Submission 101 [Club Libertine 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Submission 101 [Club Libertine 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Diane Leyne

  “I still think number three was pretty good. Jody had the right background, excellent references, and seemed enthusiastic,” suggested Dex.

  “He seemed to be a little too enthusiastic,” Pat declared.

  “Too enthusiastic?”

  “Yeah, I could see the wheels turning. He was going to expect coauthor credit on the paper.”

  “Fine. What about Carl?”

  “Did you catch a whiff of his body odor? No way I am working in the same office as him.” Pat grimaced at the memory.


  “Stick up his ass.” Dex rolled his eyes at Pat’s unfortunate but accurate description. “No way would he have been comfortable helping us research a paper on Victorian erotica. Did you see the look on his face when he saw your collection of antique vibrators, Dex? I mean, didn’t he do any research on us? Your thesis on the origins of the vibrator is considered the definitive work on the subject. Ken was clearly uncomfortable just being in the same room as sex toys. Did you seriously want to have him around every day?”

  “No, you are right about Ken. But you didn’t have to ask him if he had ever tried a vibrator and then offer to shove one up his ass.”

  “Come on, Dex. It was worth it for the look on his face.” Pat grinned. “Come on, even you thought it was funny!”

  Dex ignore the comment and proceeded down the list.


  “Looking for a husband.”


  “I smelled booze on her breath. I thought Kirstie was good, though, but you vetoed her.”

  “She didn’t even have a degree.”

  “Yeah, but did you see the tits on her?” Pat grinned lasciviously and waggled his tongue, and Dex laughed. Pat played the horndog, but he was a serious academic and never would have hired her.

  “And that qualifies her to be our research assistant how?”

  “Not at all. But she would have been nice to look at.”

  “Damn, Pat. I swear, I’m so sick of this. Isn’t there one single researcher out there for us?”

  “We just have to be patient, Dex. Like our search for a sub to share, our search for a researcher to share is going to take time and effort, but there will be someone for us for both roles in our lives.”

  “Yeah, right. We haven’t had any success at either endeavour.”

  “They might even be the same person. Can you imagine it? We could work at home as often as possible so we could enjoy lunchtime fun and games. And then after work, we could throw her over the desk and spank her before taking turns…”

  “Pat! Get your mind back on business. What are the odds that we’ll find anyone we agree on, let alone someone who also wants to submit to us and who we would want as a sub? Today let’s just concentrate on finding a researcher.”

  “Fine. Who are we seeing this morning?”

  “Someone named Abigail Prudence Smith. It’s a Skype interview. Apparently she’s spending the summer taking a course in London. According to her faculty advisor, who has strongly recommended her, she’s a mature student and extremely bright and motivated. She put off getting her degree for a number of years, and now she’s just a few courses away from her master’s in library and information science.”

  “Oh, great. Probably a dried-up spinster lady who’ll be shocked by the subject of our research. I’m outta here. You can interview her yourself.”

  “Damn it, Pat. Don’t even think of bailing. You are the one who wants to continue this search, so you are damn well going to be here. I’m not doing this myself.”

  “Fine. But I’m not going to like her.”

  Chapter Two

  Abby sat at the keyboard, her hands shaking as she clicked her way to the Skype session. She hadn’t been this nervous since she received the acceptance letter from the university but didn’t know if she got in or not for over an hour because she was too afraid to open it and find out that her dream had been dashed.

  When she finally opened it and it said that she’d been accepted, she’d been so happy and rushed to share it with Norton. She had known inside that he wouldn’t be able to share her happiness, but she didn’t expect such a put down. He’d laughed at the thought of her mixing with co-eds. “At least I don’t have to worry about you cheating on me with some hot jock. None of the college kids would look at someone as frumpy as you. You are lucky to have someone like me who can overlook your big ass.”

  She’d died a little inside, but she wouldn’t show Norton. She still clung to the hope that one day, when he saw how well she was doing, he’d be proud of her. Instead, she’d come home to him having sex with another woman in their bed. Guess he’d gotten tired of her fat ass too.

  Unlike opening the acceptance letter, Abby couldn’t dither too long this time. She looked at the clock on the computer. The Skype chat was scheduled to start in less than ten minutes. Time to log on.

  She looked at herself in the little box in the corner of the screen that showed her what the folks on the other end of the chat would see. She might as well have saved herself the money in buying new clothes. Not much clothing was visible. On the other hand, they made her feel good and maybe that would give her confidence.

  She patted down her hair. She was wearing it in her customary pony tail and bangs. They were a little long and she should have gotten them trimmed before the call, but it was too late now. Besides, the length of her bangs wouldn’t impact the interview, would it?

  She reached up to try to adjust the web cam to a better angle and hit some keys and lost the picture of herself on the screen. Damn. She hoped that didn’t mean they couldn’t see her.

  * * * *

  Dex sat at the computer screen. Looking over at Pat, he gave him the evil eye and Pat reluctantly rolled his chair over to Dex’s desk so they would both be on the computer screen.

  Looking down at Ms. Abigail Prudence Smith’s resume, it was impressive. She’d waited a number of years to attend grad school, but she was doing extremely well. Her professors had told him that her grades didn’t accurately represent just how well she was doing. Because she needed to earn money for school, her grades weren’t where they could be, but still, they put her in the top ten percent, which was something to be proud off.

  Clicking a few buttons, Dex tried to connect. And tried again. Finally Pat pushed him aside and in moments, they were looking at Ms. Smith.

  She wasn’t what he was expecting, not at all. He looked at Pat whose mouth was hanging open and elbowed him in the side. It was a job interview, not internet dating.

  Smiling, Dex introduced himself and Pat and then Abby followed suit. She had a sweet if somewhat hesitant voice as if she lacked confidence.

  “I, um, I’m sorry, but I’ve done something with the program on this end and I can’t see what you see. Is the camera directed all right? I mean, can you see my face or have I gone and given you a view of the ceiling or something?”

  She had a sweet nervous laugh and a right to be nervous. The camera was a bit askew and angled so it seemed to be pointed to her ample tits rather than her face. Judging by the sound of her voice, Miss Smith might be embarrassed if they pointed this out.

  Dex looked over to Pat. He clicked on some buttons and the picture zoomed out and they could see her face, and also her ample tits. He wanted to high five Pat but thought that might not be appropriate.

  “No problem Ms. Smith. We’ve made a small adjustment on this end and can see you fine. Can you see us?”

  * * * *

  Could she see them? Abby’s throat went dry and her heart began to pound once they came into view. They were younger looking than she expected, although she knew from their university bios that they were thirty, three years younger than her. And both smoking hot. How the hell would she be able to work with them? Not that they would notice someone as frumpy as her.

  Reflexively, she adjusted her top, which seemed to have slipped down revealing entirely too much cleavage. Although, remembering the camera picture befor
e she’d deleted it, they couldn’t be able to see that low, so maybe she didn’t need to bother fussing with it. She had to keep her mind on business. She wanted this job, and interviewing via Skype automatically put her at a disadvantage.

  “Dr. Maplethorpe, Dr. McGrath, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me, virtually, that is. I really appreciate your taking the time to… um… see me.”

  Lame, she told herself. She had to be more assertive and say what she meant.

  She took a deep breath and started to speak. She stopped as Dr. McGrath seemed to be choking on his drink. She could only watch helplessly as Dr. Maplethorpe patted his colleague on the back until the coughing subsided.

  “Are you okay, Doctor? Maybe we should reschedule. I mean, I really want to work under the two of you but…”

  She watched as he started choking again and moved away from the screen and this time Dr. Maplethorpe seemed to be affected as well.

  “Maybe we should postpone…” Now neither of them were in view. She wasn’t sure what to do so she waited and in a moment, Dr. Maplethorpe resumed his seat.

  “No, please, Ms. Smith. Please go on. I’m fine and I’m sure Dr. McGrath will be fine in a few moments.”

  “As you can see by my resume, I’m highly qualified for this position. I’m trained, I’m knowledgeable and I’m hard working. And I’m highly motivated. I need this job, Sirs, and I’ll make sure you aren’t sorry if you give me this opportunity. Like I said before, I’d love the chance to work under you both.”

  * * * *

  Pat choked on the Diet Coke he’d just taken a swig off. Damn. She’d just read his mind. He’d like her to work under him too. Looking at the tenting in Dex’s pants, he’d had the same thought.

  He resumed his seat and started to zoom the camera in again to get another close up of those luscious tits when he caught a few words of what she was saying.

  “Are you quoting Diary of a Maiden Lady? Almost no one reads that anymore.”

  “I saw the reference in a footnote in your doctoral dissertation, Dr. McGrath…”

  “Pat, please. And he’s Dex.”

  “And I’m Abby!” She grinned and it just lit up the computer screen and his cock which swelled uncomfortably in his pants. He couldn’t imagine what it would do to him in person but he was dying to find out. If she smiled like that all the time, he might end up walking around with a permanent hard-on, but it would be worth it for another glimpse of the smile.

  “Dr. McGrath, I mean Pat I looked it up, just as I read Dr. Maplethorpe’s excellent thesis on symbolism in Victorian Erotica. Both of those works actually inspired me in my own work. I, er, I do some fiction writing on the side.”

  “You didn’t secretly write Fifty Shades of Gray or something, did you?” Pat teased. He was pleasantly surprised to see her blush. It started at her neck and went up and down. He’d love to see just how far down it went, but that would be inappropriate, a word Pat vastly disliked.

  Abby Smith, on the other hand, Pat liked. She was funny once she relaxed and extremely smart. She had all the qualifications they were looking for and then some in the form of an excellent set of breasts and the sweetest smile Pat could remember seeing. When she got all nervous as he teased her, he found he wanted to hold her close and reassure her, tease her some more, and fuck her brains out. As they were talking via Skype, only the middle option was available, and if they hired her, the last option would be more difficult but not impossible as the university allowed faculty to date.

  He was ready to hand her the job. He looked over to Dex and nodded. Dex nodded back and Pat smiled with relief!

  “Well, if we haven’t scared you off, Abby, the job is yours.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She leaned forward, her lips parted, her face anxious and her tits pressed together as she had placed her hands on either side of the monitor as she leaned forward.

  Pat swallowed and had a hard time speaking. Luckily Dex was there to jump in and close the deal.

  * * * *

  Dex sat in front of the computer screen even after the Skype session had gone dark and Abby had signed off. He couldn’t believe that this was the last time they talked this way until they met in person in just one week.

  He looked over at Pat and laughed at his friend and himself. They were both in their Sunday best, looking like a couple of school boys trying to impress the new girl in class. Pat had even gotten his hair cut.

  “Why didn’t you wait until next week when we finally get to meet Abby in person to get that mop trimmed?”

  “I, uh, I’m getting it cut next week as well. I made an appointment. But I wanted to look nice today and I, well.” Pat glared at his friend when he noticed something. “Hey, you got a haircut too!”

  Dex laughed. “We’re just a couple of nervous school boys, aren’t we. I just don’t know what it is going to be like when we meet her. I mean, we’ll be working together. We’ll see her in person soon. And we’re going to have to be on our best behavior. We want her to stick around and get know us.

  “And we have to take our time. She’s so sweet and young for her age in some ways. We can’t scare her off by telling her that not only do we share women, but we are both Doms and any woman with us would have to submit to us in the bedroom. That’s not just something you spring on someone.”

  “I know you are right Dex, but I’m getting tired of jerking off alone. I want Abby. I think about her all the time. And how are we going to introduce the idea to her that she should be dating both of us if we keep our distance?”

  “I think we have to get to know her first and help her get to know us. We charm her and make her fall in love with us. Then we gradually introduce the notion of sharing. Maybe start throwing in a little spanking or two and give her some books to read. Nothing too shocking at first, but just to get the idea out there so she won’t run away the first time we both try to make love to her. “

  “But Dex, if we tie her up first, she won’t be able to run away!” Pat suggested with a smile.

  “Why don’t we keep that as plan b?”

  * * * *

  Abby was thrilled, scared, excited, impatient all at the same time. She had desperately wanted the job, but she didn’t believe that she’d get it. Maybe the new clothes were just what she needed to give her the added confidence to go after what she wanted.

  They’d had several more Skype sessions over the summer to bring her up to speed on where they were with their planning, including the high-level plan for the book they wanted to come out of their project. Abby found that these Skype sessions became the highlight of her summer. The men were both easy on the eye and had brilliant minds. Unlike Norton, they clearly respected her intelligence, and the three of them had spent many hours talking not just about the project, but about current events, pop culture, and ideas for Abby’s own thesis, which she would have to write in order to graduate. Both Dex and Pat had given her advice that she was using in her own research and had offered to look at her early drafts and even act as sort of advisors.

  She was shocked and pleased and when she e-mailed them her early outline of the research she had planned, they’d sent her back some good advice and a lot of praise for how she was tackling an obscure subject and the quality of her writing.

  They made her feel good about herself. And they put her at ease over her one reservation about the job. She wasn’t just going to be their typist. She’d actually be able to contribute to their project and that made her feel good.

  They’d flirted lightly with her, too, and she’d flirted back, emboldened by the distance. She’d never have the courage to respond to their teasing in person, but thousands of miles away, she felt safe. And sometimes, she even channelled a bit of her author alter ego, Angelica Adams, to spice up the repartee!

  Time marched on as it always does and it was finally late August and she was back home and quaking in her new shoes as she was finally going to meet Pat and Dex in person. She wasn’t sure why
she was so nervous. She was just going to be working for them. It wasn’t like they were dating or anything. But they did seem so nice and fun and funny. Pat, in particular, liked to tease her and make her laugh. Dex was more serious, but he was also kind and helped her with the paper she was writing for the course she was taking.

  She nearly fell over when saw them in person for the first time as she realized that they were both hotter and younger looking than they’d seemed over Skype. Luckily their office was much larger than she expected. They each had a desk, and there was a large, well-worn couch and, of course, the expected wall of books. As well, they’d set up a small desk for her use with a computer and a printer. She’d be working in their office two days a week.

  Abby had quickly realized that she was crushing on her two new bosses while they were Skyping and she’d had fun with the long distance flirting, but she held out no hope that they would reciprocate her interest. Now that she had met them in person, she knew for sure that they would never be interested in her. They were too young for her and too hot. She sat at her desk and watched the endless parade of coeds, mothers of coeds, and even some professors into the office to flirt with Dex and Pat. Dex seemed oblivious to all the flirting while Pat gave as good as he got, but as far as she could tell, neither of them had taken up any of the many offers they’d received.

  She’d been on the job for almost three weeks and had already learned that they’d been friends since their undergrad days and had been in Seattle for just over a year. They were sharing a house they were subletting from another professor who was spending two years in Scotland researching the Picts. They were both single, but sadly, neither of them so much as flirted with her. The three of them often ate lunch together, either at their desks or in the school cafeteria, but they never expressed any interest in seeing her outside the office.


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