Ranger Griffin

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Ranger Griffin Page 4

by Zoe Chant

  “Some ice cream, but that’s a bit cold for a night like this. And it’s from the store. I can cook, but I don’t know how to bake. But I have something else you might like. You don’t have to stay at the table. It’ll take a couple minutes.”

  He released her hand and went into the kitchen. Almost immediately, she heard the sound of cream being whipped.

  There’s a good sign.

  She loved fresh-whipped cream. And she liked that he was the kind of guy who’d whip cream rather than buying it in a spray canister. He was old-fashioned in all the right ways, cooking and making furniture by hand, but modern in the way that counted—he clearly had absolutely no problem with Emily being a working woman.

  She got up and went into the living room to look at the falling snow. Night had fallen, but she could see curls of white tossed about by the wind, like feathers blown against black velvet.

  She wondered again about Gabriel’s secret. What if it was something terrible? Could he be a criminal on the run, hiding under a fake identity?

  Her gaze fell on the wooden animals on the mantelpiece. She was standing off to the side, so the griffin was no longer hidden from her line of sight. It once again caught her attention, from the lashing lion’s tail to the fine detail of the feathers on its wings. It was absurd to feel that a man who could create that magnificent creature couldn’t be a criminal—plenty of good artists were bad people—but the carving seemed made with a level of sensitivity and passion that Emily just couldn’t believe could come from anyone cruel or dishonest.

  Besides, he’d saved her life. And he hadn’t lied to her. All he’d needed to do in response to her questions was to deny any secret or make something up. But he hadn’t. Instead, he’d told her his fears. How many men would be willing to do that?

  Not many, she thought.

  “I’ve got your dessert,” Gabriel said from behind her. She turned and saw him cupping two bowls in his huge hands. One was filled with fluffy whipped cream, and the other with an assortment of fresh berries. “Wild berries. I picked them this morning.”

  “In winter?”

  “Sure. Plenty of things grow in winter. You just need to know what they are and where to look.” Gabriel kicked off his shoes and sat down on the end of the sofa, putting up his feet. He set down the bowls on the table, then patted the cushion in front of him. “Sit down, and I’ll give you a lesson on identifying wild berries.”

  Emily sat between his legs. His strong arms closed around her. When she settled back against his chest, she could feel that he was rock-hard.

  For me, she realized.

  That thought excited her as much as feeling his steely length against her ass. Her clit throbbed. She squirmed against him, making him suck in his breath. Emily could feel herself getting wet, and currents of desire tingled through her. She was close enough to smell his masculine scent of clean sweat and musk.

  She was startled when he reached into the berry bowl. She’d forgotten about it entirely. And she was even more surprised—and amused—when he held up a plump, dark blue berry and said, “This is the easy one. Do you recognize it?”

  “A blueberry?” she guessed, her voice quivering with the effort not to burst out laughing. She couldn’t believe that he really was going to teach her about wild berries when she could feel that his hard-on was threatening to tear right through his pants.

  “Close. A huckleberry.”

  He dipped it in whipped cream, then popped it into her mouth. The berry was so small and his fingers were so big that she couldn’t take it without closing her lips over his fingertips. Unable to resist, she licked off the sweet whipped cream, flicking her tongue over his fingers. She felt his breath shudder in his chest at her kiss, and knew he was just as excited as she was. Emily sucked gently at his fingers, then ate the berry. It tasted like a blueberry, but with more seeds and a wild tang to its flavor.

  Gabriel picked another berry from the bowl. It was tiny, almost lost between his fingers, smooth and dark red. “Any guesses?”

  “Miniature cranberry?”

  “Nope, cranberries grow in bogs. No bogs here. It’s a hackberry—grows on a tree. Careful, it had a seed in it.”

  He dipped the berry and placed it between her lips. She used her teeth to delicately take it from between his fingertips, and gave him a teasing nibble before licking the whipped cream from his fingers. She could feel his heart beating faster as she did so. Hers was too.

  The berry was sweet and juicy. When she’d eaten everything but the pit, she started to reach up to take it out of her mouth, but Gabriel plucked it from between her lips and dropped it in the wastepaper basket. She could feel his hands trembling slightly, and wondered how many more berries they’d get through before they were both overcome with desire.

  Two, she guessed. Four, max.

  She gave a surprised giggle when he lifted the third berry, a light red oval, and said, “Any guesses on this one?”

  “We’re still on the berry lesson?”

  “I am a park ranger,” he replied, deadpan. “I do nature walks for tourists. I can’t let you go without learning about the flora and fauna of Blue Oak National Park. Stumped on the berry?”


  “Rose hip.” He dunked it in whipped cream and slipped it into her mouth. She sucked the cream from his fingers, hoping he’d imagine what else she could suck, then bit into the rose hip. It was startlingly tart, with floral notes.

  “Which is your favorite?” Gabriel asked.


  He reached for one, but before he could feed it to her, she plucked it from his fingers. “My turn.”

  She dipped it in the whipped cream and lifted it to Gabriel’s lips. He opened his mouth, then closed his lips over her fingers. His mouth was hot inside, and his tongue caressed her fingers as if he loved the taste. Every lick made her imagine what it would feel like to be kissed by him all over.

  “Which is your favorite?” Emily asked.

  His lips moved against her fingertips as he spoke huskily. “You.”

  If she’d still been holding the berry bowl, they would have gone rolling all over the carpet. She was so overcome with desire that her hands shook and her whole body trembled. Currents of tingling heat rippled through her, making her squirm where she sat.

  “I think we’ve had enough berries for the night.” Emily’s voice quivered.

  Gabriel’s deep tones were also unsteady as he replied, “I think so, too.”

  He pulled her in and kissed her. Emily opened her mouth to him, surrendering to the delicious sensation of his hungry tongue caressing hers. He tasted sweet and tart, like the berries and cream, but the heat and urgency of his kiss was his alone. She saw his long eyelashes flutter and felt the deep breath he took before she shut her eyes, abandoning herself to sensation alone.

  His strong arms closed tight around hers, and his big hands slid inside the shirt-dress to stroke her body. She could feel from his touch alone how much he adored every part of her: her sides, her belly, her breasts. He touched every bit of her with desire—even, maybe, with love. She shuddered in delight as he cupped her breasts in his palms as if they were precious treasures, then teased her nipples until they hardened into eager nubs.

  Emily rubbed herself against him, loving how hard he was for her and the feeling of his shaft sliding against her, even through clothes.

  Gabriel groaned into her mouth, then broke off the kiss. “I can’t—I have to—”

  She knew exactly what he meant. Emily too was so overcome with passion, she could barely get any words out. All she could manage was, “Come on!”

  She opened her eyes as he gave an impatient yank at the belt holding her shirt-dress closed. The bow not only came open, but the cord came off entirely in his hands. The shirt he’d loaned her fell open. Her panties and bra had been cold and damp from snow, so she’d taken them off earlier and hung them to dry. She was left completely nude to his hungry eyes.

; “You’re just as gorgeous as I imagined,” he said huskily. “More.”

  He bent his head and kissed her nipples, licking and sucking and nibbling. Emily moaned aloud, almost unable to bear the intensity of the pleasure. No man had ever lavished so much attention on her breasts before. For a while she simply enjoyed it, but soon she wanted more. Needed more.

  She grabbed his T-shirt and tugged it over his head, leaving his coal-black hair rumpled and exposing the ripped muscles of his broad chest. Then she unbuckled his belt and fumbled with the button of his jeans. He was so hard that the black fabric had pulled taut, making her struggle to get his jeans open. He groaned as she tried to pull down his pants, then helped her wrestle them off, taking his boxers with them. He tossed his clothes to the floor, then lifted the open shirt from her shoulders and sent it to join them in a pile.

  The next thing Emily knew, they were both naked on the sofa. She knelt inside the circle of his arms and between his legs. For a moment they both sat still, taking each other in. Gabriel’s skin was flushed pink with arousal, and the pupils of his eyes were huge and black. He was breathing hard, as was she. She breathed in the intoxicating masculine scent of him.

  Emily knew neither of them would be able to hold themselves back for much longer, but she she savored the chance to appreciate the magnificent sight of Gabriel in the nude. Every muscle was sharply defined, from his six-pack to his thighs to his shoulders. His midnight hair fell tousled across his forehead, a startling contrast to his light skin and the summer sky of his eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “I want to—wait.” He broke off, frowning. “I don’t have protection. I didn’t expect—”

  Emily put her finger over his lips. “Don’t worry about it. I’m on the pill. For cramps. I lost my pills in the car crash—they were in my purse—but I took today’s dose this morning. It’s safe.”

  Gabriel’s brilliant smile once again transformed his face. “Then never mind.”

  He reached down between her legs, but she shook her head. “You don’t have to. I’m ready now. I just want you inside of me.”

  She felt Gabriel draw in a deep breath. “I do too.”

  Emily gasped as he lifted her up, then settled her down atop his steel-hard cock, lowering her slowly so it gradually slid into her, filling her in an immensely satisfying way. He began to thrust inside of her, first gently, then harder. Each thrust slid against her clit and sent her closer to the brink. Gabriel bent to kiss her, and she kissed him back, frantically, passionately.

  Then she threw her head back as she fell over the brink. Her climax was like nothing she’d ever felt before, a burst of ecstasy that seemed to explode like fireworks. She reveled in it, crying out aloud. Even when it faded, it let her down gently. Emily felt as if she was floating, warm and happy, in a sea of joy that slowly carried her back from the limits of pleasure to the sofa, the cabin, and Gabriel’s strong arms.

  He scooped her up and carried her to his bedroom, where he laid her down on the bed and then cuddled up beside her. Gabriel kissed her tenderly, then whispered, “Good night.”

  “‘Night,” she replied sleepily.

  Emily curled into Gabriel’s warm body and fell into the sweetest sleep of her life.

  Chapter Four


  Gabriel woke up deliciously warm and satisfied. Memories of the night before rushed into his mind. They seemed too good to be true, making him half-afraid to open his eyes. But he could feel Emily stretched out beside him, with one arm flung over his chest and her soft breasts pressed into his side.

  She was real. All of it was real. He’d found his mate, when he hadn’t even known that mates existed. He was in love with a sweet, sexy, brave, beautiful woman.

  And once she found out what he was, that was the last time he’d ever see her.

  He sat up and looked down at Emily. She was still asleep, looking peaceful and innocent, with her long lashes trembling slightly against her cheeks. He knew she liked him—maybe even loved him—and she’d been as passionate last night as he had. If he could only keep his secret forever, maybe he could keep her forever.

  But even as he had that thought, he dismissed it. Lying to his mate wasn’t an option. If the only way he could keep Emily was with deceit, then he didn’t deserve to have her. More importantly, she didn’t deserve a liar as a mate. She’d take him as he really was, or not at all.

  A pang of fear stabbed him in the heart at the thought of losing her when he’d only just found her. He couldn’t bind her with lies. But he had no idea how he could tell her the truth and even have a chance of her staying with him.

  Don’t tell her, suggested his griffin. Show her. Take her outside and let her see how magnificent we are as we soar on the wind!

  Yeah, right, Gabriel retorted. We’ll be so magnificent, she’ll run screaming.

  His griffin gave a hissing sigh. Didn’t we go over this last night? Does Emily seem like the kind of woman who would run screaming from anything?

  Gabriel had to admit that she didn’t. But even if she didn’t literally fling up her hands in horror and flee shrieking through the snow, that didn’t mean she’d be fine with a man who was also a mythical beast. She’d said herself that griffins were terrifying monsters who ate people.

  Even worse, she’d been attacked and almost killed by a huge flying thing she hadn’t seen clearly. What if once he showed his other shape to her, she thought he’d attacked her in griffin form?

  Emily stretched, yawned, and opened her eyes. She looked up at him and smiled. “Morning, handsome.”

  Even knowing that their relationship was probably going to end that day, Gabriel couldn’t help smiling back. “Morning, beautiful.”

  He bent to kiss her lips, savoring their velvety softness. Emily’s kiss was as sweet and passionate as it had been the night before. She reached up to run her fingers through his hair with one hand and caress his shoulders with the other.

  How was he ever going to be able to return to his life once she left him? Just the thought of it made him feel like someone had taken a hammer to his heart.

  “I’ll go make breakfast,” he said, knowing that it was just putting off the inevitable. “You can take a shower.”

  Her hand closed over his shoulder, holding him in place. “Uh-uh. Let’s shower together. Then I’ll make you breakfast.”

  Gabriel grinned. “In that case, I’ll make you another shirt dress.”

  He found her another shirt, red-checked flannel this time, and retrieved the bathrobe cord from the living room. While he was there, he saw that the blizzard had ended. Everything was still outside, with snow piled in huge drifts and pale sunlight shining on it. The entire world was glittering white.

  Perfect flying weather, remarked his griffin.

  Be quiet, returned Gabriel. He didn’t want to be reminded that he wasn’t just a man enjoying a beautiful morning with a beautiful woman. Let me enjoy what I have while I have it.

  His griffin gave an annoyed hiss, but subsided.

  Gabriel returned to the bedroom and offered Emily his arm. “May I escort you?”

  With a giggle that made his heart turn over, she laid her soft little hand on his forearm and let him walk her to the bathroom. He turned on the water, tested it with his hand to make sure it wouldn’t burn her, then stepped into the shower and lifted her in, setting her down lightly on her feet.

  She laughed again. “You really like lifting me.”

  I’d really like flying her, his griffin chimed in.

  STOP IT, Gabriel replied fiercely.

  Though Emily couldn’t have heard his thoughts, something must have communicated itself to her, because she said, “Is everything all right?”

  “It’s fine,” Gabriel said hurriedly. “And yeah, I do like lifting you.”

  Emily leaned back against his chest, her fine skin smooth as silk. “Well, I love being lifted. You can do it any time.”

  Gabriel promptly scooped her up and,
cradling her in one arm, began to gently soap her body.

  “Wow, you’re strong,” Emily exclaimed. “Are you secretly an Olympic weightlifter?”

  Gabriel could have been if he’d wanted to. But he suspected that his strength wasn’t quite natural. He was so much stronger than other men his size, it was probably part of the same not-quite-human factor that also allowed him to become a griffin. It didn’t seem fair to compete against ordinary men.

  He shook his head. Trying to keep it light, he said, “I don’t like gyms. They make me feel caged in.”

  Then he set her down and let her soap him, trying to forget everything but the sensual delight of having her soft hands rub all over his body.

  After they got dressed, Emily gave a wry look at her new shirt dress. “Wish I could show you something more glamorous.”

  “You’re gorgeous in anything. Besides...” Gabriel grinned at her. “My shirts suit you.”

  That seemed to satisfy her. He followed her to the kitchen and showed her where everything was, then watched while she whipped up a breakfast of coffee, bacon, and pancakes drenched in butter and maple syrup. Everything was delicious, but Gabriel could barely swallow a mouthful with Emily sitting across from him, sweet and sexy and smiling at him.

  He loved her so much. And in just a few minutes, he’d lose her forever.

  Chapter Five


  Emily couldn’t figure out what she’d done wrong. One minute Gabriel had seemed happy to be with her, caressing her in the shower and admiring her in her new shirt dress, and the next he’d completely shut down. He’d barely touched the breakfast she’d made for him, and the easy flow of their conversation had stopped dead in its tracks. He didn’t even look at her, but just sat staring out the window.

  Was he regretting having made love with her? Worse, had he never thought of it as “making love” at all, but just as meaningless casual sex? Was he wishing the blizzard hadn’t stuck him in close proximity with his one-night stand?


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