Uncovering Stone

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Uncovering Stone Page 6

by T. Saint John

  I could have killed Evan when he introduced himself as my fiancé since I knew Casey would pick up on the fact that I didn’t have an engagement ring. But, the man’s quick thinking and smooth explanation of the missing ring saved him from my immediate need to throttle him. That and seeing the look on Casey’s face when she found out I was engaged to someone as hot as Evan. I normally wouldn’t stand for Evan’s show of possession and manhandling me, but I’ll let it slide tonight because I saw the way Casey was ogling and flirting with my date for the reunion. I know it’s petty, but it brought me great satisfaction to witness the seething jealousy from my longtime rival.

  After an hour, there’s still no sign of Devin—maybe he isn’t coming. I’m about ready to give up and get out of here. Looking around the room, I watch as my former classmates enjoy themselves. It’s just like being back in high school, where people pretty much stuck to same clicks they used to belong in, except I don’t have Kerrigan—she’s still in Kentucky. I start to feel like an idiot that no one is talking to me, and Evan is getting a glimpse of my pathetic teenage loser years. I know I’m not the same girl I was back then, so I decide to take control of my fate. The music has slowed and I plan on asking Evan to dance with me. I never went to my prom—Kerrigan and I had decided to stay home together instead, ordering pizza and watching movies. I knew back then that I’d have more fun with her at home than showing up at prom with some guy I barely knew. Now that I had Evan with me, I wanted to retake some of the simple life experiences I’d missed out on as a teenager because of what Jackson and his friends did.

  “Evan?” I say, trying to get his attention.

  “Do you see him?” he asks scanning the room. Of course, he would be focused on our mission. He’s not here for fun or to fulfill my teenaged fantasy of dancing with the hottest guy in the room during prom.

  “No,” I disappointedly answer. And just like that, I lose my nerve to invite him to dance with me.

  “What is it?” he asks, turning to face me.

  “Never mind, it’s nothing,” I timidly reply, looking away.

  “Alani, did you want to dance?” he asks, gently turning my face towards him.

  “Yes, but only if you want to,” I respond, searching his eyes to see the truth in whatever response he gives me.

  “I do,” he says and I believe him. He takes my hand in his and guides me to the dance floor.

  Once we’re on the dance floor, he pulls me in so closely that I’m able to lay my head on his chest and hear the beat of his heart. As we’re slowly swaying to the music, I realize that I needed to feel this closeness to Evan. I begin to lose myself in the comfort of his arms and everything seems to fade away, leaving just the two of us on the dance floor. I can feel Evan’s fingertips on my back, in the space between my shoulder blades, gently brushing up and down—I wonder if he’s even aware that he’s doing it. My whole body shivers with want for Evan and a need, so incredible, rises within me. I feel Evan pull slightly away from me, making me come back to reality and suddenly realize that the song has ended. I look up to see him looking intently at me.

  “I’m kissing you,” he announces before I can move away. I can’t tell if he said it as a warning or a promise, and my eyes close with the thrill of anticipation. Oh my God, Lani, STOP! What are you thinking??? You can’t let him kiss you! Just the touch of his lips earlier tonight left you stunned—what do you think a full-on lip lock would do? The thought shocks me into awareness and my eyes open immediately.

  “No, Evan. It’s alright, we don’t need to go that far just to give these people a good show,” I hurriedly say. That’s when I made the mistake of looking into his eyes. Shit. I can see my desire reflected in those eyes and my resolve weakens.

  “Trust me, Alani, it’s never just for show,” he says empathically. Hearing those words and the command in his voice, I’m compelled—I do trust him. My mind shuts off and I feel my head nod imperceptibly.

  As he starts to slowly lean down towards me, my eyes close once more. And the moment his lips touch mine, the desire inside takes over and controls my body. The kiss deepens, and my hands are clutching the lapels of his suit jacket, tugging to bring Evan even closer. The kiss ends too soon and I’m desperate for another. Evan pulls back, leaving me to look at him in confusion. Why did he stop?

  “Evan?” I ask tentatively, still dazed from our kiss.

  “Yeah?” he replies. I’m not sure why his simple response upsets me, but the feeling reminds me that I’m here to work. I want to ask him why he stopped, but I don’t want to risk the humiliation.

  “I need to go to the restroom,” I answer flatly.

  “Ok, I’ll go with you,” he responds, releasing me from our embrace.

  “Don’t be ridiculous! It would look odd if you were just standing outside the women’s bathroom waiting for me to get out. Get us some drinks. I’ll be right back,” I say, getting annoyed. Besides, I could use a break from his presence so I can compose myself. The man is killing me tonight with the emotional roller coaster he’s put me on.

  “Five minutes, Alani. That’s it,” he orders strictly. Well, thank God I just need to pee! Next, he’ll be coming up with a schedule for when I’m allowed to breathe!

  “You’re such a controlling asshole, it’s annoying the shit out of me!” I say, walking off in a snit.

  “Get used to it, babe,” he matter-of-factly calls at my back.

  I’m beginning to see the pitfall of our relationship—we’re both a mass of contradictions. I tend to shove him away and then wind up pulling him close, whereas Evan teeters from gentle to aggressive. Not that we’re a couple, but I now know why the relationship status ‘It’s complicated’ exists.


  I’m back in another motherfucking long ass line just to get drinks. It irks me even more now that some idiots are getting drunk and acting like complete jackasses. I think what just happened on the dance floor is making me edgy. Once I had Alani against me, I couldn’t resist putting my mouth on her. I would have gone on kissing her, but I had to stop and pull away before she felt my erection against her or I wound up taking her right in front of everyone. The sexual frustration has been putting me in a foul mood ever since.

  I feel a hand caress my back from shoulder to waist and it makes my skin crawl, knowing it’s not Alani since she’s currently in the restroom. It’s an unwelcome touch from a stranger—I don’t fucking like people putting their hands on me without my consent. I have the strong urge to lash out as the hand squeezes my ass and I hear, “Well, hel-lo!”

  I turn around and find Casey giggling and batting her eyes at me. Perfect. Just fucking perfect. She’s just what I needed right this moment because apparently, I’m not pissed enough already.

  “Are you having fun?” Casey asks in a flirty voice as she walks two of her fingers up my chest. I’d love nothing more than slap the skank’s hand away, but I think of Alani and how I can maybe help her by finding out where the hell Devin is. So, I have to play nice with Devin’s whore of a wife.

  “Frankly, Casey, I’m having a shitty time waiting around just to get a fucking drink.” That’s as close I can bring myself to being nice to the bitch.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I showed up then. I can definitely make your night a lot more enjoyable,” she flirts, tracing her finger from side to side down my chest and abs.

  “Where’s your husband?” I quickly ask, removing her hand off of me before her finger can move down any lower. She keeps trying to reach for me, so I hold on to her wrist.

  “He just got here, but he went to the bathroom. I bet we can sneak off somewhere and have ourselves some fun—he won’t have a clue!” Casey says excitedly, the lust showing clearly on her face. Shit. All I can think about is how close Devin is to Alani right now—I need to get to her. But first, I have to get rid of Casey.

  “I have no fucking doubt that your husband is clueless—he married a cheating, slutty bitch like you, didn’t he?” I remark snidely, dropp
ing her wrist and walking off. I got what I needed from her, so I didn’t have to hold back my contempt.

  I almost want to run to make sure Alani is safe, but I keep my cool and quickly get to my destination without arousing suspicion. As I reach the bathrooms, she comes walking out of the women’s door.

  “Damn it, Evan, I wasn’t even gone that long!” she protests. I ignore her and press her back against the wall, trapping her with my body. This probably isn’t necessary, but Alani doesn’t need to know that. I want to press my advantage while I have a plausible excuse for being so close to her. She’s too stunned to resist, and I lean down to nuzzle her neck.

  “Devin’s here, Casey said he went to the bathroom,” I whisper in her ear.

  “How will I get close enough to him?” Alani quietly asks with a tremor in her voice. I don’t know if my closeness is affecting her or if she’s concerned about what she needs to do.

  “What was your plan before?” I inquire.

  “I was going to take a glass he drank from,” she replies. I nod my head in acknowledgement as I release her.

  We make our way back to the table and I strike up a conversation with the people we were grouped with. Seems like everyone was placed at this table because they weren’t deemed cool enough to sit with anyone else. I’m proud of Alani when she starts making jokes and tells her former classmates that she’d rather be at this table than with the cool kids. As she tries to put the others at ease, I watch her begin to relax and let go of any insecurities that may have been lingering from high school. The laughter at our table gets louder as everyone enjoys themselves. Hell, even I’m entertained and have gotten out of my funk. I become aware that everyone has stopped talking all of a sudden and are looking in Alani’s direction. I turn to find Devin looking at me with a pissed off look on his face. As Alani begins to turn in his direction, Devin’s facial expression completely changes.

  “Hey, Alani! It’s been years,” Devin greets her with a brilliant smile. He leans down and gives her a quick kiss on the lips. I scoot my chair back at an angle so that my knees straddle Alani’s chair. I don’t know his agenda, but I want to be ready to jump up in case he tries anything.

  As Devin straightens up, he eyes me. I’m not sure if he’s trying to get a reaction out of me, so I just arch an eyebrow at him. He sits down on the empty seat on the other side of Alani, putting his arm on the back of her chair and asking, “So, how the hell have you been?”

  “Good...I’ve been doing good, Devin,” she answers uncertainly. Since she’s never mentioned being on friendly terms with Devin in high school, I assume she must be confused by this new development. I watch him place his hand on Alani and begin to massage her shoulder. He takes a sip of his alcohol before placing it on the table.

  “Well, we definitely have a lot of catching up to do,” he says smoothly as he puts the hand that previously held his drink on Alani’s knee. Alani stiffens as he caresses her thigh. She places her hand on his to stop his wandering hand. He chuckles before adding, “You and I need to get reacquainted.”

  “Devin, is it? I’m Evan, Alani’s fiancé,” I introduce myself, adding a bit of menace in my voice. I know I have to let this play out in order to help Alani, but I don’t like what he’s doing.

  “That’s right, and I’m Casey’s husband,” he responds, emphasizing the last two words. I think he’s trying to intimidate me with his tone, but in my line of work, I’ve taken on tougher guys than him without backing down. He finishes the rest of his drink and places his empty glass on the table. Judging from the small, quick tilt of her head towards the glass, Alani has noticed it too. Now, she just needs a distraction.

  Emboldened by the liquid courage and leaning towards me from behind Alani’s chair, Devin sends accusations at me. “You tried to fuck my wife! She told me all about how you took her to some dark corner of the school and made out with her. She said she you wanted her bad and you were so horny, she had to stop you from sticking your fucking cock inside of her!”

  “Never happened. Everything that bitch told you was bullshit. I never touched her,” I quietly deny, leaning in close to prevent others from witnessing our exchange. It all makes sense. Embarrassed or angered by my rejection of her advances, Casey probably ran back to her friends and told them that Alani’s new fiancé wanted her—trying to humiliate Alani instead. The troublesome bitch told her husband a bunch of lies to make him jealous enough to come after me.

  “You just stay away from her!” Devin demands, emphatically pointing his finger at me. Although I have no intention of going anywhere near his wife, I’m tired of this fucker and his telling me what to do. In a move so fast, it’s barely detectable, I pull on his outstretched arm while simultaneously kicking his chair out from under him. Caught off guard in an already precarious position, his body easily falls to the floor.

  “Holy shit, buddy! How much have you had to drink tonight?” I exclaim, immediately jumping to my feet. I kneel down on one knee to help him up, but before I do...I give him a quick chop to the throat while he’s on his hands and knees and he begins to choke. With my arms around him, pretending to help pick him up from the ground, I speak clearly and quietly next to his ear, “Don’t you ever fucking lay a hand on Alani again!

  “Good God, that fall must’ve knocked the wind out of you!” I comment aloud, standing up with him and patting him on the back. I glance down at the table and notice that the glass has disappeared.

  “Are you alright, Devin?” Alani asks with concern, standing to check on him. Devin just nods his head and walks away.

  “Bye, Devin, it was nice meeting you!” I call at his back. After that, Alani and I decide to call it a night and say farewell to the group at our table.

  “What was that all about?” Alani asks once we’re in the car. I explain to her what happened at the bar, but not what I did to Devin. That should just stay between us guys. Once I’m done relating the story, she responds with, “Still the same Casey, I guess she never grew up.”

  “So you believe me?” I ask, looking at her, surprised. Alani seems to question me a lot, especially when it comes to women.

  “Yeah, I do. It’s not like we’re dating, you have no reason to hide anything. Besides, I saw her eying you earlier tonight,” she replies with a smile.

  “Yet. We’re not YET dating,” I tell her so she knows I still plan to pursue her. I watch as she rolls her eyes, but she doesn’t fight me on it. Well, that’s a start.

  Chapter 6


  Alani and I have been living together for a couple of months now. I had hoped that the longer we lived together, the closer we’d get to having a romantic relationship. But instead, I’ve been friend-zoned. Apparently, she also now thinks I have a vagina because she called me at work earlier to inform me that we’ll be watching some chick flick tonight. I wanted to say no, but she hasn’t been feeling well, so her ‘friend’ will not only be indulging her with her movie choice, but he’ll also be surprising her by picking up dinner from her favorite Thai restaurant.

  As much as it pains me, I have to finally admit that Alani and I will never be more than just friends. Realizing the truth, that I’ll never be with her, doesn’t stop me from loving her, but it does allow me to lift the no-sex sentence I’ve been imposing on myself. It’s been eighty-two days since I’ve had pussy, and ever since I gave up hope on sex with Alani, my cock has been chomping at the bit to be let loose in some soft, warm, and wet hole. It needs to find some release soon. Otherwise, it’s not going be very picky and will fuck any woman’s willing hole. That’s why after we get back from Maddox and Kerrigan’s wedding this weekend, I plan to call Mary, my go-to girl.

  Unlike Maddox, who used to employ the one-and-done strategy when it came to banging chicks, I prefer to make use of a woman more than once. To avoid an all-night fuck fest instead of fucking the same woman over a period of time, I like to do a bit of research on her before we fuck for the first time. Not like the creepy stalker following a w
oman around, but I like knowing what makes a girl tick in order to get the best sexual responses out of her so that it’s mutually gratifying for us. She gets the benefit of my long, thick cock pounding her senseless, leading to multiple orgasms for her while I get off on the complete possession of her body. I enjoy dominating her and making her totally dependent on me for her sexual gratification—controlling when and how she cums. I’m not saying I don’t love a good one night stand with a stranger, no strings attached, but I relish being able to train a woman to draw out both our pleasures and get her to try things she never thought she’d like.

  When I first met Mary, I was representing her in a divorce from her cheating, abusive husband. She was always uptight and had her guard up around all men. One night, I agreed to stay at the office late and meet with her. After a particularly tough day in court, where she learned her husband had even cheated on her with her best friend at the time, she came to me heartbroken and in tears. As I sat on the couch, trying to comfort her, she wound up throwing herself at me.


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