What Lola Wants

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What Lola Wants Page 13

by Calista Fox

  “Another killer idea. Product Development should have been all over that,” Jen said. “You’re on fire.”

  Lola sighed with relief as she expelled the last of the I’m missing something with this campaign tension.

  And celebrated over happy hour with the team.

  She wished like hell she were with Alex instead.

  * * *

  The next day, Lola’s older brother, Jason, helped her hang pictures in her apartment as she unpacked them.

  Jace was a former college star quarterback who could have gone pro had he not suffered an impossible-to-fix-and-rehab torn rotator cuff and multiple detachments of his biceps.

  As he drilled holes in her walls, he said, “Great place, sis. Why isn’t Alex doing all this manly stuff for you?”

  A painful thorn-in-her-side topic. She felt the prick deep in her heart, her soul. “Alex and I are taking a breather from each other.” Did she sound casual enough? Unaffected? Not devastated to the core of her being?

  Apparently not, because Jace eyed her curiously. “You two get in a fight? Oh, shit, you didn’t mess up his condo too badly when you were staying there, did you?”

  Lola sighed. “No. I totally respected his OCD ways. For the most part. I did sort of suggest we sleep together, though. No strings attached.”

  “What?” Her brother’s eyes bulged. “What the fuck would make you do such a thing? Bad, bad idea, Lola. Bad.”

  “Okay, fine. Lesson learned the hard way.”

  “So… what happened? What’s the problem?”

  “I fell in love,” she admitted, because she never kept anything from Jace. “Or maybe I figured out that I’d always been in love with him. I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. He called it quits on me before I even told him how I feel—felt,” she amended. Because she had to get over Alex. Sooner rather than later. Or they’d never be friends again. A horrific thought that never failed to bring tears to her eyes.

  What the hell was she going to do? How was she going to survive when the one person she’d counted on the most had ripped the rug from underneath her?

  Yes, she’d started this sticky situation. She’d woven the web. But Alex had been all-in. Until the other night.

  What gives?

  “Hold the phone there, Lo.” Jace took a swig from his bottle of beer, then said, “There’s not a guy I can think of who would walk away from no-strings-attached sex. Unless he lost interest. We’re not that stupid.” He gave this some more thought, adding, “Other option… He’s in love. And given the fact that Alex has always been closer to you than your own shadow, I’d say that’s a distinct possibility.”

  Lola stared at her brother, dumbstruck. “In love?”

  He nodded.

  “With me?”

  Jace grinned. “Why the hell else would Alex give up the good thing he had going? Seriously, it’s the perfect scenario for a single dude. We don’t turn our backs on shit like that—no matter how much you’d like to think I’m valiant enough to say otherwise. I mean, when I was single, you know.”

  Her heart picked up a few extra beats.

  What if it was true? What if Alex had been all twisted and tangled in feelings as well, and she’d freaked him out by taking their situation a step further—asking him to make love to her? What if he’d felt as strongly about their bond that night as she had—and worried they’d crossed too big of a line, so he’d jumped back to keep her from finding out he was more into her than he’d let on?

  What if?

  “Oh, boy,” she said, excitement and desperation chasing down her spine. “This is—oh, fuck. I have to go. I need to see Pete.” She shooed Jace out the door as her heart thundered. “We can finish this later.” She followed him out and locked up behind her. Then she kissed her brother on the cheek and rushed to her car.

  The bar was busy, but Pete gave her a hug and settled her at a high-top for two, sitting across from her. Lola bounced in the seat. Her hands shook. Her anxiety was through the roof.

  So she got right down to business before she went into cardiac arrest.

  “Alex called off the FWB. Do you know why?”

  Pete hedged. Sure, she was putting him in a difficult spot, but Lola couldn’t help it. And she couldn’t go another five minutes without knowing exactly what was going on with her and Alex.

  She knew he and Pete talked. She was willing to pull the friendship strings to find out if he could help unravel the whole disaster.

  “Pete,” she prompted. And cut right to the chase. “Do you know why Alex would suddenly not want to have sex with me?”

  “Because it was a bad idea to begin with?”

  “Why does everybody keep saying that?” she demanded, exasperated. “It was going great. Turns out, we’re seriously hot together.”

  “Okay, this is probably a conversation to have with Alex.”

  “I haven’t returned any of his calls or texts. I wanted to get a grip on this first. I thought I screwed it all up, because I—you know—sort of fell in love.”

  Pete’s head snapped back. “You what?”

  “You heard me. And is it really such a big surprise? I mean… how many people do you know who’ve stuck by each other’s side through thick and thin? Through—everything. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him. We’re perfect together, Pete. In every way.”

  Pete’s brow lifted. “Did I just hear you right?”

  “I love him,” she repeated as fat drops rolled down her cheeks. “Do you think he has… feelings… for me, too? Romantic ones?”

  “Oh, fuck,” Pete said with an uneasy laugh.

  She didn’t blame him for not wanting to get caught in the middle, but what choice did she have but to press him? He was friends with both of them, damn it. She deserved his honesty too—he’d apparently been having this discussion with Alex the whole time.

  “Pete!” Her heart really couldn’t take any more toying with, so she demanded, “Tell me what you know!”

  With a grunt, and a hell of a lot of hesitation, Pete said, “He’ll kill me for this—and trust me, he’s been loading up the weights of late. He could do it.”

  “Pete,” she ground out. “Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.”

  Okay, Lola. Dial down the anxiety attack.

  In a softer tone, she added, “I’m in love, remember? And nursing a seriously broken heart.”

  “Lo…” He looked torn.

  She’d put him between a rock and a hard place. But she didn’t intend to back down. He knew her well enough to know that would be the case.

  So, disgruntled, he admitted, “Yes and yes. Since junior high. Maybe even before that. He’s totally in love with you, Lo.”

  Her hands pressed to her chest. Her heart launched into her throat. She could barely breathe, but managed to say, “That son of a bitch. He should have told me.”

  “He didn’t want to mess up your friendship. It means too damn much to him, Lo. You’re… it for him.”

  “Then why would he end the perfect solution of friends with benefits?”

  “Because he’s spent the vast majority of his life being your friend, and more than half of it being in love with you. And I think he’s convinced that you’d only laugh if you knew.”

  “I’m not laughing, Pete,” she said as more tears flowed down her cheeks. She stared him down. “I’m in love with him. No-turning-back in love.”

  Pete grinned coyly. “Interesting turn of events.”

  Lola swiped at her wet cheeks with her fingertips, then used the napkin he handed over. “What do I do?”

  “Goddamn it. I’m no relationship counselor. I date at will. Like, a lot.”

  “Pete, help me,” she implored. “You know Alex as well as I do and—”

  “No, I don’t. No one knows Alex as well as you do.”

  They stared at each other.

  He was so right.

  Pete gave her the ultimate make up your mind look. “Okay. Bottom line, gut
reaction: What do you want, Lola?”

  A total no-brainer. She didn’t even take a breath before saying, “Alex.”

  “Then fucking tell him. Before either of you suffers another second. And I have to painfully watch from the sidelines.”

  The tears didn’t abate, but Lola felt a spark of hope.

  Jumping off the stool, she gave Pete a hug, then raced off.

  * * *

  Alex was in a crappy mood. How long would Lola go without calling or texting him back? He’d desperately wanted to phone her at work, but didn’t want to get her in trouble over a personal call, especially because she was still new to the team. He’d gone to her parents’ house two days ago, but hadn’t caught anyone at home.

  Damn it, when the hell would she talk to him again?

  As a last-ditch effort, he decided to suck it up and make a plea to Jace. See if he had her new address, to hell if her brother punched him in the face for hurting his kid sister.

  As Alex reached for his cell, a fist pounded on his front door. Followed by a sharp, “Alex! Open up! It’s Lola.”

  His pulse jumped. Wide strides took him to the door. He unlocked it and yanked it open. Lola stood on the threshold, her chest rising and falling as though she’d just run the P.F. Chang’s Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon.

  “Great, you’re here!” She stormed in, forcing him to take several steps back, blowing in with the breeze in her tornado-like way. “We need to talk. Or rather, I need to talk, and you need to listen.”

  He reached around her and closed the door. “All right.” Curiosity ate at him. And everything inside him came back to life now that she was here in his condo. For whatever reason. At least she was here. With him.

  With no further ado, she said, “I liked that we were having sex. We are fantastic together. And that last time… well. Let’s face it, we were doing more than just hooking up. Alex…” She gripped his shirt flap, her fingers curling around the material. “I am completely and forever hopelessly devoted to you and ridiculously in love with you.”

  Alex’s stomach did a peculiar flip. “What?”

  “I know, crazy, right? But then again… no, not really. I mean, we’ve always been best friends, and then we started sleeping together and that was incredible too. So much so that it broke my heart that you ended things between us. Literally obliterated the entire organ,” she said in dramatic fashion. So Lola. Then she pulled in a long breath and told him, “Alex, there was so much more to it than friends with benefits.”


  “Do you love me?” she demanded as she stared up at him, taking him aback. “More than just as a friend? Are you in love with me, Alex?”

  His jaw dropped. He was too stunned to say anything.

  “Alex. No time for bullshitting or hedging. This is… deathly serious. Like… I can’t breathe without you, I can’t live without you serious.”

  Alex’s heart constricted as fat drops crested the rims of Lola’s eyes and slid slowly down her lovely, pink-tinged cheeks.

  But he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around all of this. With a shake of his head, he said, “Lo, this is just one big, fat mess. I can’t—”

  “That’s not the answer I’m looking for.” She speared him with a misty-eyed look. “If you love me, Alex, just say ‘yes.’”

  His jaw clenched.

  “Alex,” she insisted, desperation edging her voice. “Please,” she begged. “Now is the time to say it. Every little thing in my universe hinges on this, because I love you. If you feel the same way, now is the time to—”


  She released his shirt and threw her arms around his neck. Enthusiastically. She almost toppled him again. But he remained steady and held her firmly.

  “I do love you, Lo.” Emotion gripped him. She wasn’t fucking around. She really was serious. She was in love. With him. “Jesus, Lo.” Every dream he’d ever had had just come true. “I’ve always been in love with you. I always will be. Just you. Only you.”

  “I love you, Alex Reed,” she repeated. “Like, in the most insane, amazing, I-need-you-every-single-second-of-the-day kind of way.”

  She squirmed out of his embrace and stared up at him again. Her big blue eyes sparkled, despite being watery, and he saw a hint of mischief in them. What was she up to now?

  Pressing a hand to her stomach, she said, “I have butterflies. That’s a good sign.”

  He supposed he did too, and it was an odd, though captivating, feeling.

  “Alex,” she said, as she gripped the front of his shirt. “Marry me.”

  “Huh?” he muttered in shock as, conversely, exhilaration rocketed through him.

  “I know it’s impulsive and unpredictable and all the things you say about me.” The sparkle in her eyes turned into a mesmerizing glitter that made her sky-blue irises vibrant and dazzling. She said, “You have to admit my impulses serve me well. I know what I’m doing, Alex. I want to be yours. And you know I won’t give up until you say ‘yes.’ So say it. Say you’ll marry me. Say that’s what you want.”

  “Lola.” She knocked the wind right out of him.

  “Say. Yes.” Another demand. She was that sure of them?

  Alex sucked in a breath. And realized that he was also that sure. They were meant for each other. The writing had been there on the wall the entire time.

  Right in front of their faces.

  “Marry me, Alex.”

  There really was nothing more to deliberate over.

  “Hell, yes,” he said emphatically. Wholeheartedly.

  Then he reached for her again and held on tight.


  “Look at the size of that thing!” Maxi yanked Lola’s hand toward her. “That’s like two-and-a-half carats!”

  “An even two,” she beamed. “Alex got a promotion for all the new business he’s brought in, so he splurged.”

  “Did it up right, too. It’s gorgeous.” She admired the emerald-cut diamond set in a platinum band. Then slid her sapphire gaze to Alex. “And P.S., girlfriend, so’s your man.”

  Lola sighed. “You’re not telling me anything new.”

  “Hey, let’s get this party started,” Jen said as she came through the front door of Alex and Lola’s condo. Alex had insisted she cancel her rental agreement and move into his bedroom. He didn’t have to ask twice.

  “So this is a lot to celebrate,” Sarah said, as she loaded up the oversized beverage chiller with bottles of champagne. The kitchen island was covered with the gourmet hors d’oeuvres Lola had sprung for and the to-die-for desserts Staci had picked up on her way from the airport.

  “Alex has a new promotion,” Lola repeated. “Our Staci Kay ad campaign went viral two weeks ago to great success—sales are through the roof, and there’s already a buzz about a CLIO nomination. Sarah was promoted to Marketing Manager, and Jen and Juan are expecting their first child. So, too, are Mark and his wife. All in all, some pretty nice accomplishments.”

  “And let’s not forget yours and Alex’s engagement,” Maxi said, as she draped an arm around Lola’s shoulders. “Super-hunk Prince Charming to the extreme.”

  Lola nodded. “And then some.”

  Staci poured the bubbly, and Mark handed out the glasses.

  Tiff nibbled her bottom lip a moment, then said, “I hate to jinx anything, but Todd spoke to me about filling Sarah’s position. I’m interviewing on Monday. Cross your fingers?”

  “No need for that,” Sarah said. “He adores you and you’re fantastic in the department. Not to mention, you totally came through for Lola with the ad agency. You’ll slay it.”

  “She came through for all of us,” Lola pointed out. “For the entire company.”

  Tiff smiled. Got a little emotional. “Thanks, you guys. Means a lot.”

  They all lifted their glasses and clinked rims, patting one another on the back. Lola was thrilled that Staci had made the trip to celebrate, but she was even more excited to see Maxi.

  Turning to
her, she said, “You will be my maid of honor, right?”

  “Are you kidding?” She hugged Lola. “I’d even wear hideous taffeta for you, girlfriend!”

  “That won’t be necessary, I promise.” To Sarah, Jen, and Tiff, she said, “I need bridesmaids.”

  “Look no further,” Sarah said, waving her hand enthusiastically in the air.

  “I’m in,” Tiff added excitedly.

  Jen hedged, appearing a bit disheartened. “You guys are getting married at the end of my term. I’ll be the size of a house… and on dilation alert. But I’ll help plan the bridal shower.”

  Staci cleared her throat. All eyes landed on her. She said, “I know we’ve just been getting to know each other, Lola, but I’d be honored to step in for Jen. If you wouldn’t mind.”

  “I’d love it.”

  “Wow,” Mark said. “That’ll be one hellaciously good-looking bridal party—in stilettos.”

  Lola laughed. “And very much a family affair. All the way around.”

  She kissed Alex.

  He grinned. Beamed, really, and said, “Yeah, I’ve got it made, people.”

  About the Author

  Calista is a former PR professional, now writing fast-paced, steamy books to set your pulse racing! She is an Amazon bestseller and has won many reviewers’ and readers’ choice awards, as well as best book awards and other competitions with publication as first prize. Calista is a college graduate and teaches online writing classes. She is also past president/advisor of the Phoenix Chapter of Romance Writers of America.

  Please see the next page for a preview of

  What Maxi Needs

  Chapter One

  “The biggest meeting of your life is in ten minutes,” Avril Harding announced on Monday morning as she sauntered into Maxi Shayne’s office. “And you’re still deciding what shoes to wear?”

  Maxi’s gaze flitted briefly from her assistant to the siren-red stilettos Maxi had just slipped on. “Sometimes six inches are exactly what a girl needs.” She winked.


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