Afraid to Fall (Ancient Passages Book 1)

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Afraid to Fall (Ancient Passages Book 1) Page 8

by Sutton Bishop

  His thoughts took him back to when she had been short with him at dinner in Cobán, and after they explored the caves at Semuc Champey she had become guarded and wary, like a jaguar’s prey. Her fuse burned fast and hot, and that was a total turn-on. When her guard was down, she sucked him in with genuine displays of compassion, intelligence, and wicked humor. She was the most enticing woman he had ever met.

  Luca followed the flat, snaking scar down his ripped abs to his groin and stroked his rigid length, He ached to kiss her again, to explore more of her beautiful body, to make her purr. And she had. Purred. A slow smile lit his features, and he grew harder. Luca’s body spasmed with his release.

  Something was definitely up with her. He chided himself. Pazienza. He was a patient man, and tomorrow was another opportunity to figure out the irresistible puzzle of Dr. Ariana Antony. His course of action decided, he relaxed. Sleep came quickly.

  The breeze moving between the colonnaded arches took the edge off the morning’s heat. Sunlight reflected off Lake Petén Itzá, bringing an unwelcome glare into the open-air veranda, causing Ari to squint. Ceiling fans rotated at a low speed. Most of the casual groupings of the tables and chairs had been moved closer together in the center front of the room in preparation for orientation. Many were still eating breakfast. She yanked the visor of her Cubs hat lower over her face and made a note to go back to her room and grab her sunglasses during the first break.

  The stark light was too much for her puffy eyes. Dealing with Eric’s letter and her reactions in the wee hours had drained her emotionally and physically. She had nibbled on pineapple and a tortilla, nervous her raw stomach might rebel.

  “I’m so tired!” Meg said as she plopped her leggy self down next to Ari.

  “I wondered where you were. I brought you something to eat. A tortilla, some avocado and pineapple, just in case. Not sure when the food is being cleared.” She handed Meg the food threatening to fall out of the damp napkin.

  “Thanks.” Meg swallowed the avocado without chewing. She leaned over as she took a bite of the ripe pineapple and said, “Matt was all right.”

  “He is all right. Seems really sweet, Meg.”

  Meg slapped her hand on the table and chuckled. “Ari, for one so smart, you are so naïve. I meant I slept with him. He’s amazing!” She gobbled the rest of the pineapple. “I’m famished. This is great. Thanks for thinking of me. Hey, are you going to finish your tortilla?”

  She blushed, uncomfortable with Meg’s generous sharing. “Oh. Um. That’s more than I need to know. But good for you?” She handed Meg the rest of her food.

  Meg nodded and gulped down the remaining food, chasing it with a long drink of water. “You look worn out. What or whom were you yelling at last night?” Abruptly she looked behind Ari, and an enormous smile lit her features. She winked at someone.

  Ari turned to find the object of Meg’s attention. Matt stood there, with a matching smile, his eyes on Meg, nodding. Meg motioned for him to grab a binder for her and join them at their table.

  The two of them think they are playing this cool. Right. Unbidden, the thought surfaced of what it would have been like to sleep with Luca. Ari clamped her knees together to stifle her body’s immediate response. Annoyance overrode her curiosity. He could have told her. No. She should have known.

  Over the room’s chatter, a voice called, “I believe we are all here. For those of you who missed breakfast—and there do seem to be a few—extra tortillas, beans, and fruit are next to the coffee in the back. Let’s begin. Did everyone pick up a binder from the table next to the door?”

  Nodding heads and yeses answered him.

  Luca’s deep timbre sent shock waves through Ari. She closed her eyes and felt his lips playing on hers again. Shaking her head, she opened her eyes to curb her overactive imagination and found Luca’s emerald-green eyes resting on her, accompanied by the merest hint of a smile.

  “Are you feeling okay, Ari?” he asked.

  “Yes, thank you. Just tired.” Dammit. Why did I admit that?

  He nodded and said, “Many of us are.” Luca surveyed the room, pausing briefly on every person in the room as he spoke louder. “Can everyone hear me? I realize it can be difficult in an open space. Move closer if you need to.”

  Everyone in the room had their chairs facing him and indicated they could hear him. He continued, “Good. Enjoy the weather we have this morning but focus on the information shared during orientation. I want to briefly go over where we will be. On page seven is a map of Petén. Thank you for creating that on short notice, Joan. The site of Kanul is northwest of Flores and almost due west of Tikal. While at Kanul, the team will be about the same distance from our base here in Flores as we will be when we are visiting Tikal over the next two days. However, the roads are not as well traveled or maintained. The commute will take far longer.

  “To capture information, the team will rotate among themselves. As of now, the plan is to come in once a week, with either Natasha or me. We will adjust that schedule as needed. Although Kanul is being excavated, most of it is still covered by vegetation and jungle. There is a biological station close by, where Meg and myself will spend some time. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join us. Please ask in advance so that excavation at Kanul does not slow or stall.

  “Graduate students are assisting us. There are groups of them rotating in and out during our time here. They will move between the two sites of Kaq and Rax as needed. Some will be with us for a few weeks, others for longer, depending on their programs. They have a small gathering of tents between the two sister sites. We will join them or camp very close to them. We will see exactly what the situation is when we arrive and adapt as necessary. The work campsite is primitive, but the team will collaborate and make improvements while there.

  “I am told we have a generator and that a supply truck will come every three days or so to refill our basics, such as food and beverages. Make sure you have all your medications and any antibiotics with you. Unfortunately, diarrhea is common. Zika occurs, as does malaria and dengue. Use your repellent and the supplied netting. Please. We have a first aid kit, and there is a more robust station at camp. I have training as an EMT, as does”—Luca nodded to the someone in the back of the room—“Natasha, and it is our hope our training will not be needed for anything serious.

  “I wish to get this subject out of the way, because there was much concern over these two stipulations. The Global Heritage Organization underwrites our team and incurred expenses related to the site and project. The GHO mandated that everyone, including Natasha and myself, undergo an extensive exam, be current on vaccines, and pass with a clean bill of health, including communicable diseases. They also required menstruating women use medication to alleviate their periods, due to the inherent risks of working in the jungle for a sustained amount of time. These requirements were put in place for all our safety. I received everyone’s signed health forms and contracts. Natasha has copies with her. If, for some reason, there is an issue, please speak with Natasha.

  “I wish to share my disclaimer. All of us are adults and accountable for taking care of ourselves. That means each of you is responsible for attending to your needs. Eating well, hydrating with potable water, sleeping enough hours, and exercising outside of our work on-site. I caution you to observe your alcohol intake. Our work can be arduous and the days long. The jungle is hot, humid, and dangerous.

  “Adhere to the safety procedures. Safety is covered in chapter two of your manual. It is more extensive than the email you received upon accepting a position. I will reiterate a few items covered in more detail in the chapter. Be aware of your surroundings and how you are feeling. Be sure to stay in groups when moving about, whether you are here in Flores or walking between the digs or the biological station.

  “We will be working in a remote area. While Guatemala is beautiful, it has one of the highest incidences of violent crime. Narco trafficking and human trafficking are prevalent. Our base in Fl
ores is considered reasonably safe. However, it is wise to keep your electronics and any other valuables in your rooms. Stay on alert even though we have police patrols transporting us back and forth to Kanul and while we are on-site. If you have questions or need clarification, ask Natasha or me. Additionally, if there is something we overlooked, please bring it to our attention.

  “Most importantly, remember you are a guest here. We are visiting and working in an ancient and sacred location. Be especially mindful of the Maya and their firmly held beliefs and customs. Treat them with the utmost respect. Ari is happy to educate you further.”

  Pausing, Luca looked every single person in the eye before continuing. “I will not act as your nursemaid. However, I will ride your ass if you are not doing your work and doing it to your best ability. That means keeping all data and reporting current, and legible, for those of you who prefer to use notebooks. I will check from time to time. I will ask you to expand details or clarify if needed. I will also take you to task over safety, which is the biggest concern. You let me down, you let the team down. You fly home. Your expense. You were awarded a spot on this project because you are considered to be among the best of the best in your discipline for our focus here. You agreed to participate in this international interdisciplinary cooperative project. All of us will benefit immensely and find that we have expanded our knowledge outside our specific fields greatly.”

  Geesh, he’s intense. Her up-front seat was not making being in Luca’s presence any easier. While his eyes moved over the PhDs as he spoke, her eyes moved over him. His cargo shorts allowed her to appreciate his powerfully built legs. Ari’s eyes drifted lower to his masculine feet, clad in simple leather sandals. Her eyes moved up, pausing on his zipper. Her body flushed with heat remembering his impressive arousal last night. She continued, taking in his lean hips and the ripped muscles of his torso, apparent under his soft, formfitting gray tee. Up and up her eyes traveled, taking in his broad shoulders, the sunglasses hanging from the front of his tee, the stubble on his chin and cheeks. She stopped on his lips. Her lips tingled, recalling his kisses and how their tongues had played. She sighed, apparently more loudly than she realized. Meg’s elbow jabbed her in the ribs. Her perusing continued, right into the sexy green pools staring back at her. Oh, shit. Shit! The heat flushing her neck and face assured her that she was indeed blushing, and judging from its intensity, she was as red as a tomato.

  Luca smiled crookedly, briefly, returning her gaze, and continued to speak as if nothing had happened. “Now that I have shared some of my expectations, I want to introduce Natasha Jordaan. She arrived last night, which is why I missed dinner.” He motioned Natasha to the front of the room. “As you should know, Natasha is from South Africa. I believe we have every continent represented. She is my assistant on this project, my number one. Seek her out if you require something of me and I am not available. She suggested we have an icebreaker. Natasha? I ask that you begin.”

  Natasha came forward from the back of the veranda. Behind her rolled a small vermillion suitcase with an impenetrable-looking lock. She greeted Luca, kissing him on both his cheeks and hugging him, which he returned.

  Once in front, she regarded the group, taking in each member of the team. She frowned slightly when her eyes passed over Ari.

  What’s with the bright red rolling case? Distaste for Natasha bubbled up in Ari before she could contain or question it. She felt like a small freckled freak in comparison to the South African’s sultry dark beauty.

  Natasha’s megawatt smile matched her booming voice. “Good morning, everyone! I sat with some of you during breakfast. What marvelous food! So, I do feel I know a few of you somewhat. We have all read each other’s CVs, so we are aware of our exceptional academic prowess.” She nodded and raised her eyebrows. “In an effort to fast-track becoming acquainted, I’m asking each of you to share the following: a nonacademic trait you like about yourself and two things about yourself that we don’t know. Think hobbies and interests. I’ll go first.” Natasha clapped her hands.

  Ari inwardly rolled her eyes. She felt as though she were back in elementary school. Pressing her lips together to stifle laughter, she focused on the tall, stunning woman in front of her and the icebreaker.

  “I have a photographic memory, so I don’t forget anything.” Her eyes dropped to her suitcase, and then she looked directly at Ari as she repeated, “Anything.”

  A chill raced over Ari.

  “Whoa, there.” Meg leaned closer to Ari and whispered, “She’s sizing you up, mate. And what’s with the red sidekick port? The serious lock is rather odd.”

  Natasha paused on Meg. “Did you want to share something?”

  “No, Assistant Boss,” Meg uttered, and everyone in the room tittered. Her response earned her a cool smile from the South African.

  Natasha nodded and looked around the room, seeking to engage her colleagues. “Two things… Let’s see. So, I collect antique coins from all over the world. I haven’t been home, to South Africa, for over two years because I’ve been traveling the globe, moving from project to project, heading or assisting them. Recently I was—”

  Ari stretched her back and rotated her shoulders while Natasha droned on.

  “So, who would like to go next? Actually, stop.” Natasha clapped again in delight. “We’ll just go around the room.” Her gaze landed on Meg. “So, you. You start.”

  Meg shared that she liked her trait of openness and enjoyed rock climbing and participating in triathlons. Joan went next, sharing that she was a nurturer, her husband of thirty years passed away last year, she used maps as backgrounds for her watercolor paintings, and she was a master gardener. She was disappointed to miss out on gardening this season, but her granddaughter was taking care of things.

  As other members continued to share, Ari did feel as though she knew them better. Talk over dinners, breakfasts, and beers had been mostly academia focused. She also noted that Natasha was overly fond of the word so.

  Matt stood up to share, and that in itself was adorable. He turned and waved to everyone around the room before he spoke. He stuttered a bit. “I’m a word geek. I’m thankful that language comes easily to me. Currently I speak”—he counted on his long fingers”—seven fluently. I have PhDs in linguistic anthropology and epigraphy. I’ve been studying Mayan codices for years and can’t wait to—”

  Natasha cleared her throat.

  “Sorry, Natasha. I rested on my expert laurels.”

  Soft laughter broke out in the room.

  “Like Meg, I also climb. I love it. Something else…” He tapped his fingers on the temple area of his unruly mop of dark hair. “I used to build things, tinker. My father is a carpenter, and he taught me how to use his trade tools. I miss it. Building, tinkering—”

  “So your skills may come in handy when we’re out on-site or camping,” Natasha said.

  Matt pushed the bridge of his dark glasses up on his nose. “Yes. I expect so.”

  “Thank you, Matt.”

  Ari was next. She was surprised to find herself nervous.

  Natasha’s gray-blue eyes took Ari in, as if assessing her. “So, Red. Your turn.”

  Ari’s temper went from zero to sixty in less than a quarter of a second. She detested the redhead nicknames that had plagued her most of her life. She wanted to spit. Screw you, Natasha. Was she imagining it, or were Natasha’s eyes glittering, kinda witchlike? Fine. I can meet your challenge and raise you.

  She lifted her chin in subtle defiance and stood. “Good morning, everyone.” Although addressing Natasha directly, she looked around at those seated at the tables while speaking, smiling to soften her words. “While I love my hair, a gift from my remarkable and Irish mom, I do not appreciate anyone calling me Red, Ginger, Siren, Carrot-top, Strawberry, Cherry, or any other moniker. Not sure? Check with me first, and thank you. Let’s see. A trait I like about myself? I’m direct. One thing about me that you may not know is that I swam competitively during college. S
econd, and in fairness, I play a mean game of poker, which might come in handy when it rains, which I understand is frequent during the summer months. I have a couple of packs of cards with me. Let me know.” She faced Natasha, bathing her with a scathing look before her legs gave way from the anger rushing through her body.

  Natasha’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Thank you. I didn’t catch your name.”

  Before answering, she took a deep breath and counted to four. Her response was calm. “You didn’t ask. It’s Ari.” She hadn’t asked anyone. Game on.

  Natasha pursed her lips, squinting as she sized her up further. She addressed Luca. “So, we’ve heard from everyone, which brings us to you, big guy.”

  Seriously? Big guy? What the hell?

  Luca laughed, sending Ari’s piss-o-meter through the roof. “I appreciate respect and best effort, in all aspects of my life and from others. I enjoy deep conversations. I run and swim to release tension and to stay in shape. I compete in triathlons, though not as many as I would like to.”

  There it is. Why Luca’s physique is amazing. Ari took a deep, shivery breath.

  “Thank you, Natasha.” Luca picked up his binder, motioning for everyone to do the same. “Let’s commence. We will break at ten thirty.”

  Natasha glided to the back of the veranda with her suitcase and sat down.

  Ari’s hand shook with anger as she put her pen to paper. Dammit. She rose from her seat and headed for the hall.


  She explained over her shoulder to Luca. “Excuse me. Lady’s break. All that coffee.”

  “Anyone else need a break before we get started?” Luca asked.

  Meg jumped up. “I do. All that coffee.” She walked briskly to catch up with Ari.

  Once in the bathroom, Meg placed her hand on Ari’s wrist, causing her to look at her. “What was that?”

  “What was what?” She leaned up against the sink edge to keep herself upright and rediscover the bones that had disappeared from her legs.


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