Uncovering Stone

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Uncovering Stone Page 24

by T. Saint John

  “Alex,” I greet as I get into the car.

  “Yes, Miss James?”

  “For the billionth time, it’s Lani,” I correct him. “Anyway, I’m going to the girly doctor, and I would very much appreciate if you don’t say anything to Evan. I know you report everything to him, but he really doesn’t need to know I’m at the gynecologist.”

  “Ma’am, I won’t out you, but if he asks specifically where you are, I have to tell him. I enjoy my job and would like to keep it.”

  “Wow. You actually like babysitting me?” I question sarcastically.

  “Yes, my job’s fairly easy. Aside from the occasional drive, all I have to do is feed you and play Skip-bo. And sadly, I’ve grown fond of the game,” he says, laughing back. Yes, we are a boring pair. Eating and playing card games is all we do.

  “Thanks,” I say, knowing that’s the best offer I’ll get from him.

  Alex escorts me up to the doctor’s office, and he peeks his head inside to scan the room before he motions for me to come in. Before I proceed, Alex tells me he’ll stand guard at the front door. I was relieved to hear that because I wouldn’t have been comfortable with him in the room while my vagina was on full display. I figure it should be safe enough for me to go alone. Besides, it’s probably safer for him to be as far away from the exam room as possible. If Alex even thought of sitting in the examination room with me, Evan would rip off Alex’s limbs and hang him by his balls. Evan nearly killed Noah for “looking too closely” while performing an exam on me.

  When I walk into the waiting room, my jaw drops as I am immediately met by a familiar face—Molly’s. Judging by her expression, she is even more surprised than I am. Shit. Is Noah here? I glance around the waiting room, and when I don’t see him, I plop myself down on the seat next to her.

  “What are you doing here?” I inquire in a whisper.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, deflecting my question back to me. “And where’s Alex?”

  “He’s outside. And I asked you first.”

  “Don’t say anything, but I had a positive home pregnancy test,” replies Molly. “I’m here to get it confirmed. I mean, I already know, but I need to make it official. Now what are you doing here?”

  Crap. I really don’t want to answer, but it’s not like I can lie about why I’m here. Molly’s not stupid—I think she just wants to hear it from me. “The same as you. Please don’t say anything,” I beg.

  “I won’t. And holy shit...does Evan know?”

  “No, and he’s going to kill me.”

  “Why would you say that?” she questions.

  “Because...even though I know he’s fine with having Harper, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want any more kids.”

  “Well then he should’ve worn a condom,” Molly states simply. She’s right, he’s just as much to blame as I am.

  “Wow. I can’t believe you’re having another one. You were so set on not having anymore.”

  “Evan changed my mind,”

  “What?” I ask in disbelief. “How? Why?”

  “Well, when you were gone, he just stopped seeing everyone,” Molly begins to explain. “He was going through a phase, like he had completely lost his mind. One day, I decided to stop by his place so he could finally meet the twins. He seemed so miserable and hopeless, but then, as I was leaving, he told me to try again because Noah was desperate to have a baby girl. Of course, Noah loves our boys, but he feels that it would be even more special if we had a girl to complete our family. Anyway, just the way Evan said to try one more time—it was as if it would mean the world to him to see Noah happy. Of course, I thought Evan was just talking crazy at the time—and he probably was—but the thought of Noah and I having a complete family prompted me to try at least one more time. And of course, if we end up with another boy, I’ll be fine with that too. There would be seven of us, and it’s a lucky number, right?”

  “Um...yeah, I’ll be sure to remind you of that when you pop out another boy,” I tease, and she playfully slaps my hand.

  “By the way, Noah doesn’t have a clue, but on Valentine’s Day, I knew I was ovulating, so I took advantage of our all-nighter,” she confesses with a mischievous look on her face, and I start laughing.

  “Looks like we’ll have the same due date.” I nudge her arm and we both start cracking up. It’s the first time I’ve laughed like this in a long time.

  Molly is called first, and I follow a few minutes later. At the end of my visit, Dr. Chaney confirms that I’m expecting another one. Although I’m completely shocked to be pregnant again, I’m also a little excited. I love Evan, and I know without a doubt that he and I are supposed to be together. It hit me like a ton of bricks after he left on Valentine’s Day. I had feared the aggressive, rough-in-bed Evan, but I know he would never really hurt me and, if I’m being honest with myself, I enjoyed being dominated without fear. And when he admitted to me that he wasn’t having sex with anyone else, it proved to me that he loves and respects me enough to give me the time I requested without breaking the trust and mutual understanding we’ve maintained. I realize that I’m deeply and forever in love with him and, regardless what this test says, it’s time I admit this to him.


  It’s a long day at work. I was hoping to be home by 5pm, but it doesn’t look like that’s possible. I’m in the middle of a sexual harassment case against one of the biggest software companies, and if we win, it’ll make me millions. Not that I need it, but these women have a very strong case, and I’m working hard to make sure it’s in the bag. I’m in the middle of organizing the case files laid out across my desk when my phone starts going off. I ignore it the first couple times until it goes off the third time. Irritated by the unwanted distraction, I glance down at the screen and see that it’s Senator Morgan calling. My heart skips a few beats, and then I quickly answer.

  “What do you have?” I ask, not taking time on any pleasantries.

  “Jackson called and asked for money about twenty minutes ago. I told him no.”

  “I told you not to tell him no,” I remind him.

  “Well, I’m trying to buy some time because I need to know exactly what you want me to do.”

  “I see. How did he ask for it? Wire, check, or cash?”

  “He asked to have it wired, but I told him I can’t have any money trail that could tie me to any criminal doings of his.”

  “Good thinking, and a good reason not to wire the money to him. Do you think he’ll call back?” I ask.

  “Of course. I know Jackson and he’s probably coming up with things he can threaten me with so he can get what he wants.”

  “Alright. Do you still have the condo in Chicago?”

  “Yes, I do,” he says, sounding confused at my question.

  “Give him a specific date and time to show up, then call me back with the details.”

  “Will do,” affirms Senator Morgan before hanging up.

  Shit. I need to call Alex and warn him that Jackson will be coming back to Chicago. It’s time to step up security on Alani and Cade.

  Chapter 23


  A week has passed since I found out for sure that I was pregnant. I’m waiting to tell Evan because he just landed a major case and can’t afford to be distracted right now. To be honest, I don’t know if I’m ready to tell him. I just know he’s going to freak the fuck out. He may have taken it pretty well when he found out about Harper, but I’m not sure how he’ll feel about having another child. I have no clue how to even begin telling him that he’s going to be a father again.

  Since I’m having trouble concentrating at work worrying over the baby situation, I decide to call it a day. Wrapping up the only case I have right now, I start packing up my stuff to leave. Business has been slow so I’m not making much money, but it feels good to leave home each day and go to work. It definitely beats being holed up in Evan’s penthouse all day. As I step out into the hallway and turn to lock my office door, I’m approa
ched by someone in an electrician’s uniform.

  “Ma’am, I just need to get in there and check on something real quick,” he informs me, keeping his head tilted down slightly so that his face is partially hidden by his hat. I’m immediately on guard, but since this man is too short, I know it’s not Jackson. Dismissing my paranoia, I open up the door again. Once it’s open, he shoves me inside and demands, “Sit down.”

  “Not again,” I mutter, doing as I’m told. Where the fuck is Alex?

  “Alani, it’s me,” he says, taking off his hat. It’s Dylan. I brace myself for what’s about to come, preparing to go down kicking and screaming.

  “Where’s Alex? What did you do to Alex?” I question. Shit! How did Dylan get to me? Evan’s going to be pissed. He’s going to be right, and if anything happens to me, he’ll blame himself. Dammit! All I ever do is hurt him!

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Alani. But you need to come with me,” Dylan informs me.

  “Where’s Alex?” I repeat, looking around and trying to gauge my options.

  “He’s taking a nap. I promise, I didn’t hurt him.” He almost sounds apologetic. I take a couple of deep breaths and look up at him again.

  “I know you’re with Jackson, and I know what you’ve done. You’re crazy if you think I’m going anywhere with you!”

  “You don’t know what I’ve done! You only assume things about me, but you have no idea!” he protests defensively.

  “I know you raped Missy and another girl who wound up dead. God only knows how many other women you, Jackson, and Michael victimized! I also know you helped keep me hidden along with Missy’s son when Jackson took us,” I lash out at him.

  “You have it all wrong. Yeah, I was there the night Missy was raped, but I never touched her. I was in the room when you stumbled in, but I swear to God I didn’t rape her. Only Jackson did. I was young...and drunk...an...and stupid, but I never raped anyone! I was afraid to tell anyone what I’d witnessed because of who Jackson was. Who’d believe the punk who had an arrest record for shoplifting over the governor’s son? I tried to help Missy that night, but I couldn’t convince Jackson to stop,” Dylan confesses, sounding so distraught. Seeing the tears in his eyes, I almost feel sorry for him. And I might have fallen for his bullshit story if I didn’t know about the other girl.

  “I saw you at the bar that night with Jackson and Michael. There was a girl with the three of you that reported being raped that night. She later wound up dead,” I remind him.

  “I tried to warn her...when we were leaving. I thought she was safe when we all left in our separate cars. I figured everyone was going home, but I should’ve known Jackson would be able to talk his way into meeting up with her,” he says regretfully.

  “You helped hold me the night of the party. Why?”

  “Because I was seventeen and had been already in trouble with the law. Jackson said we’d all be thrown in jail if you or Missy went to the police. I didn’t know any better and I believed him. I was so scared that I just did whatever Jackson told me. I hate that I was such a coward back then. I’m married now and have a little girl. I would never want anything like that to happen to my daughter, and I’m sorry to have had any part in it. But Alani, I’m telling you the truth when I say I never touched Missy. I tried to help her back then, but I couldn’t. I want to make things right, but you need to come with me now!” he insistently pleads. Call me crazy, but for some reason, I actually believe him.

  “I need to call Evan. He’ll go crazy if he doesn’t know where I am.”

  “You can’t call Evan,” he says worriedly.

  “Then I’m not going,” I state firmly.

  “Shit. Hurry up—Jackson is back in Chicago and he knows where you work. I’m supposed to get you on a plane that he has waiting, while he picks up some money from his dad.”

  “Where? Where are we going?” I ask.

  “To the airfield. I confessed everything to my wife. I told her that I had to make things right and that I might not make it back, but I have to do this. When Jackson sees you, he’ll be distracted and I plan to shoot him.”

  “You’ll go to jail,” I state as a matter-of-fact.

  He hangs his head and acceptingly replies, “It’s what I deserve for my part in what happened to you girls.”

  “How did you try to help Missy that night? When I walked in, you were zipping up your pants.”

  “I told Michael and Jackson that I’d take my turn with Missy, but I wasn’t about to have two staring at my dick while I did it. I unbuttoned my pants to make them think I was seriously going to do it. But once they left the room, I was going to get her dressed and get her out of there. I planned on waiting for her to sober up so that I could tell her what happened. I wanted to explain to Missy that I didn’t rape her so that when she went to the police, I wouldn’t be arrested for something I didn’t do. But then you barged in while my pants were undone. I know what it must have looked like and without being able to talk to Missy—I knew I was screwed. When you said you were calling the police, I got scared and just did whatever Jackson said.”

  “The statute of limitations has run out and Missy can’t press charges. What she needs is justice, but more than anything, she needs answers,” I tell him.

  “I’ll do whatever I can to answer her questions. But please, we have to go now,” he begs.

  “Let me call Evan first.” Before I can dial Evan’s number, there’s a loud banging on my office door.

  “Lani! Open up!” Alex urgently shouts, continuing to bang on the door. Relief washes over me to know that he’s safe. I walk over to open the door without Dylan making an attempt to stop me. Once the door opens, Alex rushes in, aiming his gun at Dylan.

  “Did he hurt you?” Alex questions me without taking his eyes off Dylan.

  “No, he didn’t,” I answer. Not wanting Alex to hurt Dylan, I add, “It’s ok, Alex. I’m fine, just calm down.”

  “Get down on the ground!” Alex orders Dylan.

  “Wait! He’s here to help. He has a plan,” I quickly explain. Alex ignores me and heads over to Dylan.

  “Help?? You believe this rapist?!” Alex disgustedly asks, roughly forcing Dylan to the ground. Alex puts his knee on Dylan’s back to hold Dylan down.

  “Alex, stop,” I plead.

  “I’ll let Evan deal with him,” he says, pulling out some zip ties from his pocket. Zip ties??? Who carries zip ties around with them?! I guess when Evan is your boss, anything is possible. I would laugh if the situation wasn’t so intense right now. I nearly shit myself when another hulking figure crashes through the door with a gun drawn. I realize it’s Evan and I rush to stand between him and where Dylan is lying on the ground.

  “What the fuck, Alani?” Evan questions, lowering his weapon.

  “Can everyone just please calm down? I need to explain what’s going on,” I say, trying to diffuse the situation. Having tied Dylan’s hands, Alex brings Dylan to his feet.

  “We’re running out of time, Alani. We need to go,” Dylan calmly says. I don’t know how he can be so calm when there’s two armed men ready to shoot him if he makes a move.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Evan demands, pressing his gun into Dylan’s temple. Dylan closes his eyes and his presses his lips together in a grim line as he braces himself for the bullet he knows is coming.

  “Evan, stop! He’s here to help! I don’t have time to explain, but I need to go with him. He’s taking me to Jackson,” I hurriedly say, panicking.

  “Have you completely lost your mind?! Do you even know what you’re asking me to do?” Evan questions, looking at me like I’m insane. Before I could respond, he angrily continues, “I’m not about to let you go anywhere with this asshole!”

  “Sir, should I get Lani out of here and let you handle this?” Alex asks in an emotionless, professional tone.

  “Yes. Take her downstairs and wait for me,” Evan orders, his voice sounding cold and distant. Dylan is the only one who knows where Jackson is goi
ng to be, and Evan is making a decision that would ruin the chance to get rid of Jackson once and for all. It will only send Jackson back into hiding, and who knows if we’ll ever get this opportunity again.


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