Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 23

by Needa Warrant

  Jo got up to drink some water and looked around the apartment. Being a neat freak, she kept it nice and clean. She made Nailz dinner, even if he was late coming in and did the laundry. Jo never complained about anything and did whatever he asked of her. She'd tried to be a good old lady and, damn, she loved him!

  Why was he so mean about this? He could’ve asked her if she was on the damn pill. If he was so scared of getting her pregnant he could of wore a condom. Did he think that all women took birth control?

  She went back to the bedroom and laid back down. Finally, she fell into a fitful sleep.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Nailz stormed into the clubhouse. The first person he ran into was Veiko. He was still there because Kima was dancing.

  V saw the look on Nailz face and asked, "What’s wrong, bro?"

  Nailz ordered a shot of whiskey and downed it before he answered. "Jo thinks she’s knocked up. I ain't you, V. I know how this goes and it doesn't work for me!”

  V saw the pain in Nail's eyes. "Do you love her? If you do, it will work out. I didn't think I'd be so happy that Kima is having a rug-rat but I am. I plan to ask her to marry me. I got the ring today, but don't tell Jo. I want it to be a surprise.” V pulled a box out from inside his leather. He opened it, revealing a princess cut diamond.

  Nailz eyes widened. "Must’ve cost you plenty."

  V laughed, "Hell no. I asked Kima's brother if he knew how to pick out diamonds and he showed me the ring Kima's been eying up for years. Got a good deal on it. Her family knows all kinds of people. Jack was really decent too. Too bad he doesn't seem interested in being in the club – he’s one smart dude."

  "I love Jo, V. I just don't know if I can handle this. Hell, she wants to go to school. I should have asked her if she was on the pill the first time we fucked.” Nailz laughed grimly, “It looks like we'll be having rug-rats at the same time.”

  Veiko smirked at him. "Nailz, Jo’s the best thing that’s happened to you since I've known you. You lose her, you're a fool, man. Go home and work this out. It’s meant to be - both of us daddies at the same time."

  Nailz thought about leaving Jo in tears and felt terrible. "V, don't tell Kima until we're sure. Your old lady has a big mouth and I don't need Jo upset. I know she means well, but Jo’s more fragile than Kima in many ways."

  Veiko nodded and they walked out of the clubhouse together. " I won't tell Kima you said she has a big mouth. She'd have your balls."

  Nailz snorted, "I think Jo already has them and my heart too."

  They started their bikes. Veiko headed home to Kima and Nailz to make peace with Jo.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Nailz let himself into the apartment quietly. Jo had left the bathroom light on. She lay with her face party in the light, her eyes and face puffy from crying. Nailz felt a part of his heart start to melt.

  Here was his little hippie chick, who did nothing but please him. She never asked for anything but for him to love her and he’d never told her that. What a fucking douche bag he was. He reached over and stroked her hair. "Jo, Chickie - wake up. I need to tell you something.”

  Jo opened her eyes. "I already know, Nailz - you want me out. I'll call Kima in the morning. She’ll come get me and my stuff. I'll figure something out.” Getting out of the bed she went to pull out her suitcases from the closet.

  Nailz was getting upset. He pulled Jo back to him. Looking down into her eyes he gruffly stated, "No, Josephine. It doesn't work that way. I ain't losing another kid. I love you and you're my old lady, so your ass is staying put. It might take me some time to take all this in. I thought you were on the pill - all the bitches I know are. This was meant to happen for a reason. It was a shock but we'll make it work. Just give me some time to get used to the idea. The last thing I want is to lose you and our baby."

  He reached out and touched her stomach. Jo’s eyes widened. "Nailz, did you just tell me you love me and want this baby?”

  Nailz turned Jo's face to him and kissed her deeply. His hands slid over her body. "All of this is mine, Josephine, and I'm not letting you go ever. Just bear with my me. We need to make sure, so you need to see a doctor. Don't be telling Kima and Elena until we know for sure. Those two are big mouths and I'd like to enjoy our secret for awhile.”

  Jo smiled and Nailz swore the room lit up. "Jo? You love me?”

  She smacked him playfully on his chest. "I've loved you since the day I shoved sand up your ass.” Her eyes shone with the love she had for him.

  They tumbled backward on the bed and Nailz made sure Jo didn't fall back too hard. He made love to her again, so gently. Somehow, he promised himself, he'd be a good father and marry Jo before the baby was born.

  He was grabbing his second chance - not many people got one.

  He just said a silent prayer he wouldn't screw this one up too.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 28 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  It was an early, cold November night and I was waiting for V to pick me up from work. Joy, the girl I often danced with offered to take my costumes home with her. Veiko had dropped me off at Wiggles earlier so my car was at home.

  V and I were going to a club party. He told me he was picking me up on his bike. I really wished we were going in his truck. It would be a hell of a lot warmer and more comfortable. I swear he was riding to get even with me for continuing to dance. I wanted to keep working until the end of the month. I was barely showing but bossy Veiko had to have his way and I finally agreed.

  I was dressed as warmly as I could. From leg warmers over my boots and jeans, to two sweaters under my leather. I wore leather gloves for my hands and a scarf for over the lower part of my face. Now I sat near the entrance door, overheating, waiting on Veiko.

  As soon as I heard his bike roar into the parking lot, I went outside. I grabbed my helmet and goggles off his sissy bar, put them on, and climbed on behind him. I really wanted to go home and rest. I was in no mood to go to the club. As we rode, I was thinking back to everything that had happened lately.

  Thrash had quietly married China and took her to France for a honeymoon. He wasn't speaking to his mother, since she’d hated China on sight. I missed Thrash and China so much, but it was better that he’d taken her away. I didn't want to meet Mrs. Finn.

  My sister had put a phone in the cabin under her name. V insisted we had to have two phones under other names than ours. He had his own phone that I was forbidden to answer which didn’t bother me. I didn't even ask whose name it was under. I wasn't into club politics like some old ladies. Maybe if we lived closer, I would've been. Jo had been really distant toward me lately too and I wanted to find out why. Maybe living with Nailz wasn't working out.

  I hadn't told my parents I was pregnant yet. I knew I had to tell them but I was hoping V would ask me to marry him. I was hurt by that but I would fix his ass - I had a plan, of course. I would fix that bossy Veiko Finn. I'd give my baby my last name, Regan like me. My last name was better anyway. What the hell kind of name was Finn? The only other Finn I'd ever heard of besides Veiko and Thrash was Huckleberry!

  I was lost in my thoughts, imagining his reaction, when I saw a car swerve crazily in our direction. It was coming right at us! I poked V hard but I don't think he felt it through his leather. I felt myself go flying into the air and then there was nothing.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V was in a great mood. Tonight he was going to ask Kima to marry him. The ring was safe inside his leather in a zippered pocket. He knew his girl - she was pissed he hadn't asked her. Well, he was pissed she was still dancing.

  As he turned off the highway, he felt Kima poke him really hard.

  V didn't have time to react to the car swerving directly toward them, he tried but the car hit them. Everything happened so fast but in his head it was happening in slow motion. He braced himself for the inevitable. His thoughts were of Kima and their baby and he hoped that they would survive this.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko must’ve been out of it for a fe
w minutes. He laid there in shock, feeling pain all over his body. His ribs hurt like hell and he knew he was bleeding. Part of his bike was still on him, pinning him underneath.

  His eyes searched frantically for Kima and found her lying several yards away from him. V screamed her name but she didn't answer. He shifted his body from beneath the bike, managing to crawl a few feet away, but he couldn't go any further. The pain was too much and he felt as if he was going to black out. He needed to get to Kima and he just couldn't.

  V felt helpless as he lay there. Finally he heard sirens and prayed they would get to them in time. He was able to toss the gun he carried into some bushes and hoped the cops wouldn't find it. Who the fuck had hit them? And left them to lay there, without even stopping? He wanted answers and when he found the fuckers he'd kill them!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I woke up to somebody poking me. Looking around I realized I was in the hospital. My entire body hurt, from the top of my head to my toes. I heard a nurse arguing with Elena. It was fuzzy but I heard Elena say she was my sister. Both walked over to my bed.

  I was so thirsty. Noticing a cup of water on the bedside table, the nurse clued in and held it for me so I could take a sip. After I drank a bit, she took it away. "She's my sister," I said, clearer than I thought my voice would be. "She stays.” The nurse grumbled and finally left.

  Elena touched my hand. "Oh, Kima, you made it. We were so scared.”

  I asked about V. She said he was in surgery and didn't know anything.

  "My baby?”

  Elena eyes filled with tears. "You lost the baby… I'm so sorry.

  I looked right through Elena. Oh, God ... No! This couldn't be happening!

  I was hoping this was just a bad dream and I would wake up and everything would be fine. A piece of me died right then, along with our baby, and I felt lost.

  Damn Veiko Finn! Why did he insist we take his bike on a freezing cold November night!

  "Your ribs are bruised again, you have another head injury and we don't know what else. Jack and your parents are on their way now. Your sister should be here tomorrow. Your parents called her."

  Was I so badly injured they called Shelly? I just held Elena's hand and tried not to cry. When my parents finally arrived, they took over, and I was glad they were there. When I saw the doctor, he said I was lucky I had survived. Flying off a motorcycle like that could have killed me. I needed to have a D and C and they would do that as soon as they could. It had to be done - I had no choice. He also called in a neurologist because I had another concussion. The days past without any word about Veiko. I didn't understand why nobody could or would tell me how he was.

  My sister Shelly had arrived with her fiance, Doug Masters. He was the judge she planned to marry on Christmas Eve. Doug had to be at least twenty years older than Shelly. I didn't think I'd get along with him but I was wrong. He was actually a nice guy. He was the one who seemed to understand how much I needed to know how V was. It was Doug who told me Mrs. Finn was blaming me for the accident and refusing to let my calls go through to V's room. He'd even gone down to talk to her, but Mrs. Finn wasn't leaving that room or V's side. She also refused to let me see Veiko when I was able to get up. Doug warned her that he was getting me a lawyer to sue Veiko.

  My mother moved herself right into my room, becoming the buffer between me and the nurses. Jack was even coming up to visit. My dad was right. Family comes first and mine were here to support me. They knew not to ask me about the baby, though. I didn't want to talk about that to anyone but Veiko.

  One afternoon I woke up to a rather large woman coming toward my bed. I figured out who she was and wondered why she was here. My mother jumped up and blocked her path, forcing her to keep her distance from me.

  Mrs. Finn was a loud woman and she yelled at me maliciously. "You whore! My son wants nothing to do with you! He's marrying one of his own kind and has a fiancee! He’s glad you lost that baby! This accident was your fault!"

  Well, Mrs. Finn didn't count on Mrs. Regan. My mother has a very hot, Russian temper. Heaven help Mrs. Finn because she just kicked a hornet's nest.

  My mother got right in her face and slapped her soundly. "You nasty, fat bitch. You think we don't know about you? My husband had your whole family checked out. Does your son know his father supported your family when you tossed him out?"

  Mrs. Finn's face went pale but my mom wasn't done.

  "You dare to call my daughter a whore? Well, your sons are criminals! You won't let my daughter speak to Veiko? You stupid cow! Do you even know who my husband is?”

  Mrs. Finn's mouth opened like a dead fish and she shook her head.

  Still my mother continued her rant, “No, I didn't think so. I am not a nice woman! My daughter is far nicer than me. All I have to do is make a call to my family and that will be the end of your damned family. Now trot your fat ass back down to your son's room. Stay far away from my daughter because your son's the reason why she's laying here. He isn't good enough for our Kima! Get out!"

  Mrs. Finn left the room with a red hand print on her face. My mom went and told the hospital staff they better keep that woman far away from my room.

  That was the first time I had laughed since the accident... My little mother slapping that nasty cow.

  When my dad heard, he hugged her and I saw the crazy love between them. My parents may have their problems but when times get tough, we Regan's stick together.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I was leaving the hospital in the morning. So I decided to go down to Veiko's room late that night. There had been no word from him and I was worried.

  No one had come to visit me outside my family, Joy, Elena, Hunter and Thorn. What the hell was up with my friends? Where were they? Hell, I knew some of the club was visiting Veiko and they could have stopped in to check on me. Well, Jules did peek in once, so a nurse told me, but I was sleeping.

  I did however speak to Jo on the phone. I'd let her use my car and wondered why she didn't come by and visit me? Something was up with her but I had my own battle to fight. I was preparing for a war with Mrs. Finn. There was no way in hell she wasn't going to let me see my man! What the hell was Veiko thinking -letting his mother run his life? Now he had a fiancee? That was hard to believe.

  The door to his room was open and I hoped that old bitch wasn't there. Well, I got the shock of my life. Laying beside V was a blonde haired girl.I stood in the doorway just staring as his mother's words came back to haunt me!

  What the fuck?

  Hurt and pain stabbed through my heart. I felt like the bottom of my world had just crashed.

  V was awake, his eyes stared into mine. He made a motion with his hand like he'd call me. That was the best he could do after not seeing me for two weeks?

  I stood speechless at the door. What the hell? I shot him the finger and walked away. He was lucky I was still hurt. I really felt like going in to that room and telling him the fuck off. However it just wasn't worth it to me anymore. We were done now.

  The next day my parents drove me home to my cabin. We fought over that, they wanted me to move home but I needed time alone. I wanted to hate Veiko Finn all by myself for now. Where had Jo been? Or Jersey and Nailz - my so-called friends? I didn't bother to ask anyone. What was the point? It was clear to me that none of them cared. Even IF they came to see me now, there was nothing left to say. I wouldn't have treated them like they treated me.

  When Thorn came to see me I handed him V's phone. "I don't want this. Please get V’s clothes out of my cabin." He’d said he wouldn’t, but that was fine with me. I'd get rid of them! I waited for V's call as I ripped up his Tee shirts until I realized he wasn't going to call. What a fool I was!

  After a week I changed my phone number. So much for V calling me. Screw him, I didn't want to talk to that bastard. I called all the bars I worked for. Telling them I'd be back soon and giving them my new phone number. I'd go back to work in a few weeks. I ate whatever anyone brought over or called for
take out. Mostly I slept and dreamed. If I wasn't sleeping I was busy mourning my baby and hating Veiko and his damn club!

  How had I been so taken in by V? So he had a fiancee? Guess that explained the nights away from the cabin and why I was rarely at the club. I lost my horse over that cheating bastard!

  As I healed I made plans, I'd dance again and I'd make certain Veiko Finn never got near me. I'd never be so stupid again in my entire life. I had trusted and believed in our love. Veiko had been honest about one thing- this was no fairy tale. And I sure got the unhappy ending. Next time I loved a man I wasn't going to be the one who loved more. Nor would I be so generous. I'd be a bitch, since nice girls finish last!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 29 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  I was still heartbroken. Nothing was making me feel better. I spent my time sleeping, I didn't want to face my life.

  I knew Elena and Hunter were worried about me. My dad was even saying I needed to see a shrink. For once he was really trying to help me. He made sure I had money, sending either Jack or Thorn to drop it off. I think seeing me like this scared him.

  Every few days, my mom came over to make sure that I was eating and the cabin was clean. She was trying to be helpful and would talk to me excitedly about Shelly's upcoming wedding. I still refused to go. Mom asked me where my car was. I was so depressed I’d forgotten about it, Jo still had it. What the hell?

  I called her parent's house only to be hung up on. I didn't know Nailz' phone number. I told Elena I wanted my car back. To ask Thorn to a get the message to Jo. I didn't mind her having it while I was in the hospital but now that I was out, she wasn't even calling me. The day Jo finally breezed in, I was mad as hell.

  She was a mess, I took one look and instinctively knew why I hadn't seen her. Jo was pregnant. I shook my head and she knew me too well to lie. "So, when are you due?”


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