The Virgin's Promise

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The Virgin's Promise Page 154

by Angela Blake

  She pressed her body against his and began to move her hips while he ran his hands up and down her body. Anya stood self-consciously for a while before she grabbed a shot from a passing waiter. She downed it quickly and allowed her buzz to escalate into full on tipsy before she started to dance.

  Before she knew it, she was pressed up against a guy who was doing a very good job helping her forget all about Russel. She spun around, so she was pressed up against his chest, and she ran her hand up and down his chest as she lowered her lashes and gave him a flirty grin.

  Her dance partner gave her a devilish smile as his hands traveled down till they lay on her ass and squeezed. A flash of annoyance shot through Anya before she stamped it down telling herself that she wanted this. That she couldn’t have Russel, and that tonight of all nights, she didn’t want to feel undesirable or lonely.

  The man’s hands moved forward, so they were cupping her breasts. Lost in the haze of alcohol, Anya pressed herself to him and hooked one leg around his, and her dress hiked up a little bit.

  The man made a low guttural sound and buried his head in her neck where he began to lightly nibble. Flashes of Russel doing the same thing had Anya freeze in her spot as she tried to think clearly. She might not be able to think clearly, but she definitely didn’t want this guy hanging all over her.

  She brought her hand up and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at her through hooded eyelids, “Want to leave already? Wow, you are impatient.”

  “Actually, no,” she tried to keep the disgust out of her voice because it wasn’t directed at him, it was at herself, “I just want you to stop.”

  The man chuckled as he pinched her ass, “Very funny, sweetheart. That’s not the vibe I was getting just now.”

  Anya shot him a look, “I know what was happening earlier, I just don’t want to anymore.”

  All traces of humor vanished from the man’s face as his eyes darkened, “So you think you can just lead a guy on like that? Dance all provocatively then stop when you get bored.”

  A tiny prickle of fear began to worm its way up, and Anya glanced around for Lisa or her boyfriend, but they were probably off somewhere making out. Anya steeled herself and swallowed back the fear, she was sure he wouldn’t try to force her here in the middle of a crowded dance floor.

  “I shouldn’t have lead you on, but dancing provocatively doesn’t mean I’ll sleep with you. Now if you’ll excuse me,” she stepped to the side, but he blocked her path.

  He gazed at her, his nostrils flaring, his putrid breath suddenly hitting her senses as she wondered why she even started dancing with him in the first place, “Where do you think you’re going?” He placed a hand on her arm, and Anya deftly removed his arm and twisted it behind his back, “Don’t ever touch me like that again.”

  He nodded painfully before she released him, “Whore,” he spat out. She walked up to him menacingly before she felt a pair of broad arms wrap around her from the back.

  “Let me go.” She struggled furiously before she heard Russel’s face in her ear, “relax, Anya. He’s already afraid of you, he’s just trying to salvage his pride.”

  “Jackass!” She called out hotly as she struggled to free herself of Russel’s vice like grip. The man opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Russel had released Anya and strode over to him. He punched the man squarely in the face before he stood up and dusted off his pants.

  He casually made his way towards Anya who was watching him shell shocked. He cupped her face in his hands as he casually checked her over. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m fine.” A smile tugged on the corner of her lips. “Not that I couldn’t handle it, you know.”

  “Oh, I know, I was watching for five minutes ready to pounce till I saw how you twisted his arm behind his back like that, nice grip by the way.”

  Anya blushed, “Thanks,” her smile fell away, “what are you doing here?”

  “I was grabbing a drink with some buddies from work, then I saw you from across the dance floor,” he leaned his forehead against hers, “Took everything I had to just stand there and not yank that guy away and dance with you instead.”

  Anya breathed deeply as she allowed the scent of him to wash over her. Their spell was broken when a pair of high heels sounded on the floor, “What the hell is going on?”


  They both froze as jumped apart guiltily. Anya began to rub her arms up and down to ward off the sudden chill, “Lis, I can explain.”

  Lisa looked shocked as she stared from her dad to her best friend, “He’s the older guy you were telling me about?”

  Russel threw her a look which she ignored as she took a step forward, “Lisa, I meant what I said, I won’t ruin your relationship with your father, nor will I risk our friendship, you have to believe that. This guy was just getting handsy and Ru-“

  “Your father,” she hastened to correct herself, “Just came over to see if I needed help, that’s all.”

  Lisa opened and closed her mouth separate times as she looked between the two of them, “I give up.” She said suddenly.

  “What?” They both echoed in unison.

  “I could see that you two were attracted to each other from the minute I brought you home, but I thought it was just attraction, and I mean you’re my best friend, and he’s my dad, but I’ve seen the way you two look at each other when you think I don’t notice, and I’ve seen the connection you two have.”

  Lisa threw her hair across her shoulder, “Now maybe I’m drunk, and I’ll regret this in the morning, but I honestly don’t care if you two date. I mean it is going to be weird as hell, but I’m not getting in the way of your happiness.”

  She gave both of them a wide smile before she grabbed Patrick’s hand and walked off. They both gazed after her, wondering what just happened before they looked at each other, identical smiles of relief and happiness spread out across their faces.

  She threw herself at him, and he hugged her tightly, nearly tripping over because of the weight of her impact.

  “Now then, how do you feel about a real date followed by eating food off of someone else?”

  She responded by throwing her head back and laughing as he lowered her to the floor, and they began to dance slowly, caught in their own little bubble.


  A bad boy secret baby sports romance


  Blaire Hamilton wiped the sweat off his brow and squinted as he spat out the brittle collecting in the corner of his mouth. He hunched over, placed his hands on his hips and took a deep calming breath.

  He just had the wind knocked out of him, that was all.

  He just needed to get the air back in his lungs, so he waited for the searing pain he felt from within to subside before looking back.

  While he waited, he knew he should take advantage of the situation and study the opposing team’s weakness.

  They left one of their players open, and Blaire knew that in a few minutes once they let him back in the game, he would be able to take him out easily.

  As the pain in his chest subsided, he leaned back and blinked to clear his vision. He had been so focused on the point guard, he didn’t notice the basketball that came flying out of nowhere and collided into him smack dab in the middle of his chest.

  He was a bit winded, but he also really needed the time out to regroup and clear his head.

  His head dropped forward, and he scanned the crowd, taking in the smell of stale sweat, freshly brewed popcorn, and he could almost taste the tension in the air.

  This is why he loved being in the NBA.

  The rush, the adrenaline, the lights, and how a hush fell on the crowd as all eyes turned to him. He loved taking stock of how people held their breaths in collective anticipation as he dribbled the ball, stood poised and then let it fly through the air knowing that in most cases, it usually landed with a final swoop causing the crowd to erupt
into a frenzy of love and cheers.

  Most people would find being center stage intimidating, but Blaire wasn’t like that. He relished it so much, and he had been working towards it for years. Pretty much since he picked up a basketball in high school.

  At 27 years old, Blaire was the youngest player on the team, but he was scouted pretty much once he got to college. He just put it off so he could get a degree in History, which had always been a passion of his.

  The scout was peeved at his decision, but knowing that players like Blaire only came along once in a blue moon, had agreed to hold off on making a formal offer provided he could still play as well four years later.

  As soon as he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History, Blaire had showed up, made a slam dunk and left the scout with his mouth hanging open.

  The rest, as they say, is history.

  Blaire stood up abruptly and began to stretch his muscles. He shook his head in an attempt to clear his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes.

  Need to get a bloody haircut, he thought to himself as he continued to stretch his muscles. Blaire’s blue eyes scanned the crowd nonchalantly as he idly wondered who he would pick up for the night. The team would probably be having a party afterwards, and he also liked to have female company. As his shirt rode up to reveal a finely taut stomach, he heard some of the women nearby sigh and mutter his name.

  He turned around and gave them a quick wink as his eyes roamed over them. Too young, he thought as he dismissed them and eyed another potential group in the back who were waving and screaming frantically so he could notice them.

  He raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement and flashed them a row of pearly white teeth. His eyes immediately landed on a petite blonde in the middle who even from his vantage point had voluptuous curves and a nice rack.

  She licked her lips suggestively, and he could immediately feel himself getting turned on just by looking at her. He mouthed the words ‘later’ and turned around before he got a massive boner that would make him unable to focus for the rest of the night.

  A flash of chestnut brown hair caught his attention, and Blaire frowned as he saw the brunette walk by. His heart skipped a beat as he wondered for a moment if it was her.

  Sienna Hummel.

  He hadn’t seen Sienna since he graduated from college, and the thought of her being there had his heart anxiously skipping ten beats, as his palms began to grow sweaty.

  He gritted his teeth and told himself to get over it. Sienna wasn’t here. There was no way. He had ended things once he graduated because he knew that Sienna wanted a nice quiet life, and he wanted more.

  He had loved her once, but he loved the sounds of girls screaming his name on and off the field even more. It was that thirst and lust for fame and the lifestyle that came along with it that drove him to end it; that, and her deception.

  He shook his head to clear away the remnants of the past and turned around to find his team mate and best friend, Mark Berry come running towards him.

  Mark ran his hands through his shaggy blonde hair, making it stick up on all ends. His green eyes scanned Blaire carefully, “Are you ready to be back in the game man?”

  Blaire gave a swift nod, “More than.”

  Mark gave him a grin before he shoved him towards the court, “Alright, I’m out for a few.”

  He plopped onto the bleachers, and Blaire ran towards the center of the court where his team was huddled. They went over a strategy before calling out break.

  Before the referee blew the whistle, Blaire cast his glance upwards once more and flashed the petite blonde from earlier a panty-dropping grin that had the blonde tighten her legs in response.

  Blaire smirked at her response before turning his attention back to the game just in time for the referee to blow the whistle.


  Blaire took a swig of his beer as he made his way in and out of the throngs of people in the tightly packed space. Mark sure knew how to throw a hell of a party. And he never got in trouble with the neighbors who beat the hell out of Blaire.

  Blaire was sure he could never get away with something like this despite being the MVP of their team.

  “Great Job Blaire-out!” somebody called out from across the room. Blaire cringed at the use of the detestable nickname but called out a thanks to the man nonetheless.

  They called him ‘Blaire-out' because he once accidentally tossed the ball so hard it caused one of the other players to black out mere seconds later. Blaire had freaked out, run over and dropped to his knees to check on the man’s pulse, but he was fine. The man was merely dehydrated, and a ball to the head simply didn’t help.

  Blaire had breathed a sigh of relief and told the rest of the team, but they didn’t believe him. They still thought he could do what they thought he did. Blaire didn’t mind really because it earned him respect on the court, and it made women flock to his side thinking that he could make them black out because of a mind numbing orgasm.

  While his sexual prowess wasn’t quite that intense, he did pride himself on being able to get a woman to scream out his name multiple times while he made them feel better than they ever had in their entire life.

  He finally found his way back to the blonde-Hannah was her name-and he stood there a moment admiring her frame. She had changed out of the jeans and tight fitting shirt she had on earlier, and now she had on a skimpy pink dress that was so tight, her breasts were practically spilling out of it.

  He felt himself growing aroused, but he still stood there watching as she tossed her blonde hair back and bit her lips. He didn’t like to rush these things. He liked to take his time, so that by the time they got to it, the woman would be begging him to take her.

  The man Hannah was talking to saw Blaire, gave him a nod and moved out of his seat. Blaire nodded at him in acknowledgement before he plopped down onto the couch next to Hannah. She practically purred and pressed herself up against him as she breathed quietly down his neck.

  “Do you guys always have parties like these?”

  “Pretty much after every game,” he took a swig of his beer and brought his arm to rest on her shoulder. He idly traced patterns on her back and was happy to find that her body shuddered in response. He turned so he was facing her, and in one swift movement he had her on his lap. He casually placed a hand on her lap while the other toyed with the hair at the back of her neck.

  He shifted and grabbed his jacket off the back of the couch and placed it on her lap casually, so that his hand was able to move freely.

  “I heard you studied History in college.”

  Blaire chuckled as his hands lingered on the edge of her dress. She was trying not to show how affected she was, but he could see by the way she bit off the end of her sentence.

  “Somebody’s been doing their research,” Blaire’s other hand moved below her dress and toyed with the straps of her bra. Hannah gulped as she placed both arms around either side of his face.

  “I did study History, yes.”

  “What was your favorite era?”

  The hand that was hovering on the edge of her dress snaked underneath and began to rub her inner thighs. Hannah’s legs tightened in response, and Blaire grinned as he pressed a swift kiss on her neck, lingering there long enough to feel the goose bumps rise up and down her arms.

  He pulled back. “I don’t have a favorite era, but I was quite obsessed with Scottish history.”

  “Oh?” She tried to sound interested, but he could already see her brown eyes cloud over with lust.

  “Oh, yes. Studying the highlanders and their riots was really quite interesting.”

  “Interesting, yes,” Blaire’s hands had begun to move upwards and they rested just inside her thighs, but not anywhere near where Hannah wanted them to, and Blaire knew that.

  He wanted her to be fully ready, so he pulled his hand away and moved it to her feet. He began to massage her feet while his other hand massaged her shoulders.
r />   Hannah tried to keep her eyes from rolling to the back of her head.

  “I also took a biology course,” he added nonchalantly as he captured her lips with his. Instead of deepening the kiss like they both wanted to, Blaire kept his mouth closed and steady, settling for a mere peck on the lips to keep her thirsty for more.

  “What did you learn?” Hannah’s brown eyes sparkled as she gazed at him, clearly trying to figure him out.

  “Well, there’s a vein in your neck,” His hand moved up and settled on the vein in question, “This vein sends out a lot of important signals to the brain, if this vein is severed, you die instantly,”

  Hannah looked at him and blinked, confusion mirrored all over her features.

  “This vein is also the most sensitive, so if I were to do this.” He placed his lips directly over the vein without touching it and simply breathed deeply. The result was instantaneous.

  She shivered slightly as goosebumps erupted all over her body. “Your entire body will be affected,” he added as he placed a feather light kiss on the vein.

  Hannah’s hands tightened on his neck, and she made an impatient noise in the back of her throat. Blaire stood absolutely still waiting to see what else she would do. She wriggled her hips suggestively, and Blaire bit back the groan as he cocked an eyebrow at her.

  He stood up abruptly and gave her his hand. “Let’s go somewhere quieter, and I’ll give you a private lesson.”

  “I’m sure you’re an excellent teacher,” she said flirtatiously.

  They moved through the house until they found an empty room, and they stumbled into it, tearing each other’s clothes off as they fell onto the bed.


  Blaire groaned as he groped around for the alarm coming from somewhere underneath the pile of clothes. He cursed under his breath when he couldn’t find it and knew that if he just ignored it, the incessant shrill would simply grow louder.


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