Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 25

by Needa Warrant

  I had my plans. I wondered what it would be like to be a groupie. I'd always fantasied about being with a rock and roll star. I made my way right up to the stage and watched the keyboard player. He had really long hair and was cute. Not my usual kind of guy but I caught him looking at me. I was single, Darko hadn't made it clear to me IF I was the only woman he was seeing either. He'd played it cool and was a friend not a lover. At least so far... Since I wasn't driving I decided I'd party a bit.

  While I was at the bar there was this one spooky guy sending drinks over to me. I sent them right back, he made me nervous. He was freaking me out so I basically ignored him. I had my own money and I didn't intend to have some asshole buying me drinks, thinking he was going to get laid. I did check him out though because there was something my gut was trying to tell me. Or was it the drinks I was downing?

  He was handsome for an older guy. He kept stroking his goatee that looked like the devil's. There was this aura around him that I didn't care for and it put my senses into overdrive. I thought about drinking just soda but I was out to party!

  He sent more drinks over and I continued to send them back. Finally I told the bartender to tell him to stop bothering me. Joy was off dancing and I was still trying to catch that keyboard player’s eye. Seemed like many girls had the same idea too.

  I looked around and watched the guys from Bound for Hell as well. I didn't see Veiko or Nailz but, sure enough, there was Jersey. Each time he looked my way I'd toss my hair and look at the stage.

  I went to the ladies room and saw Jules. She and Crazy had broken up. Of course the club had turned against her since he had a new old lady. She was on welfare and Crazy wouldn't pay child support. She’d sneaked into the Loft to beg him for money for the baby's diapers.

  I looked sadly at her. "Some family, huh, Jules? You know none of the guys even visited me at the hospital, but I guess V was all that mattered. I was just good enough to cook, clean, and screw."

  She was crying and I took some money out of my purse.

  "Here, take this. Do you think you can dance?"

  "I can try! Kima, I did visit you but you were sleeping. The guys don't give a shit about us, we're just there to fuck and make life easier for them, I think. You know what they say, club first, we come last!"

  I gave her my phone number and promised I'd help her.

  "Kima, you got a dirty deal and watch out for Rabid, he’s here. I've gotta get out of here before Crazy sees me. I don't want another black eye. I'll give you a call. You know, Kima, the best way to get rid of one of these assholes is for another woman to take them. Whenever I tried to leave Crazy he wouldn't let me go. Finally some bitch caught his eye. That night I got on my knees and thanked the Lord. I hope V is really going to let you go, hun. With bikers you never know what their deal is.”

  I stared at Jules. “V doesn't have a say in my life, I don't come last in my man's life all the time! Everyone deserted me and I don't care anymore. Anyway I am sort of seeing Darko and maybe I'll end up as his old lady if it goes anywhere. He treats me pretty good at least... so far. But after V, I don't know about being an old lady again!”

  I felt bad as I watched her go. Just as I thought. The club didn't give a shit about anybody but the men.

  Jules was strong, She'd make it if she stayed far away from Crazy.

  I started to plan how I could help her. Since it was clear nobody else was going to, I'd do my best. I really hated Bound for Hell MC!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I watched that spooky man carefully. In a way he looked sexy as sin, but I wasn't dancing with the devil - that was who he reminded me of. He was about six feet tall or so, in his thirties, and had that wicked looking goatee. He wore a leather jacket, like the bikers, but I didn't see any colors. He had dark, brown hair and he had a style about him I couldn't put my finger on. He was also messing with my plans for the keyboard player.

  As the evening progressed, I was well on my way to getting drunk. I was leaning up against the bar as the bartender put yet another shot glass in front of me from that asshole. I decided I’d had enough. Now I was pissed off. I picked up the shot glass, aimed it at the bastard, and threw it. It clocked him in the back of his head.

  Damn it! It wasn't enough to draw blood.

  All of a sudden, the place went wild. I was grabbed from behind. My arms pinned and it wasn't the bouncer holding me, either. It was a fucking Bound for Hell member restraining me. I was suddenly surrounded by them and I noticed he was coming toward me.

  “Oh fuck, Kima. You just hit Rabid! This isn't good. Just shut the fuck up and I'll try to help you.” Jersey muttered in my ear.

  I snarled, "Fuck you and fuck him! Let me go now, Jersey!”

  I felt a finger stroke my face. Looking up into those spooky shrewd, brown eyes, I felt as if I was meeting Satan himself. It was that asshole sending me drinks all night! "Strange way you have of wanting to meet me. What's your name?”

  "Kima Regan. Sorry but I have some fucking anger issues at the moment, Rabid” I hissed.

  I saw a brother whisper in Rabid's ear. He smiled wickedly. “You’re V's old lady?”

  "Not anymore,” I replied, irritated.

  He narrowed his eyes. "That's interesting because I'm told you are. You hit me. I imagine you understand what that means?”

  I was now sobering up really fast. "I don't know you. V and I just had a fling before he damn near killed me. I don't talk to him now. So, kindly remove yourself from my area and I'll stay out of your way. I don't want anything to do with him, you, or the club. And get a message to Veiko - I want his shit gone. You can all go fuck yourselves!” I was getting really angry. The old Kima, of before Veiko, was coming back. This was too much for me to handle. "Where is that bastard anyway? I've never heard a word from him and I want his stuff gone.”

  Rabid laughed in my face. Nobody laughs in my face! Especially not some bastard who couldn't understand I didn't like him. Nor, for that matter, did I like Bound for Hell MC!

  His eyes were gleaming as he spoke to me. "Little girl, V is still in the hospital and has a serious infection.”

  I felt like I was just hit in the gut. V was that sick?

  Rabid smirked. “So, you really don't know who I am? I would have thought Veiko would’ve told you. I suppose with him being in an accident he didn't get around to it.” His eyes lit up with sudden interest. “Is Regan an Irish name?”

  I just wanted this nutcase to go away. "Yes, it's Irish, and my over protective daddy isn't going to like the fact his daughter is being strong armed by a motorcycle club. My dad owns businesses all over New Jersey. My Irish side is mostly cops and lawyers, so tell your 'bro's' to let me go now!”

  The bastard nodded and continued to smile at me. "Please tell me you are full Irish.”

  What's it to him? "Hell no! I'm half Russian and those uncles are nasty bastards. They own coal mines in Pennsylvania. Now get away from me or I'll be calling that side of my family to dump all of you down a mine shaft.”

  Jersey slapped me in the face. It wasn't hard but it stung. "Kima, I told you this is Rabid. He's the National President of Bound for Hell! You can't talk to him like that.” He looked at Rabid. “Kima's had a head injury from the accident and was banged up pretty bad. She really doesn't know anything about how the club works.”

  This Rabid jerk turned to speak to Jersey. "Veiko hasn't seen her or talked to her? That's odd. If she were my old lady I'd take better care of her.” Rabid paused and stroked his goatee contemplating. “Jersey, she attacked me. You know what that means. I'm demanding my rights. So you better explain to Kima just what those rights are. I'll give you a few minutes before I send one of my boys to see V. Make her understand, Jersey, or V's gonna be hurting more than he is now. I'd really would hate to hurt him, you know that, but Veiko is responsible for her actions. Rules are rules! But she's saying she doesn't want him and it seems he doesn't want her. With that being said, I'm within my rights to claim her.” He said it all w
ith a sinister smile.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jersey grabbed my arm and led me to a quiet corner away from Rabid "Kima, what the fuck is wrong with you? V’s really sick. If one of Rabid's boys pays him a visit, he won't be able to fight. He has a long road ahead of him to fully recover. I know we've all tried to give you your space but Kima, hitting the National President?”

  I looked at Jersey. "You all forgot about me! Who are you kidding? I was left on my own. Did you come to see me? No! Nailz? No. Jo called me a few times and not once was Veiko's name brought up. Anyway, he has a fiancee - I saw her in bed with him. I bet his mama probably sent to the old country to get her for him. Look how she treated China! You tell V the next time you see him that I said fuck off and die! And I don't really give a flying fuck who this Rabies is. I swear to God I will call my father and my uncles. Let’s see how the club likes that!”

  Jersey shook me. "Kima, you don't get it! Rabid’s claiming you as his old lady. V still loves you. When I've been able to talk to him, all he does is ask about you. We thought leaving you alone was better than telling you how sick he really is. Now we're fucked until I can get to Nailz and V. Do you want the man who loves you beaten up in a hospital bed or will you just go with Rabid until we can figure this out? This is going to crush V! Stop thinking of yourself all the time. You made this mess, now you'll have to fucking fix it. You have to hold tight until we can get you out of this!”

  Where had I heard that before? I realized it was when Elena yelled at Jo. Oh my God! What the hell had I done? It dawned on me that this was the only way to appease Rabid. Both our lives were at stake and I knew I’d have to put on the biggest act of my life.

  I was resigned as I said, "Yeah, I'll go, but I'm not staying with that guy. No fucking way. He creeps me the fuck out.”

  "Kima, understand me... be very nice to Rabid. He's crazy. Say as little as you can and, for God's sake, don't fight or piss him off. He will hurt you-badly. I swear we'll get you out somehow. It may take time but we will. Rabid is crazy and telling you even this much is dangerous for me. Don't threaten the man, Kima. Just go along with him.”

  "Yeah sure, whatever, Jersey. Like you give a shit about me,” I hissed angrily.

  "Kima, we all care - more than you know. Now pretend everything's fine and go over to Rabid. I see him planning to send somebody over to the hospital.”

  "How the hell can he send anyone to a hospital where there are guards?” I asked, whispering.

  "Rabid does whatever the hell he pleases. You'll learn that. I guess leaving you alone wasn't the best idea. With Thrash gone and all the shit I'm handling right now, we didn't know what to tell you.”

  Jersey looked upset. Rabid was walking our way and stopped in front of me. He smiled slyly, "Made a decision yet, Kima? Is my boy going to have to fight V?”

  I was defeated. "No. I'll go with you, Rabid.”

  He rubbed his hands together and said approvingly, "My mother is going to love you.”

  What the fuck? His mother? Jersey was right - I had a lunatic to deal with.

  He pulled me toward him and looked me over like I was a horse at an auction. "You and V lost a baby? That's very sad but I'll make sure you'll have more, Kima.”

  Over my dead body!

  He smiled, obviously quite satisfied with himself. “You're perfect! I've been searching a long time for someone like you. Kima Regan, you'll do quite well. I'm full Irish and I'm sure my mother will overlook the Russian in you. By the way, those high cheek bones are beautiful.”

  He pulled me closer to him and guided me to a table. I saw Jersey grab my friend Joy. I nodded to her and Jersey pulled her away.

  "So Kima, do you do drugs?”

  I was wary. "Not much anymore. Once in awhile some speed. After the accident, I rarely even drink. Tonight's an exception. I sleep most of the time because my body hasn't quite healed. I'm a dancer and need to get back to work. So I can't stay with you long.”

  Rabid smiled but he asserted, "Oh, there will be no need to dance, Kima. You'll be with me most of the time. Glad to hear you don't do drugs normally. Do you know how many girls I've met that do? The numbers are amazing. I’m a bit of a clean freak so I hope you are too.”

  What the hell? Who was this nut and how was he the National President of the club? I nodded quickly. "I'm very clean. The nuns taught us cleanliness is next to godliness in Sunday school.”

  Rabid was smiling even more.


  "So you’re Catholic, too? That's perfect. My mother attends mass each morning."

  Oh hell no! I wasn't signing up for mass too.

  "Well I am and I'm not. I don't bother with church too much. Holidays mainly.”

  Rabid ordered me a drink. I asked for soda. We just sat there looking at each other - me very cautiously and him with extreme interest. He looked like he just won a prize at the damn fair! Rabid was a handsome man, no doubt about it. He was cleaner than most bikers, for sure, but he wasn't Veiko.

  I could feel the love I'd hidden for V come flooding back. Shit, I had to protect V from this madman or I'd die trying. So I sat and smiled at Rabid. I nodded to the bikers around him and said as little as I could. What the hell had I just stepped into?

  The night was a blur. I didn't even bother remembering their names except for one of Rabid 'boys' named Bullet. He sat next to me and I felt safer with him than with anyone else in Rabid's circle.

  Bullet had a slow, lazy southern drawl when he spoke. When Rapid would leave for a few minutes, he'd talk to me. "Kima, don't piss Rabid off. Just act like you don't know anything. Be sweet. Agree with him. You don't want him pissed off – or he’ll hit you. And do not ever call him Rabies! I heard that… be happy he didn't," Frowning, Bullet continued, “We have a few motel rooms here and I guess that's where he's taking you. Do you need to call anyone?”

  I sighed worriedly. “No, I guess not, but I don't think Rabid will like me in the morning. Maybe he’ll change his mind? I don't just fuck men, Bullet. So he better not touch me.”

  Bullet patted my hand, “Girl, I doubt he'll fuck you tonight. But don't think for a moment he'll let you go. Just try and get along with him, for all of our sakes. He'll want to stay until the bar closes and maybe go back to the clubhouse. Tell him you don't feel well, that your head hurts.”

  Well, I could do that easily, and it wouldn’t be a lie... my head was exploding. I would have to think of something to get away from this nut job. I'd make a plan to escape and get the hell out of here. I'd go to Boston; My sister's life was looking better and better to me.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 31 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko had finally gotten his mother and sister to go home for the night. Mama was there constantly and waited outside his door like a vulture. She was controlling who got to see him and who she didn't want him to talk to. She had even asked his phone be removed from the room. His mother was driving him nuts with her drama over Thrash marrying China. She had been half crazy when told about the accident. When she had left, he told a nurse in a demanding voice to get him a phone.

  The first person he called was Kima. Fuck, the number had been changed. He tried calling Hunter. No answer there, either.

  Enough of this shit!

  V laid there in bed and thought about Kima. His mother had pushed Thrash away and she was now pushing him to the limit, calling the woman he loved a whore. What the hell was wrong with her? Thrash had been wise to take China away. As long as he had a phone, he decided to call the clubhouse.

  Pops picked up when V called. "V, how are you bro? I'm just minding the place while everyone is partying at the Loft. Rabid's in town. He's been driving Jersey nuts. Nailz ain't here either. Off doing some shit for that bastard.”

  V sighed, "I'm feeling better, Pops. My mother is driving me crazy though. If you can get a hold of Jersey, tell him to sneak up and visit me".

  Veiko smashed the phone down. Great! he thought ironically. While he was stuck here recuperating, Rabid was run
ning around Ocean Cove and the club! Frustrated, he laid there thinking about the mess he was in. When he found out who had hit them and caused the accident, there would be hell to pay. If his brother's hadn't killed them yet, V was planning to.

  He slept fitfully during the night. Napping on and off, his restless dreams were of Kima. Many times he woke up in a cold sweat. He wanted to see her so badly but needed to get out of this hospital bed. He wasn't sure what was going on in her head. Kima had stayed far away from Ocean Cove and both Hunter and Thorn weren't telling him anything about her. Motherfucker! What the hell was she thinking changing her

  phone number?

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Bullet was correct. After we left the bar, Rabid wanted to go and party at the clubhouse. I told him I felt ill. He was very kind and took me to the motel that Bound for Hell had taken over. Since it wasn’t tourist season, the owner was only too happy to rent

  most of the rooms to the club members.

  I wasn't sure what Rabid would expect from me either. If it was sex, he could forget it. I felt feverish and my head was pounding. I had pain pills in my purse and when I went and pulled out the bottle, he grabbed my hand. "Empty your purse on that table, Kima"

  Rabid had a smooth voice but I was on to the sneaky bastard. "No problem, Rabid. I don't carry weapons, yet." I was a bit bitchy sounding but I meant it. I did have a gun that Thorn had given me and I wished like hell I had it right now.

  Rabid poked through my things and looked at my prescription and the date.

  He even was counting pills! "You don't use these often? That must mean you're head injury is healing?”

  "I try not to take pills. I told you, drugs aren't for me, but when the pain comes it can be unbearable. I've passed out from it. I went flying off the bike and I really hate talking about it,” I replied. I was looking for something to take the pill with and he got me some water. I decided to double up on them so I didn't have to talk to him.


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