thousands were mobilized to administer the largest logistical exercise since the D Day landings of the Second World War. Hypodermic needles were begged, bought or stolen from every country that still had stocks, the overwhelming “injections” being made by use of vaccine guns that delivered a measured dose every couple of seconds without the need for needle renewal.
The entire US military were employed to move people to selected desert and wilderness locations; - death camps; - euphemistically referred to as quarantine stations; far, far away from the major cities and towns. There, they were housed and tented, watered and fed, and at all times, forcefully policed and prevented from leaving. Giant earth moving equipment was brought in to dig bottomless pits hundreds of yards long and wide.
People who had already been exposed to the virus began to die, and as each pit was filled with corpses and covered by sand, others were dug. Soon, those who had not previously been exposed began to suffer a similar fate. People began to suspect that the government had not been entirely truthful with them, and soon, disquiet turned into open revolt.
The President gave the order and the military complied. Anyone trying to leave their allocated quarantine station was to be shot on sight. Riots began to run out of control as the by now prisoner inmates of the quarantine camps realized that the future held only death. They no longer had anything to lose: they would rather face death at the hands of the military than to die in what were now becoming the world’s biggest concentration death camps.
Orders were given for Military jets to bomb the camps with the largest and most lethal non nuclear weapons available. Tens of thousands died at a stroke; they were the lucky ones. The decision was taken to stop supplies of all food and water; what little water that was available was to be poisoned, the people were going to die anyway, so why delay the inevitable? Dead people do not riot; they simply rot.
Soon, the ever growing number of daily deaths became too much for even the giant earth moving equipment to cope with. The decision was taken to abandon the living to their fate. The surviving numbers were still in their millions and were simply left to the mercy of starvation, poisoning, disease and an increasing number of artillery and air strikes. Poisoned gas and chemical agents were fired in by artillery shells; people died twitching and in convulsions as the nerve gasses attacked their bodies; the scenes being reminiscent of the German gas attacks on the helpless men cowering in their trenches during the First World War well over a century before.
The Gods looked down on the carnage with a mixture of satisfaction at the success of the JIHADA’s planning, and disgust at the indifference with which the dominant species treated each other. There was to be no more culling of a planet’s dominant species – only extermination: They now possessed the virus, and had agreed that from now on; breaking the Rules of the Universe was both acceptably and necessary. Sir James McNaught’s advice had been well received and agreed by all of the Gods. The JIHADA had been forgiven and was allowed to return to the Planet of the Gods. He could no longer be held responsible for breaking the rules; the Gods themselves had now broken the Rules of the Universe, and would continue to do so.
Within a few short eventful and shameful months, the population of America was down to the 20 million who had received the Indian vaccine. Most of the rest of the once 500 million people were buried beneath the desert and wilderness sands, or simply left to rot and decompose, far away from what was left of the American survivors. Bodies of the people that had remained in the cities and towns were either buried by the military where spare land was available, or dumped off giant container ships out into the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, as had happened after the black and Muslim murderous carnage a few short months before.
The Earth was now noticeably cooler owing to the Nuclear Winter. The effects of both the Middle East and the Indian nuclear explosions had sent millions of tons of gasses and minute dust particles high into the atmosphere, obscuring and filtering all sunlight for days on end.
Most of the 20 million surviving Americans moved south into the warmer regions, gathering food and supplies as they went. Occasionally they encountered small pockets of survivors who had isolated themselves from society. These people they left alone, knowing that sooner or later, the virus would find them. It would probably hitch a lift on a dog, or a rat; maybe even inside a mosquito. Whatever the mode of transportation – it would always find them; it wanted to survive and multiply, and for that, only a human host would do.
After a period of adaptation and lifestyle consolidation lasting a little over a year, a few of the 20 million American survivors started to die in their sleep. These numbers began to escalate, reaching a panic point where half a million all died within one week. The Indian placebo was now becoming ineffective; soon the only survivors would be the ones who had received the correct Indian vaccine – the President, the chiefs of staff and all their families, and the select few who were the chosen ones; chosen by the President himself. The vast country that was once the United States of America, would have less than one hundred people alive throughout its’ vast reaches.
South America’s population numbered in the millions; many of the richer countries had bought as much of the vaccine as the Indians would allow them to. Having been on the receiving end of military domination by the United States for a couple of centuries, Mexico was now free to reclaim all of her former territories; she didn’t need to, as her population had been reduced by 90%; never the less, she marched her army triumphantly into the Southern American States.
Canada declared a state of war with America, only there was no one to make war with. She had ordered and paid for in kind, millions of doses of the vaccine, ceding many of her precious oil fields and unlimited food supplies in return. America had obliterated India and all of Canada’s prepared stocks on what was to be the vaccine’s delivery date. The entire nation was now doomed to a
n extinction of biblical proportions. Only a few isolated Canadian communities were still clinging on to life.
If only the Americans had waited; the threat of nuclear annihilation would certainly have forced the Indians into revealing the secret of the vaccine’s formula and production. Instead the secret had vanished along with the Indian people; now only one man on earth knew that secret, and he was happy to keep the secret between only himself and the JIHADA.
‘Why did her southern neighbor have to be so headstrong and stupid’? The doomed Canadian people asked themselves as they watched their family members die one by one.
The Eskimos of Northern Alaska were unaffected for many months, however, of the many Canadians moving North to escape the ravages of the virus, a small proportion were carriers, and even in the frozen North, the virus adapted and multiplied throughout its’ human hosts.
The last non vaccinated people on the planet to succumb were the remote Amazonian tribesmen. Living deep in the jungle; many of the tribes had rarely seen other humans, and so contact with the virus was spared. The virus however was smart, and needed a human host to survive and multiply. It did not want to eliminate its only means of survival, and so it travelled the world looking for new hosts using a variety of transport modes. Dead monkeys; killed for food by the tribesmen, was the vehicle by which it gradually worked its’ way through the rainforests.
It learned to delay the deaths of many of its’ hosts. During its’ initial assault on the human race, few people survived beyond 2 months. The total elimination of the human race would also spell extinction for the virus. People began to live for months after infection thinking that they were to be spared, they were not: the virus made its move whenever it chose to do so.
Mohamed Abu Raheem was happy in his remote Afghan village. The Indian government had rewarded him well for his achievement in creating the vaccine; their benevolence was based on the pragmatic premise that if they were to shower him with considerable riches, then the secret of the vaccine would remain forever safe. There were those in the government who wanted him eliminated. What if he were to sell the secret formula and method of manufacture to the world? This would relieve India of the considerable power that she was about to wield, and in turn make him the richest and most sought after scientist in the world. Mohamed’s journey back to his remote mountain village had been closely monitored. The Indian government decided to keep him alive; he and he alone had tamed the monster, and his services may again be needed sometime in the future.
Mohammed was now treated like a prophet in his tiny village community. He had built a school for the boys: under strict Islamic Sharia law, it was forbidden for the girls to be educated; their role in life was to have good Muslim children and to worship Allah. He had also brought to the village the original unadulterated vaccine; just enough for everyone in the village, - no one else. Mohamed’s village survived the ravages of the virus. Nowhere and no one else in the entire country did; Afghanistan was a Muslim country, and as such was denied access to the vaccine by the Indian government.
Mohamed told the villagers of how the JIHADA had visited him in his dreams, and of how he had instructed him in the implementation of the LOST SCRIPTURES.
Elsewhere, few Muslims now survived on earth; only those rich enough to have bought the vaccine from India through a third party were still alive. These people now lived in isolated communities, protecting themselves with their own private armies; in many cases they hid their Muslim religion from prying eyes, shaved off their beards, and even attended Christian churches or Buddhists temples to complete the deception. They were still sought out by people from all other religions, and when found, none of them survived. They had been responsible for bringing the plague to the planet; they had to pay the price of their folly.
The entire world blamed Islam for the plague: it suited the governments that knew the truth to stay quiet; they needed the vaccine. Islam had been too dominant in the pre apocalyptic world. It must never be allowed to achieve such dominance again. Total elimination was the answer: Islam must disappear completely from the face of the earth.
A certain degree of normality was slowly returning to the countries wealthy enough to have bought the vaccine. Throughout Europe, the 10% of the population that were now alive were slowly drifting back to the towns and cities; food was running out, and starvation beckoned. Tens of millions of rotting carcasses and trillions of bloated flies had originally driven them to form their own little communities on remote mountain sides or in the forests. Violence and total lawlessness was the norm. These problems were met with ever more violence from the police and army; these were the people that had received the vaccine before the rest of the population; these had been the people with the guns. They demanded the priority that overwhelming force invariably achieves.
It was thought that by appeasing the armed forces, a certain degree of control could be achieved: without exception the authorities were wrong in their understanding of human nature. The soldiers, sailors and air force men had wives, children, mothers and fathers; they had friends, who also had children and relatives. Why should a bunch of old and unquestionably corrupt politicians decide who should and who should not live. The lives of these people were worth nothing in comparison to the lives of their own families.
Vaccine was commandeered at gunpoint and administered to family members and friends. It was then sold to the highest bidder, the seller little knowing that all forms of currency, precious stones and material wealth were to become of zero value. Weapons and vaccine were now the only form of currency: weapons were the only way to obtain food; no one wanted money or gold anymore; people with stockpiles of tinned and preserved food were the new rich.
Africa, with the only exception being the white population of South Africa, who were the only ones to have received the correct vaccine, was now almost completely devoid of people. The lions, hyenas, wild dogs and vultures had multiplied tenfold. Food was everywhere, either in the form of dying and dead people or their crops and livestock.
Africa was returning to the Africa of before homo sapien had arrived; she was turning the clock back 200,000 years.
The Christian and Buddhists Asian countries and Australasia were also beginning to return to a limited form of civilization. The regions had been wealthy, and had bought vast quantities of the vaccine before the European powers had realized the devastation that the virus would cause.
No one had survived the nuclear holocaust on the Indian sub continent. President Steinberg, the pig farmer from Tennessee had received the message loud and clear from Theodore and McNaught. Admiral Black had been only too willing to expedite the Presidential order.
Few people were now alive in North America. The Indian placebo had seen to that. After over a hundred years of threat and counter threat, MAD; Mutually Assured Destruction, had finally been achieved on planet earth by the Indians and the Americans.
The people of the richer countries who had bought the vaccine were to become the unlucky ones. It soon became apparent that the reality of the new life was not the under populated, peaceful panacea that they had at first envisaged.
Food supplies began to run low. The millions of putrefying bodies had begun to contaminate water supplies, leading to what was once, unimaginable numbers of deaths resulting from the third world diseases of dysentery and cholera. Often whole newly formed communities would succumb after drinking from once pure streams or wells, and with the absence of proper food and medical care, few of them survived.
Temperatures began to drop as the dust clouds from the nuclear holocaust unleashed on the Middle East and India began to circle the planet and obscure much of the sunlight. Food could barely be grown as supplies of seed stock were either unsuitable for the new colder and dryer climate, or had already been consumed. Most of the plant life could not adapt quickly enough to survive, leading to the death by starvation of livestock. No one bothered farming livestock any mo
re, as bands of starving soldiers or well armed groups of both men and women, shot, butchered and consumed anything that they could lay their hands on. Survival usurped all forms of morality.
Rainfall was virtually nonexistent throughout most of the planet.
Only Israel prospered; thanks to her pact with India, all of her Jewish population had been vaccinated against the virus. Israel adapted her farming practices to cope with the changing climate. Israel had plentiful supplies of clean pure water from her underground lake. Israel no longer had to worry about the genocidal intentions of her neighbors. Israel no longer had neighbors.
The rest of the world’s survivors were not so fortunate.
Not all of the contaminated people died within the first 6 to 8 weeks; immune systems fought the virus, and the virus itself seemed to become less effective; many people lived for months before eventually succumbing. Without the vaccine, the man made virus was impossible to resist; death was always 100% guaranteed; there was no IF, only WHEN. Little did the surviving people know that the WHEN was of the virus’s own choosing. The virus was modifying its’ timescale to ensure its’ own survival.
The entire planet took on an evil stench; at times, the trillions of big black bloated flies obscured what little light the dust cloud allowed to filter through. People had to walk around with their mouths covered, as a single deep breath would ingest a half dozen of the evil, putrid beasts resulting in death by contamination and bacterial poisoning.
Well trained and faithful domestic dogs had been locked in their homes as their owners died: starving, they had feasted on the only food available; - their owners, - followed by the maggots, and then their owner’s bones. Many had eventually escaped through broken windows or doors left open by looters who were looking for food. These dogs now formed into packs and reverted back to their original roles; reverted back to the time before mankind had redesigned them through selective breeding.
Jihada: The Lost Scriptures Page 21