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Afraid to Fall (Ancient Passages Book 1)

Page 16

by Sutton Bishop

  “I see. And all the more interesting that he shared that with you. Maybe they had a brief fling, maybe not. He told you not to assume. Maybe she is still interested in him, or maybe she has some twisted agenda because of you. Have you thought of that? Natasha comes off as kinda calculating and cold. I just don’t envision them together. I think Luca likes spicy and hot. Which you are. Sometimes you have to follow your heart.”

  “You are very funny. I’m not hot, and you have me in love with him. I merely find him physically attractive. There are aspects of him I find galling.”

  “How so? He’s charming, funny, considerate, kind, detailed—”

  “Yes. I see all that, but he is a perfectionist and has a short fuse. And he has no patience. He can be inflexible and demanding, and there is this alpha male energy to him. How many cards do you want?”

  Meg looked over her cards again, brow furrowed. “Two, I think. As your friend, might I point out that you are throwing up roadblocks where none are necessary, and you are also a perfectionist, who also happens to have a have short fuse.” She chuckled to herself. “Alpha male… Crikey. How yummy is that? The sexual tension between you is off the charts. You need to have sex with him.”

  Ari dealt Meg two more cards. “I don’t want to talk about that.”

  “That doesn’t help me.” Meg gathered her cards together and handed them to Ari facedown. “Can we play something else, like Old Maid?”

  Luca lay on his bedroll and listened to the rain, his arms folded and cradling the back of his damp head. The break from Kanul had been the right decision. The team already seemed revived. Kayaking the river was meditative and beautiful. Dinner was full of laughter and genuine camaraderie. He had a great team, people who appreciated and supported each other.

  Thoughts and images of Ari had taken up permanent residence in his mind. He envisioned running his fingers through that silky cascade of hair. The desire to feel and taste her again made his body ache and stir. Luca was wound tight with need and short on patience. The evocative woman was in his blood, and it was driving him crazy. It had been over two months since that evening in Flores and close to that since they shared that sizzling kiss after she had bravely handled the tarantula at Kanul.

  He watched her when no one was looking, mesmerized by her freckled, tawny skin and her graceful, lithe form. The sound of her voice and her laughter took the monotony out of his work and made his heart race. They needed to explore their escalating desire for one another before time ran out.

  Snug and dry in her small tent, Ari drifted off to the chatter of howler monkeys and the slap, slap, slap of water on the leaves in the canopy above. Sometime during her deep sleep, she had rolled into the side of the tent, her body encouraged by the natural slope of where she’d pitched it.

  A dream of floating in water woke her. She lay in a shallow pool, her bedding and clothes saturated. Turning on the flashlight and moving its beam around her tent showed water covered most of the entire floor. Her backpack was on slightly higher ground than where she lay. It was dry but only because it rested on her now-wet clothes for tomorrow. She cursed herself for not digging a trench.

  Ari shivered. Shit. I can’t sleep in water. A glance at her watch told her it was only just after midnight. The jungle was eerily silent except for the occasional patter of rain falling among the leaves or onto the ground. She unzipped her tent screen and poked her head out. It was blacker than black since lightning no longer zinged across the sky. She moved her flashlight around, surveying a number of tents. Things looked different in the pitch black. Per usual, and in a hurry to clean up, she had not paid all that much attention to who was where when pitching tents after kayaking. And now, disoriented from sleep and with the anxiety of needing to leave her tent, she struggled to remember. Her beam raked the jungle edge, looking for reflections that would indicate animals were near. Nothing. Driven by discomfort, she stepped out, panic lurching in her throat, on the hunt for Meg and Joan’s tent.

  She scampered to the tent she believed was Meg and Joan’s, calling their names in a loud whisper. It had to be theirs. It was the only one without the awning up. She and Meg hadn’t gotten it up because it had been raining when she’d left.

  Her call was met with silence. She unzipped the flap and stuck her flashlight in, pointing it at the dry floor. Loudly whispering again, she called, “Meg! Joan! It’s me. My tent is waterlogged. Do you have room, a dry shirt, and a spare blanket?” Watching what she was doing so as not to trip and fall into the tent and on one of the women, Ari shed her sandals before stepping over the canvas threshold and securing the flap behind her. Despite the warmth, she shivered. She heard movement and then a deep grumble. Shit. Whose tent is this? She raised her flashlight. A just-woken Luca sat on his bedroll, a sheet rumpled around his hips. His chest was bare, and she glimpsed untanned lower skin before dropping the flashlight. It turned off on impact.

  “Merda! What the hell?” Luca’s sheet rustled as he searched for his lantern. He switched it on, catching her like a deer in headlights. Confusion covered his face. “Ari. What are you doing in my tenda?” Sleepily, he presented his backside as he rolled over.

  “No! No!” Ari hissed. “I thought this was Joan and Meg’s tent.” She put her hand out in a motion to stay him. “Don’t move. You’re naked!”

  He shook his mane and sighed. “You are in my tenda, in the middle of the night, and you are telling me what to do. I know I am naked. This is how I sleep.” He repeated his question again. “Why are you in my tenda?”

  Feeling humiliated, she cast her eyes downward. “My tent is wet. I woke up in a pool of water. I’m wet and cold and tired. It’s black outside. I was just looking for a place to sleep. I thought I was in Meg and Joan’s tent. I’m sorry.” She started to back away.

  Luca’s expression softened. He ran his hand through his hair and then over his face. “Let me guess. You forwent digging a trench.”

  “Um. Yes,” Ari admitted, wringing her hands together in embarrassment. “Not the best decision.”

  “Indeed. However, that is a discussion for another time. I am tired. I have an extra sheet.” He pointed to the corner next to her.

  Ari shivered as she reached for it. “Thank you.”

  “I have dry clothes you can sleep in. Avert your eyes if you do not want to see my ass.” He rolled over again. She started to look away, but curiosity stopped her. She stared, transfixed. His ass was just as nice as the rest of him. God, he is beautiful.

  His eyes sparked with amusement as he rolled back to face her, with something bunched in his right hand. “Did you enjoy looking?” He raised his eyebrows.

  Ari wished the earth would open up and swallow her. She stayed silent.

  “Here,” he said, tossing the clothing to her. “The shirt should cover you up well. You are così minuta.” He stared at her, as if waiting for her to change in front of him.

  She caught the shirt. “Aren’t you going to turn around?”

  Smirking, Luca shut off the lantern and lay down.

  “I can’t see!”

  “You need la luce to get dressed?”

  “Yes, I need light. I like to be able to see what I’m doing. And I don’t know where to put the blanket or where to sleep.”

  Luca turned the lantern on again. With his back to her, he said more gruffly, “Put your wet clothes outside the tenda. You can hang them on the clothesline in the morning. Lie down where there is space. Do it quickly. You are wetting my floor, and I wish to go back to sleep.”

  Ari slipped out of her wet clothes quickly and into the soft tee, sneering, “I’m so damned sorry.” Luca’s tee fell midthigh, enveloping her in his scent.

  Under his breath, he muttered, “Not as much as I will be.”

  Feeling contrite, she lowered herself to the floor. “I really am sorry, Luca. I didn’t mean to wake you. Thank you.” She rolled herself into the sheet—a close but safe distance to the side of the tent, attempting to chase the chills from her
body and the image of Luca naked from her thoughts.

  “Sleep well, Ari.” He dimmed the lantern.

  Ari swore she was in her bed back home. She was toasty warm, especially her backside. The realization that she was not home jolted her fully awake. Ari tried to roll over onto her back, but Luca’s long body blocked her. She started and immediately chastised herself. He was asleep. She had rolled into him at some point during the night. How utterly embarrassing. In the low lantern light, he slept on his back, his mouth soft in repose. She sat up slowly, careful to not disturb him. His left arm extended past his ear, and his right dropped dangerously low over the crumpled sheet barely covering his hips.

  Rain whispered against the tent. Ari grew braver in her observations as her eyes adjusted to the faint lantern light. Luca embodied lazy, catlike grace, even as he slept. His thick, loose hair fell in waves around his chiseled face. The generous lashes she had noticed every time she looked at him appeared even more lush with his eyes closed. They almost brushed his cheekbones. His eyebrows were dark and heavy, balancing the masculine planes of his face. Her tongue darted off her top lip as her gaze paused on his full masculine lips, remembering the scorching kisses they last shared by the promenade, before leaving for Kanul eight weeks ago. A longing sigh escaped her.

  Ari studied his well-formed broad shoulders and muscled chest, arms, and ripped abs. Her eyes moved lower, pausing on a flat scar that ran from the inside of his right hip. Her brow puckered, wondering how he got it. The scar disappeared under the sheet, along with the downy black hair trailing from his navel. She was helpless in her physical attraction. He was beautiful. Her hand had a mind of its own and reached out, lightly caressing his scar. His evidence of arousal was immediate. Alarmed, Ari whipped her head around.

  His eyes locked with hers. They were dark and full of desire. “Mm. You look like you want to eat me. What a nice way to wake up,” he purred. He sat up, the sheet bunching over his arousal, entwining his fingers in her tresses. His eyes were hungry as he looked into hers. “Soft. Beautiful.” Chemistry crackled between them. He ran the tips of his fingers over her jaw and then pulled her hair back gently, urging her face to tip up toward him. He pulled her closer, smiling his tender, sexy smile. His fingers brushed her necklace, gently holding the hummingbird pendant between his thumb and forefinger, the corner of his mouth turned upward, creating one of the dimples she adored. “Lovely. Colibrí. Do you know the folklore?”

  His smile made her stomach flip. Ari’s eyelashes fluttered as she fought to stay grounded, her voice breathy when she answered, “Yes, safe passage.”

  “Where did you get it?”

  “My father, prior to this trip.”

  “A very good talisman. Safety of heart and soul.” His other hand came up and tenderly cupped her chin. He stared deeply into her eyes and lowered his lips to hers, taking her bottom lip between his teeth, sucking softly. He let go to kiss her gently.

  Her heart jumped erratically. She wanted to devour him, but she kissed him back tentatively.

  Luca kissed her more deeply, his tongue demanding. Seeking, asking. He broke long enough to whisper, “It is okay, piccolo mia?”

  Little one. I like that. Ari surrendered. She opened her mouth wider in answer. Their kiss grew fierce and unrestrained as they explored each other’s mouths.

  Panting, he pulled away. His hands framed both sides of her face.

  She looked into his eyes, fearless and brimming with trust. Her breathing matched his.

  His hands slid to the bottom of the shirt she wore, impatiently slipping it over her head. Her skin was exposed and flushed as she filled with warmth. Luca’s green gaze was full of appreciation as he drank her in. His long, tapered fingers traced where his eyes traveled, setting off wave after wave of yearning pulsing through her body.

  “Perfecto. I wish to touch all of you. Lie still.” He laid her back, following her down. His fingertips grazed her skin, but his touch was so soft that it felt as if currents sparked between them. He took his time kissing, nipping, and licking, moving from her neck to outline her collarbone, kissing her again and then drawing her back, brushing his fingers over her breasts, painfully erect nipples, ribs, and down to her taut quivering abdomen. He splayed his hand out, fingers resting on both her hip bones. She was so small compared to him. His brow creased with concern, his voice thick with desire. “Tiny. Do you have room for me, Ari?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, arching up as his hands moved lower and to the outside of her hips, cupping her ass.

  “I want to bury myself in you,” he murmured as he nibbled her exposed neck.

  She shivered involuntarily at his admission. Her breathing became shallow.

  He smiled and gazed into her eyes, purring, “Turn over.”

  Her eyes rounded.

  “I said I wish to touch all of you.” He looked deeply into her eyes, challenging her.

  She saw that he battled with patience. She turned over carefully, keeping her knees together, aware that her panties were soaked.

  His voice choked as he ran his palm over each of her cheeks. “White tonight. Your lace excites me.” He slipped his fingers under the lace at her lower back, slowly and softly stroking the cleft between them. He groaned, drawing them back out and gently stroking the back of her legs.

  She groaned and shuddered as he drew serpentines behind her knees.

  Luca chuckled. “You enjoy?”

  “Yes,” she sighed, her body writhing under his touches.

  He traced his fingers back up to the tops of her thighs. “Open, sweetheart.”

  She parted her legs.

  “More, much more.”

  Heat rushed to her face. She felt vulnerable, yet she was so aroused her legs opened without another thought. She heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “You are”—he rubbed his fingers over the crotch of her panties—“so wet.”

  Her panting grew heavier as he stroked. Her body was electrically charged, tingling and tightening in response to his touch. The desire in his voice made her blood rush and pool in her core. She ached worse than she could ever remember.

  He slid his fingers up over her panties and traced her spine upward. His fingers were moist and slick. From her.

  Desire wracked her body. She writhed and clamped her legs to control the thrumming in her pelvis.

  “No. Keep them open,” he commanded quietly. Soft kisses followed his leisurely, tender tracings back down her spine.

  She shivered again. “Please, Luca,” she said, losing control. Damn. He was going to take her over the edge, and he hadn’t really touched her yet, not like she craved to be touched.

  “These have served their purpose.” She felt his hot breath as he tugged at her lace bikini panties with his teeth. Omigod. She swooned from the unleashed heat and moisture building between her thighs. “Lift up, or I will tear them,” he growled.

  She lifted. The air felt cool in comparison to her feverish body.

  His warm hands caressed and kneaded her naked cheeks as he kissed and nibbled her.

  She was coming undone. Her juices dripped onto Luca’s sheet and bedroll.

  “Beautiful.” His fingers slid between her toned thighs, teasing, bringing her to a fever pitch. “Flip back over.”

  She snapped her legs together.

  His eyes glowed with desire. “No, bella. Keep them apart.” He slid two fingers into her again, deeper, and massaged her nub. “You are close. Look at me.” The sky crackled above them, and rain drummed on the tent as the sweet ache grew fiercer.

  “Luca…” She gasped. She was so close.

  “I want to watch your face. Look at me.”

  She looked into his eyes, returning his intense gaze with her own. Ari found trust and the desire to please her in those dark green depths. She allowed herself to fall, achieving a release like nothing she had ever experienced.

  He kicked the sheet out of the way. Her breath hitched at the sight of his full length, swollen and th
ick with need. She placed her palm over his heart. It galloped like hers. Luca’s mouth covered hers once again, their tongues dancing as he moved over her, his knee sliding between hers, opening her. Ari’s body rose, welcoming him as he pushed into her body and rocked in its wetness.

  She fell asleep after Luca pulled her next him, spooning her from behind. Fully sated, she slumbered like the dead until the insistent feather-like stroking of her body woke her, fluttering want unfurling in her belly.

  He teased her, brushing his lips against hers, and pulling back when she kissed him more forcefully. His gaze scanned her naked body lazily, then lingered on her lips. “I want you slow and deep,” he said huskily, drawing each word out. He entwined his fingers with hers and pulled her arms above her head, looking deeply into her eyes. “Lie still.”

  “Luca, please. I need—”

  “I know. You need. I need too.” She squirmed as one hand continued to hold her wrists while his fingers traced around one breast and then the other, returning to pull her nipples. His hands ran over her hips. The ember of desire caught, arousing her like wildfire. She brought her hands to his shoulders.

  He shook his head, a smile tugging at his mouth. “No. Leave your hands where I put them.” He licked one of her nipples and then sucked deeply, teething gently while his hands explored her hips.

  A groan escaped Ari as pleasure ripped through her. Her hips bucked up, seeking him.

  “Lie still or I will stop. It would be a shame to try to sleep in your state of arousal—granted you are not quite where I want you.”

  She stilled, as much as she could. It was delicious torture. Through his curtain of hair, Ari watched him smile before he moved to her belly, his fingers and mouth continuing their sweet assault on her body, bringing her to the brink of losing it again. She gritted her teeth in an effort to remain motionless as his smooth muscles bunched and glided with his movements.


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