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Sinergy Page 14

by Iris Bolling

  Vernon smiled. “I only promised to speak with her mother. I’m pretty confident I can sway her to our way of thinking.”

  It was the first time in a week Gwen had seen a light in her granddaughter’s eyes.

  “Did I know what?” Avery asked as he put the phone on the table.

  “Taylor wants to go to law school,” Gwen replied with pride in her eyes.

  “Of course she does,” Avery beamed. “She’s a Brooks. It’s in her blood.”

  “I have to get accepted first, Papa,” Taylor cautioned everyone.

  “That’s a given.” Avery nodded.

  Vernon sat next to his daughter and pulled at her hair. “Columbia is no joke Dad. It’s not a guarantee.”

  “Columbia?” Avery’s chest puffed out. “You could get a condo in Nicole’s Palace while you’re in school.”

  “Dad and I are going to take a look this weekend.”

  Avery looked at Vernon. “You’re going to New York?”

  “Yes, we’re leaving tomorrow.”

  “Good. You can see what’s going on at Brooks International. That was Stacy on the phone. It seems Nicole fired her today.”

  “About time,” Gwen smirked.


  “Don’t Gwendolyn me. That heifer was too high and mighty for me. I still think she was the one who shared your plans for the convention center with that…what was his name?”


  “Yes, that Ellington man. The one who thinks only the purebreds of America have the right to network in his circle. I don’t like that man and I do not like Stacy and I certainly never trusted her.”

  “Tell us how you feel Grandma. Don’t hold anything back.” Taylor grinned.

  “Oh you hush.” Gwen smiled, then turned back to Avery. “Don’t you interfere in Nicole’s decision. If Nicole fired her, I’m certain she had a good reason.”

  “I have to agree, Pop,” Vernon chimed in. “Nicole has a long fuse. It takes a while and quite a bit to get her to the point of firing someone. Have you spoken with her?”

  “No,” Avery replied. “According to Alicia she is off the grid until Monday.”

  “Ahh, it’s the weekend getaway with Xavier Davenport.” Taylor smiled. “I hope he is the one for Aunt Nikki. She deserves a sexy man like him.”

  “You think Davenport is sexy?” Vernon looked over his glass at his daughter.

  “Yes, Daddy, I do. He has this strong, silent aura about him.”

  “And how would you know?” Gwen asked.

  “I checked him out when Aunt Nikki won her bid. You have to be careful around men. Even the ones that seem on the surface to be good and trust worthy, you have to dig deeper before agreeing to be in the same room with them, much less in a hotel room with them.” The members of the room looked from one to the other.

  “I’m certain Nicole took precautions, Taylor,” Gwen said in a soothing voice. “I think she likes him, quite a bit.”

  “Hmmm, that’s an understatement,” Vernon continued to take the hard glare of his parents from his daughter. Whatever happened, he was going to let Taylor tell him when she was ready. That doesn’t mean he was going to wait for that. “When was the last time you’ve known Nicole to take time off from work for any man?”

  “Never,” Gwen replied. “That’s why that silly rumor about her being gay took off like it did. Nicole hasn’t had a man in her life in forever.”

  “Nicole is selective,” Avery stated. “This Davenport kid must be something.”

  “I question his judgment,” Vernon stated. “He was involved with Trish Hargrove.”

  “Well, that’s a mark against him,” Gwen huffed.

  “He dumped her,” Taylor added.

  “How do you know that?” Vernon asked.

  “It was in that blog, Rumor Has It.”

  “You read that mess?” Gwen asked.

  “I have to stay in the know and, like it or not, the person behind that blog has an inside track on us.”

  “Did you read the post on you?” Vernon asked.

  Avery sat up. “Someone posted something on my baby?”

  “No worries, Papa. It was true. Well, the gist of it was true. I did walk out on a session.”

  “Why? You’re under contract. You have to honor you commitments.”

  “Yes, Papa I do, when lines aren’t crossed. However, my contract with B7 Beats ends in a few months and I have no intention of re-signing with them.”

  “You ever consider setting up your own studio?”

  Taylor sat up. “Really, Daddy?”

  “Damn right.”

  “I still want to go to law school. But it would be great to control my own music. I can produce the kind of music I like and don’t have to cave in to others.”

  “You can create a masterpiece and if it’s not on someone’s play list, no one will ever hear it,” Constance said from the doorway. “As I told you before, there is an aspect of this business you do not understand. The labels have connections with the radio stations that you will never be able to penetrate on your own, Taylor. As smart as you are you do not know everything.”

  Gwen looked at her granddaughter, and just like that, the light in her eyes was gone.

  Taylor stood. “Excuse me. The atmosphere in the room just became a little stale.” She walked out of the room.

  “Do you have to stomp on her dreams like that?” Gwen asked. “At least let her try it her way.”

  “It costs money to build a studio, to hire producers, to get beats,” Constance replied.

  “Taylor has made millions off her music,” Avery stated. “If that’s not enough, hell, I have billions sitting somewhere, build her a damn studio, if that’s what she wants.”

  “Money is not the solution to everything,” Constance replied.

  “No?” Vernon laughed. “When did you come to that realization?”

  Constance poured herself a drink. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the morning I caught you in bed with your brother’s wife.”

  Vernon stood.

  “Vernon,” Avery cautioned.

  “It’s all good, Pop. Connie is right. I did sleep with my brother’s wife.” Vernon stopped when he reached Constance’s side. He poured another drink as he stood at the bar staring into his wife’s eyes. “Why don’t you divorce me Connie? It’s clear you’re not happy and the only happiness I know, you just squashed from my daughter’s eyes. So, tell me, if money isn’t everything, why in the hell are you still married to me?” They held each other’s eyes for a long minute before anything was said. “Pop.” Vernon never took his eyes from Constance. “Have an accounting done on Taylor’s earnings. Let’s see if she has what’s needed to build her own studio.”

  “He can’t do that. I’m her manager,” Constance replied with a calm smirk.

  “For now,” Vernon replied. “That contract is coming to an end.”

  “I’m her mother. That’s a lifetime contract.”

  “You will always be her mother, Connie. That is not the case as her manager.”

  Constance smirked. “You don’t have the time or fortitude to manage her, Vernon. You are brilliant; I’ll give you that. Management in the music business takes someone who can compromise. That eliminates you.”

  “If Taylor needs a new management team,” Gwen spoke, “I’m certain Nick can assist.”

  “Taylor is my child,” Constance snapped. “I will decide what is best for her.”

  “Correction Connie,” Vernon spoke in a voice too calm to ignore. “Taylor is our child. One who is old enough to make her own decisions. If she does not want to sign a contract with you or B7 Beats, as parents we will support that.”

  Constance put the glass, which was now empty on the bar. “We’ll see, Vernon.” She tilted her head towards Gwen and Avery then left the room.

  “What on earth has gotten into her?” Gwyneth proclaimed.

  “A man,” Vernon replied. “The only thing that would make Connie act t
his way is a man.”

  “One with wealth and power.” Avery nodded his agreement.

  “No,” Gwyneth exclaimed. “Connie may be unhappy but I don’t believe she would step out on Vernon.”

  Vernon watched as his wife walked up the staircase. He was certain that was exactly what Connie was doing. Her doing so did not faze him. What did was the role his daughter was to play in Connie’s plans. “Excuse me for a moment.”

  Vernon walked out to the veranda where he and Taylor were sitting earlier. Pulling out his cell phone he dialed Nick’s number.

  “What’s up, Vernon?” Nick spoke as if he was distracted.

  “I need you to look into something for me.”

  “You need me?” Nick teased. “It’s going to cost you.”

  Vernon looked incredulous. “You’re going to charge me.”

  “Aren’t you the brother who’s always saying time is money? You’re damn right I’m going to charge you.” Nick laughed.

  Vernon smiled and as he thought about it, he was pleased Nick had the knack for smoothing out a situation with humor. “It’s Taylor. I want you to find out who is trying to sign her. I also want to know who you would recommend to take over managing her career.”

  “The last part is easy. My partner Tyrone Pendleton is the best in the business. He will also be the person to answer your first question. He is wired into the music business like you wouldn’t believe.”

  “Get what you can from him.” Vernon hesitated. “I don’t like the vibe I’m getting from Taylor.”

  “What’s going on with her?”

  Vernon stood feeling helpless. “I don’t know, Nick.” He shook his head. “I just don’t know.”

  “Did you ask Constance?”

  “She gave me some bull about Taylor being young and think she knows everything.”

  “She is only twenty, Vernon. I deal with kids in Taylor’s situation every day. They are millionaires ten times over, with people trying to tell them what to do.” Nick sat back in his seat. “I have this one kid, Jason Whitfield. He is barely twenty, struggling to adjust to his new circumstances. If it hadn’t been for Persuasion, I would have lost the kid.”

  “Who is Persuasion?”

  “My team of investigators.” Nick laughed. “When any of my clients have situations that could cause them problems I have Persuasion investigate and fix it.”

  Vernon thought about this for a moment. “Look, I have investigators at my firm, but I don’t want them in my personal business. You think your team can check things out discreetly?”

  “I’m sending the contact information to your phone. Tell them I sent you. If something is happening, they will uncover it. Be sure to ask for Naverone. Whatever is happening, nip it now, before it causes issues for Taylor’s career.”

  Constance paced the suite wondering if she should make the call. Vernon was smart and determined. It would be better if she let this deal with Taylor drop. Now she just had to convince Isaac. Stepping out onto the balcony, so she would not be over heard, Constance dialed the number.

  “Let me speak to him.”

  “Mr. Singleton, Connie is on the line.”

  Isaac looked up from the contract on his desk, then motioned for the phone. “Connie, are you on your way home?”

  “No, there’s been a complication.”

  “Nothing we can’t handle, I’m sure.”

  Constance hesitated. “Taylor has decided she doesn’t want to come back right now.”

  Isaac held his temper, keeping the goal in mind. “I’m sure you can convince her otherwise.”

  “It may be best to let her stay. Her father is beginning to ask questions.”

  Isaac smiled. Vernon was the person at the center of his plans. “He’s doing what he thinks is best for his daughter. I would do the same if Taylor was mine. However, you should remind him, Taylor has a contract with B7 to honor.”

  “This family isn’t concerned with money, Isaac. They have money and power.”

  “Ah, I forgot we are talking about the mighty Brooks’,” he snorted. “If Taylor does not honor her contract, B7 will have no choice but to execute the clause which states, she will be prohibited from signing with any other studio for the next five years. That could destroy her career.”

  “Isaac, this is my daughter,” Constance pleaded.

  “Yes, and this is business. If she doesn’t complete this CD with Nail and all that it entails, including videos, it will cost the company millions, not to mention my reputation.” He hesitated. “Now, Connie, you know how people in this business can get when their rep is in question.”

  “You wouldn’t allow them to do anything to Taylor, Isaac, she’s my blood.”

  “I’ll hold them off as long as I can. Get Taylor back here to complete the CD. I’ll see you when you return.” He disconnected the call.

  “You want me to contact Nail?” his assistant asked.

  “No,” Isaac stated. “He’s doing what we paid him to do.”

  “How he’s doing it is what concerns me, Mr. Singleton. My job is to protect your back. If what he did was criminal, I don't want that to backfire on you.”

  “Is it criminal?”

  “That’s just it, sir, we don’t know.”

  Isaac nodded. “Where do we stand on the others?”

  “We have an opening to Nicole on both levels, personal and professional. As for Vernon, well, you’re sleeping with the man’s wife and we have control of his daughter’s career. The other two Brooks siblings are well protected.”

  “No one is clean. Keep digging. In the meantime, work on the daughter. ”

  Chapter 11

  Richmond, VA

  The sleek black BMW sedan pulled into the parking space next to the SUV Xavier was leaning against. His eyes followed her legs and moved upward as she stepped out of the automobile. The impact was like a punch to his gut. For a week, Xavier had been trying to determine what it was about Nicole, this woman, that made him think of giving up everything he ever thought of doing, just to have a few moments with her.

  Nicole did not think, wonder, or care she simply walked right into his embrace. Her fingers pulled the band from his braids, then spread them across his shoulders.

  “What is it about you that makes me want to strip bare and watch you make love to my body with your eyes?”

  A curl from her hair tickled his nose as he lifted her into his arms. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he turned and braced her body against the SUV. Her skirt inched up, leaving her thighs exposed to his touch. His hands smoothly caressed her thighs as he settled his body between them. They were smooth to the touch. Almost as smooth as her lips, but not as tasty, he thought, right before he devoured them. The kiss was slow, deep and thorough as he touched every corner of her mouth. He braced her face between his hands, going deeper, demanding every morsel of her sweetness to satisfy him.

  Her legs tightened around him, pulling him snug at her junction. The heat from his erection seared through her, causing her stomach to contract and juices to saturate her panties. Their bodies merged as if they were well-oiled machines working in tandem to accomplish one mission—satisfaction.

  His braids shielded her face as he ended the kiss and gazed into her eyes. His thumb rubbed across her lips. “If we stand here one moment longer, I’m not going to care who pulls into this garage.”

  “I’m ahead of you, I don’t care.”

  “I don’t want to share our moment with the world.” He kissed her, then set her back on her feet. He smoothed her skirt down.

  “You’re getting good at dressing me, Mr. Davenport. Are you as good at undressing?”

  Xavier took her hand, picked up her purse, which had dropped to the ground, then began walking towards the elevators. “I am better.” He displayed that one sided grin, she had come to expect as they walked behind the main elevator doors. On the other side he placed the palm of his hand on the display next to the elevator door. It opened. He back
ed her in, pinned her against the wall with her arms above her head with one hand. The elevator doors closed as his other hand moved stealthily up her chest, flicking the buttons from the white blouse open. As he reached the pink lace bra, he unclipped the front latch. He released her hands pushing both items to the floor. Before she could get a giggle out he had captured her right nipple between his lips.

  She moaned from the softness of his lips, the wetness of his tongue, the power of his suckles.

  “Xavier,” she groaned as he left one breast to capture the other with the same torment. She didn’t feel the release of her skirt until it hit the floor. His hands roamed the curve of her hips, as his tongue blazed a trail of heat between her breasts and down her stomach until he reached her navel. His tongue darted in and out of her tiny belly button, driving him to the brink of no return, for the scent of her awakened his primal need to have her.

  “Nicole.” Her name came out in a growl as he returned to her lips.

  “Yes.” The sweet word echoed out filled with surrender just as the elevator stopped and the doors opened into the hallway of his bedroom. Xavier picked her up and carried her to his bed. “Lights low,” he moaned as her body sank into the plush comforter and his body covered hers. He pushed the curls from her face, then stared down into her shimmering brown eyes. “May I have the honor of making love to you?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes captured the promise of sweet ecstasy in his. They were hypnotic and she did not want an antidote.

  Xavier stood gazing down. The sight of her lying on his bed enthralled him. She had to be the most exquisite creature God had ever created was his thought as he dropped his suit jacket and shirt to the floor.

  Nicole drooled at the sight of his bare chest. He was magnificent. Strong shoulders, a broad chest, and chiseled abs. He was to0 tempting to lay there. She came to her knees, touching his bare chest with her index finger, running it down the middle until she reached his belt. She unbuckled it, then unzipped his pants. When they dropped to the floor, she sat back on her haunches and took in all the wonder of Xavier Davenport.

  “God must truly love me.”

  Xavier reached out cupping her face in his hands, bringing her lips a breath away from his. “You, Nicole Brooks, are the personification of grace and beauty. In this moment I know God exists for only He would have the power to create something as alluring as you. I want to spend the next seventy-two hours getting to know every inch of you.”


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