Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga)

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Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga) Page 33

by Alexander, Ian

  There was nothing for which to rejoice. Ahndien was gone. And he had only just begun to understand that he loved her. Loved her more than anything or anyone.

  Before he knew it, tens of thousands of Torians, Tianese, Sojourner humans and spirit beings stood before him. Row after row, they knelt in the fiery glow of the great firebird.

  Wiping the tears from his eyes, Render looked up at the Phoenix. "I would give anything to be with her again. Even for a moment."


  "Yes, I...I understand." Valhandra never promised him happiness, nor long life with Ahndien. Render knelt down from fatigue, shut his eyes and bowed his head. "I shall honor and submit to the wisdom and authority of The Almighty."

  Penetrating warmth enveloped him. Through his eyelids he sensed a glow above. The sound of fire grew as though fanned by the wind.

  And then, something alighted upon his shoulder.

  At first when Render looked up, the brilliance of the phoenix's blazing wings and glowing plumage blinded him. He blinked and reached for that which had touched him. It was the soft hand of the one who now stood before him, rimmed by golden light, her head haloed.

  His vision cleared and there she stood, adorned in a gown white as snow, her body whole and unbroken. She smiled even as every inch of her body's outline shone. Filled with awe and wonder, he nearly forgot about the joy he felt at seeing her alive, standing before his very eyes.


  "It is I." Her voice took an otherworldly quality that resembled music and glory and light all at the same time. "Thou hast proven worthy, my friend, O companion of mine heart. Unto thee hast Valhandra bestowed the following honors."

  For as long as he could recall, he'd yearned to come to the valley, to the Handaras. For such a time as this. Valhandra had placed that desire within his heart.

  "Because thou hast submitted to the path set before thee, the Spirit of Valhandra has inhabited thy life. His hand is upon thee. Thou shalt live to see the manifestation of the Cobalt Dragon Spirit in thy being yet once more."

  "And now..." From her side, she drew a flaming sword and touched his shoulders, first the right, then the left. It sent a thrill through his entire being, reaching past bone and marrow straight into his spirit. He knelt and bowed his head. "Arise, Sir Render the Dragon-Hearted!"

  The entire host let out an awesome cheer that went on without end. At the very moment Render stood, a stream of lightning leapt from his chest straight into the air. There it formed the ethereal outline of the Cobalt Dragon, the form of which Render had occupied not ten minutes ago.

  A collective gasp went up into the valley.

  At the same time, a column of fire stretched up from Ahndien's form, reaching up to the Phoenix. First the Phoenix alighted upon the ledge of a hill where a lone tree stood, then out of its blazing form walked what appeared to be a lady of great nobility, young with flowing ebony hair, attired in the clothing of royalty.

  At least that was what it appeared to be, for in the moment that Render blinked, she stepped out of view, leaving nothing but the tree.


  The sound of thousands shouting for joy.

  What better way to be ushered though the veil?

  Lao-Ying had wondered many times what this moment would be like and now it had come. He could no longer feel his hands or feet or any part of his body. An incredible lightness came over him as he lifted off the ground while his expired body lay still on the ground by the foot of the tree.

  And then, a flourish of white flashed before him and consumed his mortal body with light. From that light, a figure emerged. Even before he could utter the name, his spirit leapt for joy.


  There she stood, more beautiful than he'd ever remembered. Her ebony mane shone with glory, the train of her white robe emanated heavenly splendor, and her gentle eyes, full of love, met his.

  // MY PRINCE //

  Prince? He'd lived as a hermit for five centuries, but hearing her address him so was as fresh as the days when he'd competed for her hand and affection. Lao-Ying flexed his fingers and looked at them, then his arms. He too was aglow. But he felt as strong as the day she gave her life for her people, and became the Millennial Phoenix.

  In this state of existence, words seemed almost superfluous. He stepped over his expired physical body as though it were a tattered garment, rushed over to Mei-Liang, took her in his arms, kissed her without thought of when he would let her go.

  In an instant, five hundred years evaporated like the morning mist that blankets verdant fields with dew. It was like awakening from a dream. Suddenly, physical life as he'd known it was but a distant memory, an echo of this reality.

  His journey was complete.


  As the Cobalt Dragon and the Phoenix Spirit flew into the sky, a blanket of white clouds drew over the valley offering a refreshing shade from the otherwise oppressive heat from the sun. Thousands of soldiers and Sojourners in various states of physical form stood and watched.

  But to Render, only one thing in the crowd mattered.

  As soon as the light withdrew completely from her body, Ahndien slumped into his arms like a cloth doll. "Oh! Where—?"

  "Are you all right?" Render smiled, delighted to find her fully restored to her body.

  "I think so." She stood, gazed in wonder at her legs which were no longer broken, her dazzling robe and then at the great throngs gathered about them.

  Render wrapped his arms around her and held her so tight he didn't want to let go. "Valhandra be praised!"

  She seemed slightly confused.

  Render suddenly remembered. He was probably too late. He released Ahndien. "Wait here, I've got to find Greifer."

  She nodded. "Hurry."

  He strode forth, pushed past the warriors and quickened his pace. As he made his way back to the place where he'd left Greifer and The Prophet—his mother and father—many hands reached out to shake his, or to pat him on the back. But in his rush, he ignored them.

  Someone grasped his arm. It was Branson. His eyes were red, but his countenance bright. "I saw him, Rend. I saw him taken up!" A brave smile stretched across his face.

  "Your father?"

  Branson nodded. "I finally understand. He did all to protect me, to protect everyone."

  "Truly, he was a noble soul."

  "Is." Never before had Branson appeared so adult, so brave. "He is, Rend."

  "Quite. Quite right."

  He held out his hand to shake Render's. "Thank you. For everything."

  As soon as Render extended his hand, Branson assailed him with a strong embrace, held him tight. "Thank you." Standing there amidst the rough and battle-worn warriors staring with stern, proud countenances, Branson appeared for the first time, not so much like a boy, but a young man. Render grasped Branson's shoulder. "Would you go and attend to Ahndien, please?"

  Branson nodded dutifully and went.

  And finally, he arrived at the wizened tree where he'd last seen...was she Greifer, or Mother? And was he The Prophet or Father? How should he address them?

  Lying in the old man's arms, the folds of her black robe glittering and turning pale before Render's eyes, she lay gasping for her final moments of mortal life. With fingers outstretched she called to him.

  // MY SON... //

  He ran to her, every doubt dispelled, every hindrance subdued, and cried out, "Mother!"

  Falling to his knees before her and the man whom she called his father, Render took her hand, pressed it to his face and bathed it in his tears. "Oh, Mother. I have only now learned who you are." And yet, it felt as though he'd always known. The way she'd looked after him all his life. In the form of a cat, in the form o
f a panther, and now in the form of a dying, yet all the more beautiful woman.

  "Ne'er have I left thee, my son..."

  "This is too much to bear! I have only just—" And he wept. Abandoning every bit of dignity he might otherwise have grasped as one just knighted, he wept openly. "Oh, dearest Mother..."

  Slowly, she reached up, touched his face and wiped a tear from his eye with the tip of her little finger—just as she had done when he had been but an infant. He knew that but for a fleeting moment as his Spirit glanced through time.


  She drew one final breath."


  // FAREWELL... //

  Still draped over her husband's lap, her body began to glow, a cloud of bright light swirling about her. Her frame transformed into that of a panther, then a small cat, then streamed up into the sky and shot over to join the light which surrounded the Cobalt Dragon and Phoenix spirits, high above the valley.

  Render expected a torrent of sorrow, a flood of tears.

  But neither came.

  Instead, an odd sense of joy and anticipation filled his heart. "Father?" He turned to the man, who had appeared now and again in the squares of Valdshire Tor, spewing forth words perceived as folly, but were in fact words of destiny.

  "'Tis true, good lad." A broad smile broke across his countenance, even as his own form began to glow. The long white hair drew shorter, growing darker, and deeper in hue. The wrinkles in his face smoothed out and the slump in his back straightened out. Frail limbs grew taut with muscles of a man a fraction of his apparent age. Soon, he was all light and somewhat translucent.

  "Why have you never come for me, Father?"

  "Because like your mother, I had already died. But Valhandra had permitted that we guide your steps as spirit creatures, all your life until now. Hence the ever-present—"


  "And horses." The light he emitted was so strong Render had to shield his eyes. "I was killed as a man, protecting our colony of Sojourners, even before they had killed your mother. Yet, as a spirit being, I had been appointed elder of the Sojourner's Council and given the designation Cerbeus."

  "You were The Prophet."

  "I took that form to keep watch over you whilst you lived in Valdshire Tor. It took all my discipline not to intervene when you were arrested..." his chest bounced as he laughed, "...when you tried to protect me."

  Though he'd only met his father and mother moments ago, his heart was blessed as though he'd known them his entire life. This no doubt because Valhandra's plans, His very existence and all who dwelled within its power, transcended time and place.

  "And now, dear son..." His entire frame burst into light and ascended to the sky.


  "Follow the light!" The dazzling star-like spirit of his father—Cerbeus, The Prophet—flew over to the place where he'd left Ahndien and rested behind her.

  Render stretched his hand up, laughing with delight and shouted. "Father!"



  Father's light joined with the same brilliance into which Mother's had. When it did, the Dragon raced over the Western Hills.

  The Phoenix to the East.

  Render pushed through the multitudes, eyes filled with wonder and never letting the flying lights out of his sight. Finally, he arrived at the front where Ahndien and Branson stood waiting.

  "Did you see that?" Branson pointed into the sky. His mouth opened, but no other words came out.

  Ahndien wrapped her arms around Render's. "It's beautiful!"

  On opposite sides of the valley, the stately Dragon and Phoenix burned with regal glory. Then, like two mighty weapons of war, they converged until the tips of their wings touched.

  What followed could only be described as a dazzling array of pyrotechnics. Like shooting stars and fireworks, lightning and flames lit up the sky until all you could see was the light emanating from the great spirit manifestations.

  The Dragon and Phoenix outlines were no longer visible, but had become one mass of brilliance.

  "Sir Render! Sir Render!" The Sojourners shouted, and rushed over, lifting him and Ahndien onto their shoulders. They brought them to a large rock and set them down. Branson pumped his fist in the air repeatedly and joined the chant.

  Delighted and somewhat confused, Render turned to Ahndien. "What's happening?"

  "How should I know?"

  The cheers continued, now joined by both Tianese and Torians alike.

  "You spoke as though you understood everything that was happening."

  "I did? When?"

  "When you...Oh bother, didn't you just knight me?"

  "That wasn't me speaking."

  "What do you mean, it wasn't you?"

  Before Render could say another word, a peal of thunder rang out. Lightning flashed across the sky directly above them. And then the clouds drew together into the form of yet another dragon, which descended slowly. This one so pure and white, it almost hurt the eyes to behold him. By its demeanor, it seemed gentle as a lamb. But by its majesty, no one could doubt that it could devour nations, if it so chose.

  Then the unmistakable voice of Valhandra echoed through the sky. Every knee bowed, every head inclined in joyful reverence, as the white dragon descended towards the rock upon which Render and Ahndien stood.

  Valhandra spoke as the white dragon alighted upon it.


  Ahndien leaned into Render and whispered, "Is that...?"

  "It must be."

  One of the Sojourners shouted, "Praise be the name of Kronis, son of the Most High!" Then the rest of the Sojourners continued to repeat the chant.

  "Son of the Most High!"

  From the looks on the Torians' faces, it was clear that they feared the great dragon. For before this day, none of them believed such creatures existed. Nor had they believed in anything as the spirit potential.

  But judging by their sincere genuflections, it was clear they now did. Though in truth, no living creature could help but to bow at the white dragon's magnificence.

  Kronis lifted his mighty head and spoke as a man, his voice resounding and profound.

  "My good people, stand and behold thy great deliverer. Sir Render the Dragon-Hearted."

  All rose to their feet lifting triumphal fists and swords into the air. They roared in appreciation. "Long Live The Great Deliverer!"

  "He and Lady Ahndien of the Phoenix Heart have fulfilled the prophecy and set you free from the bondage of Malakandor. Young though they may be, yet do not despise them for their youth."

  The valley erupted in a collective shout. "No!"

  "For they have been sent to establish a new kingdom. A kingdom of mercy and justice. A kingdom of truth and faith. By these attributes shall it be ruled." Kronis lowered his head such that his great emerald eyes gazed deeply into Render and Ahndien's. To them he spoke directly.

  "Art thou ready to rule this great people, my young prince?"

  "Pr...Prince? A few months ago, I was but a slave. And just moments ago, I was made a knight. Now, you ask if I am ready to—?"

  "Do you perceive yourself as ready, Sir Render?"

  He lowered his gaze, ashamed of how he must answer. To have come this far, only to be thwarted by his own inadequacy. Why would the Son of Valhandra ask such a question, the answer of which He surely knew? "Sire...I—"


  Both Render and Ahndien took a step back as the words shot out of Kronis' mouth, glowing with power and light.

  Render screwed up all his courage and looked Kronis in the eye. "No, Sire. I don't feel ready at all."

  If it were at all possible for a dragon to smile, Render could not say for certain. But that is exactly what Kronis seemed to do as he replied. />
  "Your humility is evident, Sir Render. Your obedience and valor proven. You shall receive counsel by my hand and spirit. And behold, thou art indeed ready."

  Render bowed deeply. "Yes, Sire."

  Kronis turned to Ahndien. "And you, Daughter of the Eastern Song. The beauty of your spirit is evident to all on this side of the great veil. Because of your willingness to lose your life for the purpose of Valhandra, unto thee shall be given length of years, prosperity, and the joy of thine eyes."

  She inclined her head. "Sire."

  "Are you ready to embark upon a great adventure, with Render by thy side ever more?"

  Her porcelain face flushed slightly as she looked to Render. But the fire in her eyes that he'd known from the day they'd first met told him that she was, in fact, more than ready. This delighted Render more than anything he could imagine. Ahndien looked up at Kronis. "I am, Sire."

  Kronis dipped his head in approval, blinked affectionately and nudged Render as gently as he could (for the nudge of a great dragon is like the shove of a dozen strong men) towards Ahndien. "Behold, thy hearts and destinies do I weave together, here and on the eternal side of the great veil from today until it is torn asunder."

  The great white dragon lifted his head and stood erect on its hind legs. He stretched forth his arms around Render and Ahndien, and addressed the multitudes.

  "People of Valdshire Tor and people of Tian Kuo, I give you King Render, The Dragon-Hearted and Queen Ahndien of the Phoenix Heart!"

  Cheers and blessings for long life rang out.

  Kronis stepped forward to the center of the rock and stomped his foot. It sent an awesome quake through the land. "And upon this rock, do I establish this new Kingdom of Petrus, the unified dominions of the East and West. And I declare that the forces of Malakandor shall not prevail against it."

  The cottony clouds above parted as blades of golden light stretched down onto the rock, the place upon which Render and Ahndien would begin their reign.

  Kronis stretched out his wings and rose into the air.

  "Blessed are you, King Render and Queen Ahndien. Unto you do I bestow the heritage of Sojourner Kings. I charge you and your house henceforth to do what is right in the sight of Valhandra and to unite the Southern Kingdom and yes, even the great and terrible Northern Kingdom. Thy children are blessed. All their endeavors, though they prove costly, shall ultimately prosper."


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