Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 18

by Needa Warrant

  He smiled at me, "Brandy! It is you, isn't it?"

  I was very uncomfortable and answered "My name isn't Brandy, sorry."

  He looked at my butterfly tattoo and grinned, "Of course not, that's your stage name."

  I didn't want trouble and I liked this guy, but if V saw me there would be a fight. I moved back a bit. "I'm sorry but I keep work and my personal life apart and my boyfriend is here. I need to find him or I'll be in trouble."

  This biker was so carefree and trying be nice.

  "Name is Darko and screw your boyfriend. He ought to pay attention to you. Let me refill that mug."

  He snagged it out of my hand and pulled me toward a keg. I tried again. "This is a really bad idea, Darko. My boyfriend isn't just anyone. Look, I don't want trouble, but I'm Veiko's old lady."

  He handed me the mug. "That's too bad, I know V. Enjoy the beer."

  All of a sudden I felt my hair being pulled and I was up against Veiko's chest. "Kima, what the fuck?"

  I felt tears falling from my eyes - it hurt like hell.

  Darko looked pissed. "V, she didn't do anything. I know her from stopping in at Wiggles. She told me she was your old lady - I just got her a beer."

  V looked down at me. "I warned you, Kima. Don't EVER try to make me jealous!"

  I couldn't get away. He had me by the hair, something I hated. I reached down and grabbed his balls, squeezing hard.

  "Veiko, let me go! I'm done with you and your fucking bullshit! I was left to stand like a fool while everyone else was having fun and I didn't do a thing wrong. We're done, FUCK YOU!"

  Veiko still had my hair so I dug in with my finger nails as hard as I could. Darko and a few members from Nefarious were staring at us. Now members of Bound for Hell were coming up. I saw one punch a guy from Nefarious MC in the face and a fight broke out.

  V finally let me go and I ran. I was so out of there! I could take the train home and that was just what I was going to do.

  I turned back to see everyone fighting. Somehow, I was sure I was to blame for this. I recalled V warning me never to make him jealous. Well, I had, and it hadn't been intentional.

  I ran the blocks to the train where I sat waiting to catch the next bus or train home. I was done with V and his ignoring me. I wanted him out of my life. Pulling my hair was it for me. I could dance and do what the hell I pleased.

  I’d figure out a plan on the train. If V ever touched me again I would shoot his ass. I was packing his shit up and giving it to Thorn. I paid the rent on the cabin and I was sure V would be with some club slut.

  I got on the train and headed for home.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V knew when he didn't see Kima at the spot she'd been waiting at she was mad. He’d promised her today was for them. But the club had business and he forgotten her again. He looked all around for her and asked around if anyone had seen her. A few said she was just wandering around and was fine. V relaxed, thinking he'd find her and they'd eat some food and all would be good. Then he heard the bikes roar in.

  A prospect ran up, telling him Nefarious MC was on the boardwalk. Shit! Where was Kima? He knew a few of the guys but he was worried for his old lady.

  He spotted her taking a beer from Darko. He was in shock. Just what in hell did she think she was doing?

  Jealousy and anger raged through him. Was she trying to make a fool outta' him?

  He strolled over and grabbed her hair.

  Some fool tossed a punch and a fight began. Then his bitch grabbed his balls. It hurt like hell. He had to let go of Kima and watched her run. At least she was getting away; he thought she'd have the sense to run to the clubhouse.

  By the time the kicks and punches had ended there was no sight of her. Veiko knew he had to make things right with Nefarious.

  Darko was a Vice President like him and they always kept a decent relationship. He had no choice but to offer them some drinks at the clubhouse - Rabid would be pissed if there was trouble over his old lady. Plus, they needed to get out of there before the cops came.

  He'd deal with Kima later.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I called my brother for a ride to the cabin when I got to Beach View. He came and got me without asking why. I knew he was waiting for me to talk. Finally he spoke. "Kima, you look like shit. You doing drugs now?"

  I didn't feel too well but that made me angry. "Jack, I left V in Ocean Cove, okay? We went to the Seafood Festival and he ignored me so I went and had fun myself. Some guy was talking to me and V flipped so I caught the train home."

  My brother knew I would tell him the truth. He looked over at me. "You look sick, sis. Why not come to the house and see the parents? They miss you."

  I did feel sick but I wasn't facing my dad. "I think I'll spend the night tossing Veiko's shit on the porch," I replied.

  My brother grinned at me.

  The road gate to the Lodge was open and I felt worse going over the bumps. By the time my brother got to the cabin I was ready to vomit. I thanked him and rushed to the bathroom, hugging the toilet. There would be no tossing V's crap out until I felt better.

  I went to lie on the bed because I felt awful.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V was having a great time with Nefarious and everybody was laughing over the fight. Beer was flowing freely and they were doing shots. Elena and Hunter were leaving.

  Elena tugged on Veiko's arm. "Where's Kima? I haven't seen her all day, V!"

  V slurred back, "I dunno. She was around before. She's pissed off somewhere. Bitch grabbed my balls, Elena! You better tell her to knock that shit off."

  Elena looked around; Kima was not in sight. She walked up to Thorn. "Thorn, Kima’s missing. Ask around the club about her."

  Elena was pacing when Thorn came back with the news nobody had seen Kima come back to the clubhouse. She frowned. "Please try to find her, I'm worried."

  Thorn had asked around about Kima but nobody had seen her since the boardwalk. Nailz and Jo hadn't come to the clubhouse. They'd gone straight to his apartment so he called over there. No answer. Jersey seemed to be straight, more so than anyone else, so he walked over to him.

  They watched as a slut named Misty hung on V's arm. He wasn't shaking her off. If Kima came in Veiko wouldn't have any balls left.

  Thorn and Jersey were standing together. "She ain't here, Thorn. I saw what happened at the festival. V forgot about Kima and then when Darko spotted her, all hell broke loose. Where would Kima go?"

  Thorn thought for a moment. "She'd go home - either the cabin or her parent's house. I guess I'd better go look for her. You babysitting this bunch?"

  Jersey sighed. "Yup, me and Pops will be. I'll try to get Misty off of V in case Kima comes back. I can just imagine what would happen to her."

  Thorn pulled his hair into a pony tail. "V doesn't understand Kima. He should’ve left her alone. He'll never understand her - she deserves better."

  Jersey looked at Thorn oddly.

  "You got a thing for Kima, bro? Better not let V know it. He loves her but he's been single a long time. I'd stay outta it."

  Thorn sighed. "Shit, who wouldn't want Kima? All my life I've tried to shake her and when I want her she's with V. I know she loves him but Kima isn't a doormat for anybody."

  "Hell, I want a Kima and can't find one, but I do see Missy over there, so I'm going to get lucky," Jersey laughed.

  Thorn left and began to ride back to Sea Woods slowly. He was pissed at Veiko and was worried about Kima.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Misty was hanging all over V when Jo and Nailz walked into the clubhouse.

  Jo went wild. She walked up to Misty and grabbed her hair. "Get off of Kima's old man, you pig!"

  Nailz was amused.

  V looked down at little Jo in horror, he was drunk as a skunk. "Hey Jo, where's my old lady?"

  Jo glared at V, "She’s missing, you fool, and letting Misty hang on you? What are you thinking, V? Elena says she isn't answering the door at the cabin. She i
sn't there! Nailz and I got up to find out from you where Kima is!"

  Nailz pushed Misty aside. "Back off, slut, or you'll be out of this clubhouse for good."

  Jo walked away and got some coffee for V. Nailz looked at him disgustedly.

  "Veiko, what the hell? You fucking around on Kima? Where the hell is your head? We need to find your old lady bro."

  V shook his head. What the hell was going on here?

  Jo handed V hot black coffee. "Here, you need lots of it."

  V moaned.

  Jo pushed it into his hand. "Drink it now! I want to know where Kima is! Why would you let her go missing?"

  Darko sat up from the couch. "Brandy went missing?"

  Nailz had enough. "What the hell do you know about this, Darko?"

  V held his hand up. "Nailz - Darko and me are good. He and his club were here all night."

  Darko nodded. "All my boys are here, we don't have your old lady. But I can make some calls or we can help look for her."

  Nailz pushed his chin up. "Thanks, but we'll find her. It’s on V now to fix what he fucked up."

  V stood up, his balls hurting. "Jo, I think Kima clawed my balls half off. "

  "Good! Too bad she didn't make you bleed!" Jo spat, narrowing her eyes.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jersey looked at Missy. She smelled like old, stinking, nasty pussy. All hope of getting lucky went out the door.

  He decided to catch up to Thorn. One of the old ladies told him Kima had broken up with V. If Kima was that angry, he was worried. He liked her and if V hadn't found her first, he would’ve been all over her. Why did his brothers all find the good ones? All he wanted was a decent old lady and the brothers that had them treated them like crap.

  Poor Kima. She treated all the guys well - cooking for them and, hell, carrying all that speed.

  He knew about Sadie rolling Thrash and how Kima and Jules ended that. Fuck, the bitch had rolled him too.

  He caught up with Thorn and motioned him to pull over. They sat in a diner parking lot, Thorn obviously wanting to know what was up.

  Jersey started to fill him in. "Kima broke up with V, bro. Some of the old ladies heard her scream she was done with him."

  Thorn frowned, "Does V know this?"

  Jersey shook his head. "Damned if I know. He was letting Misty hang on him."

  Thorn was shaking his head at all of this. "What happened to you and Missy?"

  Jersey looked like he was smelling dog shit. "Damn Thorn, don't ever go near her. I could smell her with her panties on. You don't want to go near stinky pussy. Those twins Misty and Missy are bad news. I don't think she’s ever heard of douching. One thing crazy Rabid is right about and that’s clean women! Never thought I'd agree with him but, on that, I fucking do."

  Thorn looked in amazement at Jersey. "Fuck. I ain't touching none of them sluts. I'm young and I don't need no dirty slut. No problem finding pussy for me, bro. You coming back to the Lodge with me?"

  Jersey looked at Thorn like he was a fool. "What the hell do you think I'm sitting here with you for? I want to make sure Kima’s found. Let's ride."

  The two bikers made it to Sea Woods easily. They pulled up to Kima and Veiko's cabin. No lights were on but they could hear some noise coming from inside. Thorn removed a screen and went in through the window. He turned on the porch light and opened the door for Jersey.

  "I guess she's here, cause somebody’s in the bathroom."

  They found Kima on the bathroom floor. She was pale and looked awful.

  Thorn decided Kima needed help. "I'm getting Elena. She's fucking sick as a dog."

  Jersey picked Kima up carefully and she opened her eyes. "Jerz, get me into the shower before you get puke on you."

  She was in a tube top and panties. He didn't know what to do.

  "Just get this shit off me, please! I stink and I'm done with that asshole you call a brother."

  Shit! Jersey felt for Kima but he wanted to wait for Elena.

  Kima was staring at him. "Afraid of V? Think I don't know he had some slut on him. Let's see… it was Misty, right?"

  Jersey looked at Kima, his eyes refusing lie to her. He looked sadly at her.

  Kima was angry. "I want his shit outta my house and you tell him so. "She wiggled the tube top off and the panties came next. "Don't worry, Jersey, I ain't gonna bite you. I just want help standing up in the shower. I'm a dancer. Think I care about being naked?"

  Jersey looked at Kima's body. It was glistening with beads of sweat; her body simply perfect. She wasn't too skinny and had curves that were just right.

  "I can't do this, Kima! You’re V's property."

  Kima frowned. "Do what? I’m sick and fuck you too. I'm not anybody's fucking PROPERTY! Just turn the water on for me and then get the hell out!"

  Jersey turned the shower on and watched as Kima sank to the bottom of the tub. He went out to living room, hoping Elena would walk through the door.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V sat there with his balls aching and his head hurting. Where the hell was Kima and why was everyone mad at him about her?

  He really couldn't recall anything - too many shots of JD. What the hell was he supposed to do now? He couldn't ride drunk.

  He'd wait until he was sober and try to make things better with Kima. She was the love of his life and he wasn't letting her go anywhere.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Elena found Kima shivering with the shower on, huddled under the spray of water. She took one glance at her and sighed. Kima was too pale. She grabbed a towel and shut the spray off. "Kima, what’s wrong? Get your butt over here and into this towel before you look like a prune."

  Kima moaned. "Elena, I've puked for hours. I think it was bad clams. I'm so sick - I just want to die."

  Jersey and Thorn heard Kima and looked at each other.

  Jersey needed to think so he announced, "I need a smoke, Thorn. Going outside."

  Thorn called to Elena and asked her if she needed help. Elena told him to go out with Jersey. She managed to get her into the bedroom. Kima sat there shivering as Elena found a long, white, granny-style nightgown.

  "Ugh, don't put me in that!"

  Elena got Kima into it and pulled the blankets up to her chin.

  "I think it’s food poisoning, honey. I’m getting soda for you and a pail."

  Kima turned her head."I hate puking. It reminds me of that bastard Veiko!"

  Elena looked back at Kima. "I think everyone thinks V is a bastard. Now rest."

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Elena stormed out onto the porch. Jersey and Thorn watched her, wondering what was wrong with Kima. Elena lit a joint.

  Jersey spoke up first. "Did I hear Kima say she wished she was dead? Damn it! V fucked up, letting Misty hang all over him."

  Elena choked, "What the hell?"

  Thorn was wishing he was anywhere but there. Elena had a temper as bad as Kima did.

  Jersey continued, "She told me she wanted his shit out of the cabin because she paid the rent."

  Elena let out a drag. "Kima’s paid in full and, yes, she paid for this cabin. Thorn make the call to the club. Tell that bastard to come get his shit as soon as he’s sober. I don't want him near my girl. Fucking pigs, all of you men! I need to go get some soda and, Jersey, you sit with Kima."

  Jersey looked at Thorn who shrugged his shoulders.

  "Go sit with her, bro. You heard Elena. I'm making the call - at least you don't have to do that."

  Jersey walked into the bedroom. Kima looked like an angel; she’d tossed her blankets off and was sleeping, her blonde hair tousled about her face. She was in all white and Jersey thought she looked really sexy.

  He brushed his hand over her forehead; it was burning hot. Damn, he didn't know shit about fevers. He hoped Elena would get back soon.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Thrash stood in the clubhouse looking for his brother. He was pissed off. Nobody was answering the club phone.

  He spotted V next to a
bottle of JD and felt like breaking it over his head.

  Thorn had called him late last night and he wasn't able to go back to sleep. Veiko was an asshole. He had a great thing with Kima and, as usual, whiskey messed it up.

  He heard Missy and Misty talking. He couldn't stand either of them - they were more of Rabid discards. He got closer without them noticing.

  Misty was saying V was making her his old lady. Thrash had enough. He walked over and grabbed both of those sluts.

  "Get your skanky asses out of this club! You two are done here. You want to me to call Rabid on your asses?"

  Thrash pointed to the door. "Need me to have Tiny take you out?"

  The girls scurried to grab their belongings.

  Thrash called out, "Don't stay in New Jersey. I'll be calling other clubs about you two skanks."

  His yelling woke Veiko up. He groaned.

  Thrash looked at V. What the hell was wrong with him?

  "Fucker! 'Bout time you woke up. Do you remember anything V? You blackout? Now you lost Kima, huh, brother?"

  V sat up. "What the fuck? Who said I lost Kima?"

  Thrash looked down at his brother. "I warned you JD would fuck you up, V! Kima’s sick and she wants your shit out."

  Veiko didn't want to remember. He didn't want to face Thrash, either. Vaguely he recalled pulling Kima's hair and than her grabbing his balls. Fuck! And Misty. What if Kima had seen her?

  Thrash stared at him. "Seriously, V, you can't drink whiskey. You're gonna lose everything like Dad did. I got my truck. I'll take you to my place to shower and then you're getting your clothes. You can move in with mama. I'm done with your shit, brother. Mama can deal with you. I thought you were more in control, but after the shit I heard about last night, I won't deal with you."


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