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Sinergy Page 7

by Iris Bolling


  Hayward Ellington sat in his luxurious sunroom in his Hampton estate reading the entertainment section of the Sunday paper. The usual nonsense was being reported, this one carrying that ones bastard child. This one is sneaking around with someone other than his wife. One would think there were better topics to put in a newspaper. Turning the page, a caption caught his attention just as he was about to toss the paper aside. Real Estate Mogul Called Out of the Closet. Beneath the article was a picture of Nicole Brooks standing over a woman with her legs up in the air. His face frowned in disgust. How could she be so stupid?

  “Mr. Ellington,” his butler called out. “You have a call.” He gave the telephone to Hayward.

  “Ellington here.”

  “Mr. Ellington, I believe you have a vote this week regarding a real estate deal with Nicole Brooks.”

  “Who is this?”

  “Unimportant. Your question should be how can I assist you in eliminating Brooks International from the deal?”

  There was hesitation. “I’m listening.”

  Chapter 5


  Richmond, Virginia

  Early Monday morning Trish Hargrove sat in the reception area of Davenport Industries dressed in an indigo designer dress, a thick black belt around her tiny waist, matching red heels and a pair of large designer sunshades. Her legs crossed and swinging. This is going to be a good day, she thought as she patiently waited for Xavier to arrive. The events of the weekend put her in a perfect position to be set for life. Things could not have turned out better if she had planned it herself. Before the week was out, she would be financially set, without selling her soul to the devil. With any luck, by the end of the day, she would have Xavier back in her bed. She flipped her shoulder length hair from her neck and tilted her head slightly to the side.

  The pictures of the communities designed and built by Davenport Industries hung proudly along the wall in the lobby. This building itself, was designed by a man with vision and passion. That’s what drew her to Xavier, his passion. Yes, his bank account was what caught her attention, but it was his passion that reached in and took a little piece of her heart. She wanted to feel that passion again. She wanted Xavier Davenport.

  The last time they were together, she did not understand that good things came to those who wait. She tried to rush things with Xavier. Now, she had the patience it would take to get what she wanted. The man and financial security were within her grasp thanks to Nicole Brooks. Sitting up straight, her smile brightened. Who would have thought it? Nicole not only pushed the man into her arms, but would be the person filling her bank account with a digit and lots of zeroes behind it, once her attorney filed the law suit. Her parents played games in the past whenever the mighty Brooks stepped out of line. With her, it was be a very different story. Hell, she had pictures to back her claim.


  The voice radiated warmth so deep, the moisture could be felt between her legs. The vision stirred it more. “Xavier.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  Her body slowly rose, revealing her long legs and curvy figure. The move was a practiced one that was meant to grab a man’s attention. “I had to stop by in person to apologize.” She placed her clutch under her arm. “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

  “Sure.” Xavier put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her toward the elevator. “Good morning Lafonde,” he spoke to the receptionist who handled the administrative offices. “Do you have any messages for me?”

  “Yes, sir.” Lafonde gave a stack of messages to Xavier, while giving the women a side eye. “You have a ten-fifteen with the board, your mother’s physical therapist would like for you to call, and your lunch appointment will be about fifteen minutes late. Would you like for me to hold your calls?”

  Xavier glanced at his watch to determine how much time he had to speak with Trish. Something compelled him to have this conversation now, rather than later. “Yes, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Walking into the plush office it was clear this was an executive’s space. The cherry wood desk, sat in front of a wall of windows with a view of downtown. A conference table, with the model of the current project in development spread across it, was at one end of the room. At the other end sat a drafting table, with a sketchpad, pencils, straight edge aid and a computer with a large monitor, with designs flashing on the screen.

  “Have a seat Trish.” Xavier pointed to the chairs that sat directly in front of his desk as he placed his portfolio on the drafting table. “How are you?” he asked looking over his shoulder.

  “A few bruises here and there, but nothing major. No broken bones or anything,” she joked as she sat and crossed her legs. The hem of the dress rising to show, smooth solid thighs. “I really want to apologize for the ugliness that took place on Saturday. It was so unfortunate to have that type of element at such a worthy event.”

  As he walked to his desk, he raised an eyebrow. “What type of element would that be, Trish?”

  “Oh, you know, Xavier. Violence is not the way to settle anything. Anyone who cannot control their temper should not be allowed around civilized people.”

  “You questioned her femininity. Did you think your comment would go unchallenged?”

  “Why would she challenge what is true? Her history has been with women, not men.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’ve known Nicole Brooks all my life. We went to middle and high school together. There has never been a boyfriend or a man in her life. She went away to college and the only person she has ever brought home was that Alicia Robinson,” she huffed.

  “Have you ever been intimate with her?”

  Trish pulled her shades from her eyes and glared at Xavier. “I am one hundred percent female. I love the feel of a man between my thighs. There is nothing, let me express that again, nothing, a woman can do with this.” She motioned her hands around her body.

  “Then my question is how do you know Nicole does not feel the same way?”

  It took her a moment before the realization that Xavier’s responses were not what she’d expected. “Because I know,” she replied. “Look at my face Xavier. I can’t believe you’re sitting here attempting to justify her doing this to me.” She looked as if she would cry.

  “Trish, you and I have played this game for a while. I know you and I thought you knew me. Unfortunately, I’m beginning to see that you don’t.” He sat up in his seat. “If you did, you would know I don’t deal with drama. For the brief time we were together, you brought drama into my life. Like then, I turn my back on that. You know this about me, or at least I thought you did.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know the history between you and Nicole. However, from what I saw on Saturday, I strongly suggest you pick another target. For it does not seem to me that Nicole Brooks is someone you want to go up against.”

  “Are you taking her side, after what she did to me?”

  “No.” Xavier shook his head. “I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’m saying, look at your face, then take a look at hers. That observation should clearly tell you to watch what you say to her, for she strikes back—hard.”

  Trish stood with her hands on her hips. “Are you laughing at me, Xavier Davenport?”

  “Yes, Trish. You knew before you made the statement that it was going to evoke a reaction from her. That’s why you looked back at me and grinned before you said it.” He stood and walked around the front of the desk to stand before her and leaned against it. “I never understood why you thought the way to get attention was to belittle or humiliate others.” He tweaked her chin. “You are much too fine to have to resort to things like that. If a man is going to be with you, let him be there for the beautiful person Trish is, not for the fault you can show him in others.” She smiled.

  He removed her hands, and stood. “I think you are physically a very beautiful woman, it’s the person inside that’s a lit
tle scary.”

  “I can change for you, Xavier. You know I will.”

  “You shouldn’t have to. There is a man out there that will accept you as you are. I’m not him, but he does exist.”


  “No.” He kissed her forehead. “It’s not going to happen. We’ve had this discussion before and nothing has changed.” He took her shades from her hands and placed them back on her face. “Go home and take care of that eye and for goodness sake, stay away from Nicole.”

  Trish picked up her purse. “I believe you still care, Xavier.”

  “I do.” He placed his hand behind her back and guided her to the door. “Just not the way you want me to.” He opened the door. “Now go.”

  She stepped out the door, then came back with a frown. “Why do you keep referring to her as Nicole? You don’t know her.”

  “I met her Saturday,” he replied.

  “When?” Trish asked. “When did you meet her?”

  It was too late by the time he realized his mistake. “I went to the police station to bail her out of jail, but her brother was there and she didn’t need me.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Really? You went to bail her out while I was laying on the floor bleeding and humiliated.”

  “Trish, your screams had garnered all the attention in the room. You didn’t need me.”

  “So you took it upon yourself to go to Nicole Brooks’ rescue.”

  “I did.”


  “Yes, Trish, really. She did donate a huge sum of money to the recreation center. It was the least I could do.”

  “Is that all it was about—her donation?”

  Focusing now on the notes for his meeting, Xavier replied without thinking. “I would be lying if I said she was not an intriguing woman.”

  “How can you be interested in her?” she yelled as she stomped back into the room. “She doesn’t like men. Do you not understand?”

  The anger in her voice caused him to look up from his notes. The glare he gave her was cold. “I’m a grown man, Trish. I don’t deal with children.”

  Trish closed her eyes to rein in her temper. “Xavier,” she spoke in a controlled manner. “Nicole Brooks is not the woman for you,” she cried out. “Can’t you see, I’m standing right here in front of you?”

  “We tried that, Trish, it didn’t work.” He picked up his notes. It wasn’t that he wasn’t sensitive to her feelings. He knew if he attempted to console her in anyway, she would take it as a sign of affection he just did not have for her. “I have a board meeting I have to attend. I believe you know your way out.”

  “X-man, do you have the new specs on the Cedar Street strip mall?” Zack stopped as he noticed Trish standing near the desk. “I’m sorry, I did not know you had a visitor. Hello, Trish.”

  “Hello, Zackary.” Trish turned to walk out. “Please stop calling him X-man, it’s so childish.” Trish stood there, not believing what he just said. “All right, Xavier.” She pushed her purse under her arm. “Remember you set these wheels in motion,” she said then walked out.

  Xavier shrugged his shoulders wondering if he should have handled that differently.

  “Women problems?” Zack grinned.

  “Not really.” Xavier picked up his notes then his tablet with the diagram for the strip mall.

  “Trish looked a little upset.”

  “Trish is always upset about one thing or another.”

  “True,” Zack replied as he tried to get a read on his little brother. X-man always kept his feelings close to the vest. He rarely expressed anger or frustration. The only time Zack could remember X-man having a cross word with anyone was when he had treated his wife badly. His wife, Diamond, had been X-man’s best friend all through college. Anger was Zack’s way of keeping Diamond from capturing his heart and X-man did not like it one bit. In addition to that, X-man did not like the fact that he kept the truth about their mother from him. Since that time Zack did all he could to keep the lines of communication honest with X-man. Besides, as his big brother it was his responsibility to protect X-man in all things. “A woman scorned is hell on wheels, X-man. Learn from my mistakes. Don’t underestimate how far Trish will go to get your attention.”

  “Trish isn’t a woman scorned Zack. I was very clear with her. A relationship between us is not in the future, especially now.” Xavier said as he walked toward the door.

  “Because of Nicole Brooks?”

  “Yes.” Xavier stopped and looked at his brother.

  “Did you tell Trish that?”

  “No, not really. She asked about Nicole and I didn’t lie. I am very interested in Nicole.”

  “And you told Trish that?”

  Xavier stepped through the door. “Why do you keep asking me that?” He looked back over his shoulder at Zack. “I told her the truth.”

  Zack chuckled as they walked down the hallway to the conference room. “When it comes to women, there’s the truth and then there’s their truth.”

  Xavier frowned at Zack. “There is only one truth, Zack. I’m not interested in a relationship with Trish.”

  “Because of Nicole Brooks.”

  “No,” Xavier said as he opened the door to the conference room. “Because of Trish.”

  Zack pushed the wood door closed. “I’m willing to bet, what Trish heard you say was you are not interested in a relationship with her because you are now interested in Nicole Brooks.”

  “That’s not what I said, Zack. I lost interest in Trish months ago. She knows that.”

  “All I’m saying is she may have heard it differently.” He opened the door and pushed X-man inside.

  Xavier stepped into the room as the occupants stood to applaud. In the front of the room, Diamond stood next to a banner that read, Davenport Industries, Home of the $50,000.00 Man.

  The members of the board, Reese Kendrick, head of security, Jake Turner, the Human Resources Director, Julia English, the Corporate Attorney and the newest member, Neil Jeffries, Director of Finance, laughed as Xavier’s head fell to his chest in embarrassment.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the fifty-thousand dollar man, Xavier Davenport single handedly secured the initial funds for the Recreation Center.” The members of the board threw long stem roses at Xavier’s feet.

  “Ha, Ha, very funny,” he laughed at Diamond, then turned to Zack. “You were in on this?”

  “Of course not.” Zack grinned. “You know I’m all about business.”

  “Yeah, right.” Xavier grinned.

  “Did you really think we were going to let this opportunity to pull your chain slide?” Zack affectionately hit Xavier on the shoulder, and then took his seat at the head of the conference table. “Be happy I took all the red lace panties they planned to throw.”

  Xavier laughed, as he took his seat. “Thank you for the little things.”

  “If everyone will settle down. Before we begin with our scheduled board meeting, we have a special announcement.” Diamond clicked the remote control, and the monitor dropped slowly down from the ceiling. She clicked another button and Nicole Brooks appeared on the screen.

  “Good morning, Diamond, and members of Davenport Industries Board of Directors. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. My name is Nicole Brooks. It was my honor to be the donor of $50,000.00 toward the construction of the Recreation Center. Diamond was kind enough to send me the specs for the center and plans for services to be offered. I was impressed, very impressed with the project. More so with Davenport Industries’ pledge to cover fifty percent of the cost. As the CEO of Brooks International, we are always searching for projects that concentrate on improving communities. I have a decent understanding of the cost to build the wonderful facility you have planned. The funds collected from the charity event represent approximately twenty percent of the total budget. We believe happy families build strong communities. After a careful review of this project, we believe the services this facility will provide will have
a significant contribution to building family unity. For that reason, we have decided to guarantee the remaining balance needed to construct the recreation center.” The room erupted in applause. Nicole smiled. “Brooks International extends our congratulations on your efforts to improve communities across the country.”

  “Good morning Ms. Brooks. Zackary Davenport here. On behalf of Davenport Industries and the Highland Park community, we accept the offer and thank you for your generosity.”

  “You are welcome. Our financial department will be in touch. Congratulations again to Davenport Industries.”

  “Thank you, Nicole,” Diamond said as she clicked off the connection, then turned and took her seat at the table. “Now, that’s the way you get corporate donations.”

  Neil Jeffries shook his head as he spoke. “The purpose of my report today was to advise the board that funding of this project may create a cash flow problem for the company.” He picked up the report. “I can now shred this.”

  The murmur of conversations raced around the table with excitement. Zack’s attention fell on his brother. While X-man smiled with the others, Zack could see that he did not welcome the announcement. Zack knew that the board anticipated having to take the brunt of the cost for constructing the center, for they understood the chance of raising the additional funds needed were slim. Nicole Brooks had just lifted that burden from them.

  Reese looked down the table at Xavier and laughed. “It seems you made quite an impression on the lady, X-man.”

  Xavier did not respond. The joy of seeing Nicole changed with her announcement. He had spoken to her last night before going to sleep and she did not mention this. Of course their conversation was more on the personal level. However, he had a concern with crossing the personal and professional lines. Hearing the excitement around the table, he looked up, smiled then caught his brother’s eyes. He quickly masked his anger.


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