The Knocked Up Lust Bundle

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The Knocked Up Lust Bundle Page 5

by Nadia Nightside

  “You're right. Perhaps a Saturday is in the works as well?”

  Audrey stayed quiet, then, and so did Cindy. Both worked on their tests until the bell rang. When it did, they handed in their work—Audrey was certain she failed. The class filed out, but Audrey and Cindy stayed behind.

  “I have to prepare a few things,” Mr. Strong said. “Detention begins in fifteen minutes. Do not be late.”

  With that, his hulking, gloomy self stepped out of the room, carrying all his seriousness with him, not to mention any hope Audrey had of ever living the life she wanted.

  The problem was that Audrey simply couldn't go to detention today. If she did, she would lose her job.

  Petrified, Audrey fled to the hallway, still emptying of happy students looking forward to the weekend. She pulled out her cell phone and called her father.

  “I can't make it to work on time today,” she blurted as soon as he picked up. “I'm really sorry, but I got detention.”

  “And?” her father asked.

  Nothing came as a surprise to her father. He had several children, and he did not appear to like any of them very much. He had conceived Audrey very late in life—over the age of sixty—and believed firmly by that time in creating examples. Her life was now one of those examples.

  “And...well, they said if I was late again, I shouldn't bother coming in at all.”

  “I see.” She heard him sniff. “Well, this sounds suspiciously like one of those situations that you have created for yourself.”

  “Daddy,” she said, whining. “You can't push me out of the trust. You just can't.”

  “On the contrary, my dear. I can do exactly that. In fact, I am legally bound to do so, according to the provisions of the trust. If you do not have a job for the duration of your eighteenth year, at any time, you are no longer to receive any funds at all.”

  “That's not fair.”

  “Oh, really? Was it fair for you to show up so late so many times already? Was it fair to your manager, your co-workers, your customers? Was that fair?”


  The last thing she wanted right now was a lecture.


  “Please, don't do this.”

  He sniffed once more. “You did this, dear. I am merely the messenger. Or, if you wish, the enforcer. Goodbye.”

  He hung up. Frustrated, Audrey stuffed the phone in her bag, hating him absolutely.

  She kicked the nearby locker, denting it and hurting her toe. Hopping around, hating herself and hating everyone else, she saw Cindy surreptitiously standing in the corner next to the row of lockers.

  “What are you doing?” said Audrey.

  Cindy smiled, twirling her hair. “Nothing.”

  “Were you listening to my private conversation?”

  Cindy giggled. “Oh, babes. You're so paranoid! Don't sweat it. I didn't hear anything, all right? I was just chilling, waiting for Mr. Strong to get back.”

  “Ugh,” Audrey shook her head. “Whatever. Stay out of my business, all right, slut?”

  She didn't wait for a response, heading back into the classroom, teacher or no teacher.

  Audrey couldn’t be in detention. She really couldn’t. There was just no way that she could stay there classroom with the idiot eighteen year-old slut Cindy and the imperial wretch, Mr. Strong, while her last chance at living a beautiful, easy life faded away.

  The sumptuous, stunning brunette would do anything, anything at all to get out of there.

  She just couldn't believe that because of that stupid, stupid Cindy, all her trust fund money—through which the eighteen year-old Audrey maintained her incredibly comfortable lifestyle and planned to impress all her future sorority friends at college in the upcoming year—was going to float down the toilet. Or, probably float back to her father somehow.

  All those stupid, specific clauses! What did it matter if she had a part-time job? What did it matter if she had any job? She was born rich! Didn't that entitle her to a better standard of living?

  Apparently not. Stupid fathers with their stupid rules.

  So anyway, she worked at a movie theater downtown ten hours a week, selling and ripping tickets. It was an easy job, and it let her earn the good graces of her friends by giving them free tickets (and drinks and candy too, when she could manage it).

  But, she had been late for the last five work sessions, and her friendly-flirtatiousness with the supervisor wasn’t going to help her any longer. She would be fired, and that would be that.

  Finally, Mr. Strong re-entered the classroom. He smiled grimly at Audrey, who sat in the back in her normal seat. Cindy followed him in, skipping silently, her head clearly full of air. Mr. Strong pulled out a crossword, working at it diligently, as if it were some enemy to attack.

  Sitting at her desk as the clock ticked away at her fate, Audrey couldn’t help but explode inwardly at the unfairness of it all.

  No one else was in the classroom with them. Detention for two, apparently—a special evening treat from Mr. Strong.

  It wasn’t beyond Audrey’s scope of attention that it just so happened that Mr. Strong had landed himself exclusive time devoted to watching the two hottest girls in the entire high school.

  Rumors abounded about Mr. Strong and his nighttime proclivities. One that Audrey found the most interesting, the most fascinating, was that he regularly boned a rotation of three or four teachers. Married ones included.

  She shifted in her seat, thinking about that as she pulled out her homework. She may as well get started on some work.

  Some of the stories about Mr. Strong implied that he was screwing so many teachers to keep other teachers from finding out—and some of the other stories implied that he was so indescribably good at fucking and corralling women that the hot teachers just flocked to him.

  Cindy, hot cheerleader that she was, was hot in the way a lot of cheerleaders was hot—she was perky, pretty, blond, and available. Her enormous bust only advertised even more loudly than normal her overflowing sexuality. Practically every outfit of hers sang out, “You can fuck me, you just have to be able to keep up with me first.”

  Her outfit that day certainly spoke to that effect. Thigh-high blue socks with horizontal white stripes led into clear acrylic stripper-like platform heels. Her denim shorts, tight and blue, hugged her sexy tanned thighs. Her pink thong panties were pulled up over her skirt, resting on the ridges of her perfectly formed abdomen.

  Her top was a pink football-style jersey with her boyfriend’s number eighteen on it—though Audrey suspected that was to advertise to any onlookers that she was, in fact, eighteen, and she could totally be fucked legally if you just asked nicely enough. The jersey had, of course, been modified so that it had a substantially deep neckline. Collected on her desk was a loose green hoodie that she wasn't wearing.

  It was an outfit that completely shattered the school’s dress code, but Cindy, of course, got away with it somehow. Probably by strategically putting on her green hoodie whenever she sensed an assistant principal swinging around.

  And, probably also because, despite all her other shortcomings, Cindy really was a hell of a cheerleader. She had led the team into the state championships and won for the past three years running.

  As Cindy sat in her chair, doing absolutely no homework at all, she had pulled out a bright red cherry lollypop, sucking and slurping on it loudly.

  Ugh, though Audrey.

  Could she be more obviously a slut?

  Trying to focus on her homework—not a single problem done, still—and not the clock that spelled out her impending doom, Audrey sighed and tapped her pencil on the desk.

  “Psst,” said Cindy, from across the aisle.

  “Seriously?” whispered Audrey. “’Psst?’ Did you just ‘psst’ at me?”

  “It got your attention, didn’t it? Listen, I have to—”

  “Ladies,” Mr. Strong interrupted, looking up from his crossword. “Are you seriously talking again, when yo
u’re being punished already for having spoken too much?”

  Cindy leaned forward in her desk, her bountiful cleavage shown off in her tiny, tight pink jersey. “Gosh, Mr. Strong. We’re both really sorry. We should have asked first—”

  “Incorrect. You should not have said anything at all. This is study hall, not conversation time.”

  Cindy pouted. “But we are studying! We have the same English class, and we have a project due next week. We were trying to be prepared.”

  Say what you will about Cindy—Audrey certainly did—but the girl had a knack for knowing how to get out of trouble.

  “Right,” said Audrey, getting the idea. “We really just need to figure out what gerunds are, and like also, how to dangle modifiers, and all that jazz.”

  Mr. Strong twitched. He obviously wasn’t comfortable with the idea.

  “Very well. For ten minutes, you may confer. But the best work, and the brunt of it, will be done on your own.”

  “Ten minutes?” Audrey exclaimed. “Sir, I must protest—”

  “You can do so all you like. In your head. For now, you have nine minutes and forty-five seconds remaining.” He paused, considering. “Keep your voices down.”

  A few moments passed, and then, feeling the impulse to capitalize, Audrey spoke up again, “Thank you, Sir.”

  Mr. Strong smiled and gave her a slight nod, returning to his militant crossword work.

  “’Thank you, Sir,’” Cindy mocked.

  “Shut up. You started it. Why are you doing all of this anyway?”

  “I have to get out of here,” Cindy said.

  Audrey's interest was suddenly piqued. “What do you mean?”

  “You know my boyfriend, right? Galen?”

  Audrey did. He was commonly thought of as the biggest stud in school. As the star running back for the football team, it was easy to see why. Audrey, though, usually preferred quieter, more serious men.


  “Well, he thinks I’ve been cheating on him. And we were going to meet up today, and I was gonna give him an extra special blowjee to make it all up to him. But if I’m late, he’ll think I’m cheating on him again.”

  “So? Just tell him you got detention.”

  “That’s what I’ve been telling him when—”

  She stopped, her gorgeous face a bit surprised at herself.

  “When what?” Audrey puzzled for a moment, and then, “Oh. You mean you have been cheating on him.”

  Cindy’s lovely face turned blazing red. “Shut up!” she hissed.

  Audrey shrugged. “Look, I don’t care, all right? Cheat on him, don’t cheat on him. It’s all your business. Not mine.”

  “That’s right!”

  “Okay, I need to get out of here too.”

  “Who have you been cheating on?”

  “No, you stupi—” Audrey composed herself. “No. I have to leave or else I’ll get fired.”


  “Yeah, you know. From my job? Where I work?”

  Cindy seemed truly puzzled. “Why don’t you just get money from your boyfriend? You’re deffos pretty enough to land a rich guy.”

  “I’m already rich!”

  Giggling, Cindy nodded. “Oh yeah, that’s right. So how come you got a job, then?”

  “Because if I don’t, then I get kicked out of the trust fund my father set up. He wants to teach me responsibility or something equally lame.”

  “Oh,” Cindy nodded, making a face. “I’m sorry. That sounds rough.”

  “Anyway, it’s the only job I’ve ever been able to keep for longer than like, a day. So I have to get there, and now.”

  “Right, okay...” Cindy said, putting a hand to her head. “I’ve got it!”

  “You do? That’s great!”

  So impressed with Cindy’s sudden cognitive abilities, Audrey was ready to take back all the negative things she had ever said about Cindy for the last several years.

  “Here it is,” said Cindy, clearly pleased with herself. “What if we slept with him?”

  Audrey’s mouth flew open. Truly, Cindy’s sluttery knew no bounds. “What?”

  “Look, you know all those rumors flying around about Mr. Strong?”

  “Yeah. Sure. Everyone knows.”

  “Well...I didn’t want to tell anyone this, because I really don’t think it’s anyone’s business and I’m not a gossip.”

  With a show of immense strength that probably would have brought Hercules to his knees, Audrey did not roll her eyes.

  Meanwhile, Cindy continued. “So, two nights ago, I was hanging out at school after hours—”

  “What for?”

  “Nothing. I was”

  “You weren’t here because there was a wrestling meet and you’re fucking Danny Towers?”

  “Shit, shut up!” Cindy hissed. “How did you know that?”

  “Because everybody knows?”

  “Shit!” exclaimed Cindy, but then she shook her head. “Whatever. Not important right now. Anyway, I was coming out of the locker room and heading out to the parking lot. And what did I see, right there in the stairwell, but a pair of hot little legs splayed out to one side...”

  “Oh my god.”

  “So I quietly slipped up the stairs a bit...and there was Mr. Strong, fucking the mouth of Misses Gonzales.”

  “Misses Gonzales? The busty Hispanic teacher with...with...”

  Audrey was going to say the giant pregnant belly.

  “That’s the one. The pregnant one. Just completely fucking her mouth senseless. Ruthless. He was enjoying it...and so was she. I think she might have seen me...but her eyes were all glazed over with fuck-happiness, so who knows.”

  “He didn’t see you?”

  “No way, girl. I’m a ninja.”

  Audrey put her hands to her eyes a moment, trying to think this through.

  “So you think he’ll...I don’t know, fuck one of us, and that’ll get us off?”

  The cheerleader shrugged bouncily. “I don’t know if it’ll get us off, but it’ll get us out of here, sure.”

  “That’s what I...oh. Ew.”

  Cindy giggled, her big tits bouncing in her tiny top. “Ew? That’s your reaction to orgasms?”

  “Nevermind that!” Audrey poked her in the arm. “Are you seriously suggesting cheating on your boyfriend so you can get out of your boyfriend thinking you’re cheating on him?”

  “Shut up!” Cindy poked her right back. “You’re over-thinking this! It doesn’t matter what happens. It just matters what looks like what happens.”

  From across the room, Mr. Strong cleared his throat. “Three minutes, ladies.”

  The two young beauties exchanged a desperate glance.

  Cindy grabbed Audrey’s hand, almost affectionately. Her fingertips were smooth, like polished stones. “Come on. Sex only takes like what, five minutes? Maybe ten? That leaves us more than thirty minutes to get where need to be. You’re good at like, science or math or whatever, you should figure this out. It only has to be one of us, anyway. We can...we can flip a coin, or something. If you go, I won’t tell. If I go, you don’t tell.”

  Audrey sighed. What Cindy was proposing did, unfortunately, make a lot of sense. Audrey wasn’t a whore, and she never would be...but she really, really needed that trust fund money. She had a way of life that she couldn’t just squander because this domineering teacher was abusing his power!

  She could imagine Mr. Strong fucking her. She could imagine Mr. Strong fucking anyone. The way that Cindy described it wasn’t partial to the rumor that he was only fucking teachers to keep them quiet about fucking so many teachers. No, he was doing it because he liked to own women.

  She could imagine it—a teacher like the gorgeous Ms. Vanes, the English teacher, slim and Asian, her body so slight and delicate.

  He would show up at her class room when she was staying late one night, grading papers. His big hand coming down on her shoulder. Squeezing hard.

“You’re going to be mine, now,” he’d tell her. Growling. Animalistic. A pure stud.

  She would moan, protest maybe, but deep down, she would know what she wanted.

  She wanted his stud cock deep inside her, teaching her. She wanted him to flip her over on the desk and fuck her silly from behind.

  Audrey, lost in thought with the fantasy, didn’t know if she was imagining the gorgeous Ms. Vanes or herself anymore. Her breaths were getting rapid, her cheeks flushed.

  Cindy looked at her quizzically. “So what’ll it be, space cadet? Trust fund, or no trust fund? Dick or no dick?”

  “Okay.” Audrey nodded, finally conceding. “It only has to be one of us?”

  A suspiciously evil-looking grin spread over Cindy's face as she nodded. “Totes.”

  “Okay. Well...” Audrey waved her hand, looking away. “...get to it, I guess.”


  “You’re like, sleeping around anyway! Why wouldn’t you do it?”

  “You don’t even have a boyfriend! Nobody gets hurt if you do it!”

  Cindy put her hands to her head, letting out a frustrated moan. “Let’s just flip a coin, okay?”


  Audrey reached into her purse and pulled out an old quarter. If this worked, it’d be her lucky quarter from now on.

  “Call it in the air,” said Audrey, tossing it up.


  The coin landed on Audrey’s binder, and she sighed a long breath of relief. Tails. A lucky quarter after all.

  “Fine,” said Cindy. “But you owe me.”

  “Whatever. Go on, then.”

  Cindy took a moment to pull out her compact and adjust her make-up. She looked delectable, of course. Even Audrey had to admit that.

  “Wait,” said Cindy, looking Audrey over.


  “We have to get you changed into something sexier.”

  “No, we fucking do not!” Audrey hissed. “You're the one who's going to sleep with him!”

  “Yeah, but we both have to turn him on. He's not going to want to fuck either of us if one of us looks all...drab.”

  Cindy made a face, gesturing at Audrey's outfit.

  “I do not look drab!”

  “You will to him! Just, trust me, okay?” Cindy raised her hand, getting Mr. Strong's attention. “May we go to the bathroom, sir?”


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